XP vs Traditional good project management [closed] - project-management

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I have been in the IT industry for 10 years now but have worked in "traditionally" managed project teams (both well managed and badly managed ones).
I have heard of the "new" scrum or XP type of project management and yearned to be part of one (as s/w folks we always like anything new I guess) but have not got an opportunity.
My question is this - what are your experiences in moving to the "new" way - was it significantly better or worse or not any different? Has there been any project success rate improvement when using XP way of development or it is same as any well managed traditional projects?
This should not be a political question but just your experiences as you have moved to the new world or experienced at least once and back.
Thanks in advance

Before I ever heard of XP, I had a really good manager (Mike) at an early job I had. He was used to managing engineers and transitioned to managing software. After a few bad working experiences I looked back at his style versus typical project management I had before and after working with him.
Met with everyone at least once a day but gave us space to work
Used a whiteboard with two columns, people working and what they are working on anyone could look at that board and see if something had been done or was being done
Had everyone cross-train. I learned rcs and then cvs there and how to use make files
Ran productive "post mortum" when a task was completed. He would ask question like "would it have helped if X?" or "next time, can we try to..."
Kept everyone working on short tasks and managed our time so we always working on something but never had a ton of stuff piled up
Mike did everything on paper. He would keep notebooks and index cards with him. He insisted that anything asked of him by management be converted into manageable tasks, often written on note cards. He refused to have anyone work on anything that couldn't be clearly explained or had a clear objective. He would ask the VPs "what do you mean by faster?" "What kinds of metrics are the reports meant to show?" "Why should this be a priority?" He seemed to have near infinite patience in writing out what needed to be done and what was meant by "done"
When I first read the XP book, I was amazed by how much was familiar as "the way Mike worked"
It seems that Agile is just about implementing a set of best practices and evaluating how they work in your environment. When they don't work, change them. When they do work, stick to them.
I think the real problem with traditional project management is that more often than not, it doesn't really exist. I'm amazed by how many shops claim to use RUP or Code Complete or even Agile and don't actually have anything recognizable as project management. Sure, there are meetings. And people called project managers. But ask a simple question like "what has been done on project X" or "what is left to do on project Y" and no one has an answer. They have to dig though emails or point to a comically inaccurate MS project file.
If a person claimed to be on a diet and couldn't answer questions on what they were eating or how they were exercising; would you accept that they were really on a diet?

You take your old baggage with you when you go. Meaning that any project management bad practices you had before will still linger.
However, I will say that things improved greatly when we began to close the loop between us and the customer. Greater and more frequent feedback and prototyping with the customer means far fewer moments of the customer saying, "This is not what I wanted."

I've used (a slightly modified) Scrum before at work and here are my thoughts:
The daily meetings and burn-down provided motivation to make progress on tasks.
Our manager could talk to colleagues across the pond and show them "this is what we're working on this month."
You knew exactly what tasks you needed to get done, and had already estimated the time required to complete.
When priorities changed (new tasks, important bugs added), there was a well-defined process to handle adding them to the sprint or simply pushing them to the backlog.

These are lovely answers, but I think everyone's confusing project management with development/design methodologies.

I'm on a team that started Scrum a few months ago and we seem to be getting things done faster and with much less "waste" (projects that are scrapped). Just my observations from our small team (4 devs).

I've found the overall move to Agile/XP practices very positive, in many ways it front loads quality into the project/development process. You'll need buy-in from management and from the team to really see success...a few suggestions:
trial any change with a small project (2-3 people)
understand what areas your current team can most improve (quality? productivity? time-to-market?) and incorporate a few Agile/XP/Scrum (what ever) processes in...don't incorporate them all in at the same time and understand which processes address which issues prior to any change
if possible - track those areas you're looking to change and compare to another project running at the same time (the mere focus of improving something often is enough to improve it ,there's a study/term for this, but I forget what it is)
sometimes you'll see a dip in performance as you begin a new process, this is part of the learning curve
never assume that a good change today will remain a good change tomorrow, always review your project areas and be ready to change any process at any time
no change remains good forever, just like refactoring code, refactor your processes
ensure you get buy in from the team and management, you can't force success

I like some of the things the agile approaches do, but I also value some of the things traditional approaches do.
Both can work, as can a mixture of the two, which is what I find works best for my team now. I have implemented incremental development and it really helps us; iterative development is a little harder and we're still working on that. However, we have a variety of constituents, and many of our stakeholders (and PMs) prefer traditional artifacts and milestones. So we have to keep finding the right balance.
I have also found that even more important than the methodology is the people implementing it. Good people find a way to do good work and get things done regardless of the methodology, although certainly the methodology can have effects on efficiency (and morale :) ). Poorly aligned resources, however, can use the finest methodology and find ways to deliver poor results.

For developers, the great lessons of XP & Co. are shorter release cycles, and a more evolutionary approach - in the sense that change of requirements is accepted as a natural part of any project. Also, Customers suggest solutions, but designers and developers need to understand the problems.
Lessons for managers: Developers are not exchangable spec-to-code-converters, their individual strengths and weaknesses can make a productivity difference of 10 or more for a given topic. Knowledge and experience are the most valuable skills in your team, and developers can teach each oterh. Managers need not understand what developers do in order to enforce desired results.
XP & Co. are usually mixing solutions to these with the problem to make a company change. The heroic XP consultant singlehandledly saving a doomed, delayed and derailed project acts as large part as a buffer between development and management. But if you are looking at what to learn, you have to separate these aspects.
What I learnt in the recent years is that bugs aren't a personality fault, and that the sky doesn't fall when specs change. I've learnt that while design errors are still the most expensive to make, there isn't a single "perfect" design. Instead of getting one thing right we need to implement safeguards that of all the many details none goes wrong - and I've learnt to use the leeway between "right" and "not wrong" to our advantage.

My experience has been that I prefer to use Scrum over traditional approaches as it hasn't happened often that requirements could stay unchanged for the length of a project where usually projects seem to run at least 6 months to my current one that is over a year.
There can also be the case where there isn't any project management and everyone just scrambles to "make it work" so having some formal structure is good over nothing. There is something to the question of how well does the team come together and egos rarely appear as it isn't someone's code but rather the code of the team and there is a kind of group think where while each person has their view, no one tries to make everyone else see things that way.
At times it seems to me that some Scrum and Agile approaches I've used end up being like rapids instead of a big waterfall. What I mean is that the cycle of gather requirements - Analyse and Design - Implement - Test - Deploy and get updated requirements seems to be repeated over and over so that what comes out in the end would be extremely hard to state at the beginning of the project unless the project sponsor could give very detailed requirements that would never change.


How to deal with rapid project spec changes in a tight deadline scenario? [closed]

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How to deal with a project manager that imposes really tight deadlines but with a day or so before the deadline brings in new features and spec changes to implement, with another tight deadline.
The worst thing about this is that most of the new stuff leads to major rewriting of the existing code, as previously implemented business rules are no longer applicable or "gain" strange corner cases that need to be treated separately.
It seems that no matter how hard we try to make the system extensible, there always are things that come up literally in the last moment and need to be implemented and supported quickly.
How could I deal with such a situation? It's being really demoralizing and one colleague has already quit the team.
It's true that no matter what you do, you're human and you'll make mistakes or miss things. That said, regular changes to your requirements are most often the result of either poor requirements or poor develoment process, or both.
Some Design Up Front?
Business analysis is regularly given the short shrift by developers, project managers, etc. Most devs just want to start hacking away on day 1, and most PMs love to let them: "Wow, we can move from the project initiation phase to the construction phase in 1 day without any of that ridiculous business analysis stuff taking up time! That'll look great for completion bonuses!" But remember that the PM's primary job is to keep the project under control (on time and on budget) ...not necessarily to make users happy and certainly not to make developers happy. That's not to say they are totally heartless; good PMs will achieve their goals by enforcing scope control and fostering communication, both of which are helpful.
But taking the time to really think about what's needed and stepping through possible scenarios can make a serious difference in the issues you're dealing with.
If you have made an effort to do thorough business analysis and you're still ending up with last minute changes, then perhaps your problem is another classic challenge: disengaged users. Your subject matter experts are your top weapon in dealing with and identifying those corner cases. If you have users that are not engaged in the analysis process, get better subject matter experts.
It's also possible users are disengaged because they are too busy doing their regular work. In that case it's a management issue and they need to be given instructions that project participation is part of their jobs; that's hard sometimes because often the same management that told you to "get it done yesterday" is the same group of knuckleheads that is expecting the project to happen magically with no hiccups and without any resources (they are common in that they don't understand the complexities of custom software development and assume it is easy). If management is clueless and won't change...well, you have to either work overtime and deal with the issues you've described, or get a new job.
Can Agile Help?
It'd sure be nice if your users would tell you about those corner cases earlier rather than later, right? This is related to what Toby Hede discussed in his post. Perhaps a methodology that gets the software in front of the users as soon as possible, even in an unpolished state, can trigger feedback sooner. That was one of the inspirations for all the agile concepts. The creators were tired of dealing with the issues you describe and they also realized that if management and users weren't going to change, then maybe the development could. It's still development, but there's an emphasis on getting early feedback through a variety of techniques (have subject matter experts co-located with the dev team, getting rough prototypes into user hands sooner, pair programming to captalize on developer experience, and lots more). All this is because it's understood we're human and we're going to miss things.
Finally, you mention you're trying to make the system extensible to help with the rapid changes, but how? Are you separating presentation logic from business logic? Are you encapsulating business logic in objects, partitioned appropriately to minimize dependencies and coupling? All of those things are tough to do and can take time to plan and build.
You're not alone, by the way. Lots (maybe all) shops have these challenges.
Don't let them impose the deadline in the first place.
You have 2 options
The PM gives you a list of features and you tell them when it'll be ready.
The PM gives you a list of features and a deadline. You then tell them which features you'll implement in the given time.
If the PM is your manager or has the authority to impose deadlines + number of features, then I'd be looking for a new job. careers.stackoverflow.com
If the PM isn't your manager then you need to get your manager on board and have them give the PM their options from the above list.
This stuff is really challenging to deal with. The real problem here is that you don't actualy have a process.
The answer really depends on the political situation in your organisation and how much eneergy you have to drive change.
In the past I have attempted to introduce process change to several organisations and it has always been a struggle. It is possible, however.
I would have a look around at some methodologies for managing software development. I use and recommend Scrum, for example.
In a situation with rapid change, working on short iterations that have clearly accountable goals can be really helpful. You will probably need to champion and manage your Project Manager, but it sounds like the current "process" is clearly not working, so selling a new process actually becomes easier - you have solid business case for improvement.
A solid process will help you "push-back" on changing requirements. Rapid reactionary change is often a symptom of broader issues in organisational direction and strategy and it is in everyone's interest to fix this problem within the organisation.
This is one of the major challenges you will face as a developer.
One good technique I've used in the past is to ask questions. When you get the specs, find something in them which needs clarification from the final users. This always slows things down, and raises the possibility in managers minds of risks.
Make sure that your project manager knows the risks involved in implementing late changes for a project.
Have you and your team tried discussing about this with the manager himself? That's the first thing you should do.
He might not have that much experience with the development process, hence the constant tight deadlines and very late major changes. I've seen such cases, people who couldn't develop but thought they could do a better job at PM.
From sitting and talking to him there could come out two thing, depending on his personality/professionalism. He'd accept your points and try change the situation for the future or he'll be a smartboy and won't give in a bit, in which case it is worth escalating the situation to a higher level. I don't think there is any company that will happily accept losing developers.
Alternatively, his manager could be all over him. And that's a problem.
If nothing works out, as already suggested, changing the job is a fair thing to do.

Has Crashing or Fast-Tracking a project schedule ever worked? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I posted this question on Reddit Programming and did not get a single response. So I am hoping that Stack Overflow community will have an opinion.
Have any of you ever been on a software project that had fallen behind, where 'Crashing' or 'Fast-Tracking' the project schedule actually brought the project schedule back on track? I have never seen either of these project management techniques actually work. And all the articles on software development that I have read all state that these 2 techniques do not work and actually pushing the project further behind (for example literature on the Mythical Man Month). So who has seen it work?
Thanks Bill.
I have only ever seen it work once. It was a three or four month long project that was projected to run an extra two months over the original delivery date. The project got fast-tracked and things ended up getting back on track for the release.
...keep in mind though, that was only once. I've been on many more projects where the PM tried to use one of those two methods and they failed miserably and dragged the project out for months beyond already extended date.
It can work. But there's a price to be paid: lower quality (more bugs, less testing) and turnover of burned-out programmers.
And in many cases, a fast-tracked project will both fail to deliver on time and will still pay the full negative price, for the reasons stated in Mythical man-month.
I've seen it work but it's not the norm.
Things I'd want to see before I thought it might be feasible:
1) Staff available with suitable skills and approach. By that I don't mean ".NET programmer", I mean detailed technical skills, business domain skills (so they understand the problem), personality fit and understand the tools and the approach (source control, methodology and so on). This can happen in large companies where there are common tools, standards and knowledge but you need to be sure that they're ticking pretty much all the boxes.
2) Tasks must be nicely divisible. The best situation is where there are whole modules, applications or tasks unstarted and you can put new people on that. It minimises upskilling, additional communication and so on. If you can't separate out what the new people will do you're likely to majorly disrupt the existing team.
3) The whole team must have bought into the approach. If the existing team don't agree that bringing people on board will be right they'll likely fight it and you're doomed.
4) You need to be sure you've addressed why it was running late in the first place. If it was just bad estimates then are you confident the new estimates are good? If it was scope creep have you got the scope and change control in hand now? If it was because the deadline moved, are you sure it won't move again?
If you can't tick all four of those off, it isn't going to work.
Crashing and Fast-Tracking are two very different things...
Fast Tracking is where you take something (tasks or work packages) out of sequence and do it early. This may because of hardware delivery lead times, availability of resources, risk or whatever. So you might do things in parallel where originally you had planned to do it sequentially. I've fast tracked a lot of projects.. and yes it works.
Crashing a project is different in that you typically throw more resources at a problem to get it done quicker... this can be tricky. If it's done as a crisis response it can be painful adding extra people as you are already under the pump. In some situations you just add more problems.
Another alternative to crashing is to reduce scope. This is not always possible, but it should be considered.
With fast tracking or crashing... the sooner you know when you need to make a schedule change the easier to manage. This is why early deadlines are so important, they indicate how the rest of the project will go.
Both of these project management techniques work well to maintain a schedule, but they should be used intelligently by judiciously analyzing the network diagram:
study the variance,
study lead and lags;
decide what suits to your project: ‘Crashing’ or ‘Fast-Tracking’.
There is a software management principle that says adding manpower to a late project makes it later.
That said, as long as the measures taken are sensible it should be ok. Don't expect too much of your staff and provide reasonable incentives and don't take short cuts. It won't make miracles happen but if you're practical and want to push things just that little bit faster it can definitely be done.
When people have a stake in the potential success of something it's amazing how much more effort they're willing to put in.
It depends on what you mean by "work". I don't think I've ever seen it make a way late project deliver on time, if that's what you are asking.
However, I have seen it make way late projects deliver only a bit late. From the fuzzy perspective of management, that might be called "working". I've also seen it significantly lower the customer-based pressure on the company. Some might also call that "working".
Of course the price is rather high. Employees burn out, develop health problems or big problems in their neglected personal lives, etc. All of that has large financial repurcussions to the company. So I doubt the company comes out ahead in the long run. Is that "working"?

Information/knowledge flow within the team [closed]

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I want to avoid the situations when my developers do not share the common knowledge (solutions for the problems they encountered, cool tips, common mistakes, shortcuts for achieving particular goal, configuration issues, partial requirements, etc.) with each others. I'm taking about the situation when such lack of communication is accidental (a result of the misunderstanding or improper management) - I'm not thinking about the situations when developers deliberately keep the knowledge for themselves.
I believe that the following techniques are extremely useful to improve the information flow within the developers team:
XP pair programming - due to the knowledge exchange within the pair (and due to the regular pair mixing).
stand-up meetings - due to the occasion to tell the others on what you're working on and what problems you encountered.
trainings/presentations/coaching prepared by the lead-developers to the rest of the team/department.
"web 2.0 tools" - techie blogs for the company/department, dedicated twitter account of team leader, wiki's and stuff like that.
Any further ideas? What techniques do you use (or did you) in your company? How would you encourage developers to share the knowledge between themselves?
You are allowed to 'seem stupid', but please ask if you don't know, or don't fully understand what I'm saying. And please tell me if I'm wrong (I didn't realize it because I'm equally stupid.)
I worked at one company where every Friday we had lunch meetings for developers. Management would provide food while developers had to share their knowledge; present some tool or technique one learned recently, or give a demo of a project you are working on, etc.
It wasn't restricted to the technologies that were being used by the team at that time, developers were encourage to learn new technologies and give a demo to the team.
And at my current job we have monthly IT group meeting, where sometimes developers from different teams demo off the projects they've been working on.
An internal twitter-esque utility. Maybe a wiki if you can get it to work, I personally find it a little too much. But twitter is different. "just added an extention method to escape a like clause in a rowfilter" and stuff like that.
Some people may find it a little overbearing, but a common location for utilities so you know where to look and string.CountOccurrences isn't scattered throughout the codebase.
I'll add a few more
Hire the right people - This is essential if you want to create a great dynamic (asocial people require a lot more effort)
Pre-mortem and post-mortem. We use the wiki for this, create a page for each of your projects, split it into section of recurring things (both goods and bad). At the end of each milestone, have the team meet to do a post-mortem. At the end of the project (or after a fix lenght of time), have project coordinator compile this into something easy to read for posterity (and put it on your wiki)
Daily stand-up are a must! You already said it, but I find it so helpful!
If you have multiple teams in the company, organize conference about one of their greatest achievements. If possible on a regular basis, even accros department, you would be surprised how artists can be interested into programmers work.
Lunch is a good time to share, in our company we have the president breakfast, project leads lunch, end of projects supper. I love them all, mix and match for greater results.
Offsite meeting with the whole company is great, we do it at least once a year (morning we present what's coming up in the futur, afternoon, is activities to learn about the projects)
Wikis are great, but beware of informations that can become false over time (this is a reccuring problem with any written informations)
A few more things to my mind:
Patterns & Practices meetings - These don't have to be every week but there should be some time devoted to where the team can discuss various outstanding questions and have concensus for things that may save a lot of people headaches.
Culture factor - Does the work place provide enough socializing to help the team gel or could some team-building exercises, e.g. an obstacle course or cooking together, be useful in getting some dynamics established. Is there a humility among developers so that there aren't big egos that can be a problem. Another factor here is to think about how you'd answer this: Would you go to a local pub and have a drink with your fellow teammates? If yes, then you have some good points here while if not, then there may be some investigation to do here.
Retrospective follow-up - How are ideas presented during retrospectives considered and implemented? How are meetings handled in general?
Demos within the team - If some story got finished and involved some big code points, then perhaps there should be a little demonstration of this for the team to see what was done and allow others to see what was done so that the knowledge does get spread around. This can dovetail with my first point in terms of being something that helps to further communication.
I'm a big proponent of working in pairs. It is a good way to transfer knowledge and keep communication lines open. Try mixing up the pairs for each project as well.
I've tried many approaches, and am a big fan of working in pairs on projects, as well as doing regular discussions or meetings with the team.
However, I've also found that the single best thing I can do is foster a culture of constant communication between the developers. I try to have all of my developers communicate with each other as they work - not even necessarily waiting until a weekly or monthly meeting.
For me, this is a little trickier as most of my developers are not in the same location, so we have a single XMPP chat room setup, and all of us are always logged in when we're working on the project. Some of the developers (including myself) will login during our off hours, as well.
I do the same with the people in my office - we tend to be a fairly quiet bunch, but I'm very open to having people interrupt each other with questions, or grab a chair and sit down to brainstorm at any time.
Part of why this works, though, is I try not to restrict the communication to the work at hand, or any specific project. My feeling is that people are going to talk about other, non-work related things, whether or not I foster that. I'd rather have the "water cooler" talk in an official channel, though, than outside.
This makes everybody feel more at ease to ask the questions that "seem obvious". Also, people ask questions continually, since they're right there, and used to talking to everybody. It's easy to ignore if needed, but also much easier to just throw out a general question and see if anybody has ideas without feeling like a pain, etc.
My experience is that the time lost due to interruption is much smaller than the time saved due to having a group that is always eager to help solve a problem at hand.
If you have a small enough team, using adequately SVN commit comments, and exploit them a tool that generates an RSS feed (like Trac for instance) can be an easy and efficient way to promote communication.
There are several requirements for this to work, which are quite easy to attain:
- commit frequently (that is good in itself, as it allows everybody to benefit from each programmer's local changes, and to identify problems early);
- use verbose comments (which is good to, as it allows to trace more easily what was changed, in case anything breaks down);
- ensure everybody actually reads (better even, keeps posted to, through an RSS reader) the feeds.
Of course, there is no way to "reply" to such comments, but if someone really needs to reply, it's probably between that person and the committer, so mail is usually enough.
An other useful tool is to ask each developer to, let's say, once a week, write a 10 or so bullet point list of recommendations for fellow coders, on a topic he/she is really familiar with.
Getting out of your dusty office to clear your mind, really taking the time to go to a lecture or training, it all helps to spread knowledge.
It's also easy to budget: N developers go to meeting for T hours.
"On the job" training... The things you need for your specific job can only be taught by someone who knows the job.
In the current climate, under the current pressure (must ship now), no-one takes time to fully explain something. Only when people are relaxed, they are readyfor information sharing. People are relaxed when they have enough time.
Apart from that, you need to bump into some specific linker error before you really start thinking about it. Without the time to think, ask, read, you won't be able to get the knowledge. You can't postpone it to an official linker-training.
Way harder to budget: developer Mary asked developer Sophie about dynamic linkage for an hour and a half. The day after, she went back with some questions. Experienced developers will spend more time distributing, while younger will need more time learning.
no walls - Have all of your developers in one large, non-walled room - where everyone can see and talk with each other.
common goals - ensuring your team has a good understanding of goals INCLUDING the goal of self-improvement
rewarding - rewarding - even if nothing more then communication - reinforces what you are looking to accomplish
Socialization and common goal always encourages exchanege of information.

How do you stay focused and ship projects? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I find way too many projects to get involved in, way to many languages to play with (and way too many cool features within those languages), and way too many books to read...
How do you guys stay focused and actually get anything done, rather than leaving a trail of partially complete "experiments?"
Seems like there are two types of developers: Tinkerers and Entrepreneurs.
Tinkerers want to know how every little thing works. Once they get the hang of something, they're distracted by everything they don't know. The tech world is brutal for a Tinkerer because there's so much to learn and each new year creates more. Tinkerers are proud of their knowledge.
Entrepreneurs want to know enough to build something really great. They think in terms of features and end-user experiences. You never hear them argue about Python over .NET over Java over C because they just don't care. They're more interested in the result of a language versus the language itself. Entrepreneurs are proud of their user-base.
Sounds like you're struggling with your Tinkerer tendencies. I've got the same problem and have found only one thing that helps - find an Entrepreneur developer that you thoroughly respect. When you put the two together, it's unbeatable. The Tinkerer plumbs the depth of every technical nuance. They keep the Entrepreneur technically honest. In turn, the Entrepreneur creates focus and opportunity for the Tinkerer. When they catch you browsing the Scala site (assuming you're not a Scala developer), they reveal a new challenge in your existing project. Not only that, they're much better at understanding what non-Tinkerers want.
Money, and the feeling of accomplishment that goes along with actually finishing something. When I first thought about working for myself I started coming up with ideas of software that I would develop and then later sell. Of course, I really didn't know if what I was making would actually sell, so it was easy to get distracted and jump at new ideas.
So I decided to go with being a contractor/consultant. When you know that there is a buyer for what you're making, and that somebody is waiting on it, it gives you motivation. If it's an interesting or challenging project, there's a rush associated with finishing it. So that adds extra motivation because you want that rush more and more.
Once I got a fairly steady flow of work-for-hire projects, I found that I can stay focused on my side projects better because I have incentive to practice good time management. I give myself a certain amount of time every day or week to work on my side projects, and it helps me stay focused when I take that time.
Of course, I still go off on tangents occasionally and start new side projects as well, but the ones that I am most interested in I have been able to stick with.
Also, after you finish some projects, then you get a better feel for what it actually takes to go from conception to completion, and it makes it a lot easier to do it again and again.
I think a good programmer may well have lots of unfinished "experiments" hanging around, this is a good thing.
Usually with a good manager, you will be held accountable if your work is simply not getting done. If you're a student, though, it's tougher. I realized that it is impossible to learn everything you want to.
I limit myself to only learning 1 or 2 new languages per year, and only 1 book per month. That seems to be a nice balance between programming chaos and getting my job done well.
Kudos for having a great learning attitude :)
Probably the best motivator (for a team or an individual) is to set goals early and often.
One of the best methods I've observed in project management was the introduction of "feature themed weeks" - where the team (or an individual) was set goals or deliverables which aligned under a general flavour, e.g "Customer Features", "Reporting and Metrics" etc. This kept the team/person focused on one area of delivery/effort. It also made it easy to communicate to the customer where progress was being made.
Also.. Try to make your (or your team's) progress visible. If you can establish an automated build process (or some other mechanism) and "publish" incremental implementation of work over a short period of time you can often gain traction and early by-in which can drive results faster (and help aid in early course correction).
1) I leave a utterly MASIVE trail of unfinished stuff, all side projects of course.
2) When I need motivation to work I open my wallet... That usually does it for me.
I'm building an app I plan on selling and see it as a way of making extra money or reducing the amount of time I spend working for other people.
My wife likes this idea and her encouragement has managed to keep me focused longer than normal as it's now "work" rather than "play"
I find that getting involved with the "business" side of the equation helps tremendously. When you see how much benefit the actual users of your program can get out of your creative solutions to their problems - it's an extreme motivation to provide those solutions to them. :-)

Obtaining Management Buy-in on Process [closed]

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The company I work for has historically had very little process as far as software development. Currently we don't really follow any specific method. The problem is of course it makes it difficult to plan, successfully have a decent release or even attract good software developers.
I think I may be able to convince them to do some sort of Scrum process. Key however is getting management/owner buy-in. The idea of locking into specific features for any period of time I think scares them off.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can make my case?
So far I plan to:
Give presentation on how Scrum works. how I see it working with the people we currently have and how it will benefit the business.
Ask for training for specific people so we aren't "making it up as we go along"
Set a date to implement, there is some planning and loose ends I probably have to tie up to start a process fresh.
If your projects are like the standard / typical IT projects, then chances are your projects have failed, or been buggy, or cost too much, or didn't do what the customer (internal or external) needed, or took too long to develop.
If you are going to advocate a process, it needs to be shown that you will not lose flexibility just to have structure.
Points to make to decision makers:
Having a Scrum-like process will improve how much information that management has at its fingertips, and allow them to make decisions more quickly. Consider the scenario that you have a 6 month project. Well, with no processes, how do you know how much work is done until it is released? With Burndown charts, you can track how much time is left in a visible way. If you couple that with TDD, where you define say 100 test cases, they can see that 50% of the test cases are left to get working, but from the burndown rate there is only enough time to do 25% (remember Managers like it simple, so this isn't a perfect state of the project, but it is an easy to understand one that was better than what they had before). .e.g. they will feel more in control because the projects have better visibility.
Having process allows you to improve quality, which long term will result in less bugs, less time spent on bugs, more knowledge transfer (what happens if your star developer is hit by a bus), and all this means that the company will get developers focused on a better product than on continuously fixing bugs. e.g. this will save them money
A small set of changes will be implemented first. This will be a proof of concept, and safe and easy to back out of if needbe. e.g. this shows that you are mitigating perceived risk . And you need to mitigate perceived risk because that is what they'll be focusing on. That said, you will want to gather some data before you even make the proposal. Why? Good question: you need a baseline for 2 reasons:
You'll want to know how much the changes have helped. So you can propose more changes.
You'll likely have a manager complain about a problem while the proof of concept is going on. You'll want evidence that shows that problems in a chaotic process free environment are the norm, and this is not a worsening of the state, and perhaps a slight improvement. You can bet on something going wrong in a process-free environment. And you can bet that the proof of concept process changes will be blamed. So be ready for it.
In my experience it's easier to sell management on a design methodology or practice after it's been piloted once. I would cherry-pick a small project, usually internally facing if possible, and ask to "pilot" your new scrum process. Generally it's a lot easier to get people to buy into a pilot because they only have to commit on a limited basis.
As your new scrumified pilot project moves along, be sure to document (post-its, notepads, Word doc, whatever) how scrum is making your project more or less successful than the previous (lack of) method. Be brutally honest here, and try to quantify things in real terms whenever possible.
After the project completes, compile your notes and present to management your findings using the completed project as evidence. Use findings such as:
"product backlog provided users with real sense of progress on featureset X"
"pigs/chickens meetings style saved X man/hours a week by keeping meetings in control"
"sprints allowed developers to work more closely together and resulted in X% less buggy code"
Generally, if you can bring leaders to a spot where they can draw dollars-and-cents conclusions, they will go for a new product or methodology. Also, and this is important as well, be prepared to walk away from your original process ideas if you find them not bearing out during the pilot.
Good luck and happy productivity!
You can sell Scrum as a "No Lose" proposition. Look at what happens when you use Scrum:
All development work is always focused on the highest priority tasks.
Progress is 100% open, and inspected daily.
Users/customers get to examine the progress at the end of every iteration.
Shifting requirements are handled automatically.
The only reasonable objection that I've ever seen to Scrum is that it isn't really possible to predict how much a project will cost, or how long it will take. This is because Scrum acknowledges that everyone will learn as the project commences, and the requirements will change. Waterfall pretends to be able to do this, but we all know how well this works.
Run the Joel Test to determine how much work you have to do. If you are having trouble estimating release dates, look into Evidence Based Scheduling.
Provide some sort of argument that shows how Scrum will address past pain points experienced by the key decision maker. Extra points if you can also provide evidence that demonstrates this.
Keep in mind that it is also possible that you don't have a process because the management doesn't know and doesn't care about it. If your managers have no interest or no understanding of a process, such a process could also be started by getting all the programmers to agree to it (or at least team leaders) and telling new employees, "this is how things are done." Of course, it is necessary that you pick a process that is compatible with your manager's requirements if you do this (e.g. if your managers ask for daily updates on milestones, don't pick a process that has no coding for the first two weeks).
This is really only appropriate if you have a discussion with a manager and their basic reaction is "It doesn't matter, as long as you keep writing code." If you present a process as being a means to redistribute order of work done rather than as one which adds new work, you're more likely to succeed in such an approach.
