Is there a generally acceptable definition of (soft) realtime delays? - performance

I'm trying to find a benchmark for how long users are willing to wait for a response from a remote service. In my case the response is for very useful but not business critical validation of data entry. I guess that there must have been some work done in the HCI space on this.
If you know of a generally accepted definition for soft realtime responses then great but I'd also appreciate your well reasoned thoughts.

US DOD MIL-STD 1472-F Human Engineering Standard has the most widely accepted requirements for maximum allowed response time (from Table XXII, page 196, times in seconds):
Key Response (Key depression until positive response, e.g., "click"): 0.1
Key Print (Key depression until appearance of character): 0.2
Page Turn (End of request until first few lines are visible): 1.0
Page Scan (End of request until text begins to scroll): 0.5
XY Entry (From selection of field until visual verification): 0.2
Function (From selection of command until response): 2.0
Pointing (From input of point to display point): 0.2
Sketching (From input of point to display of line): 0.2
Local Update (Change to image using local data base, e.g., new menu list): 0.5
Host Update (from display buffer): 2.0
File Update (Change where data is at host in readily accessible form): 10.0
Inquiry - Simple (e.g., a scale change of existing image): 2.0
Inquiry - Complex (Image update requires an access to a host file): 10.0
Error Feedback (From command until display of a commonly used message): 2.0
As you can see, acceptable response time depends on what response the user is waiting for. For something like a pulldown menu appearing, it's 0.5 seconds max. For a full page load in a browser, you want something to appear in 1.0 s to 2.0 s and the full page loaded in 10.0 s. In all the above, shorter response times are better. Only in bizarre circumstances will users object to a 0.001s response time.
In any case, if the response time will be greater than 0.5 s, then you need to provide feedback such as a throbber or hourglass sprite. If response time is a minimum of 5-15 s (depending on what standard you use), provide a progress bar. With a progress bar, very long response times (on the order or minutes over even hours) may be acceptable as long as you set it up for the user as a “batch” process rather than being an interactive program. It's much better for the user to make all input and wait an hour than to make input on four occasions, waiting 15 minutes after each.
The above list has the accepted standards. How long your users are willing to wait (e.g., before giving up) essentially boils down to the user making a cost-benefit analysis. Is what I’m going to get worth the wait? What are my sunk costs? Is there an alternative (e.g., another web site) that can do it better? Can I do other things while I wait to make the most of my time? However, whatever users willing to do, you can bet they’ll resent delays greater than the standards above.

Human reaction time seems to be around 200 ms - anything around there will be perceived as instantaneous. That sort of number is hard to achieve, especially in an application that gets information from remote services.
If you take a look at Google's search suggestion box, the lag there is minimal - less than a second. It's astoundingly fast, and really remarkable for a web application. This is really nice for Google's users, but it's bad news for you. These days, users expect most applications to react with the same sort of speed an efficiency; anything slower is considered rather laggy. However, it's worth noting that people's patience usually varies with the complexity of the task at hand. A simple form submit should never take much time, but something like uploading photos is expected to take a while.
My feeling is this: go with your gut. If your application is fairly simple then you should try to get the wait/load time down to less than a second. If you can't, then your best bet is to add an indicator so the user knows that some computations are being done in the background. This can be in the form of a small animation or a progress bar.

Unfortunately, the answer to this question is not typically a well-defined number. Users expectations vary widely and can change depending on what it is you're talking about.
As computers continue to become more ubiquitous and we (the consumers) continue to have growing expectations of speed, remote services, websites, and even applications will need to continue to respond more quickly. Generally speaking, you want everything to be as fast as possible.
With this said, I would look at what your remote service is for. Since you said, "the response is for very useful..." to me, that means it probably will get used frequently. People tend to use what is useful. If that's the case, I would look for ways to make that remote service respond quickly.
Of course, there is also the caveat that you don't want to start optimizing before the service is written. What is the current response time? What is the context in which this will be used? Those factors will do a lot to determine the longest users are willing to wait for the service.

You might want to search for "SLA" or "Service Level Agreement". Those are the documents in a web business that make guarantees as to how long data will take to get back to the user, whether it's an HTML document or a web service call.


Freezing while downloading large datasets through Shodan?

I'm using Shodan's API through the Anaconda Terminal on Windows 10 to get data against the query below, but after a few seconds of running, the ETA timer freezes, and my network activity drops to zero. Hitting Control+C restarts it when this happens and gets it moving for a few seconds again, but it stops soon after.
shodan download --limit 3100000 data state:"wa"
Also, when it is running- the download speeds seem pretty slow; and I wanted to inquire if there was any way I can speed it up? My Universities internet is capable of upwards of 300 Mbps, but the download seems to cap at 5 Mbps.
I don't know how to solve either of these issues; my device has enough space and my internet isn't disconnecting. We've tried running the Anaconda Terminal as an Administrator, but that hasn't helped either.
I am not familiar with the specific website, but in general seeing limited speed or stopped downloads are not caused by things 'on your side' like the university connection, or even your download script.
Odds are that the website wants to protect itself, and that you need to use the api differently (for example with a different account). Or that you have some usage limits in place based on your account, that you hit.
The best course of action may be to contact the website and ask them how to do this.
I heard back from Shodan support; cross-posting some of their reply here-
The API is not designed for large, bulk export of data. As a result,
you're encountering a few problems/ limits:
There is a hard limit of 1 million results per search query. This means that it isn't possible to download all results for the search query "state:wa".
The search API performs best on the first few pages and progressively responds slower the deeper into the results you get.
This means that the first few pages return instantly whereas the 100th
page will take potentially 10+ seconds.
You can only send 1 request per second so you can't multiplex/ parallelize the search requests.
A lot of high-level analysis can be performed using search facets.
There's documentation on facets in the shodan.pdf booklet floating around their site for returning summary information from their API.

"Time to Interact" metric in web performance measurements

Apparently "Time to Interact" is the new metric to use when measuring the perceived speed of a webpage. I'm interested in understanding a bit more about what this actually is.
The term was apparently coined by Radware, and is being pushed as the most meaningful performance measurement (compared to things such as Time to First/Last Byte, Time to Render etc.).
It is described as:
the point which a page displays its primary interactive (think
clickable) content, rather than full page load.
This seems pretty subjective to me; what is the "primary interactive content" of a webpage for example?
There have been reports citing results for the measurement, so some how this is being measured, and further, it must be automated as the result sets are pretty big (~500 sites were tested).
Other than the above quote, I cannot find any more information on how to measure this.
As Google are placing more emphasis on above the fold content (or visible content), I am wondering whether this metric is actually more like "Time to First Meaningful Render", i.e. it is contextual to the current page goal. So for example, on an eCommerce site's product page, this could be the main image, and an add to basket link.
I am keen to understand this metric, as to me it does seem like the most useful one. My question is therefore whether anyone is measuring this, and if so how are they doing so?
You kind of answered your own question, it is subjective, and contextual to you current project.
What if I'm testing a site with only HTML without any complex resources? There is no point measuring TTI there. On the other hand, let's see this demo site.
Bigger picture here.
Blue line is marking the "COMContentLoaded" event (main document is loaded and markup parsed), red line indicates the load event, where all page resources are loaded. The TTI line would go in-between the two lines, that is defined differently for each project, based on some essential to interact resources loaded event.
For example, let's say that the pictures on the demo site are not essential to the core features of the site. While the main site loaded in 0.8 seconds, the 3 big pictures took 36 extra seconds to load, so in this case using the overall response time as a KPI would yield ~36second response time, while if you define TTI excluding those big, non essential resources, you end up with < 1s response time.
I am keen to understand this metric, as to me it does seem like the most useful one.
Definitely useful, but as you said it in your question, it's specific to the project. You wouldn't measure TTI on a simple, relatively static web app, you would probably measure overall response time. I always define KPIs "tailored" for the current project, instead of trying to use common metrics, and "force them" on a project.
My question is therefore whether anyone is measuring this, and if so how are they doing so?
Definitely used it before, you should identify the essential resources for your site, and when the last of those resources are loaded, that is your TTI. This could be a javascript file, a css, etc...
Websites are getting more complex. Whereas they might not always contain more content they still have more resources to load as the user interaction/user experience is more complex from a technical point of view. Ajax helps us to load different parts separately. So rather than one page load we have the loading of several small things. And for each of these parts we can measure the loading performance. But there might some parts on the site that might be more important than others. The "primary interactive content" is that part of your view that enables the user to do what he intends to do, for example buy a train ticket. If some advertisement or a special animation on the left side of the screen hasn't loaded this does not prevent the user to buy start buying a ticket. But of course "primary interactive content" as a term is quite vague and you have to define it for your specific application. It is the point an average user can and will start to interact with the website while some parts are sill loading.
This is how I understand the concept and I see the difference to "Time to First Meaningful Render" here: you might have a basket rendered on your eCommerce page but the GUI is not yet responsive. So you see something meaningful but the interactivity is not yet there. Therefore TTI >= TtFMR.
Measuring TTI requires you to define what elements are required for interactivity which not only depends on what the site does but also HOW it does it. So it highly depends on your implementation/technology.

Text difference patch

Am trying to write a piece of code which will allows the user to type text into a textbox which then gets saved on the server. When the user types some more text in the textbox, I want only the difference to be sent to the server.
Is there a difference algorithm for JS which I can use to send only information about the difference. So it should be able to tell the difference between two text boxes essentially.
It could also be language agnostic and I can port it.
Thank you for your time.
In simple words. I have a text area which keeps saving the text in the box every X seconds. Now to save bandwidth I only want it to send the difference from the last saved revision (which I can say put in a variable. Initially this will be empty). Now the JS has to check the difference between the last revision and the current state of the textbox and generate a change list to send to the server.
Something like
Google DiffMatchPatch has a Javascript implementation, I've used it with much success.
The Python difflib module does this and more. It's very flexible but might be challenging to port to Javascript.
Regarding your update, I'm first wondering why you need to worry about bandwidth. Unless your users are typing a lot of text into an edit box (which has its own usability issues) then there just aren't that many bytes to send. Send the whole text box each time you autosave. Users can't type fast enough to really notice the use of bandwidth.
Or, you could meet halfway. Every time you autosave, check to see whether the user has only added new text to the end compared to the last time. If so, send an "append" type update with just the new text. If the user has gone back and edited anything else, then send a "replace" type update where you send the whole text. This takes care of the common append-only case without severely complicating your implementation.
Instead of calculating a diff between 2 texts, which is difficult,
you could always, while people are editting, record the keystrokes and the caret position in the textbox. If you send this over every now and then (and clean the buffer), the server can playback the exact same sequence.
This code-smells of premature optimization. Perhaps you should implement your solution first and then see about optimizing your transfer rates using diffs. How much text are you looking at? Because the request and response packets are going to be more or less the same size with only a few bytes difference for your message, so the savings could be very minimal.
At the very least, complete your solution without optimization and profile your network traffic using tools like Firebug and then test to see how much worse the performance is with what you would consider to be the maximum text block that could be sent.
Finally, you could always use the TypeWatch JQuery plugin to listen for change events in the textbox. You can set a delay so that once the user finishes typing and the delay elapses, the callback function is triggered. This means that the text will only be sent when the user types something, and only when they are finished typing. This will be significantly more efficient than repeatedly polling the server.
Depends on how far you are ready to go.
You would like to check deltav algorithm, it is used by svn in particular:

Easily digestible UI tips for developers [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
What are some key UI design tips that every developer should know?
While there are a number of UI resources for developers (for example, Joel Spolsky's User Interface Design for Programmers), I'm interested in more of a bullet list that can be communicated in 1 to 2 pages.
I'm interested in more tactical, day-to-day UI tips, as opposed to overarching UI design goals that would be covered in a UI design meeting (presumably attended by at least one person with a good UI sense). A collection of these tips might cover about 80% of the cases that an everyday programmer would come across.
use a standard menubar (amateur GUI designers seem to like to chart their own course here for some reason). Make sure the first items are File, Edit and View, and the last one is Help
don't worry about color themes or skins; stick to a standard look that is consistent with your platform
use the default system font
use menu accelerators that are consistent with your platform
stick to the tried and true layout with a menubar on top, a status bar on the bottom, and if required, a navigation pane on the left
never do a system-wide grab
If you have a choice, make all windows resizable.
use groups of radiobuttons for "choose exactly one". Always make sure one of them is selected by default. If you want the user to be able to not choose any, add another radiobutton for "no choice"
use groups of checkbuttons for "choose zero or more"
constrain input if necessary (ie: simply ignore non-digits in a numeric input field) rather than waiting for a user to enter data, submit, then throw up a dialog saying "hey, letters aren't allowed!". If they aren't allowed, don't accept them in the first place.
be liberal in what you accept as input. For goodness sake, don't throw a fit for a SSN field if they leave out the hyphens, or put then in when you don't want them. The computer is smart, let it figure out that xxxxxxxxx and xxx xx xxxx and xxx-xx-xxxx are all valid social security numbers.
always allow spaces in long fields such as serial numbers and whatnot. Data quality goes way up if a user is allowed to group numbers in sets of three or four. If your data model can't handle the spaces you can remove them before saving the data.
Avoid pop-up dialogs like the plague. Never display one unless you absolutely must. If you decide you must, stop and rethink your design before continuing. There are times when they are necessary, but those times are considerably less frequent than you might imagine.
pay attention to keyboard traversal. Most toolkits make an attempt to get it right, but always double-check. A use should be able to use the tab key to traverse the widgets in a logical manner.
All of these rules can, of course, be broken. But only break it if you are breaking it for a justifiable reason.
Remember, the software is there to aid the user, it should be doing what they want, rather than making them do what it wants.
When you are about to perform an action that will change or delete information, don't ask 'are you sure' - users will learn to click the button as part of the action. Try to allow for an 'Undo' in the system design.
Make the default choice the one most users would be happy with.
Always give your user a "way out" from wherever they are that does not require the use of the back button.
The best example:
If an error occurs, give them a link back to where they were (or at least to where they can start over).
Use tool tips as much as possible. It is amazing how these little guys can add a large amount of help to the end user and they are unobtrusive to the application itself.
When designing a UI make it as simple as possible, but no simpler.
ask the user, don't just make things up
simplify - remove a step, eliminate clicks, etc.
get familiar with the principles of usability
I think that this link would be a good starting point, from Microsoft's "Windows Vista User Experience Guidelines:
And this might be very close to the two page bullet point list you are looking for: "Top Violations":
Very down to earth tips like: "Set a minimum window size if there is a size below which the content is no longer usable."
Correct tab-stops are a must.
Do not increase "discoverability" at the cost of basic clarity and usability.
Find the thing the user will do the most often, and then make that the easiest thing to do.
For example: I have a long running personal gripe with microwave design.
Many require you to set a clock you never use for anything prior to using the microwave, and it forgets everytime it loses power AND requires 10 key-presses on those hard-to-use button pads to do so.
A simple usability test would realize the most common cook time used on microwaves is the standard 'minute' and multiples thereof. An Ideal microwave should thus be able to cook an product for 1 minute on high power in 3 or less actions.
For times outside a minute, but within 5 minutes of the golden "1" minute, there should be slightly more steps, but not significantly so, and only significant numbers of actions required for cook times > 5 minutes. ( which are rather rare )
2 examples of great microwave design
1. 4 parts. Door, temperature dial, time dial, time-lighting sequence
Temperature dial is analogue and persists from previous setting, with a varying sliding range.
Time dial is digital, but simulated analogue, turning dial clockwise increases clock time( shown by a lighting sequence under the dial). Turning dial counter clockwise decreases clock time. Cooking decreases clock time.
Door being closed and time being on clock starts cooking. Door opening pauses cooking.
standard operation: open door, load, turn time dial, close door ( or optionally, close door first, and cooking starts as soon as >1s is on clock )
2. 6 Parts, Door, Dial, Power Button, Start Button, Clear Button, Digital Time Display
Start button with no time chosen starts cooking for 1 minute on high power.
Start button while cooking adds 1 minute to time.
Time dial persists between sessions. Turning dial causes the time stored on the dials position being copied to the digital timer.
Pressing "power" prior to starting cooking will
in the event the dial has not been turned, copy the current time stored on the dails position to the digital timer.
in the event the dial has been turned, decrements the choice of power level by 1, or if on lowest power level, return to highest.
Pressing power while cooking decrements the power level on the fly.
standard operation:
1 minute high = press start.
1 minute medium high = press start, press power.
2 minutes high = press start twice.
<anytime> on high = turn dial until happy, press start.
<anytime> on <anypower> turn dial until happy, press power until happy, press start.
<previously chosen time> on high = press power, press start
<previously chosen time + 1 minute> on high = press power, press start twice.
As you can see here, adding a small amount of extra buttons, can add a great degree of expressive and functional design.
Any design with a numeric keypad for time specification, tends to fail my criteria for good design.
Its noted that these designs may, for some people have a higher learning curve, but once learned, muscle memory makes it instinctive. As opposed to more ( obvious? ) but overly complicated designs which even a learned user will repeatedly have to spend tedious amounts of time performing tedious arbitrary operations, simply to attain common goals.
Do some hallway usability testing (in the same way you would do code reviews).
Even a really quick "Hey! try this" usability test (if you can call it that) with the guy next to you will make a big difference. The main thing is to have somebody other than yourself try the bit of UI you've just built.
It's amazing how many times other people get stuck using your new UI, and it only takes a couple of minutes (usually) to find the biggest problems.
If you do use a popup from an editor, make sure to return your insertion point or state to whatever it was before the popup. Too many programs just leave you "hanging" and having to find your way back.
Instead of the arbitrary "OK" and "Cancel" buttons, which, given context, can be ambiguous, and users blindly click one, the buttons should contain a brief description of what they do.
[Ok, Please Cancel my subscription ], [ Please do not cancel my subscription ]
is far better than
Cancel my subscription?
[ OK ] [ Cancel ]
( these sort of failures often surface on the dailywtf )
Minimize number of clicks
Uniform look(text size, buttons.. and other controls )
Minimize free edits... (ex: in an address entry... provide states in a dropdown...etc etc)
In a drop down for country list... list the residing country first...(how many of you frustrated with USA being listed at the bottom and you have to scroll down?)
General drop downs can be ordered as the users choice
No Spelling msitake ;) at all
Pay attention to labeling text: for email address (have the caption as email... believe me... i have seen it as e_mail address:)
Currency symbol for amounts. uniform digit display in amount.. ex:
$12.15 ==> $12.15
$10.9 ==> $10.90
9.Progress/Status bar
Buddy label to indicate the error field before the user clicks OK/Save button(ex: for an email address if there is no "#" there is no need to wait until user clicks OK then tell them invalid email Address)
Avoid repeated inputs... (ex: remember me option in login screen)
global application option to let the user continue from where left off in the previous instance)
when showing data on a grid... excel style filter options
default values for inputs.
Folks...feel free to flush down any of the point above with the valid reasons!!!
Grandmaw Testing.
This is my term for the conceptual question, "Can your grandma, who's never used a computer beyond email and checking, use it?(Assuming that she has the real-world knowledge to use that particular app)".
Everything common should be obvious; nothing should be black box magic with side effects. Uncommon things should be accessible in a common format that the user has used before.
Clear labeling, clear route to a help file, clear actions with clear effects.
If Grandma can't use your Paint program, you need to really think about your UI.
My basic rule of UI design is to have each "page" do one task and one task only. It keeps pages simple, which keeps design clean and makes the application more understandable.
This type of design is called Inductive User Interface. Here is a document that Microsoft put out in 2001 on the topic. The text may be a little dated, but the principles are generally pretty good. The only caveat is that there is a balance to be found in designing like this. If you oversimplify too much users will have to navigate all over the place to accomplish simple tasks, and the gains in understandability will be lost to underproductivity.
Some simple tips for daily user interface web design and application design:
Use simple static sketches to begin preliminary web app development plans.
-Dont allow users too many choices. instead, use cater design to send users down a path they'll benefit from.
-Define key user groups and the journeys they made
-Practice iterative design as a part of UI to ensure ROI
I like to follow these guidlines:
Standard - follow known standards/patterns, reuse ideas from all products you respect
Simple - keep your solutions simple and easy to change (if needed)
Elegant - use less to accomplish more

Best format for displaying rendered time on a webpage

I've started to add the time taken to render a page to the footer of our internal web applications. Currently it appears like this
Rendered in 0.062 seconds
Occasionally I get rendered times like this
Rendered in 0.000 seconds
Currently it's only meant to be a guide for users to judge whether a page is quick to load or not, allowing them to quickly inform us if a page is taking 17 seconds rather than the usual 0.5. My question is what format should the time be in? At which point should I switch to a statement such as
Rendered in less than a second
I like seeing the tenths of a second but the second example above is of no use to anyone, in fact it just highlights the limits of the calculation I use to find the render time. I'd rather not let the users see that at all! Any answers welcome, including whether anything should be included on the page.
"Rendered instantly" sounds way better than "Rendered in less than a second".
I'm not sure there's any value in telling users how long it took for the server to render the page. It could well be worth you logging that sort of information, but they don't care.
If it takes the server 0.001 of a second to draw the page but it takes 17 seconds for them to load it (due to network, javascript, page size, their rubbish PC, etc) their perception will be the latter.
Then again adding the render time might help you fend off the enquiries about any percieved slowness with a "talk to your local network admin" response.
Given that you know the accuracy of your measurements you could have the 0.000 text be "Rendered in less than a thousandth of a second"
Rather than relying on your users to look at the page footer and to let you know if the value exceeds some patience threshold, it might be a better idea to log the page render times in a log file on the server. Once you have all that raw data, you can look for particular pages that tend to take longer than normal to render.
With more detailed logging, you could also measure the elapsed times in database queries or whatever if your web app relies on external systems.
I think I over-emphasized it was for the users.
I know by using in trace in the web.config I can get accurate information on page render times along with times for accessing the database.
We have in the past had problems with applications running too slowly over the network although it's now fixed I'm adding the label to new applications so that users are aware it is something we are taking seriously and it's a very simple indicator for the developers.
Taking all that into account I like "Rendered Instantly" and write a lot of sense so I'll accept both your answer and kokos'.
