MapReduce on AWS - hadoop

Anybody played around with MapReduce on AWS yet? Any thoughts? How's the implementation?

It's easy to get started.
Here's a FAQ:
And here's the Getting Started Guide:
If you have an EC2 account already, you can enable MapReduce and have a sample application up and running in less than 10 minutes using the AWS Management Console.
I did the pre-packaged Word Count sample application, which returns a count of each word contained in about 20 MB of text. You can provision up to 20 instances to run concurrently, though I just used 2 instances and the job completed in about 3 minutes.
The job returns a 300 KB alphabetized list of words and how often each word appears in the sample corpus.
I really like that MapReduce jobs can be written in my choice of Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP, C++, R, or Java. The process was painless and straightforward, and the interface gives good feedback on the status of your instances and the job flow.
Be aware that, since AWS charges for a full hour when an instance is created, and since the MapReduce instances are automatically terminated at the end of the job flow, the cost of multiple fast-running job flows can add up quickly.
For example, if I create a job flow that uses 20 instances and returns results in 15 minutes, and then re-run the job flow 3 more times, I'll be charged for 80 hours of machine time even though I only had 20 instances running for 1 hour.

You also have the possibility to run MapReduce (Hadoop) on AWS with StarCluster. This tool configures the cluster for you and has the advantage that you don´t have to pay the extra Amazon Elastic MapReduce Price (if you want to reduce your costs) and you could create your own Image (AMI) with your tools (this could be good if the installation of the tools can´t be done by a bootstrap script).

It is very convenient because you don't have to administer your own cluster. You just pay per use so I think it is a good idea if you have a job that needs to run once in a while. We are running Amazon MapReduce just once a month so, for our usage, it is worth it.
However, as far as I can tell, a drawback of Amazon Map Reduce is that you can't tell which Operating System is running, or even its version. This caused me problems running c++ code that compiled with g++ 4.44, some of the OS images does not support cUrl library, etc.
If you don't need any special libraries for your use case, I would say go for it.

Good answer by MB.
To be clear: you can run Hadoop clusters in two ways:
1) Run it on Amazon EC2 instances. This means that you have to install it, configure it, terminate it, etc.
2) Run it using Elastic MapReduce, or EMR: this is an automated way to run an Hadoop cluster on Amazon Web Services. You pay a little extra on top of the basic cost for EC2, but you don't need to manage anything: just upload your data, then your algorithm, then crunch. EMR will shut down the instances automatically once your jobs are finished.

EMR is the best way to use available resources with a very little added cost over EC2 however you will how time saving and easy it is. Most of the MR implementation on Cloud are using this model i.e. Apache Hadoop on Windows Azure, Mortar Data etc.. I have worked on both Amazon EMR and Apache Hadoop on Windows Azure and found incredible to use.

Also, depending on the type / duration of jobs you plan to run, you can use AWS spot instances with EMR to get better pricing.

I am working with AWS EMR. It is pretty neat. I mean once you start up their cluster and login into their Master node. You can play around with the hadoop directory structure. And do pretty cool things.. If you have a edu account don;t forget to apply for a research grant. They give unto 100$ free credits to use their AWS.

AWS EMR is a good choice when you use S3 storage for your data.
It provides out of the box integration with S3 for loading files and posting processed files.
In use cases where you need to run the job on demand, you are saved from the cost of running the whole cluster all the time, this really helps you save on instance hours.
Leveraging the above advantage, one can use AWS lambda to spawn event driven clusters.


AWS - Load Balanced Instances & Cron Jobs

I have a Laravel application where the Application servers are behind a Load Balancer. On these Application servers, I have cron jobs running, some of which should only be run once (or run on one instance).
I did some research and found that people seem to favor a lock-system, where you keep all the cron jobs active on each application box, and when one goes to process a job, you create some sort of lock so the others know not to process the same job.
I was wondering if anyone had more details on this procedure in regards to AWS, or if there's a better solution for this problem?
You can build distributed locking mechanisms on AWS using DynamoDB with strongly consistent reads. You can also do something similar using Redis (ElastiCache).
Alternatively, you could use Lambda scheduled events to send a request to your load balancer on a cron schedule. Since only one back-end server would receive the request that server could execute the cron job.
These solutions tend to break when your autoscaling group experiences a scale-in event and the server processing the task gets deleted. I prefer to have a small server, like a t2.nano, that isn't part of the cluster and schedule cron jobs on that.
Check out this package for Laravel implementation of the lock system (DB implementation):
Also, this pull request solves this problem using the lock system (cache implementation):
If you need to run stuff only once globally (so not once on every server) and 'lock' the thing that needs to be run, I highly recommend using AWS SQS because it offers exactly that: run a cron to fetch a ticket. If you get one, parse it. Otherwise, do nothing. So all crons are active on all machines, but tickets are 'in flight' when some machine requests a ticket and that specific ticket cannot be requested by another machine.

Is there any tool to find at what time of the day hadoop cluster is usually free from load and submit job at that time daily

I need to schedule a job in our production cluster.I am trying to schedule it at a time when the cluster is expected to be free based on how cluster load was in past 30 days.Oozie doesn't have any feature that supports this out of the box.I am trying to achieve this using some hacks within oozie.
Is there any standard way to find at what times cluster was usually free in the past few days? and automatically submit the job at that time everyday.
Linkedin White elephant seems to be the one that you are looking for. Ganglia has pretty good APIs to gauge cluster usage, which you could use.
You can use Cloudera manager for checking the complete cluster health (if you are using CDH).
There are Cloudera Manager APIs to interact. you can look at that also to get your work-around.

running Hadoop software on office computers (when they are idle)

Is there a project which helps setup a Hadoop cluster on office desktops, when they are idle?
I'd like to experiment with Hadoop/MR/hbase but don't have acces to 5-10 computers. The computers at work are idle after hours and are connected to each other through a very high speed connection. What's more, data on these computers stays within our network so there is no privacy issue.
In order for this to work I need a fairly light weight monitor running on each machine. When the computer has been idle for X hours, it will join the cluster. If the user logs on, it has to drop out of the cluster and return all CPU/memory back.
Does something like this exist?
You can use task scheduler to detect idle state and then start/stop a hadoop vm with virtual box or vmplayer. Or you can write a powershell script that does start stop based on resource usage.
Hadoop is not a computation grid it is a more a data grid (see slide 9 in this presentation). The point is that with hadoop that data is spread over the cluster and thus the data has to be stored on the computers. The time it would take to copy the data over/remove it when they're not idle would probably not be worth it - you'd be better off using hadoop in the cloud (amazon,Azure etc.)
I would use something like Condor:
You might want to take a look at Virginia Tech's Project Moon
Look at solutions like NEREUS which is a good MPC solution in Java

Amazon MapReduce best practices for logs analysis

I'm parsing access logs generated by Apache, Nginx, Darwin (video streaming server) and aggregating statistics for each delivered file by date / referrer / useragent.
Tons of logs generated every hour and that number likely to be increased dramatically in near future - so processing that kind of data in distributed manner via Amazon Elastic MapReduce sounds reasonable.
Right now I'm ready with mappers and reducers to process my data and tested the whole process with the following flow:
uploaded mappers, reducers and data to Amazon S3
configured appropriate job and processed it successfully
downloaded aggregated results from Amazon S3 to my server and inserted them into MySQL database by running CLI script
I've done that manually according to thousands of tutorials that are googlable on the Internet about Amazon ERM.
What should I do next? What is a best approach to automate this process?
Should I control Amazon EMR jobTracker via API?
How can I make sure my logs will not be processed twice?
What is the best way to move processed files to archive?
What is the best approach to insert results into PostgreSQL/MySQL?
How data for the jobs should be laid out in input/output directories?
Should I create a new EMR job each time using the API?
What is the best approach to upload raw logs to Amazon S3?
Can anyone share their setup of the data processing flow?
How to control file uploads and jobs completions?
I think that this topic can be useful for many people who try to process access logs with Amazon Elastic MapReduce but were not able to find good materials and/or best practices.
UPD: Just to clarify here is the single final question:
What are best practices for logs processing powered by Amazon Elastic MapReduce?
Related posts:
Getting data in and out of Elastic MapReduce HDFS
That's a very very wide open question, but here are some thoughts you could consider:
Using Amazon SQS: this is a distributed queue, and is very useful for workflow management, you cna have a process that writes to the queue as soon as a log is available, and another who reads from it, processes the log described in the queue message, and deletes it when it's done processing. This would ensure that logs are processed only once.
Apache Flume as you mentionned is very useful for log aggregation. This is something you should consider, even if you don't need real-time, as it gives you at the very least a standardized aggregation process.
Amazon recently release SimpleWorkFlow. I have just started looking into it, but that sounds promising to manage every step of your data pipeline.
Hope that gives you some clues.

Single instance Amazon EC2

We're running a lightweight web app on a single EC2 server instance, which is fine for our needs, but we're wondering about monitoring and restarting it if it goes down.
We have a separate non-Amazon server we'd like to use to monitor the EC2 and start a fresh instance if necessary and shut down the old one. All our user data is on Elastic Storage, so we're not too worried about losing anything.
I was wondering if anyone has any experience of using EC2 in this way, and in particular of automating the process of starting the new instance? We have no problem creating something from scratch, but it seems like it should be a solved problem, so I was wondering if anyone has any tips, links, scripts, tutorials, etc to share.
You should have a look at puppet and its support for AWS. I would also look at the RightScale AWS library as well as this post about starting a server with the RightScale scripts. You may also find this article on web serving with EC2 useful. I have done something similar to this but without the external monitoring, the node monitored itself and shut down when it was no longer needed then a new one would start up later when there was more work to do.
Couple of points:
You MUST MUST MUST back up your Amazon EBS volume.
They claim "better" reliability, but not 100%, and it's SEVERAL orders of magnitude off of S3's "12 9's" of durability. S3 durability >> EBS durability. That's a fact. EBS supports a "snapshots" feature which backs up your storage efficiently and incrementally to S3. Also, with EBS snapshots, you only pay for the compressed deltas, which is typically far far less than the allocated volume size. In another life, I've sent lost-volume emails to smaller customers like you who "thought" that EBS was "durable" and trusted it with the only copy of a mission-critical database... it's heartbreaking.
Your Q: automating start-up of a new instance
The design path you mention is relatively untraveled; here's why... Lots of companies run redundant "hot-spare" instances where the second instance is booted and running. This allows rapid failover (seconds) in the event of "failure" (could be hardware or software). The issue with a "cold-spare" is that it's harder to keep the machine up to date and ready to pick up where the old box left off. More important, it's tricky to VALIDATE that the spare is capable of successfully recovering your production service. Hardware is more reliable than untested software systems. TEST TEST TEST. If you haven't tested your fail-over, it doesn't work.
The simple automation of starting a new EBS instance is easy, bordering on trivial. It's just a one-line bash script calling the EC2 command-line tools. What's tricky is everything on top of that. Such a solution pretty much implies a fully 100% automated deployment process. And this is all specific to your application. Can your app pull down all the data it needs to run (maybe it's stored in S3?). Can you kill you instance today and boot a new instance with 0.000 manual setup/install steps?
Or, you may be talking about a scenario I'll call "re-instancing an EBS volume":
EC2 box dies (root volume is EBS)
Force detach EBS volume
Boot new EC2 instance with the EBS volume
... That mostly works. The gotchas:
Doesn't protect against EBS failures, either total volume loss or an availability loss
Recovery time is O(minutes) assuming everything works just right
Your services need to be configured to restart automatically. It does no good to bring the box back if Nginx isn't running.
Your DNS routes or other services or whatever need to be ok with the IP-address changing. This can be worked around with ElasticIP.
How are your host SSH keys handled? Same name, new host key can break SSH-based automation when it gets the strong-warning for host-key-changed.
I don't have proof of this (other than seeing it happen once), but I believe that EC2/EBS _already_does_this_ automatically for boot-from-EBS instances
Again, the hard part here is on your plate. Can you stop your production service today and bring it up RELIABLY on a new instance? If so, the EC2 part of the story is really really easy.
As a side point:
All our user data is on Elastic Storage, so we're not too worried about losing anything.
I'd strongly suggest to regularly snapshot your EBS (Elastic Block Storage) to S3 if you are not doing that already.
You can use an autoscale group with a min/max/desired quantity of 1. Place the instance behind an ELB and have the autoscale group be triggered by the ELB healthy node count. This allows you to have built in monitoring by cloudwatch and the ELB health check. Anytime there is an issue the instance be replaced by the autoscale service.
If you have not checked 'Protect against accidental termination' you might want to do so.
Even if you have disabled 'Detailed Monitoring' for your instance you should still see the 'StatusCheckFailed' metric for your instance over which you can configure an alarm (In the CloudWatch dashboard)
Your application (hosted in a different server) should receive the alarm and start the instance using the AWS API (or CLI)
Since you have protected against accidental termination you would never need to spawn a new instance.
