Webby-Compass Integration - equivalent config.rb file? - ruby

In the Compass screencast at 23:08 Chris Eppstein starts editing a file called config.rb, in his pure Compass project. Chris uses this file to configure relative path names in his images using the img_url() function (which must be undocumented as I can't find anything about it, in the mailing list or on the website.).
I'm working on a Webby project with Compass Integration, and I can't find a config.rb file in my Webby project. I'm guessing that the SiteFile file in the root directory of my project will do the same thing, but I'm not entirely certain about this.
Does anyone know what the equivalent to the config.rb file is in a Webby/Compass Integrated project?

Screencast is most likely outdated.
To load compass into your Webby project, set up your Sitefile with the following options:
require 'compass'
Compass.configuration do |config|
config.project_path = File.dirname(__FILE__)
config.sass_dir = File.join('src', 'stylesheets' )
From https://github.com/Compass/compass/wiki/webby-integration


Trying to get Sass and Bundler to work cross team?

I created a project that is working and compiling sass as expected. My setup is just using sass, compass, & susy with Netbeans. I had another team member pull it from source control and he is unable to compile with the error:
Syntax error: File to import not found or unreadable: susy.
Load paths:
C:/wamp/www/77864nl2014/wp-content/themes/nl (DEPRECATED)
C:/Program Files (x86)/Prepros/gems/gems/bourbon-3.1.8/app/assets/stylesheets
C:/Program Files (x86)/Prepros/gems/gems/neat-1.4.0/app/assets/stylesheets
on line 2 of C:\wamp\www\77864nl2014\wp-content\themes\nl\sass\main.scss
Use --trace for backtrace.
He is using prepros and has a watch setup on the projects sass directory. He says that prepros is setup with the compass option and configured to use ruby. He has also already installed bundler.
The project config.rb looks like this:
http_path = '/'
css_dir = '/wp-content/themes/nl/styles'
sass_dir = '/wp-content/themes/nl/sass'
images_dir = '/wp-content/themes/nl/images'
javascripts_dir = '/wp-content/themes/nl/scripts'
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'susy'
The Gemfile looks like:
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'sass', '3.3.4'
gem 'compass','1.0.0.alpha.19'
gem 'susy','1.0.9'
I'm not sure what's going on exactly but have several things to try, but hope asking here could expedite the process. We have numerous developers in my office using PCs and Macs, with various IDEs and I was hoping bundler could help solve some issues we have been having. I want to be able to set the specific gems and versions used for a project and commit that with the rest of the project in source control. If another developer needs to work on that project I was hoping bundler would use or pull down the proper gems for the project and the developer would be off and running without having to update configs, gems, etc. Is this how bundler can work once we figure this out? If not is there another better solution for our situation and goals?
The key was to prepend your "compass watch" with "bundle exec". So in command prompt, start your watch using "bundle exec compass watch" on the project directory.

LoadError occurs when directly running Ruby source code in existing projects

I'm new to Ruby/JRuby and has been disturbed by the error "LoadError: no such file to load" for many weeks, when I try to directly run the Ruby source code of certain projects.
I downloaded the source code of many Ruby projects from GitHub. Yes only the source code, I didn't install them because my task is more on analyzing the code itself.
Let's take an example, say the project "rqrcode" has the following (simplified) structure:
lib (folder)
rqrcode (folder)
core_ext (folder, with some files inside)
qrcode (folder, with some files inside)
test (folder)
So if I run "jruby test_rqrcode.rb" inside the test folder, it throws LoadError at this line inside the file:
require_relative "../lib/rqrcode"
And it also throws LoadError at here, the rqrcode.rb file in lib folder:
require "rqrcode/core_ext"
The error message is
LoadError: no such file to load -- rqrcode/core_ext
require at org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1054
require at /Users/x5lai/.rvm/rubies/jruby-1.7.4/lib/ruby/shared/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36
(root) at /Users/x5lai/Downloads/rqrcode-master/lib/rqrcode.rb:12
require at org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1054
(root) at /Users/x5lai/.rvm/rubies/jruby-1.7.4/lib/ruby/shared/rubygems/custom_require.rb:1
require at /Users/x5lai/.rvm/rubies/jruby-1.7.4/lib/ruby/shared/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36
(root) at test_rqrcode.rb:12
I really don't understand why it says it cannot find "rqrcode/core_ext" because that folder does exist there!
Such error doesn't always occur. Sometimes, when I download the source code of other Ruby projects which have similar structure as above, it runs successfully with all the "require", "require_relative" statements.
My friend says it is a Ruby default load path problem. I therefore went to look at what's inside my Ruby load path. It's full of many Ruby files. But, those Ruby projects that run successfully do not have their Ruby files in these load path as well (and they do not use ".unshift" to modify their load path inside their code). So I don't think this is the cause of those failing projects.
Hope there's someone who could clarify my doubts. Maybe it's because of my JRuby configuration? I'm using a Mac. My JRuby version is 1.7.4.
Firstly, ruby load path doesn't include current directory.
You can verify this by running jruby -e "$:" in cmd.
Secondly, when you do require_relative "../lib/rqrcode" in test_rqrcode.rb, you are saying "please find the file at a path relative to myself". Okay, it can find rqrcode.rb right away. However, rqrcode.rb doesn't know where to find its own required files, so it goes to global load path, which is the $:. Since $: doesn't include the lib folder, it cannot find any file residing inside its lib folder, thus return a exception.
Knowing this, you should add local lib directory to the load path in your main script, so every subsequent file will use the same load path environment.
$:.unshift "path_to_the_folder_need_to_include"
On the command line, you can add a folder to the $LOAD_PATH by using the -I switch. For example:
ruby -I lib test/test_qrcode.rb
It is common for ruby projects to add their lib folder to the $LOAD_PATH on their test setup, typically on a file called test_helper.rb or spec_helper.rb (depending on the framework).

compass: You must compile individual stylesheets from the project directory

A while ago I was using compass to generate stylesheets from sass for a project.
Recently I returned to that project. I went to my sass directory and did "compass watch --debug .:."
This generated the error "You must compile individual stylesheets from the project directory".
I discovered that there was no config.rb in the directory. So I recreated one. It looks like this:
http_path = "/"
css_dir = "/css"
sass_dir = "/css"
images_dir = "/img"
javascripts_dir = "/js"
preferred_syntax = :sass
However, all of my attempts to use compass result in the same error, no matter what values I put in the config.
How do I get compass to actually process my sass?
just came across this problem too, and it has already been answered in the comment by Arnaud Valle.
But just for clarity, and people later searching.
Just creating a config.rb will not work, as compass does not recognise it.
The answer is just switch to your project directory(root) and then run
compass init
This will then create you a "working" config.rb, and two directories called sass, and stylesheets, in the sass directory will be a couple of start scss files.
If you do not want them, or want to use different directories, you can of course now edit your freshly created and working config.rb, and change your directories (and then delete the old automatically created ones)
Oh and i suspect your js will not be in a folder javascripts, so edit that to in the config.rb
Anyway having done that(or not) you should then be able to run
compass watch
and all should be good , i.e. your scss files get compiled to css files
As an alternative that I have not tried, but theoretically
compass compile [path/to/scss]
should work too, if you don't want to init compass
More information to be found in the compass documentation here
and to go completely over the top, if this is something you find yourself doing often, and hate the defaults then edit/add the following to your ~/.bash_profile
alias compass_init="compass init --syntax=sass --css-dir=css --javascripts-dir=js"
I usually have my config.rb in my project directory (or root) rather than the sass directory.
Folder structure would be like this:
--- css
--- sass
Also your css_dir and sass_dir have the same value, which could lead to your issue as well.
Remove the "/" in front of your directory names.
This error occurs when your source path is incorrect. In your case, your directories have an extra "/". Removing them should fix your problem.
As others have said, creating a config.rb with compass init will fix it too.
Note that Config.rb is not necessary when using Grunt or similar runners that run compass. That might be how your project was running before without the config.rb file. The runner starts compass with all the paths and options in Gruntfile.js. Having paths/options in both Gruntfile and config.rb might cause problems.
Had this problem on windows 7 using Symfony with Gulp, i solved it using absolute paths like this:
gulp.task('compass', function() {
config_file: 'c:/wamp/www/mnv/src/Mnv/Bundle/MnvBundle/Resources/public/config.rb',
css: 'c:/wamp/www/mnv/src/Mnv/Bundle/MnvBundle/Resources/public/stylesheets',
sass: 'c:/wamp/www/mnv/src/Mnv/Bundle/MnvBundle/Resources/public/sass'
For anyone looking to compile SCSS without making a whole project (e.g., for a one-off page), you can just create a config.rb, but it needs at least two parameters: css_dir and sass_dir. (touch-ing it is not enough).
A minimal config.rb:
This effectively creates a compass project for the purpose of compiling simple files. You'll have to include the rest of the params if you want to use sprites, etc. Assuming compass can write to the directory, it'll create the .sass-cache directory once you run compass compile or compass watch for the first time.
It's also important to note that compass commands must be run from the directory with config.rb, or you'll get this error.
Finally, if you just want to take advantage of simple SASS features (and not Compass framework components), straight SASS is often simpler:
sass --watch foo.scss:foo.css
I experienced the same problem using gulp-compass-compile. Fixed that by changing srcDir option (that converts to --sass-dir option in compass compile call) for compass function from ./src/scss to src/scss. Hope that helps someone.

Syntax error: File to import not found or unreadable: foundation/common/ratios

I have foundation installed and when I edit and save the app.scss file it creates a "app.css" and a "config.rb" file in the sass folder of my project. when I open that "app.css" file I get this
Syntax error: File to import not found or unreadable: foundation/common/ratios.
and then under that I get this:
File to import not found or unreadable: foundation/common/ratios.
Load paths:
on line 1 of /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/WebApp02/sass/_settings.scss
from line 2 of /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/WebApp02/sass/app.scss
and then a bunch of paths to my gems.
It never created an app.css and config.rb file in my sass folder before I was wondering if anyone can explain why that is happening. Compass still complies to app.css in the "stylesheet" folder but I would like to fix this to keep from any future errors from happening.
config.rb file looks like this
require 'zurb-foundation'
Require any additional compass plugins here.
Set this to the root of your project when deployed:
http_path = "/"
css_dir = "stylesheets"
sass_dir = "sass"
images_dir = "images"
javascripts_dir = "javascripts"
You can select your preferred output style here (can be overridden via the command line):
output_style = :expanded or :nested or :compact or :compressed
To enable relative paths to assets via compass helper functions. Uncomment:
relative_assets = true
I was having same error in my project with sinatra. It was after upgrading from foundation 3.2.5 to version 4.0.2.
I realized that 'foundation/common/ratios' is not in the zurb-foundation gem anymore.
I had another error on "foundation not found or unreadable" so I had to modify also my Gemfile requiring 'compass' gem before zurb-foundation
gem 'compass'
gem 'zurb-foundation'
With foundation 3.2.5 'compass' wasn't explicitly required in Gemfile, but now it is and if you look at the zurb-foundation.rb code (in your ruby gemset), you can see:
if defined?(Compass)
:stylesheets_directory => File.join(root,"scss"),
:templates_directory => File.join(root,"templates")
For this reason if in the project compass is not defined before zurb-foundation, zurb-foundation.rb doesn't expand the path including the scss folder.
I hope that my experience of today, may help you.
Best regards,
I couldnt get this to work (rails 3.2.12 with asset pipeline and gem "compass-rails" and/or gem "compass") so I just locked onto 3.2.5
gem 'zurb-foundation', "= 3.2.5"
i had these same errors when trying to update a foundation 3 website using visual studio Express 2010. Express does not allow the use of the Mindscape extension tool.
so this is what worked for me a few times now. i basically start with a new webfolder using compass to create the folder. I don't waste my time trying to update because this seems to work for me. And its common to back up before a version update anyway.
from the root folder above your website. (i use the vs default path) so from the command line in rails i cd to this path
> cd C:\Users\georgegargoyle\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\WebSites\
*note if you are ungrading from foundation 3, and you only use ruby for foundation, you very well could have an old version of sass which the new foundation will need. i have not known it to hurt to just uninstall and reinstall sass
which is
> gem uninstall sass
> gem install sass
i think if it asks you the version of sass and you do not know
type the 5th option as text not the number 5 ... all versions ??
then.. type the number 5
you may get two warnings so i just hit y or yes twice.
anyway, from the websites folder type
compass create yournewfolder -r zurb-foundation --using foundation
you should see cool Woot! there it is then
> cd yournewfolder
to move into the project folder then
gem install compass
gem update compass
gem install foundation
gem update foundation
the documentation for foundation is below and i am new to this so this is not necessarily best practice, just what worked for me. Thanks to gekorob above I think i learned, which i suspected, that the order you run these commands matters because of the versions you have installed. ruby, compass, sass, foundation and visual studio.
Which i suspect can lead to problems if thinks get switched around . and would lead you here.
hope this helps and that you see lots of this.

Rubygem Executable $LOAD_PATH Issues

I'm writing an IDE in Ruby, and I'm stumped on how to get all my files to get "required" when I run the program on the command line, AND when its installed as a Rubygem.
My Rubygem has an executable file named "vr" in it. I need to make this "vr" executable file "require" all the other files from my project.
When I'm developing, its easy to require all my project's files. I simply "require" a relative path to them like this:
require_all Dir.glob(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + "/../bin/**/*.rb")
The require_all gem will work perfectly. However, I get a big problem when I install this program as a rubygem. When my "vr" executable is installed by rubygems, it copies the "vr" executable to a special directory:
This directory is totally separated from my project's root folder. And so all my project's files are no longer found by the "require" statement.
Rubygems makes this directory for my gem's root:
I need to be able to "require" all the files from that directory into my project.
My solution so far, is to make a second file called "visualruby.rb" that resides in my project's lib folder. It has the require_all statement in it to require all the project files. Then I just have to link the executable to it by adding this code to my "vr" executable file:
base_file = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib/visualruby.rb'
if File.file?(base_file)
require base_file #load from project
require 'visualruby.rb' #load from gem
It is necessary to check if there's a file named "visualruby.rb" relative to the current file because when I'm developing, it will always find the installed gem's version of "visualruby.rb" So when I make a change to a file, it has no effect. I have to force it to load the version from my development project for changes to work.
Also, my IDE creates projects from scratch, so it would be nice to know the general solution to this. I'd like to have a consistent project file system for all projects, but I'm not sure that's possible. I had the general solution of making a file called "requires.rb" for all projects, but I don't think it will work because every project will have the same filename added to the $LOAD_PATH.
Please help me understand how I can make a consistent file structure where I can develop, and make rubygems.
I found the answer to my own question:
The problem was that I was installing my rubygems using the rubygems API:
This created syslinks that messed up my paths. There is an option to make wrappers instead of syslinks and that seems to be the standard way to install:
Gem::Installer.new(file_name, :wrappers => true)
Now the a wrapper is copied to my gem's bin directory and it uses the correct path. Now I can have a universal file that can be made into a gem. And everything runs the same in development and in the gem.
A happy ending...
