Best practices of building composite custom controls WPF - controls

Can You tell me about subj?
For example I need to create new custom control that must be derived from datagrid and toolbar. And I want that new control to expose/propagate properties of base controls in order they to be accessed easily. The only way I know is deriving a class. Then descendant automatically gets all properties of ancestor. But multiple deriving in C# is prohibited, so I don't know how to expose properties and other behavior of second control... Styling and templating of such custom control is also needed.

In WPF inheritance is "out". ;O) Actually, it was complicated before WPF already, but with WPF you get various really powerful alternatives.
For the basic control I thing you'd better go with composition, create some usercontrol and make it contain a ToolBar and a DataGrid. You can then expose these as public properties, if you need to manipulate them from outside.
For special feature additions, attached properties are a very versatile mechanism.

Watching a window from is a good place to start.
Make sure you understand dependency properties well.
Reading wpf blogs is my best guest for what to do then.


EventHandlerBehavior vs EventToCommandBehavior

In Xamarin Forms what is the difference between the EventHandlerBehavior and EventToCommandBehavior? I have been using the former successfully, but the latter was suggested to me to use instead. EventToCommandBehavior is less verbose which is a good thing.
About difference between EventHandlerBehavior and EventToCommandBehavior, I have some point, you can take a look:
For EventHandlerBehavior, you need to install Behaviors.Forms in your project firstly, behaviors let you add functionality to controls without having to subclass them. Instead, the functionality is implemented in a behavior class and attached to the control as if it was part of the control itself. Behaviors enable you to implement code that you would normally have to write as code-behind, because it directly interacts with the API of the control in such a way that it can be concisely attached to the control and packaged for reuse across more than one app.
For EventToCommandBehavior,the EventToCommandBehavior is a custom class, there are need you create EventToCommandBehavior class derives from the BehaviorBase class firstly, then implementing Bindable Properties, for detailed info, you can take a look:
So I suggest you can use EventHandlerBehavior, because you don't need to create many code behind.
2021 Edit
EventHandlerBehavior from community-toolkit is now equivalent to EventHandlerBehavior.
In Xamarin Forms what is the difference between the EventHandlerBehavior and EventToCommandBehavior?
Eventhandler like:
OnTextChanged, OnSelectedIndexChanged etc are defined behind the C# code file of XAML. These methods are completely tied to your controls you define behind your pages/controls.
However the Behaviors in Xamarin allows us to ATTACH them to any View. Your behavior will know which controls it is being attached to. Hence, for those Events like OnTextChanged/OnSelectedIndexChanged can be controlled from the Behaviors.
EventToCommandBehaivor: As we already know that Behavior get attached to any view; you have to define the behavior as such that It will expose the BINDABLE property for Commands. EventToCommandBehavior is just a normal behavior control which supports binding the Command and the Eventname. Which in runtime, whenever the Event for the control get fired, your behavior will execute the Command attached making it more ViewModel friendly.
Remember if you use Events; you are writing them behind the code base than ViewModel your logics are in two separate places. If you want to properly separate the logics from View and Model then then you have to use EventToCommandBehavior.
Let me know if you need more info.

Is there a JPanel equivalent for MFC

Im my application I want to implement the feature of when a user click on a button show a Panel which will consist of some user controls. I know In Java I can easily use Jpanel and use setVisible() method to get this done easily. But this is an MFC application. I couldn't find any built or customized component that I can use for my purpose.
I also tried GroupBox. But it is not grouping the components logically.
What would be the best approach for this?
As user1793036 says, start by creating a dialog resource and CDialog derived class for the panel. In the dialog resource properties turn off the Title Bar style. In the code call Create for the dialog and then SetWindowPos to place it where you want it to appear.
MFC is nothing but a thin wrapper over Win32 API for windows and controls. The core Win32 API doesn't provide any feature to group controls in a group-box or panel. One way is to have a window and make that window parent of all required controls. Unfortunately, this isn't easy to do.
I suggest you, since you are learning, to drop the idea. Instead, learn what you can achieve with existing set of features provided by MFC/Win32. With MFC/Win32, you would, mostly need to derive/subclass a class/window to get something fancy (such as colored list-control).

Programatically setting control properties vs. using designer

Often, when I'm looking for information of how to set certain properties of controls (I'm using Visual Studio primarily, but this question does apply to any IDE), the examples I find normally involve programatically setting said properties.
Here's an example, using the DataGridView.DefaultCellStyle property on MSDN:
So my question is: is it better for a programmer to modify these properties by code, or is it better to use the IDE itself to change them via the properties pane? I realize that doing it the latter way will result in auto-generated code anyway, but it will be "somewhere else" in relation to the main bulk of user-generated code.
It depends on your requirements. If the app you are developing is planned to be dynamic, then it is a good idea to do it the way it is described in the reference you provided. For example, you may create a class containing the method which will set the basic settings of the gridview, so on every page you may just call this method and pass to it the gridview as a parameter instead of repeating setting the grid properties on every page.

Creating UI Themes for Windows Themes

Is there any way to create UI components like Telerik,DevExpress for Windows Forms. Are there any specific namespaces for this in the .NET framework . If there any please add them in here.
The closest Winforms comes to theming is child controls inheriting their parents' UI properties by default. That's pretty blunt though. 3rd party control sets do allow theming but you're not going to see anything like it in the stock .NET BCL.
But, with some clever subclassing you could create your own set of "themed" controls. Assuming you don't want to spend $ on a 3rd party package. You could pick a set of standard Winforms controls, inherit each one with your own class e.g. KalgTextBox, KalgForm etc.
Then have each class implement an interface like IKalgThemedUi with a single method like SetTheme that takes a KalgTheme object and passes it on to its children, if any, or a single property like KalgTheme which on the getter would do exactly what the method would do. The KalgTheme object would of course contain all the theming information for your control set. The theming could be as simple or complex as you want.
A couple of theme/skinning code examples:
A nice but advanced framework
A simple but not so great framework
A CSS-like implementation

With regard to an IDE, what is a property editor?

Just a quick question: When talking in terms of an IDE, what is a property editor?
You're probably hearing about the Properties Window in Visual Studio that allows you to change the properties exposed by a control at Design Time.
It looks something like this (at least, if you're kickin it old school), but generally you'll find it implemented as a grid-based window in all IDEs:
Otherwise, you're probably talking about a custom class that inherits from UITypeEditor and allows you to add design-time support to a custom control that you've created. It works in conjunction with the Properties Window shown above to add additional functionality that is relevant to the specific needs of your custom control. This is discussed in detail in this CodeProject article.
