Search stops working for "Entire Solution" - visual-studio

Somehow Visual Studio search has stopped working for me. Anytime I search "Entire Solution" for some text I get this result:
Find all "[Whatever I was searching for]", Subfolders, Find Results
1, "Entire Solution" No matching text found to look in. Find was
stopped in progress.
Why does it suddenly say "No files were found to look in"?
I've found a number of links on Google that say to press Ctrl + Break or Ctrl + Scroll Lock, but none of them seem to work for me.

I get that problem once in a while. One seemingly nonsensical solution I've found is to click inside the Find Results window (not the Output window). Once the blinking text cursor is visible, hit Ctrl+Break four or five times. This seems to "unblock" whatever causes the problem.
There are reports Ctrl + ScrLk may need to be used instead of Ctrl+Break . If these doesn't work then try Break alone.
Note from Codeguard: I have found an explanation and deterministic solution to this problem

Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-bit, Visual Studio 9.0.30729.1
Didn't Work:
Ctrl + Break
Ctrl + Scroll Lock
Restart of Visual Studio
Break (in Find Result 1 & 2) (only pressed once)
Source: Comments in Gordon's link...

Bug source
This is neither Visual Studio nor Windows related bug. In fact, the bug is in your keyboard! Many keyboards from different vendors have been reported to be buggy.
If you press Ctrl+Break and release Ctrl first, then Break gets stuck on a buggy keyboard. If you ever pressed Ctrl+Break the "wrong" way, you will have this problem with search being interrupted.
According to scan code specifications, Break and Ctrl+Break are special. They send "make" (press) AND "break" (release) scan codes the moment you press Break. They send nothing when you release Break. The buggy keyboard will send the following sequence:
Ctrl "make" scan code
Ctrl+Break "make" scan code
Ctrl "break" scan code
Pause "break" scan code
That is, Ctrl+Break is never released, but instead Pause is released.
You could for example use old good Spy++ from Visual Studio tools. Attach it to anything, for example Windows notepad, and monitor messages (I suggest that you select only keyboard messages). Press Ctrl+Break, releasing Ctrl first. Check the output from Spy++. You will see the sequence I shown in Details section.
I have tried two different keyboards on the same computer. Logitech K120 has the bug while some other Mitsumi keyboard behaves according to specifications and does not have the bug.
If you think about it, it's easy to understand that correct behavior needs special case handling, while buggy behavior is naive. This is why many different keyboards can be buggy.
Replace your keyboard :)
You simply need to press Ctrl+Break, paying attention to releasing Break first. It doesn't matter which application is active.

This bug has been in Visual Studio a long time and it never seems to get fixed.
See this MS Connect item from 2004:
I couldn't believe they still hadn't fixed it in VS2010 - but it's still there :(
The Connect item has been marked as Closed - Won't Fix:

Ctrl+Break or Ctrl+ScrLk cancel a find operation. Try it. What has happened is that some software layer (presumably Windows) thinks those keys are still being pressed even though they are not. Pressing and releasing them clears the flag.
It could be any of these combinations:
Remember that you have multiple control and alt keys on your keyboard -- try it with each of them. If it's the right Ctrl key + ScrLk, pressing the left Ctrl is not going to resolve the issue.
Here is the Connect issue which Microsoft closed as "Won't Fix".
If this is a recurring problem for you, there is a Visual Studio extension that suppresses the virtual key that causes the problem.

Ctrl + F and Ctrl + Shift + F have stopped working on Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition.
My friend told me going to:
Tools → Import and Export Settings:
Choose: Reset all settings → Next
Choose: No, just reset settings, overwriting my current settings → Next
Choose: General → Finish

In my case I had a bogus character in the "Look at these file types:" field in the search window.
Removing the character solved the problem.
Visual Studio 2017

Search solution in Visual Studio 2012 is broke. I tested this on three machines, did not work on two. What I found which does work is click on drop down arrow next to search field and select Find all. This is a bit of pain because you have to select drop down every time you search in solution.

I tried all the previous options. They didn't work for me, but reading them made me sure that this is a bug, and I will have to try some unknown ways to get it working. So, I tried a simple file search in Visual Studio 2010 in:
The current document
All the open documents
Both of which worked.
Then I tried Find in Files and woah! It started working.

Unfortunately none of these special key strokes work for me. Only restarting Visual Studio 2010 seems to work for me.

I had the same problem in Visual Studio 2013 (Update 3). None of the key combinations listed previously worked for me. I had *.cs selected in the FileTypes.
To get it working, I changed it to *.*, and then back again to *.cs - now it works.

I have been using Visual Studio 13 without this problem for couple of years now and I started having this issue after applying Update 5 or it could be a weird keys combo pressed by me unknowingly which triggered it, I don't know for sure.
Echelon_Force's solution worked for me. Thanks!
Didn't Work:
Ctrl + Break
Ctrl + Scroll Lock
Break (in Find Result 1 & 2 window - Only pressed once)
Happy finding in files!

All of the combinations of Scroll Lock and Break didn't do anything for me. As a workaround, I added the solution directory to the Search Folders (the second ellipsis button), then changed the Look In field to the solution directory. The root problem still exists, but for me, this is functionally the same thing.
(Visual Studio 2013, Windows 8.1, x64)

I was using Visual Studio 2022 (tried with both professional and community, V 17.2.5), my search function was not working in Find in All Files, so I browsed to my solution folder, under .vs\{ProjectName} folder, there is another folder with name FileContentIndex. After closing visual studio and deleting this folder, and restarting vs, seemed to solve my problems, and my Find in All Files started functioning correctly.

I had the same problem as glenneroo today, after updating Visual Studio 2019 to 16.4.3. Found a solution that worked for me here.
Open Find Options and check if there is a (special) character in the Look at these file types text field. If so, remove it.

In Visual Studio 2013 after Update 3, I had the same problem. Before, I could just put ".cs" or ".cshtml" in the Look at these file types: and it would work. But after Update 3 I now have to put ".cs" or ".cshtml" (or whatever file types I want to search in) and it works fine.

This works for me after everything else didn't or worked only sometimes:
Do the search, and while searching, hold CRTL all the time and keep pressing Break.

If you are searching for multiple file types, they must be separated with a ; character, not a space.
This returns the correct results:
This returns nothing at all:
*.cs *.vb *.js *.aspx
This isn't the problem the original poster, but for other people who can't figure out why their search isn't working, this could be the reason.

Another late-to-the-party answer, but I found yet another "solution" for this problem.
When it looks as if the Visual Studio app has frozen on search...leave it alone. Don't close it. Don't restart it. Just let it go for about 10-15 minutes and the problem may correct itself, as it did in my specific case. I'm not sure as to why leaving it alone solved the problem, although my wholly uneducated guess is that Visual Studio is building some sort of an index to be able to search files and running into a snag. Once the 10-15 minutes are up and VS completes its search, it seems fine after that.

Probably won't apply to most situations, but what fixed it for me was turning off 'Use Regular Expressions' in the search window. I had previously been using Regular Expressions for some tricky replacements and didn't turn off when finished. I think perhaps it was interpreting part of simple replace text (see below - had some special characters) as the start of an incomplete or malformed regular expression, and so couldn't actually do any matching. Would be nice if it told you!

It only seems to lock-up if I use Ctrl + F (Find in Entire Solution) and never if I use Ctrl + Shift + F (Find in Files).

That Ctrl+Break trick worked for me for years, it's really interesting to finally understand why this happens. With VS2015 I have somewhat related problem with search: my Ctrl+Shift+F simply does not work, this key combination seems to be ignored when I press it. I tried to reinstall even VS 2015 and I still got that same broken behavior.
In case somebody has identical problem, here's what was the reason:
I turns out that for whatever random reason VS2015 shows that "find in files" dialog on another monitor that's attached to my PC. That other monitor is 4K Samsung TV that normally stays "Off" and I have no clue why VS 2015 sends that search dialog box to that monitor. Surprisingly, when I turn on my TV the search dialog moves to the primary monitor on its own!

Ctrl + Break works for Visual Studio 2008

Nothing worked for me. I use also Resharper. So I had to reset my VS key bindings and reapply Resharper shortcuts. Only this got me it working.
Reset current keyboard configuration (Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard | Reset).
Go to ReSharper | Options | Environment | Keyboard & Menus | "Visual Studio" | Apply Scheme.

I am running Visual Studio 2012 Professional in a Virtual Machine, connecting using rdesktop from a Linux machine.
None of the other suggestions worked, but solved the problem was:
Go to the 'Find and Replace' screen. (ctrl-shift-f in my case)
Enter a search text and choose 'Entire Solution'
Hit 'Find Next', it should find a result.
Hit 'Find All', now works without aborting. (Note, i hit my Mouse really hard and some swearing was involved, too, but I don't think that has any relevance apart from a psychological one :D )

Tried all the solution, but the fixed of mine was I accidently change to another language keyboard on my windows, after I change back to English keyboard, it work, finally I can ctrl + shirt + f

I'm currently using VS2019 16.7.7, and, if I try to find something in the whole solution, VS never finds all the occurrences, sometimes only one, or none.
In some recent release of VS2019 (perhaps 16.5 or 16.6) the old "Find and replace" dialog was replaced by a new "Find in files" dialog, and this new one is failing for me. One solution that worked for me was to disable the new "Find in files" and keep using the old "Find and replace" dialog by checking Use previous Find In Files in Tools > Options > Environment > Preview features.
However, I observed that this was only failing in one of my open Visual Studio instances, so I tried the simple "close VS and open it again", enabled the new "Find in files" functionality, and it started working.
Two possible solutions, in case the simple "close and open again" fails.

The following worked for me. Visual Studio → menu Windows → Reset Window Panel. The resizing of Visual Studio made it to hide the option.

This was one of my biggest problems with Visual Studio. For me (Windows 10, Visual Studio 2015) the find in all files window got locked with a white-out, and guess what, hitting print screen solves it.

This has begun occurring for me with the update to Version 15.8.8 of Visual Studio. None of the above steps worked. There is no error. Just what appears to be a 'stuck' search.
I had recently installed ApexSQL Refactor 2018.03.0331. Uninstalling this did not resolve the issue and does not seems to be the cause. It seems to be related to Version 15.8.8 of Visual Studio update.
I completely uninstalled Visual Studio and reinstalled Version 15.8.8 again. The issue with Ctrl-Shift-F searching the Entire Solution is no longer an issue. Whatever caused the problem does resolve after uninstalling and installing.
I once again installed ApexSQL Refactor 2018.03.0331 and everything still works well.


F12 finds all references, not go to definition

Lately my F12 key does not seem to be working as expected in Visual Studio 2010 Professional SP1. It should go to the definition of what is selected, but instead it's performing the find all references task - Ctrl+K, R.
Does anyone have any ideas how I can fix this? It is getting quite annoying as I routinely use this shortcut - I am working on a large solution where it sometimes locks visual studio briefly trying to find all references.
I have tried going to Tools -> Options -> Enviroment -> Keyboard -> Reset with no success.
One other thing: it only does it sometimes and I am yet to distinguish a pattern when it does and does not work as expected.
One thing I forgot to say is that when it does not work, the second time I press F12 it does take me to the definition, it's just the first press that finds all references.
You can set any keyboard shortcut to any command.
Type edit.gotodefinition to select the command and press F12 to assign the key.
like this
Maybe there is more than one definition for the class or function in your project?
I had this problem after copy/pasting a class definition. After pressing F12 on the class name, it first brought up a search result showing both files in which the class name was found. If you press F12 another time, it will jump to the first one in the search results.
Did you know that you can use Ctrl + - (Minus) to jump back? :-)
I experienced this exact misbehavior today with VC++ 2013: pressing F12 was no longer jumping to a method's definition, but was instead showing a list of references to that method.
Turns out IntelliSense is required in order for the command Edit.GoToDefinition to work, which I had disabled this morning. Setting Tools>Options>Text editor>C/C++>Advanced>IntelliSense> Disable IntelliSense back to False fixed the problem.
Delete your SUO file before opening your project in Visual Studio. Unfortunately you have to do this every time before opening your project. This will also work when Visual Studio stopped regenerating the designer files.
I had the same issue where my F12 key was not working nor were any of my other Function keys. After spending some frustrating time Googling I found that my fancy keyboard had the function key locked! So check that too before try the Tools-> Options

Only can type letters in Visual Studio 2008

In my VS2008, suddenly, I can use just letters, no enter, space, delete, backspace, or any other keys.
Any advice how to fix this?
Keyboard is working perfectly in other applications.
I was having this problem several times a day. Make sure the Language setting is set to "Same as Microsoft Windows" under Tools -> Options -> Environment.
ReSharper Options - Environment - General - Clear Caches solved problem.
Close the document that you are working on and reopen it. It works for me when my keyboard seems to be not functioning and i can't type into the current form.
For me the only thing that worked is this solution in this link =>
Just go to tools -> options -> Environment -> Keyboard and click on reset button on the top right corner
Try to remember line number (better ;) ), close the file you want to modify, then re open it.
It happening sometimes to me and that "hack" works perfectly.
It is realy strange behaviour, in my case even the restart of windows was not helpful. the trick was for me to open the project using "File" menu in VS and then open the .csproj not
.sln file.
Disabling Productivity Power Tools and restarting the IDE worked for me.
Should not that it was very shortly after installing Resharper that the problem occurred, having never experienced it before.
It happens to me when I'm close to run out of RAM. Closing processes (not VS) makes keyboard usable again.
I work under a Virtual Machine, On my case I had to close and open the VS again.
Have you been comparing changes before a push/commit? Check if you have any modal windows open. Had the same problem and when I tried to close VS17, it warned me, that I had a modal window that prevented some user inputs. I pressed "ok" to the window, restarted VS and I could again do inputs. I had the exact same error as you - could insert letters, but couldnt fx delete, "end", "home" etc.
I had the same issue with Visual Studio 2017. I was not able to remove code after typing. I just close the Visual Studio and run as administrator. Its working fine for me.
Set another keyword mapping scheme in the
Tools - Options - Environment - Keyboard
Look at your keyboard shortcuts and make sure there isn't anything set to any of the keys you're trying to use. This happened with me when I installed an extension and messed with some keyboard shortcuts and inadvertently set settings sync to 'c' no matter where it was input.
Close vertical or horizontal group.

Enter., Backspace and the navigation keys not responding in Visual Studio 2010 w/ Powertools/Resharper

I have this very annoying problem that in Razor Views the Enter, Backspace and the navigation keys frequently do not respond. I have to restart VS to get it back to normal again. Am I missing something?
I had the same problem and solved it by saving the razor file (Ctrl + S). Once I did this I could use the Enter, Backspace and Navigation keys again.
I believe that Alt + Enter may also work.
I don't often get into this state and the above solution does not solve the underlying problem. I believe that it may have something to do with ReSharper but have not figured out if this assumption is true or not.
There are a number of pages that discuss this type of problem:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Please try deleting the hidden '.suo' config from the solution folder.
I know this thread was created some time ago, but this may be an useful tip for someone.
This was happening to me in VS 2010, despite not using R#. After digging through those links #Ryan Spears put in his post I have come across a permanent solution Source. (Note that #Maffelu's solution did work for me, but it can switch back if I accidentally hit Left Alt + Shift).
This is also weird because Left Alt + Shift doesn't seem to change it back, so you have to go to the source: a key binding buried in the Windows Control Panel:
Control Panel > Region and Language > Keyboards and Languages > Change Keyboards > Advanced Key Settings > Change Key Sequence > Select "Not Assigned" for both Switching Input Language and Switch Keyboard Layout.
I've seen the same in Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 CTP.
None of the above solutions worked, but restarting Visual Studio did (after displaying the below warning).
I don't use ReSharper and this still happened. Pressing Control + Tab twice worked for me.
Something that worked for me:
Try Tools > Import and Export Settings... then only select Keyboard.
Search for Bkspce and see if it is being used for anything.
I accidentally had something Global bound to Bkspce, Bkspce which caused a very strange problem.
This happened to me when I installed ReSharper to a Visual Studio that has VsVim installed, and I fixed it by doing the following:
Uninstall VsVim
Reset the keyboard mapping to default in Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard
Set the ReSharper keyboard shortcut mapping in ReSharper options. (I use ReSharper 2.x or IntelliJ IDEA), and make sure Enter, Backspace, etc work.
Install VsVim and configure its keyboard options.
This issue occurred for me (in VS 2019) after installing a visual studio extension. So try removing any recently installed extensions.
The extension I used was File Nesting.
Note: System reboot didn't fix the problem.
Resharper could be the reason.None of the solutions above worked for me.
First check if Resharper is the problem.
Simply navigate to Tools > Options > ReSharper > General > Click suspend Resharper.
After taking steps above, if it works now as expected,then your problem could be caused by cache.
Clear cache following by the navigation below.
Resharper > Options > General > Clear caches or erase them manually
Or problem can be caused by not matching script tags in the cshtml.(Weird but it was the case that causes my problem)
If you have too many files open in Visual Studio 2010 then Enter or Backspace key will stop working intermittently. Try closing some files and Enter and Backspace key will start working.

Visual Studio Intellisense not work

I have one problem. When I press ctrl + space the Intellisense window will not show, but it works! I can chose any word by arrows press enter and then it one will appear, but the windows with this words not show. Some times it showed sometimes no. This problem occurs only when I am working with TFS project.
This is enabled
Tools->Options->Text Editor->C#->General->Auto list members
Tools->Options->Text Editor->C#->General->Parameter information
Tools->Options->Text Editor->C#->Intellisense->Show completion list after a character is typed
I have just committed changes, and the same problem occurred on colleges PC).
It's a bit old, but today, a colleague faced the same problem : intellisense did not work, neither than outlining.
He also had the line {GlobalSection(PowerDesigner) = preSolution HasSWS = 1 EndGlobalSection } in one of ours *.slns.
When he delete this line, intellisense work...better, but the outlining did work.
As it work pretty well on my computer, we found the only difference was a plugin : PowerDesigner from Sybase.
Without this plugin, intellisense and outlining work well again.
This was installed silently with another Sybase's product.

Visual Studio "Find" results in "No files were found to look in. Find stopped progress."

Sometimes while developing in Visual Studio IDE, when you use "Find in Files" dialog to find something, the search fails and you will see the following message in the "Find Results" window.
No files were found to look in. Find stopped progress
Once this message shows up, all the subsequent searches will result in the same message. Nothing fixes the problem including restarting the computer except pressing Ctrl + ScrLk.
What causes Visual Studio to get into this state and is there a setting to permanently prevent it from happening?
According to this thread:
Posted by Microsoft on 10/13/2009 at
4:33 PM
Hi all,
Thank you for your continued interest
in this bug. We have been able to
reproduce the issue intermittently in
several versions of Visual Studio
running on several versions of Windows
and have identified the root cause as
external to VS. The Windows team
unfortunately did not have time to fix
this for their current release, but we
are working with them to hopefully
have this bug fixed for a future
version of Windows. At present, the
workaround (as many of you noted) is
to press Ctrl+Scroll Lock, Ctrl+Break,
or the Break key alone.
Again, thanks for all of the details
you provided about this bug. If you
have any further questions or
comments, please feel free to post
again here; although this issue was
closed quite a while ago, I'll make
sure it stays on our radar.
Thanks, Brittany Behrens Program
Manager, VS Platform - Editor
This bug has been around since at least 2004 and, as of the above post in 2009, had not been fixed.
Sometimes Ctrl + Break works, sometimes Alt + Break, sometimes Ctrl + Scroll Lock, and other times Alt + Scroll Lock.
Right now, nothing works. This has been a huge problem for me. Shame on Microsoft for not fixing this bug in the last nine years.
Apparently, for those for who the key combinations don't work (like me at the moment), deleting the following registry key brings salvation:
MyComputer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\[VS VERSION NUMBER]\Find
Of course, [VS VERSION NUMBER] should be internal version number of the IDE. Don't forget to restart your computer.
Mind you, deleting stuff in the registry is dangerous. Like anyone on SO cares but anyway...
I don't think there is anything you can do to prevent it.
It seems to occur after I have stopped a build with CTRL+Break...Maybe I am pressing CTRL+Scroll Lock during that time???
I have only had it happen to me 2-3 times, and that was several months apart.
What he is saying is that occasionally when performing a search within Visual Studio you get the mentioned error message. Even though you know there is stuff to find. It is some weird state that Visual Studio gets into. If you press the (CTRL+Scroll Lock) it will 'fix' the issue.
There are currently nine bugs on the Connect site related to this and marked as Not reproducible.
I created another one for Visual Studio 2010 SP1: "Find was stopped in progress" while performing search in Visual Studio
Please vote for it if you are unable to perform search.
PS: Microsoft claims that they fixed it in Visual Studio 2012.
I have had this problem and saw peoples' answers about the multiple Ctrl + Break/Pause Scroll Lock combinations.
I considered this, but I thought it a poor workaround (especially as I use a Mac Keyboard so those keys are not easily available).
So the solution I found was to do this:
Menu: Tools → Options → Environment → Find and Replace
Uncheck the top three check boxes (checked by default in my settings).
Re-check the top three check boxes.
Et voila, everything should work fine.
Well, it did for me anyway, which was a relief as I can't believe Microsoft would allow a weird key combination as a work around for a bug like this.
I submit this hoping it may help!
See if this Stack Overflow question helps:
Search stops working for "Entire Solution"
Short version of the solution:
You should try clicking inside the Find Results window, and once the blinking text cursor is visible, hit Ctrl + Break four or five times. That should do the trick.
My experience with this problem:
Steps to Reproduce
I just experienced this using Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard and Visual Studio 2010 SP1.
I was accessing Visual Studio remotely through Citrix Receiver (from my computer, A, to B) and through Windows Remote Desktop (from B to C). In this set-up (chaining two remote sessions), I sometimes have stuck modifier keys.
In B, I had pressed Windows+Pause to access the System Properties window. (This may or may not be related; I suspect there could have been a stuck key press or something.)
Later on, when I opened Visual Studio on C, I had this problem. Note that I always use Ctrl+Shift+F to access the Find All window.
I solved it by pressing Ctrl+Scroll Lock as suggested in other answers.
As for why this happens, I did notice that if I press Ctrl+Break while the text cursor is in the Find Results window but before any results are found then the search stops with the same message. This indicates to me that it's related to a keyboard problem.
As reported by others, apparently it's a Windows bug. Here's a discussion about this.
I encountered a very similar problem. I was searching a folder for all files for a phrase in all .cs files in my solution. Visual Studio kept saying "No files were found to look in". (It did not have the "Find stopped progress" part of the message.)
I searched for the message and found this question. The suggested keyboard commands in other answers did not work.
I like to use the keyboard for navigation. I had accidentally hit Alt+B and Space. Alt+B is the shortcut to jump to the "Include sub-folders" checkbox on the Find and Replace form. The space bar cleared the checkbox, and then Alt+A performed a Find All action. Because it was not searching sub-folders, no files were found. The message was correct.
After checking the "Include sub-folders" box, searches found the matching files in sub-folders. So if you're getting the message "No files were found to look in" without the message "Find stopped progress", ensure the search is looking in sub-folders!
I thought I was seeing this problem, but after two days of searching for a solution I figured out that the "Look at these file types" selector had changed and didn't include the file extension I needed.
I had this in Visual Studio 2015 yesterday.
In Find in Files, in the textfield Look in:, I typed
instead of Entire Solution, and that also caused No files were found to look in.
This is not a Visual Studio bug or Windows bug. It's a keyboard bug. Please see an answer in duplicate question
I can reproduce your issue.
There are some steps as following below you can try:
Check the setting Find and Replace (menu Tools → Environment → Find and Replace).
Open "Developer Command Prompt for VS2013" and paste
“devenv.exe /resetsettings”
Use the Visual Studio Setup Wizard (via Control Panel) to repair Visual Studio. You also can read the reference about Find in Files:
I have found another cause of this: Moving the solution folder to a new location, when CMake is part of the build process.
I was working with the Chromium Embedded Framework and moved the main CEF folder from e:\ to c:\ . This seems to break everything including Find because the CMake build scripts it uses hard-code the disk volume and full path (E:\folder) into the source paths.
To be clear, Press Ctrl + ScrlLck, with the Search Window open. That resolved it for me too.
