Override target in makefile to add more commands? - makefile

At work we use a common makefile that other makefiles include (via the include statement) and it has a generic "clean" target that kills some common files. I want to add on to that target in my new makefile so I can delete some specific files, but if I add a clean target in my makefile, it just overrides the old one.
I know I can just make a new target with a new name and have it call clean, and then do other stuff, but for sake of consistency I'd like to be able to just call make clean and have it do everything.
Is that possible?

I've seen this done at several shops. The most common approach is to use double-colon rules, assuming you're using something like GNU make. In your common makefile you would have something like this:
# standard cleanup, like remove all .o's:
rm -f *.o
Note that there are two colons following clean, not just one!
In your other makefile you just declare clean again, as a double-colon rule:
# custom cleanup, like remove my special generated files:
rm -f *.h.gen
When you invoke make clean, GNU make will automagically run both of these "branches" of the clean rule:
% make clean
rm -f *.o
rm -f *.h.gen
It's simple to set up and it composes quite neatly I think. Note that specifically because it is a double-colon rule, you don't get the "overriding commands" errors you normally get when you define two rules for the same target. That's sort of the point of double-colon rules.

You can write your own clean and make it a preq of the common clean.
clean: myclean
rm whatever
Yours will run first. If for some reason you want the common clean to run first then the solution will be more complicated.
Here is the best solution I can see which runs the common rule before the local one:
include Makefile.common
$(MAKE) -f Makefile.common $#
rm whatever additional things
The include directive is necessary because the local makefile relies on the common one for things other than clean. The local clean rule overrides the common clean rule, but invokes the common clean rule before doing the additional work. (This overriding will cause some warnings, which is a nuisance; I don't know a good way to silence them.)

Use implicit rules:
existing-target: my-extention
echo running command 1
echo running command 2
Very simple make tutorial to ramp up.
When using :: you can run into issues since make complains when you mix single colon : and double colon :: rules:
echo a
echo aa
will result in:
. . .
*** target file `a' has both : and :: entries. Stop.

It seems like the common makefile's rule should be called something like common-clean. Then each main makefile would declare their clean rule as
clean: common-clean
and you're set.
If that isn't an option, you could take a look at double colon rules, but those introduce a whole other set of issues to consider.

Adding another possible solution I've seen for posterity... I know the OP was wary about changing the common makefile, but something like this works and involves minimal changes.
local makefile 1:
CLEAN=MyExe1 MyExe2
include /my/common/makefile
local makefile 2:
CLEAN=MyExe3 MyExe4
include /my/common/makefile
common makefile:
rm -f *.dep *.o *.a $(CLEAN)
Basically the idea is to define some variable (in this case CLEAN) in each local makefile with all the specific items you want to delete. Then the common makefile runs rm -f on all the common file types to delete, plus whatever was specifically flagged for deletion in each local makefile via the CLEAN variable. If there's nothing specific to delete, simply omit the variable declaration or leave it empty (CLEAN=)
So now if we run make clean for local makefile 1, it executes
rm -f *.dep *.o *.a MyExe1 MyExe2
And if we run make clean for local makefile 2, it executes
rm -f *.dep *.o *.a MyExe3 MyExe4

I've found a better solution:
.PHONY: my-extra-clean
clean: my-extra-clean
rm <whatever-you-want>
include Makefile.common
The key line is clean: my-extra-clean. Ie, you can add dependencies in separate stanzas in different makefiles to add behaviour. my-extra-clean is run as a dependency of the root clean target.

For ours, we define a variable, EXTRAFILESTOCLEAN, then when the clean rule runs, it has a step to remove anything specified in the EXTRAFILESTOCLEAN variable
rm -f *.o
That can cause unexpected problems if you set that variable to weird values, but you could guard against those by adding prefixes or other tests.

It's in the docs: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Overriding-Makefiles.html
So instead of include Makefile you use a wildcard target and forward it to the base Makefile:
# -include base.Makefile <--- not this
#$(MAKE) -f base.Makefile $#


Global prerequisite in GNU make - is it possible

I have a Makefile with tons of targets and would like for a certain script to get executed first, irrespective of what target is being called. I like to call it a global prerequisite.
I do not want to create a target for the script and set it as a prerequisite for all existing targets (which, as I said aren't few). Besides, someone else could add a target in future and not add my script as a prerequisite for their target, so the global prerequisite would take care of that.
Does GNU-make provide for a means to achieve this?
Another approach:
-include dummy
.PHONY: dummy
Make will always attempt to rebuild any file which the makefile attempts to include (if it is out of date or does not exist). In this case there is no such file, and the rule to build it runs the script and does nothing else.
There is a solution without modifying your existing Makefile (main difference with the answers pointed to by tripleee). Just create a makefile containing:
.PHONY: all
#$(MAKE) -f Makefile --no-print-directory $(MAKECMDGOALS) MAKE='$(MAKE) -f Makefile'
The only drawback is that the pre- and post- scripts will always be run, even if there is nothing else to do. But they will not be run if you invoke make with one of the --dry-run options (other difference with the answers pointed to by tripleee).

Makefile how to not remove one specific object file while remove all other object files and executable files?

Right now I have this command: rm -f *.x *.o, which removes all the object files and executable files by calling make clean in my shell. But I have one specific object file, say a.o that I do not want to remove. How can I do this without hardcoding it? Note that I can only implement it under C90 because this is an assignment.
Firstly, do not issue wildcard remove commands in a clean: rule (or any other). When the user types make clean, they could lose files that is not even under the control of the build system. Your build system should only clean what it builds. (That is, at least with the "regular strength" clean target; here we should acknowledge the widespread practice of providing additional targets that remove editor backup files, tags, generated configuration materials and whatnot.)
The object files should be listed in some variable like $(OBJS) and should be removed using rm -f ... $(OBJS).
If a certain object file is not to be removed, you can divide things:
Then in the clean rule, just remove the $(DISPOSABLE_OBJS).
In GNU Make you have additional flexibilities, like rm -f $(filter-out keep1.o keep2.o,$(OBJS)) to remove all $(OBJS) except keep1.o and keep2.o.

copying only changed files between directories using Makefile

I read this: Makefile: Copying files with a rule but couldn't do it.
To make it simple, suppose I have two directories dir1 and dir2. Under dir1 I have three files: rabbit.c, tiger.c and bus.c .
I made Makefile like this:
cp -f $< $#
I specified the prerequisites in three separate lines and specified the unified recipe for the three targets. I expected when I touch any file under dir1, make will copy that file to dir2. But this happend only for rabbit.c. What is wrong?
ADD(after selecting an answer) :
After realizing what's wrong by Takkat's answer, I fixed it and later modified it further and I think this is the correct simplest Makefile for this case.
LIST:=rabbit.c tiger.c bike.c
DSTFILES:=$(addprefix dir2/, $(LIST))
all: $(DSTFILES)
cp -f $< $#
Make chooses a default target in your makefile and, unless you specify differently on the command line, it builds just that target (and all prerequisites required to build that target).
The default target in a makefile is, by default, the first explicit target listed.
So in your makefile the first rule is:
so the first explicit target is dir2/rabbit.c, so that's all make builds.
If you want to build multiple targets by default, you need a first target that lists all the "real" targets as prerequisites; put this line first in your makefile:
all: dir2/rabbit.c dir2/tiger.c dir2/bike.c
and it will work. It's often considered good practice to declare targets like this, which don't relate to real files on the disk, as phony:
.PHONY: all

Alias target name in Makefile

The Problem:
Is it possible to give a target a different name or alias, such that it can be invoked using either the original target name or the alias.
For example something like
/very/long/path/my_binary: dep_a dep_b dep_c
# Compile
# Desired command
ALIAS my_binary = /very/long/path/my_binary
# NOTE: Notice the use of 'my_binary' in the dependencies
data1: my_binary datafile
# Build data file using compiled my_binary
Attempt 1: .PHONY
I have tried using a .PHONY target:
.PHONY: my_binary
my_binary: /very/long/path/my_binary
This works great when invoked from the command-line:
# Runs rule 'my_binary' and then *only* runs rule '/very/long/path/my_binary'
# if the rule '/very/long/path/my_binary' needs updating.
make my_binary
However, this does not work well when the alias my_binary is listed as a dependency:
# *Always* thinks that rule 'data1' needs updating, because it always thinks that
# the .PHONY target 'my_binary' "needs updating". As a result, 'data1' is
# rebuilt every time.
make /very/long/path/my_binary
Possible hack?
A possible hack is to use an empty target as suggested in an answer to this question, but that would require introducing fake files with names corresponding to the alias:
my_binary: /very/long/path/my_binary
touch my_binary
This will clutter the main directory with files! Placing the fake files in a sub-directory would defeat the purpose, as the alias would have to be referred to as 'directory/my_binary'
Okay, I needed something similar. The path to my output artifacts were quite long, but I wanted short target names and also benefit easily from bash-completion.
Here is what I'm came up with:
os := [arbitrary long path to an artifact]
platform := [arbitrary long path to a differ artifact]
packer := [common parts of my packer build command]
.PHONY: all
all: $(platform)
.PHONY: platform
platform: $(platform)
$(platform): platform.json $(os)
#$(packer) $<
.PHONY: os
os: $(os)
$(os): os.json
#$(packer) $<
.PHONY: clean
rm -fr build/
With the Makefile above you can say:
$ make os
$ make platform
Which will be aliases for the long artifact names. I've made the snippet above quite long, because it's important to see the relationships between the .PHONY aliases and the real targets. I hope that works for you.
Note: I did not delete the clean target from the above example, because many people does not make that a .PHONY target. However, semantically it should be.
I don't think there's any way to do it so that you can use the alias from within your makefile as well as the command line, except by creating those temporary files.
Why can't you just set a variable in the makefile, like:
my_binary = /very/long/path/my_binary
then use $(my_binary) everywhere in the makefile? I don't see any point in creating a real alias target for use inside the makefile.
I had a somewhat similar need. I wanted users of my makefile to be able to enter any of the following to accomplish the same result, such that the following were effectively synonyms of each other:
make hit list
make hitlist
make hit_list
What I did in my makefile was the following:
#echo Got here
<the real recipe goes here>
hit: hit_list
hitlist: hit_list
.PHONY: list
#echo > /dev/null
Then, when I tested it using any of the commands "make hit list", "make hitlist", or "make hit_list", I got identical results, as intended.
By extension, if one of your targets was the one with the long name but you used this approach whereby a simple short name identified the target with the long name as a prerequisite, I think that you should be able to say "make short_name" and accomplish what you're asking about.
This differs from your Approach 1 in that none of the synonyms is defined as a phony target (considering that "make hit list" is a command to make two targets, the second being effectively a noop), so the complication that you described would not arise.

Execute one make target for multiple rules

I have a list of libraries where each have 2 files (.so, .dll).
How should I create a make rule which would execute the recipe only once if both of the files are missing or if one of them is missing.
LIBS = alib blib
LIBS_SO = $(patsubst %, %.so, $(LIBS))
LIBS_DLL = $(patsubst %, %.dll, $(LIBS))
If I make this target
cp .....
it copies only once for all of the the possibilities.
If I make this:
all : $(LIBS_SO) $(LIBS_DSS):
cp .....
I copy in all cases of any missing files.
I want to copy the alib directory if both or one of the files alib.dll / alib.so is missing; the
the same with blib.
You have a consistent typo of LIBS_DSS where you (presumably) meant LIBS_DLL.
Your first 'rule' is a shorthand for:
cp ...
cp ...
cp ...
cp ...
So, when asked to build, make builds the first target in the file, which is alib.so. That's why it does it once.
The second version, when fixed to remove the extra colon and the typo, should work:
all: $(LIBS_SO) $(LIBS_DLL)
cp .....
The default rule is all; to make all, make ensures that each of the files alib.so, blib.so, alib.dll and blib.dll exists and is up to date. It should execute the commands once for each missing target.
You might conceivably run into trouble if you run a parallel make; make -j4 or something similar. It might launch four copy commands almost simultaneously to make each of the targets. But in a non-parallel build, it will ensure alib.so is up to date (and if it isn't, will do the copy). If that copy also copies alib.dll, then it won't recopy when it ensures alib.dll is up to date.
You haven't given us much information, but I think this will do what you want:
all : $(LIBS_SO) $(LIBS_DLL):
%.so %.dll:
cp $* directory ...
If both alib.so and alib.dll are missing, Make will execute this rule only once.
EDIT: Thanks to Jonathan Leffler for catching the typo.
