Information on N-way set associative Cache stides - memory-management

Several of the resources I've gone to on the internet have disagree on how set associative caching works.
For example hardware secrets seem to believe it works like this:
Then the main RAM memory is divided in
the same number of blocks available in
the memory cache. Keeping the 512 KB
4-way set associative example, the
main RAM would be divided into 2,048
blocks, the same number of blocks
available inside the memory cache.
Each memory block is linked to a set
of lines inside the cache, just like
in the direct mapped cache.
They seem to be saying that each cache block(4 cache lines) maps to a particular block of contiguous RAM. They are saying non-contiguous blocks of system memory(RAM) can't map to the same cache block.
This is there picture of how hardwaresecrets thinks it works
Contrast that with wikipedia's picture of set associative cache
Brown disagrees with hardware secrets
Consider what might happen if each
cache line had two sets of fields: two
valid bits, two dirty bits, two tag
fields, and two data fields. One set
of fields could cache data for one
area of main memory, and the other for
another area which happens to map to
the same cache line.
That is, non-contiguous blocks of system memory can map to the same cache block.
How are the relationships between non-contiguous blocks on system memory and cache blocks created. I read somewhere that these relationships are based on cache strides, but I can't find any information on cache strides other than that they exist.
Who is right?
If striding is actually used, how does striding work and do I have the correct technical name? How do I find the stride for a particular system? is it based on the paging system? Can someone point me to a url that explains N-way set associative cache in great detail?
also see:

When I teach cache memory architecture to my students, I start with a direct-mapped cache. Once that is understood, you can think of N-way set associative caches as parallel blocks of direct-mapped cache. To understand that both figures may be correct, you need to first understand the purpose of set-assoc caches.
They are designed to work around the problem of 'aliasing' in a direct-mapped cache, where multiple memory locations can map to a specific cache entry. This is illustrated in the Wikipedia figure. So, instead of evicting a cache entry, we can use a N-way cache to store the other 'aliased' memory locations.
In effect, the hardware secrets diagram would be correct assuming the order of replacement is such that the first chunk of main memory is mapped to Way-1 and then the second chunk to Way-2 and so on so forth. However, it is equally possible to have the first chunk of main memory spread over multiple Ways.
Hope this explanation helps!
PS: Contiguous memory locations are only needed for a single cache line, exploiting spatial locality. As for the latter part of your question, I believe that you may be confusing several different concepts.

The replacement policy decides where in the cache a copy of a
particular entry of main memory will go. If the replacement policy is
free to choose any entry in the cache to hold the copy, the cache is
called fully associative. At the other extreme, if each entry in main
memory can go in just one place in the cache, the cache is direct
mapped. Many caches implement a compromise in which each entry in main
memory can go to any one of N places in the cache, and are described
as N-way set associative


How many block from main memory could be mapped to the same cache block?

What is the best amount of main memory address to map to the same cache block?
I want to give an example to clarify my question.
Assume we want to map 512 KB main memory to 4 KB cache. If we choose to create a direct mapped cache: we are going to map 128 main memory addresses to the same cache block? Is it too much? How to know?
Your question doesn't have enough information to say how many blocks of main memory would map to the same cache line.  What's missing is the block size: number of bytes per block.
As to whether any given cache is sufficient, that is a question of the job, also know as the workload — different workloads/jobs will exhibit different behaviors.  The same job/program with different sets of input can exhibit different behaviors.  Actual experimentation is pretty much the only way to know, but no matter what it will be a judgement call as to whether any given settings are "good enough".
When you have thrashing of cache lines, as is possible with direct mapped cache, that is detrimental to performance, so designers who identify this will try to fix that.
Software designers may chunk the data differently using algorithms to mitigate this given existing hardware they have to work with.
Hardware designers can implement different caching strategies, ranging from larger caches, to 2-, 4-, 8-way set associativity, to fully associative — for the hardware each of these incurs more hardware costs than a direct mapped cache (and may incur performance penalty as well), and further might price the component out of the market (make it too expensive) or exceed the process technology (i.e. be to big for one chip).

How does cache associativity impact performance [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why is transposing a matrix of 512x512 much slower than transposing a matrix of 513x513?
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am reading "Pro .NET Benchmarking" by Andrey Akinshin and one thing puzzles me (p.536) -- explanation how cache associativity impacts performance. In a test author used 3 square arrays 1023x1023, 1024x1024, 1025x1025 of ints and observed that accessing first column was slower for 1024x1024 case.
Author explained (background info, CPU is Intel with L1 cache with 32KB memory, it is 8-way associative):
When N=1024, this difference is exactly 4096 bytes; it equals the
critical stride value. This means that all elements from the first
column match the same eight cache lines of L1. We don’t really have
performance benefits from the cache because we can’t use it
efficiently: we have only 512 bytes (8 cache lines * 64-byte cache
line size) instead of the original 32 kilobytes. When we iterate the
first column in a loop, the corresponding elements pop each other from
the cache. When N=1023 and N=1025, we don’t have problems with the
critical stride anymore: all elements can be kept in the cache, which
is much more efficient.
So it looks like the penalty comes from somehow shrinking the cache just because the main memory cannot be mapped to full cache.
It strikes me as odd, after reading wiki page I would say the performance penalty comes from resolving address conflicts. Since each row can be potentially mapped into the same cache line, it is conflict after conflict, and CPU has to resolve those -- it takes time.
Thus my question, what is the real nature of performance problem here. Accessible memory size of cache is lower, or entire cache is available but CPU spends more time in resolving conflicts with mapping. Or there is some other reason?
Caching is a layer between two other layers. In your case, between the CPU and RAM. At its best, the CPU rarely has to wait for something to be fetched from RAM. At its worst, the CPU usually has to wait.
The 1024 example hits a bad case. For that entire column all words requested from RAM land in the same cell in cache (or the same 2 cells, if using a 2-way associative cache, etc).
Meanwhile, the CPU does not care -- it asks the cache for a word from memory; the cache either has it (fast access) or needs to reach into RAM (slow access) to get it. And RAM does not care -- it responds to requests, whenever they come.
Back to 1024. Look at the layout of that array in memory. The cells of the row are in consecutive words of RAM; when one row is finished, the next row starts. With a little bit of thought, you can see that consecutive cells in a column have addresses differing by 1024*N, when N=4 or 8 (or whatever the size of a cell). That is a power of 2.
Now let's look at the relatively trivial architecture of a cache. (It is 'trivial' because it needs to be fast and easy to implement.) It simply takes several bits out of the address to form the address in the cache's "memory".
Because of the power of 2, those bits will always be the same -- hence the same slot is accessed. (I left out a few details, like now many bits are needed, hence the size of the cache, 2-way, etc, etc.)
A cache is useful when the process above it (CPU) fetches an item (word) more than once before that item gets bumped out of cache by some other item needing the space.
Note: This is talking about the CPU->RAM cache, not disk controller caching, database caches, web site page caches, etc, etc; they use more sophisticated algorithms (often hashing) instead of "picking a few bits out of an address".
Back to your Question...
So it looks like the penalty comes from somehow shrinking the cache just because the main memory cannot be mapped to full cache.
There are conceptual problems with that quote.
Main memory is not "mapped to a cache"; see virtual versus real addresses.
The penalty comes when the cache does not have the desired word.
"shrinking the cache" -- The cache is a fixed size, based on the hardware involved.
Definition: In this context, a "word" is a consecutive string of bytes from RAM. It is always(?) a power-of-2 bytes and positioned at some multiple of that in the reall address space. A "word" for caching depends on vintage of the CPU, which level of cache, etc. 4-, 8-, 16-byte words probably can be found today. Again, the power-of-2 and positioned-at-multiple... are simple optimizations.
Back to your 1K*1K array of, say, 4-byte numbers. That adds up to 4MB, plus or minus (for 1023, 1025). If you have 8MB of cache, the entire array will eventually get loaded, and further actions on the array will be faster due to being in the cache. But if you have, say, 1MB of cache, some of the array will get in the cache, then be bumped out -- repeatedly. It might not be much better than if you had no cache.

How can I better understand the impact of modern caching on algorithm performance?

I'm reading the following paper: and in it, they say in the abstract:
Main memory capacities have grown up to a point where most databases
fit into RAM. For main-memory database systems, index structure
performance is a critical bottleneck. Traditional in-memory data
structures like balanced binary search trees are not efficient on
modern hardware, because they do not optimally utilize on-CPU caches.
Hash tables, also often used for main-memory indexes, are fast but
only support point queries.
How can I better understand this utilization of on-CPU caches and how it impacts the performance of particular data structures/algorithms?
Just somewhere to get started would be great because this sort of analysis is really opaque to me and I don't know where to go to start understanding.
This is going to be a really basic answer, as it would otherwise be extremely broad. I'm also not an expert on the subject (picking up bits and pieces to help understand how to optimize my hotspots better). But it might help you get started investigating this subject.
The topic reminds me of my university days when computer architecture
courses only taught about registers, DRAM, and disk, while glossing
over the CPU cache in between. The CPU cache is one of the most
dominant factors these days in performance.
The memory of the computer is divided into a hierarchy ranging from the absolute biggest but slowest (disk) to absolute smallest but fastest (registers).
Below disk is DRAM which is still pretty slow. And above registers is the CPU cache which is pretty damned fast (especially the smallest L1 cache).
Accessing One Node
Now let's say you request to access memory in some form from some data structure, say a linked structure like a tree or linked list and we're just accessing one node.
Note, I'm inverting the view of memory access for simplicity. Typically it begins with an instruction to load something into a register with the process working backwards and forwards, rather than merely forwards.
Virtual to Physical (DRAM)
In this case, unless the memory is already mapped to physical memory, the operating system has to map a page from virtual memory to a physical address in DRAM (this is freaking slow, especially in the worst-case scenario where the page fault involves a disk access). This is often done in pretty hefty chunks (the machine grabs memory by the handful), like aligned 4-kilobyte chunks. So we end up grabbing a big old 4-kilobyte aligned chunk of memory just for this one node.
DRAM to CPU Cache
Now that this 4-kilobyte page is physically mapped, we still want to do something with the node (most instructions have to operate at the register level) so the computer moves it down through the CPU cache hierarchy (this is pretty slow). Typically all levels of CPU cache have the same cache-line size, like 64-byte cache lines on Intel.
To move the memory from DRAM into these CPU caches, we have to grab a chunk of cache-line-sized-and-aligned memory from DRAM and move it into the CPU cache. We might also have to evict some data already in various levels of the CPU cache hierarchy on the way, like the least recently used memory. So now we're grabbing a 64-byte aligned handful of memory for this node.
Maybe at this point, the cache line memory might look like this. Let's say the relevant node data is 42, while the stuff in ??? is irrelevant memory surrounding it that's not part of our linked data structure.
CPU Cache to Register
Now we move the memory from CPU cache into a register (this occurs very quickly). And here we're still grabbing memory in sort of a handful, but a pretty small one. For example, we might grab a 64-bit aligned chunk of memory and move it into a general-purpose register. So we grab the memory around "42" here and move it into a register.
Finally we do some operations on the register and store the results, and the results often kind of work their way back up the memory hierarchy.
Accessing One Other Node
When we access the next node in the linked structure, we end up having to potentially do this all over again, just to read one little node's data. The contents of the cache line might look like this (with 22 being the node data of interest).
We can see potentially how much wasted effort the hardware and operating system are applying, moving big, aligned chunks of data from slower memory to faster memory only in order to access one little teeny bit of it prior to eviction.
And that's why little objects all allocated separately, as in the case of linked nodes or languages which can't represent user-defined types contiguously, aren't very cache or page-friendly. They tend to invoke a lot of page faults and cache misses as we traverse them, accessing their data. That is, unless they have help from a memory allocator which allocates these nodes in a more contiguous fashion (in which case the data or two or more nodes might be right next to each other and accessed together).
Contiguity and Spatial Locality
The most cache-friendly data structures tend to be based on contiguous arrays (it doesn't have to be one gigantic array, but perhaps arrays linked together, e.g., as is the case of an unrolled list). When we iterate through an array and access the first element, we might have to do the motions described above yet we might be able to get this once the memory is moved into a cache line:
Now we can iterate through the array and access all the elements while it's in the second-fastest form of memory on the machine, the L1 cache, simply moving data from L1 cache to register after the initial compulsory cache miss/page fault. If we start at 17, we have the initial compulsory cache miss but all the subsequent elements in this cache line can then be accessed without repeating the motions above. This is extremely fast, and the computer can blaze through such data.
So that was what was meant by this part:
Traditional in-memory data structures like balanced binary search
trees are not efficient on modern hardware, because they do not
optimally utilize on-CPU caches.
Note that it is possible to make linked structures like trees and linked lists substantially more cache-friendly than they would naturally be using a custom memory allocator, but they lack this inherent cache-friendliness at the basic data structure level.
Hash tables, on the other hand, tend to be contiguous table structures based on arrays. They might use chaining and linked bucket structures, but those are also easier to make cache-efficient with a little teeny bit of help from the custom allocator (far less than the tree due to the simpler, sequential access patterns within a hash bucket).
So anyway, that's a little brief overview on the subject, a bit oversimplified, but hopefully enough to help get started. If you want to understand this subject at a deeper level, keywords would be cache/memory efficiency/optimization and locality of reference.

CUDA: When to use shared memory and when to rely on L1 caching?

After Compute Capability 2.0 (Fermi) was released, I've wondered if there are any use cases left for shared memory. That is, when is it better to use shared memory than just let L1 perform its magic in the background?
Is shared memory simply there to let algorithms designed for CC < 2.0 run efficiently without modifications?
To collaborate via shared memory, threads in a block write to shared memory and synchronize with __syncthreads(). Why not simply write to global memory (through L1), and synchronize with __threadfence_block()? The latter option should be easier to implement since it doesn't have to relate to two different locations of values, and it should be faster because there is no explicit copying from global to shared memory. Since the data gets cached in L1, threads don't have to wait for data to actually make it all the way out to global memory.
With shared memory, one is guaranteed that a value that was put there remains there throughout the duration of the block. This is as opposed to values in L1, which get evicted if they are not used often enough. Are there any cases where it's better too cache such rarely used data in shared memory than to let the L1 manage them based on the usage pattern that the algorithm actually has?
2 big reasons why automatic caching is less efficient than manual scratch pad memory (applies to CPUs as well)
parallel accesses to random addresses are more efficient. Example: histogramming. Let's say you want to increment N bins, and each are > 256 bytes apart. Then due to coalescing rules, that will result in N serial reads/writes since global and cache memory is organized in large ~256byte blocks. Shared memory doesn't have that problem.
Also to access global memory, you have to do virtual to physical address translation. Having a TLB that can do lots of translations in || will be quite expensive. I haven't seen any SIMD architecture that actually does vector loads/stores in || and I believe this is the reason why.
avoids writing back dead values to memory, which wastes bandwidth & power. Example: in an image processing pipeline, you don't want your intermediate images to get flushed to memory.
Also, according to an NVIDIA employee, current L1 caches are write-through (immediately writes to L2 cache), which will slow down your program.
So basically, the caches get in the way if you really want performance.
As far as i know, L1 cache in a GPU behaves much like the cache in a CPU. So your comment that "This is as opposed to values in L1, which get evicted if they are not used often enough" doesn't make much sense to me
Data on L1 cache isn't evicted when it isn't used often enough. Usually it is evicted when a request is made for a memory region that wasn't previously in cache, and whose address resolves to one that is already in use. I don't know the exact caching algorithm employed by NVidia, but assuming a regular n-way associative, then each memory entry can only be cached in a small subset of the entire cache, based on it's address
I suppose this may also answer your question. With shared memory, you get full control as to what gets stored where, while with cache, everything is done automatically. Even though the compiler and the GPU can still be very clever in optimizing memory accesses, you can sometimes still find a better way, since you're the one who knows what input will be given, and what threads will do what (to a certain extent of course)
Caching data through several memory layers always needs to follow a cache-coherency protocol. There are several such protocols and the decision on which one is the most suitable is always a trade off.
You can have a look at some examples:
Related to GPUs
Generally for computing units
I don't want to get in many details, because it is a huge domain and I am not an expert. What I want to point out is that in a shared-memory system (here the term shared does not refer to the so called shared memory of GPUs) where many compute-units (CUs) need data concurrently there is a memory protocol that attempts to keep the data close to the units so that can fetch them as fast as possible. In the example of a GPU when many threads in the same SM (symmetric multiprocessor) access the same data there should be a coherency in the sense that if thread 1 reads a chunk of bytes from the global memory and in the next cycle thread 2 is going to access these data, then an efficient implementation would be such that thread 2 is aware that data are found already in L1 cache and can access it fast. This is what the cache coherency protocol attempts to achieve, to let all compute units be up to date with what data exist in caches L1, L2 and so on.
However, keeping threads up to date, or else, keeping threads in coherent states, comes at some cost which is essentially missing cycles.
In CUDA by defining the memory as shared rather than L1-cache you free it from that coherency protocol. So access to that memory (which is physically the same piece of whatever material it is) is direct and does not implicitly call the functionality of coherency protocol.
I don't know how fast should this be, I didn't perform any such benchmark but the idea is that since you don't pay anymore for this protocol the access should be faster!
Of course, the shared memory on NVIDIA GPUs is split in banks and if someone wants to use it for performance improvement should have a look at this before. The reason is bank conflicts that occur when two threads access the same bank and this causes serialization of the access..., but that's another thing link

optimal memory layout for read-only/write memory segments

Suppose I have two memory segments (equal size each, approximately 1kb in size) , one is read-only (after initialization), and other is read/write.
what is the best layout in memory for such segments in terms of memory performance? one allocation, contiguous segments or two allocations (in general not contiguous). my primary architecture is linux Intel 64-bit.
my feeling is former (cache friendlier) case is better.
is there circumstances, where second layout is preferred?
I would put the 2KB of data in the middle of a 4KB page, to avoid interference from reads and writes close to the page boundary. Similarly, keeping the write data separate is also good idea for the same reason.
Having contiguous read/write blocks may be less effiicent than keeping them separate. For example, a cache that is storing data for code interested in just the read-only portion may become invalidated by a write from another cpu. The cache line will be invalidated and refreshed, even though the code wasn't reading the writable data. By keeping the blocks separate, you avoid this case, and writes to the writable data block only invalidate cache lines for the writable block, and do not interfere with cache lines for the read only block.
Note that this is only a concern at the block boundary between the readable and writable blocks. If your block sizes were much larger than the cache line size, then this would be a peripheral problem, but as your blocks are small, requiring just a few cache lines, then the problem of invalidating lines could be significant.
With that small of data, it really shouldn't matter much. Both of those arrays will fit into any level cache just fine.
It'll depend on what you're doing with the memory. I'm fairly certain that contiguous (and page aligned!) would never be slower than two randomly placed segments, but it won't necessarily be any faster.
Given that it's an Intel processor, you probably only need to ensure that the addresses are not exactly a multiple of 64k apart. If they are, loads from either section that map to the same modulo 64k address will collide in L1 and cause an L1 miss. There's also a 4MB aliasing issue, but I'd be surprised if you ran into that.
