Algorithms to find stuff a user would like based on other users likes - algorithm

I'm thinking of writing an app to classify movies in an HTPC based on what the family members like.
I don't know statistics or AI, but the stuff here looks very juicy. I wouldn't know where to start do.
Here's what I want to accomplish:
Compose a set of samples from each users likes, rating each sample attribute separately. For example, maybe a user likes western movies a lot, so the western genre would carry a bit more weight for that user (and so on for other attributes, like actors, director, etc).
A user can get suggestions based on the likes of the other users. For example, if both user A and B like Spielberg (connection between the users), and user B loves Batman Begins, but user A loathes Katie Holmes, weigh the movie for user A accordingly (again, each attribute separately, for example, maybe user A doesn't like action movies so much, so bring the rating down a bit, and since Katie Holmes isn't the main star, don't take that into account as much as the other attributes).
Basically, comparing sets from user A similar to sets from user B, and come up with a rating for user A.
I have a crude idea about how to implement this, but I'm certain some bright minds have already thought of a far better solution already, so... any suggestions?
Actually, after a quick research, it seems a Bayesian filter would work. If so, would this be the better approach? Would it be as simple as just "normalizing" movie data, training a classifier for each user, and then just classify each movie?
If your suggestion includes some brain melting concepts (I'm not experienced in these subjects, specially in AI), I'd appreciate it if you also included a list of some basics for me to research before diving into the meaty stuff.

Matthew Podwysocki had some interesting articles on this stuff

This is similar to this question where the OP wanted to build a recommendation system. In a nutshell, we are given a set of training data consisting of users ratings to movies (1-5 star rating for example) and a set of attributes for each movie (year, genre, actors, ..). We want to build a recommender so that it will output for unseen movies a possible rating. So the inpt data looks like:
user movie year genre ... | rating
1 1 2006 action | 5
3 2 2008 drama | 3.5
and for an unrated movie X:
10 20 2009 drama ?
we want to predict a rating. Doing this for all unseen movies then sorting by predicted movie rating and outputting the top 10 gives you a recommendation system.
The simplest approach is to use a k-nearest neighbor algorithm. Among the rated movies, search for the "closest" ones to movie X, and combine their ratings to produce a prediction.
This approach has the advantage of being very simple to easy implement from scratch.
Other more sophisticated approaches exist. For example you can build a decision tree, fit a set of rules on the training data. You can also use Bayesian networks, artificial neural networks, support vector machines, among many others... Going through each of these wont be easy for someone without the proper background.
Still I expect you would be using an external tool/library. Now you seem to be familiar with Bayesian Networks, so a simple naive bayes net, could in fact be very powerful. One advantage is that it allow for prediction under missing data.
The main idea would be somewhat the same; take the input data you have, train a model, then use it to predict the class of new instances.
If you want to play around with different algorithms in simple intuitive package which requires no programming, I suggest you take a look at Weka (my 1st choice), Orange, or RapidMiner. The most difficult part would be to prepare the dataset to the required format. The rest is as easy as choosing what algorithm and applying it (all in a few clicks!)
I guess for someone not looking to go into too much details, I would recommend going with the nearest neighbor method as it is intuitive and easy to implement.. Still the option of using Weka (or one of the other tools) is worth looking into.

There are a few algorithms that are good for this:
ARTMAP: groups via probability against each other (this isn't fast but its the best thing for your problem IMO)
ARTMAP holds a group of common attributes and determines likelyhood of simliarity via a percentages.
KMeans: This seperates out the vectors by the distance that they are from each other
KMeans: Wikipedia
PCA: will seperate the average of all the values from the varing bits. This is what you would use to do face detection, and background subtraction in Computer Vision.

The K-nearest neighbor algorithm may be right up your alley.

Check out some of the work of the top teams for the netflix prize.


What matching algorithm could I use?

I would need some help because I don't know what algorithm i could use for the following (I use python) :
Steve is 25 and he buys everyday orange juice
Maria is 23 and she likes to buy smoothies
Steve & Maria tastes are pretty much the same.
Juan is 16 and he only drinks sodas
Juan tastes are not the same as Steve and Maria.
I would like to use a matching algorithm that will detect the users who have the same drink preference and a close age. To continue with the example, Steve and Maria would be matched together but not Juan. Which one should I use ?
I agree with #klutt that your task is pretty vague. There are two approaches that come to mind, but not knowing more details about your problem does limit the details I can provide in my answer that would help you. I am interpreting the question as if you are taking in raw text and might want to process more sentences that have very similar semantic and syntactical structure.
An algorithmic approach:
Assuming that your word choices are static in their semantic meaning (Maria is 23 ... Steve is 25), we can parse each sentence and identify tokens like is or and or same and essentially perform lexical analysis on the text... from here, you could continue thinking about how you would go about matching and so forth... but this is rather complicated...
Neural Network approach:
If you are taking in raw text in the form of sentences, it's a problem that's not straight forward to solve using a top-down algorithmic approach.
You could take an approach with neural networks that trains a model to solve your problem, but then again what you seem to be asking is quite complex since there are multiple "facts" within each sentence that are not semantically related. For example, your second sentence identifies that Maria is 23 but at the end of that sentence there is a comparison between Steve and Maria. And your first sentence only identifies Steve as 25.
Even if you chunk raw text into sentences, you would have to have a very fine tuned neural network architecture and a lot of training data to get remotely close to your goal.
Now, both of those solutions are very complex... but if you wanted to create an application that collects this data (via a form or prompt) and puts it into a structured format (like a json or xml object) to organize and store the data in memory (perhaps writing out to a database or file for persistent storage), that might be a good route to go down.
This can serve as a good lesson in how to think about data as well. It is one thing if you have a pool of thousands of sentences, just raw data that you need to organize for quantitative purposes (classic qualitative -> quantitative problems). It is another thing if you are going to be collecting this data. If you are going to be collecting data, having a program that collects and organizes names, ages, and drink preferences (and then organizes that data within certain data structures), then we can talk about matching algorithms.
I will also add here that if you do have structured data, Collaborative filtering (mentioned by Shridhar) is a great starting place.
Collaborative filtering best suits your needs.
In the newer, narrower sense, collaborative filtering is a method of
making automatic predictions (filtering) about the interests of a user
by collecting preferences or taste information from many users
(collaborating). The underlying assumption of the collaborative
filtering approach is that if a person A has the same opinion as a
person B on an issue, A is more likely to have B's opinion on a
different issue than that of a randomly chosen person. For example, a
collaborative filtering recommendation system for television tastes
could make predictions about which television show a user should like
given a partial list of that user's tastes (likes or dislikes).[3]
Note that these predictions are specific to the user, but use
information gleaned from many users. This differs from the simpler
approach of giving an average (non-specific) score for each item of
interest, for example based on its number of votes.

Clustering+Regression-the right approach or not?

I have a task of prognosing the quickness of selling goods (for example, in one category). E.g, the client inputs the price that he wants his item to be sold and the algorithm should displays that it will be sold with the inputed price for n days. And it should have 3 intervals of quick, medium and long sell. Like in the picture:
The question: how exactly should I prepare the algorithm?
My suggestion: use clustering technics for understanding this three price ranges and then solving regression task for each cluster for predicting the number of days. Is it a right concept to do?
There are two questions here, and I think the answer to each lies in a different domain:
Given an input price, predict how long will it take to sell the item. This is a well defined prediction problem, and can be tackled using ML algorithms. e.g. use your entire dataset to train and test a regression model for prediction.
Translate the prediction into a class: quick-, medium- or slow-sell. This problem is product oriented - there doesn't seem to be any concrete data allowing you to train a classifier on this translation; and I agree with #anony-mousse that using unsupervised learning might not yield easy-to-use results.
You can either consult your users or a product manager on reasonable thresholds to use (there might be considerations here like the type of item, season etc.), or try getting some additional data in order to train a supervised classifier.
E.g. you could ask your users, post-sell, if they think the sell was quick, medium or slow. Then you'll have some data to use for thresholding or for classification.
I suggest you simply define thesholds of 10 days and 31 days. Keep it simple.
Because these are the values the users will want to understand. If you use clustering, you may end up with 0.31415 days or similar nonintuitive values that you cannot explain to the user anyway.

A simple explanation of Random Forest

I'm trying to understand how random forest works in plain English instead of mathematics. Can anybody give me a really simple explanation of how this algorithm works?
As far as I understand, we feed the features and labels without telling the algorithm which feature should be classified as which label? As I used to do Naive Bayes which is based on probability we need to tell which feature should be which label. Am I completely far off?
If I can get any very simple explanation I'd be really appreciated.
RandomForest uses a so-called bagging approach. The idea is based on the classic bias-variance trade off. Suppose that we have a set (say N) of overfitted estimators that have low bias but high cross-sample-variance. So low bias is good and we want to keep it, high variance is bad and we want to reduce it. RandomForest tries to achieve this by doing a so-called bootstraps/sub-sampling (as #Alexander mentioned, this is a combination of bootstrap sampling on both observations and features). The prediction is the average of individual estimators so the low-bias property is successfully preserved. And further by Central Limit Theorem, the variance of this sample average has a variance equal to variance of individual estimator divided by square root of N. So now, it has both low-bias and low-variance properties, and this is why RandomForest often outperforms stand-alone estimator.
Adding on to the above two answers, Since you mentioned a simple explanation. Here is a write up that I feel is the most simple way you can explain random forests.
Credits go to Edwin Chen for the simple explanation here in layman terms for random forests. Posting the same below.
Suppose you’re very indecisive, so whenever you want to watch a movie, you ask your friend Willow if she thinks you’ll like it. In order to answer, Willow first needs to figure out what movies you like, so you give her a bunch of movies and tell her whether you liked each one or not (i.e., you give her a labeled training set). Then, when you ask her if she thinks you’ll like movie X or not, she plays a 20 questions-like game with IMDB, asking questions like “Is X a romantic movie?”, “Does Johnny Depp star in X?”, and so on. She asks more informative questions first (i.e., she maximizes the information gain of each question), and gives you a yes/no answer at the end.
Thus, Willow is a decision tree for your movie preferences.
But Willow is only human, so she doesn’t always generalize your preferences very well (i.e., she overfits). In order to get more accurate recommendations, you’d like to ask a bunch of your friends and watch movie X if most of them say they think you’ll like it. That is, instead of asking only Willow, you want to ask Woody, Apple, and Cartman as well, and they vote on whether you’ll like a movie (i.e., you build an ensemble classifier, aka a forest in this case).
Now you don’t want each of your friends to do the same thing and give you the same answer, so you first give each of them slightly different data. After all, you’re not absolutely sure of your preferences yourself – you told Willow you loved Titanic, but maybe you were just happy that day because it was your birthday, so maybe some of your friends shouldn’t use the fact that you liked Titanic in making their recommendations. Or maybe you told her you loved Cinderella, but actually you really really loved it, so some of your friends should give Cinderella more weight. So instead of giving your friends the same data you gave Willow, you give them slightly perturbed versions. You don’t change your love/hate decisions, you just say you love/hate some movies a little more or less (formally, you give each of your friends a bootstrapped version of your original training data). For example, whereas you told Willow that you liked Black Swan and Harry Potter and disliked Avatar, you tell Woody that you liked Black Swan so much you watched it twice, you disliked Avatar, and don’t mention Harry Potter at all.
By using this ensemble, you hope that while each of your friends gives somewhat idiosyncratic recommendations (Willow thinks you like vampire movies more than you do, Woody thinks you like Pixar movies, and Cartman thinks you just hate everything), the errors get canceled out in the majority. Thus, your friends now form a bagged (bootstrap aggregated) forest of your movie preferences.
There’s still one problem with your data, however. While you loved both Titanic and Inception, it wasn’t because you like movies that star Leonardo DiCaprio. Maybe you liked both movies for other reasons. Thus, you don’t want your friends to all base their recommendations on whether Leo is in a movie or not. So when each friend asks IMDB a question, only a random subset of the possible questions is allowed (i.e., when you’re building a decision tree, at each node you use some randomness in selecting the attribute to split on, say by randomly selecting an attribute or by selecting an attribute from a random subset). This means your friends aren’t allowed to ask whether Leonardo DiCaprio is in the movie whenever they want. So whereas previously you injected randomness at the data level, by perturbing your movie preferences slightly, now you’re injecting randomness at the model level, by making your friends ask different questions at different times.
And so your friends now form a random forest.
I will try to give another complementary explanation with simple words.
A random forest is a collection of random decision trees (of number n_estimators in sklearn).
What you need to understand is how to build one random decision tree.
Roughly speaking, to build a random decision tree you start from a subset of your training samples. At each node you will draw randomly a subset of features (number determined by max_features in sklearn). For each of these features you will test different thresholds and see how they split your samples according to a given criterion (generally entropy or gini, criterion parameter in sklearn). Then you will keep the feature and its threshold that best split your data and record it in the node.
When the construction of the tree ends (it can be for different reasons: maximum depth is reached (max_depth in sklearn), minimum sample number is reached (min_samples_leaf in sklearn) etc.) you look at the samples in each leaf and keep the frequency of the labels.
As a result, it is like the tree gives you a partition of your training samples according to meaningful features.
As each node is built from features taken randomly, you understand that each tree built in this way will be different. This contributes to the good compromise between bias and variance, as explained by #Jianxun Li.
Then in testing mode, a test sample will go through each tree, giving you label frequencies for each tree. The most represented label is generally the final classification result.

How to implement this recommendation algorithm?

Most recommendation algorithm articles I've read are focused on the Netflix model where users rate items. What I want to do is slightly different (I think).
Let's say that instead, I want to create a site where a user is presented with two pictures of cars. The user can then select which car they like better. The user can repeat this process as many times as s/he likes, but hopefully as they continue, the pictures become more and more refined towards what the user likes.
How would you implement this algorithm? It seems like one possible way would simply be to implement an ELO ranking algorithm and use the order of those results as a "rating", but that has serious flaws in that multiple items can't be given a maximum rating (which the user may have done if given the ability to rate the items themselves).
Another method, which seems more promising to me, would be to predetermine the general properties of each vehicle (e.g. color, body type, 2 door vs 4 door, etc.) and use those to get a general idea of the properties each user likes and base recommendations off of that.
I'll take a stab at this.
Suppose that each car is given a set of properties. If this set of properties were coded as a vector, one potential method of recommendation would be to use Self Organizing Maps (SOM). The basic gist of a SOM is that is a categorizer of input vectors. If you train a SOM with input vectors representing distinct classes of input, a SOM will start to cluster its storage vectors to be more like each class of input. Note that the original input vector is not retained. To train a SOM with an input vector, the best vector currently in the SOM is picked and then the area around that vector becomes more like the input. Of course, see Wikipedia
So how does this apply to this situation? Well, one SOM could be used to train on images that the person does like and one could be trained on the ones they do like. Even if there are is no single style that they like, clusters should form around cars they like/don't like. Then seeing if they like a car that has not been picked by them is a matter of finding how well it matches to groups from their likes and dislikes. Note that in this case, it would be best to match up cars that are dissimilar to each other or more likely to not both be liked.
When the person first joins the site, it may be advantageous to allow them to pick a few likes and dislikes right off the bat to seed the SOMs.
Good luck!
Maby it's a bit too late to answer, but you might want to check this out. It's about an MIT professor that argues that 5-star rating, like-rating, etc. don't work, he proposes an algorithm that works with input by pairs, just as you suggest (Car A or Car B).
The Algorithm is quite complex but can be found on the link.

Beyond item-to-item recommendations

Simple item-to-item recommendation systems are well-known and frequently implemented. An example is the Slope One algorithm. This is fine if the user hasn't rated many items yet, but once they have, I want to offer more finely-grained recommendations. Let's take a music recommendation system as an example, since they are quite popular. If a user is viewing a piece by Mozart, a suggestion for another Mozart piece or Beethoven might be given. But if the user has made many ratings on classical music, we might be able to make a correlation between the items and see that the user dislikes vocals or certain instruments. I'm assuming this would be a two-part process, first part is to find correlations between each users' ratings, the second would be to build the recommendation matrix from these extra data. So the question is, are they any open-source implementations or papers that can be used for each of these steps?
Taste may have something useful. It's moved to the Mahout project:
In general, the idea is that given a user's past preferences, you want to predict what they'll select next and recommend it. You build a machine-learning model in which the inputs are what a user has picked in the past and the attributes of each pick. The output is the item(s) they'll pick. You create training data by holding back some of their choices, and using their history to predict the data you held back.
Lots of different machine learning models you can use. Decision trees are common.
One answer is that any recommender system ought to have some of the properties you describe. Initially, recommendations aren't so good and are all over the place. As it learns tastes, the recommendations will come from the area the user likes.
But, the collaborative filtering process you describe is fundamentally not trying to solve the problem you are trying to solve. It is based on user ratings, and two songs aren't rated similarly because they are similar songs -- they're rated similarly just because similar people like them.
What you really need is to define your notion of song-song similarity. Is it based on how the song sounds? the composer? Because it sounds like the notion is not based on ratings, actually. That is 80% of the problem you are trying to solve.
I think the question you are really answering is, what items are most similar to a given item? Given your item similarity, that's an easier problem than recommendation.
Mahout can help with all of these things, except song-song similarity based on its audio -- or at least provide a start and framework for your solution.
There are two techniques that I can think of:
Train a feed-forward artificial neural net using Backpropagation or one of it's successors (e.g. Resilient Propagation).
Use version space learning. This starts with the most general and the most specific hypotheses about what the user likes and narrows them down when new examples are integrated. You can use a hierarchy of terms to describe concepts.
Common characteristics of these methods are:
You need a different function for
each user. This pretty much rules
out efficient database queries when
searching for recommendations.
The function can be updated on the fly
when the user votes for an item.
The dimensions along which you classify
the input data (e.g. has vocals, beats
per minute, musical scales,
whatever) are very critical to the
quality of the classification.
Please note that these suggestions come from university courses in knowledge based systems and artificial neural nets, not from practical experience.
