Disabling UAC programmatically - windows-vista

Is it possible to programmatically disable UAC in Vista? Or, can I make my application run unrestricted by the UAC setting in any way? FYI, the application needs to mount hard drives on the fly, which is why I can't ask for UAC permission each time...
I'm looking for something in line with what Kosi2801 mentioned, basically to ask the user to always start the program in an 'elevated' mode. I'd want the permission to be a 1 time thing, I'm not saying that I programmatically disable UAC without asking permission first. I'm sure there are lots of programs that need to operate in this mode (especially hardware-related programs) so there should be some type of way to accommodate it.

Set the EnableLUA DWORD value in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System to 0 and reboot.
this will disable UAC without a problem, i would do it to all your users, with or without permission is up to you, because the vista UAC is so horrid that i do believe the less people that have it on the better (in vista only) it is now better in win7.
have fun with my registry trick :)
works in win7 as well, let me know how you got along with it.

You can't programmatically disable UAC, but you can force the program to run with elevated privileges from the start, so it doesn't prompt each time.
That will cause it to prompt once on startup, but not each time it needs access.
To do this, you'll need to create a manifest file and set <requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator">
See MSDN for details.

The purpose of UAC is to prevent executing unwanted applications. If it was possible to disable it programatically it would be worthless.

I posted a somewhat granular (but ugly) solution here
It only works if you can kick off the application from the task scheduler. I have it running on two Windows 7 laptops. It is an administrative solution. You need administrator privilege to implement it. I use it for powershell and for my UPS power backup application. I suspect I'll find other uses.

I created a small application to do this, but basically there are 4 registry keys you need to set.
C# example:
Microsoft.Win32.Registry.SetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System","EnableLUA", 0);
Microsoft.Win32.Registry.SetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System", "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin", 0);
Microsoft.Win32.Registry.SetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System", "PromptOnSecureDesktop", 0);
Microsoft.Win32.Registry.SetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Action Center\\Checks\\{C8E6F269-B90A-4053-A3BE-499AFCEC98C4}.check.0", "CheckSetting", StringToByteArray("23004100430042006C006F00620000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000"), RegistryValueKind.Binary);
My application runs as a service every 5 minutes to "fight" Group Policy on this, which is an absolute annoyance for a developer machine.

Disabling UAC programmatically would defeat its purpose as this would then also be possible to be done by malware, worms, trojans and virusses and have no real security-effect at all.
You could require to run your application under the admin-account or (I think) let Microsoft somehow sign your application.
There may be other ways I'm not aware of, but none of them is programmatically!

UAC is a necessary evil alike the use of semaphores on a city. I suggest adapting to the new paradigm. I personally don't like UAC; but I understand the purpose and benefits. Unfortunately, we all created this monster. Lest's go back to 1983, do a short assessment of the changes throughout the years and then, we will understand. Of course, if the intent is for private use, anything is possible, as pointed above; but it would be risky and become a black hole liability.

That would defeat the object of UAC. So no, you can't.


Get administrator privilegs in Qt during runtime [duplicate]

Is it possible to get a C++ application running in Windows to request administrator privileges from the operating system at run time?
I know it can be done at compile time, but can't seem to find anywhere whether it can be done at run time.
Thanks for your help!
EDIT: What if I want the current instance to have elevated privileges? For example, I might have data stored in memory which I want to keep.
If you want the application to always elevate, you can give it a manifest, either by building one in (not compiling technically) or by putting an external manifest in the same folder as the exe. If you want to decide, as a person, to run it elevated, you right click the exe or short cut and choose Run As Administrator. If you are launching it from code, then as #vcsjones comments, you use the runas verb when you launch that process. For example:
ShellExecute( NULL,
" c:\\temp\\report.txt",
NULL, // default dir
You can elevate a process only during its creation. When a process already runs, there's no way to change its security token: it either runs elevated or not.
If your application needs to perform an administrative task, and it usually runs non-elevated, you have to create another .exe which will request elevation with its manifest. To start a process elevated, you have to use ShellExecute or ShellExecuteEx function. From your main process you will need a way to pass the commands to that new process that will run elevated.
For more information about UAC, read Designing UAC Applications for Windows Vista series.
Not quite, but you can do the opposite—you can drop privileges if you already have them. So, you can have your program start out running as an Administrator, using one of the methods listed by Kate Gregory. Then, drop your unneeded privileges; see Dropping privileges in C++ on Windows for how to do that.
Add a manifest file into your EXE as described here.
Your process (and threads) have a token assinged to them. That token already have all your groups set up. Under UAC, the Administrator group is disabled. UAC will remove that disabled group so you end up with a full administrator token.
To acheive the same, you must have the TCB priviledge. In other words, to elevate a process at runtime, you will need help from a process running under the SYSTEM account, and Microsoft isn't providing one, nor an API to control the current UAC implementation. Otherwise, it would defeat the purpose.
For the sake of completness, there is a whitelist of process that can perform some elevated operations without prompting. In short, your executable needs :
To be signed by Microsoft
To perform predefined operations, like with IFileOperation
The best explanation I found is this hack. It has been fixed since then, but is sheds some light on the whole thing.

Replacing winlogon.exe in windows embedded

I need to create my own UI for windows login. I'm doing this using Windows 7 Embedded and I have complete access to image creation and modification.
From researching I've learnt that winlogon.exe is called by smss.exe I've haven't looked too much into smss.exe; I've started to disassemble it, but I haven't quite found out how it launches winlogon. I think, and I hope that this information is contained somewhere in the registry, otherwise it may cause conflicts with windows updates.
I'm also starting to get a grasp of the hierarchy of windows sessions, stations, and desktops. One thing that is curious to me is that winlogon runs on session 1. I would have assumed it would be running on session 0, but this is not the case. Does this mean that a new instance of winlogon is spawned for each user session?
Edit: I now know that a winlogon instance is created for each user
In essence I'm trying to figure out where I go from here. Now that I have a somewhat limited grasp on user sessions, how do I begin implementing my custom logon user interface.
Any help would be much appreciated!
After billions of Google searches I finally found where to begin. What I want to do is write a custom GINA. I found this article on MSDN that explains the process.
Edit: Credential Providers have replaced GINA in Windows Vista and above. An overview is found here.

Is There Any Reason Not To Use The Windows Registry For Program Settings?

To me its a no-brainer. The settings for my program go into the Windows Registry. After all, that's what it's for, isn't it?
But some programmers are still hesitant in using the Registry. They state that as it grows it slows down your computer. Or they state that it gets corrupted and causes your computer to malfunction.
So they write their own configuration files, or may use the INI files that Microsoft has depreciated since a few OS's ago.
From what I hear, the problems with the registry that occurred in early Windows OS's were mostly fixed as of Windows XP. It may be the plethora of companies that make Registry Cleaners that are keeping up the rumors that "registry bloat" and "orphaned entries" are still bad.
So I ask, is there any reason today not to use the Windows Registry to store my program configuration settings?
If the user does not allow registry access, you're screwed.
If the user reinstalls Windows and he wants to migrate his settings, it's much more complicated than with a simple file
Working with a config file means your app is portable
Much simpler for the user to change a setting manually
When you'll want to port your app to other OS, what are you gonna do with your registry settings ?
Windows Registry is bloated. Do you really want to contribute to this chaos?
For me, quickly installing, migrating and moving applications is a key point to productivity. I can't if I need to care of hundreds of possible registry keys. If there's a simple .ini or .cfg or .xml file somewhere in my user folder (or even the application directory if it is a portable app), migration is easy.
Often-heard argument pro registry: easy to write and read (assuming you're using plain WinAPI). Really? I consider the RegXXXfamily of functions pretty verbose ... too many function calls and typing work for storing just a few bits of information. So you always end up wrapping the registry away .. and now compare this effort with a simple text configuration file, maybe just key=value-like.
It depends, when you have small entries that need to read by multiple programs registry is ok, as database have locking issues, and config files are application based.
The problem happens when the user does not allow registry access, that are lots of software in the market that will show a pop up when anyone tries to modify registry and the user can cancel or allow the users. These programs are too common with the anti virus programs.
Putting your settings into the Registry means that if your user wants to move your program and its settings to another computer, he can't. Backup, ditto. Those settings are in a mysterious invisible place. I find this to be a hostile approach to one's users.
I've written numerous small-to-medium programs, and always used a .ini file. A tech-savy user can edit this file using an editor, he can check the settings in it, he can email it to a tech supporter, he can do a large variety of things that are significantly harder to do with registry entries.
And my programs don't contribute to slowing the computer down.
Personally speaking, I just don't like binary configuration of any type. I much prefer text file format which can be easily copied, edited, diffed & merged, and put under change control complete with history.
The last of these is the biggest reason not to use the registry - I can stick configuration files into SVN (or similar) with the full support given to text files, instead of having to treat it as a blob.
I don't really have much of an opinion for or against using the registry, but I'd like to note something... Many answers here indicate that registry access may be restricted for a certain user. I'd say the exact same thing goes for config files.
With registry you need to write to the "current user" to be fairly certain about having access (and should do so anyway, in many cases). Config files should be put in a user based area as well (e.g. AppData/Local) if you want "guaranteed" access without questions asked. As far as I know putting config files in "global" areas are as likely to yield access problems as the registry is.

Detecting registry virtualization

I have a set of C# (v2) apps and I am struggling with registry virtualization in Win7 (and to a lesser extent Vista).
I have a shared registry configuration area that my applications need to access in HKLM\Software\Company... Prior to Vista, everything was just written to and read from that location as needed.
The code appropriately detected failures to write to that registry key and would fall back appropriately (writing to HKCU instead and notifying the user that the settings they had applied would only affect the current user).
In Vista, registry virtualization broke all of this because the access check we were using for the HKLM write would "succeed" silently and virtualize to HKCR\VirtualStore\Machine... instead. In this case, the user would think that they had saved machine-wide configuration, but had instead only written to the virtual store.
Sadly, even attempting to enumerate the permissions on the HKLM reg key explicitly returns results indicating that the user has access whether they do or not.
When we added Vista support, the workaround we used was to perform a probe write to HKLM... and then check in HKCR\VirtualStore\Machine... for the same value and note that virtualization had occurred if the value was found.
Win7 seems to have broken this (again) because queries against the explicit virtual location (HKCR) now show merged results from the HKLM location even if the write was not virtualized.
Does anyone have any suggestions for working around this?
- I need a solution that works without requiring elevation (when I don't have administrator level permissions I will fallback to a per-user configuration in HKCU but I need to be able to detect this case reliably).
It needs to work with a v2 C# app (One option I have seen for C++ code is to embed a manifest which disables virtualization for the .exe but I haven't been able to do that in C# V2 see disable folder virtualization in windows).
It needs to work without an "installer" (this precludes the ability to disable virtualization on the registry key that we need ala the REG FLAGS... command).
This is an excellently put question, +1 (Why is it community wiki, it deserves points!)
In general, there are a set of rules (which [as you've run into] will vary over time) which control whether UAC [and thus implicitly Registry] virtualization are in play.
Some salient parts of the Registry Virtualization rulesets documentation in MSDN are:
[as jeffamaphone says] if the manifest has a requestedPrivileges/requestedExecutionLevel set, it's turned off. You dont seem to have ruled out adding a manifest, so can you please indicate why this won't work for you? (You say "I haven't been able to do that in C# V2" - there is an Add Item option to add an application manifest file, and that's available in VS2005)
if the exe is running 64 bit, its off by default
if it's not an interactive process (such as a service, or hosted in IIS etc.), it's off
If you're not in a position to influence any of the above, which is the ideal, and you thus want to detect whether UAC virtualisation applies in the current context, use this answer to a what might at first not appeat to be a related question. (Obviously you'd still need to decide whether it applies to the specific key you're operating on, which is a moving target which you obviously wouldnt want to implement code that needs to track changes if it can at all be avoided - but in most cases it should be relatively clear.)
You can enable / disable virtualization on a per key basis, according to this, but it tells you to use a command line tool. But there must be a way to do it programmatically.
It might be easiest just to turn off virtualization in your app completely by setting requestedExecutionLevel in your manifest. You can try highestAvailable, but that might mean your app always runs as Administrator. It seems to imply just setting it to asInvoker will turn off virtualization. See also.
Note that HKCR is a virtualized store itself, a combination of HKLM\Software\Classes and HKCU\Software\Classes.
The best approach would be to not even let the registry virtualization take place. Firstly check to see the user is is elevated at runtime and then you can notify the user that changes will only be applied to the current user before they even start making changes.
By detecting if you are an elevated administrator in the first place you can simply avoid writing to HKLM when it's going to be virtualized.
private bool IsAdministrator
WindowsIdentity wi = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
WindowsPrincipal wp = new WindowsPrincipal(wi);
return wp.IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator);
Note: I don't code in C#, example is lifted from question How can I detect if my process is running UAC-elevated or not?
I had a similar problem and the introduction of a manifest solved it.
I was relying on the registry security to prevent the (Win32) application from creating keys in the HKLM/Software/Wow6432Node when running as standard user, and was quite surprised to see that it was succeceding regardless, but no key was present and it was created instead under this new VirtualStore area.
The registry virtualization is switched off when the PE manifest is found to contain information related to the security. To not require elevation of privileges my manifest contains the following node:
<trustInfo xmlns:ms_asmv2="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2">
<requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker">
For the executable to be compatible with Vista and XP, apparently each node in the TrustInfo section must contain the namespace:
<ms_asmv2:trustInfo xmlns:ms_asmv2="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2">
<ms_asmv2:requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker">
Once the manifest was correctly embedded in my .exe (it took me a couple of attempts by modifying the appropriate properties of the project), the program was at last failing as I was expecting.
For managed code, the manifest can be included as a post-build step by running the mt.exe tool. For instance, as reported in the MSDN article
mt.exe –manifest YourFile.manifest –outputresource:YourApp.exe;#1
I prefer using the manifest approach rather than modifying the flags of the registry nodes using reg.exe as explained in this article as this makes the behaviour consistent on all machines.
Hope that helps (even if, after having read the date of the original posting, I'm pretty sure the problem has been solved long ago!!)

Programatically registering .dll's on Windows Vista (using DllRegisterServer)

Instead of calling regsvr32.exe, one can register a .DLL using the following steps:
HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE* lpDllEntryPoint)(void);
(FARPROC&)lpDllEntryPoint = ::GetProcAddress(hLib, "DllRegisterServer");
const HRESULT hRes = (*lpDllEntryPoint)();
This works fine on Windows XP. Regrettably, it fails on Vista, but only with some specific DLLs. hRes becomes E_ACCESSDENIED. I guess this is a security issue. Does anyone know how to register a .DLL from code on Windows Vista?
Note: I was logged in as administrator when running this code.
COM registration requires write access to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE part of the registry.
Under UAC, write access to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE requires an elevated administrator.
The easiest way to get an elevated process is to create it with a manifest that specifies 'requireAdministrator' access. - Look under the Project Properties -> Configuration Properties->Linker->Manifest File->UAC Execution Level to set the correct setting.
This means you will probably want to split your EXE into two parts. The 'normal' asInvoker part, and, when self registration is detected as a requirement, an elevated InstallMyself part. When the non elevated part detects a first-run type condition, it needs to use ShellExecute(Ex) to execute the FirstInstall.exe part - using CreateProcess or some other API will simply fail with a insufficient privilege error. ShellExecute will present the UAC prompt.
It is possible to use Application Isolation to load COM dll's without any registration step at all.
Is is unfortunate that the cause cannot be determined. However, if you are interested in doing further research, a tool that will help a lot would be Process Monitor from SysInternals. Process Monitor can log all the File, Registry and other access for a process, including all success and fail codes making it a lot easier to debug problems like this without having to resort to deeper means of reverse engineering.
Regrettably, I couldn't get this to work for all DLLs, even with Chris Becke's excellent tips. I didn't want to spend too much time solving the problem, so now I simply call regsvr32.exe. I expect this .exe to be present on all Windows machines, so I guess it is a good enough solution.
