Why does AsQueryable throw a StackOverflowException? - linq

I am calling the LINQ extension method AsQueryable off of a generic list. It throws StackOverflowException exception when I access it. This is a similar technique used in the NerdDinner asp.net mvc demo app. What am I doing wrong?
class FakeUserRepository : IUserRepository
List<User> users = new List<User>();
public FakeUserRepository() {
users.Add(new User() {
UserID = new Guid("2C3028AC-B51C-4AA6-8E19-AF962AC07EE7"),
DisplayName = "User1"
users.Add(new User() {
UserID = new Guid("EBA48956-2BFE-4C03-8D1B-29747FA7DB25"),
DisplayName = "User2"
public IQueryable<User> Users {
get { return users.AsQueryable(); }
public interface IUserRepository
IQueryable<User> Users { get; }
public class MyController : Controller
IUserRepository _userRepository;
public MyController(IUserRepository userRepository) {
_userRepository = userRepository;
protected override void Execute(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext) {
Guid userID = new Guid("2C3028AC-B51C-4AA6-8E19-AF962AC07EE7");
if (requestContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAuthenticated) {
var query = (from u in _userRepository.Users
where u.UserID == userID
select new {
ViewData["displayName"] = query.DisplayName;

Stack trace is your friend. Does the exception come from AsQueryable or from your own class?
In the mean time, check that get { return users.AsQueryable(); } doesn't say get { return Users.AsQueryable(); }

The code you posted here works fine. I'm going to guess you're real code does something like this.
public IQueryable<User> Users
get { return Users.AsQueryable(); }
Note the capitalization of Users in Users.AsQueryable().

Maybe is a bug. And was corrected in LINQ 4.0
Query stability Contains now detects self-referencing IQueryable and doesn't cause a stack overflow
In .NET 3.5 to resolve the problem: When using 'Auto Generated Value' = True, then you must set 'Delay Loaded' to False - otherwise you get the recursion error.


Web API controller returning boolean

I have a Web API where one of the methods in a controller return true or false when validating user id which is a string of numbers. I do no have an actual database yet, so I sort of mocked up the set of values in the repository.
Below is my code:
My repository class:
public class myRepository
public myClasses.Employee[] GetAllEmployees()
return new myClasses.Employee[]
new myClasses.Employee
empFName = "Jane",
new myClasses.Employee
empFName = "John",
public bool VerifyEmployeeId(string id)
myClasses.Employee[] emp = new myClasses.Employee[]
new myClasses.Employee
empFName = "Jane",
new myClasses.Employee
empFName = "John",
for (var i = 0; i <= emp.Length - 1; i++)
if (emp[i].empId == id)
return true;
return false;
and my model class:
public class myClasses
public class Employee
public string empId { get; set; }
public string empFName { get; set; }
public string empLName { get; set; }
and here is my controller:
public class myClassesController : ApiController
private myRepository empRepository;
public myClassesController()
this.empRepository = new myRepository();
public myClasses.Employee[] GetEmployees()
return empRepository.GetAllEmployees();
public bool VerifyEmployee(string id)
return empRepository.VerifyEmployeeId(string id);
Now when i compile it I get an error:
} expected
Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected
; expected
in line
return empRepository.VerifyEmployeeId(string id);
of my controller.
My question is using boolean the best way to return Success or Failure from Web API method or is there a better way? and also why am I getting this error. I am new to Web API
The compile error is caused by this;
return empRepository.VerifyEmployeeId(string id);
You should rewrite to:
return empRepository.VerifyEmployeeId(id);
You don't have you specify the type of the argument when calling a function.
About returning true or false; if you intend to only check whether the employee is valid or not, I should leave it this way. If you plan to use that employee data more you could rewrite that function so it returns the actual employee itself, and return 404: Not Found when the Employee is not found for instance.

MVC3 - Unity/Unit of Work Pattern and Webservice implementation

I am a newbie to with unity and unit of work pattern and I am trying to write a code, which connects to my webservice and does all the work.
Everything goes well until I use the Database but I get lost when I try to use the webservice.
I have wasted my 2 precious days, searching every single possible article related to it and applying it to my code, but no luck till date.
I know, by writing connection string to web.config and calling it in dbcontext class controller will connect to the required database, but I am not connecting to any database, so what changes I need to do in web/app.config. Also, even if I write my connection logic in dbcontext constructor, it still searches and fills the dbcontext with sql server details. I presume thats happening because I am using DBSet.
Guys, you are requested to have a look at my code, I have done and show me some hope that I can do it. Let me know, if you want any other info related to the code that you want to see.
public class CVSContext : DbContext
public DbSet<CVSViewModel> CVS { get; set; }
public DbSet<Contact> Contacts { get; set; }
public DbSet<Account> Accounts { get; set; }
public CVSContext()
//CRM Start
var clientCredentials = new System.ServiceModel.Description.ClientCredentials();
clientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "";
clientCredentials.UserName.Password = "";
var serviceProxy = new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.OrganizationServiceProxy(new Uri("http://Organization.svc"), null, clientCredentials, null);
serviceProxy.ServiceConfiguration.CurrentServiceEndpoint.Behaviors.Add(new ProxyTypesBehavior());
HttpContext.Current.Session.Add("ServiceProxy", serviceProxy);
//CRM End
public class GenericRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
internal CVSContext context;
internal DbSet<TEntity> dbSet;
public GenericRepository(CVSContext context)
this.context = context;
this.dbSet = context.Set<TEntity>();
public interface IUnitOfWork : IDisposable
int SaveChanges();
public interface IDALContext : IUnitOfWork
ICVSRepository CVS { get; set; }
IContactRepository Contacts { get; set; }
//IAccountRepository Accounts { get; set; }
public class DALContext : IDALContext
private CVSContext dbContext;
private ICVSRepository cvs;
private IContactRepository contacts;
// private IAccountRepository accounts;
public DALContext()
dbContext = new CVSContext();
public ICVSRepository CVS
if (cvs == null)
cvs = new CVSRepository(dbContext);
return cvs;
if (cvs == value)
cvs = value;
public IContactRepository Contacts
if (contacts == null)
contacts = new ContactRepository(dbContext);
return contacts;
if (contacts == value)
contacts = value;
public int SaveChanges()
return this.SaveChanges();
public void Dispose()
if(contacts != null)
//if(accounts != null)
// accounts.Dispose();
if(dbContext != null)
public interface ICVSService
Contact CreateContact(Guid contactName, string productName, int price);
List<CVSViewModel> GetCVS();
List<Contact> GetContacts();
List<Account> GetAccounts();
public class CVSService : ICVSService, IDisposable
private IDALContext context;
public CVSService(IDALContext dal)
context = dal;
public List<CVSViewModel> GetCVS()
return context.CVS.All().ToList();
public List<Contact> GetContacts()
return context.Contacts.All().ToList();
public List<Account> GetAccounts()
return context.Accounts.All().ToList();
public Contact CreateContact(Guid contactName, string accountName, int price)
var contact = new Contact() { ContactId = contactName };
var account = new Account() { ContactName = accountName, Rent = price, Contact = contact };
return contact;
public void Dispose()
if (context != null)
public ActionResult Index()
ViewData.Model = service.GetContacts();
return View();
It's all about proper abstractions. The common abstraction that is used between some data source (could be a db or ws) is the Repository pattern, or at a higher level the Unit of Work pattern. In fact Entity Framework DbContext is an implementation of the Unit of Work pattern, but it is tailored for databases. You can't use to communicate with a web service.
In that case you will have to write your own IRepository<T> abstraction and have a database specific implementation that uses a DbContext under the covers and a web service specific implementation that wraps a web service client proxy under the covers.
However, when your application gets more complex, you often find yourself wanting to have some sort of transaction like behavior. This is what the Unit of Work pattern if for: it presents a business transaction. Using the unit of work pattern to wrap multiple WS calls however, will get painful very soon. It's a lot of work to get right and in that case you will be much better of using a message based architecture.
With a message based architecture you define a single atomic operation (a business transaction or use case) as a specific message, for instance:
public class MoveCustomerCommand
public int CustomerId { get; set; }
public Address NewAddress { get; set; }
This is just an object (DTO) with a set of properties, but without behavior. Nice about this is that you can pass these kinds of objects over the wire using WCF or any other technology or process them locally without the need for the consumer to know.
Take a look at this article that describes it in detail. This article builds on top of that model and describes how you can write highly maintainable WCF services using this model.

ObjectContext not retrieving recent changes

This code works fine, However, if I run execute a storedprocedure in my unit of work class (or any update, delete, add operation), I'm still getting original the data. Actually, I have already a solution(posted below in controller) but Im sure this is not the most elegant way, I hope someone can help me refactor the code. please help. Thanks
My unit of work
public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork, IDisposable
private readonly ObjectContext _context;
private BookRepository _books;
public UnitOfWork(ObjectContext context)
if (context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Context was not supplied");
_context = context;
public IRepository<Book> Books
if (_books== null)
_books= new BookRepository (_context);
return _books;
public void UpdateAuthor(int id)
_context.ExecuteStoreCommand("sp_UpdateAuthor #param1",
new SqlParameter("param1", id));
public void Commit()
Book Repository
public class BookRepository : Repository<Book>
public BookRepository (ObjectContext context)
: base(context)
public override Machine GetById(object id)
return _objectSet.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Id== (int)id);
Generic Repository
public abstract class Repository<T> : IRepository<T>
where T : class, IAuditEntity
protected IObjectSet<T> _objectSet;
public Repository(ObjectContext context)
_objectSet = context.CreateObjectSet<T>();
public abstract T GetById(object id);
public IEnumerable<T> GetAll()
return _objectSet;
public IEnumerable<T> Query(Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter)
return _objectSet.Where(filter);
public void Add(T entity)
public void Remove(T entity)
Controller Code
public class HomeController : Controller
private IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
#region Core Action Methods
public HomeController()
this._unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(((IObjectContextAdapter)new BookContext()).ObjectContext);
private IEnumerable<BookViewModel> GetBookdsViewModels(int id)
//var query = _unitOfWork.Books.GetAll().Where(d => d.Id== id);
ObjectContext objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)new BookContext()).ObjectContext;
ObjectSet<Book> set = objectContext.CreateObjectSet<Book>();
set.MergeOption = MergeOption.OverwriteChanges;
var query = from a in set
where a.Id== id && !a.IsDeleted
select a;
return query
c => new BookViewModel
Id = c.Id ,
Name = c.Name
I believe the problem is because you're executing things directly against your database, and then trying to refer back to the local copy that's stored in your repository and they're different.
public void UpdateAuthor(int id)
_context.ExecuteStoreCommand("sp_UpdateAuthor #param1",
new SqlParameter("param1", id));
When you run this query, you're making a change in your db instead of your local - why dont you do something like this:
public void UpdateAuthor(int id)
var book = Books.GetById(id);
/* make changes to your book object */
If you're wanting to make changes using store procs, you're going to have to dispose of your context, and recreate the repo's so that you're working with data from the DB instead of the local copy.
Expanding on Mark Oreta's answer, you need to ensure your Model is updated after manually executing a stored proc on your database. If you must manually call that stored proc then try this afterward:
Which might be:

Repository Pattern and Azure Table Storage(???)

While doing the following simple example, I found the following difficulties
As the title says, I am intending to use the Repository pattern while I am storing data in the Azure table storage.now I have couple of classes, Repository.cs, IRepository.cs, DataContext.cs and the Controller.
During my reading I found some info and been doing as follows.
public interface IRepository<T> where T: TableServiceEntity
T GetById(int Id);
IQueryable<T> GetAll();
and the DataContext.cs
public class DataContext<T>:TableServiceContext where T:TableServiceEntity
public DataContext(CloudStorageAccount storageaccount, StorageCredentials credentials)
: base(storageaccount.TableEndpoint.AbsoluteUri, credentials)
// _storageAccount = storageaccount;
var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue(KEY_STORAGE));
public IQueryable<T> DeviceTable
get { return CreateQuery<T>(tableName); }
plus some part of the controller(I have already data in the table which I created before)
public class DeviceMeController : Controller
private IRepository<Entity>_repository;
public Controller() : this(new Repository<Entity>())
public Controller(IRepository<Entity> repository)
_repository = repository;
public ActionResult Index()
var List = _repository.GetAll();
return View(deviceList);
and the the Implementation of the interface Reposistory.cs, here is where I have an error and got lost somewhere
public class Repository<T>:IRepository<T> where T:TableServiceEntity
private DataContext<T> _serviceContext;
// here get tablename as pararameter;
// so the Enities call this function
public Repository()
// the same context for multiple tables ?
// perhaps it should take the table Name
public void Add(T item)
public IQueryable<T> GetAll()
var results = from c in _serviceContext.Table
select c;
return results;
Error is about the null reference, the debugger shows the variable results is null?
In the end I need to know few things.
what should I do in the Repository.cs constructor? I believe the Datacontext.cs class has to be in a separate class ...
any Hint here
first of all I presume you left out some code, because I don't see how you get your context in your repository. But supposing you do set it correctly, (injection?) taking into account the way you desinged your datacontext the repository doesn't need to know the table name because it is set in the following lines of code:
public IQueryable<T> DeviceTable
get { return CreateQuery<T>(Constants.DeviceTableName); }
So when you create a query based on the IQueryable DeviceTable, the table name is already set.
The thing is I don't see the need for your context class, especially as it can only bring over a single entity type (it is generic and based on an entity).
A basic layout of my Repository for Azure Table Storage is:
public abstract class CloudRepository<TEntity> : ICloudRepository<TEntity>
private TableServiceContext _tableServiceContext;
private string _tableName;
public string TableName
get { return _tableName ?? ( _tableName = typeof(TEntity).Name.Replace("Entity", string.Empty).ToLower()); }
public CloudStorageAccount StorageAccount
return CloudStorageAccount.Parse(RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue("StorageConnectionString"));
public CloudTableClient TableClient
CloudTableClient cloudTableClient = StorageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
return cloudTableClient;
public TableServiceContext ServiceContext
return _tableServiceContext ?? (_tableServiceContext = TableClient.GetDataServiceContext());
public IEnumerable<TEntity> FindAll()
return ServiceContext.CreateQuery<TEntity>(TableName).ToList();
Hope this helps you.

ASP.NET MVC Patterns

I am fairly new to MVC, but after playing with it (MVC 3/Razor), I am hooked.
I have a few questions:
1) What is the best, or most widely used pattern to develop MVC apps in? Repository, DDD, UOW?
2) I am using the Entity Framework 4, so could some please explain to me or point me to a good source that will explain the Repository Pattern w/EF4? Doesn't EF4 take place as the business layer and the data access layer? Does the Repository Pattern even provide a benefit?
3) Also, one last question, could someone explain the whole relationship between the Controller, the Model and the View? I get the basics, but maybe a little more in depth of the correct way to use it. View Models - Say I have a view that displays customer info, and one that edits it, should I have a view model and an edit model, or can the be passed around?
4) Examples??
Thanks for the help up front,
** EDIT **
Am I on the right track here:
Public Class HomeController
Inherits System.Web.Mvc.Controller
Function Index(ByVal id As Integer) As ActionResult
Return View(New HomeModel)
End Function
<HttpPost()> _
Function Index(ByVal Model As HomeModel) As ActionResult
Return View(Model)
End Function
End Class
Public Class HomeModel
Private _Repository As IRepository(Of Customer)
Public Property Customer As Customer
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal ID As Integer)
_Repository = New CustomerRepository
Customer = _Repository.GetByID(ID)
End Sub
End Class
Public Interface IRepository(Of T)
Function GetByID(ByVal ID As Integer) As T
Sub Add(ByVal Entity As T)
Sub Delete(ByVal Entity As T)
End Interface
Public Class CustomerRepository
Implements IRepository(Of Customer)
Public Sub Add(ByVal Entity As Customer) Implements IRepository(Of Customer).Add
End Sub
Public Sub Delete(ByVal Entity As Customer) Implements IRepository(Of Customer).Delete
End Sub
Public Function GetByID(ByVal ID As Integer) As Customer Implements IRepository(Of Customer).GetByID
Return New Customer With {.ID = ID, .FirstName = "Sam", .LastName = "Striano"}
End Function
End Class
Public Class Customer
Public Property ID As Integer
Public Property FirstName As String
Public Property LastName As String
End Class
I use generic repositories that get instantiated in a service class (using Dependency Injection with Ninject).
The service class essentially performs two functions:
It provides all the methods that the controller will consume.
It has a property called ViewModel, that essentially maps the data that the views need into a MyViewModel class.
The Controller consumes the service class. With this "pattern", your controllers look like:
namespace ES.eLearningFE.Areas.Courses.Controllers
public partial class CourseController : Controller
ICourseDisplayService service;
public CourseController(ICourseDisplayService service)
this.service = service;
public virtual ActionResult Display(int CourseId, int StepOrder, string PupilName, string TutorName)
service.CourseId = CourseId;
service.StepOrder = StepOrder;
service.PupilName = PupilName;
service.TutorName = TutorName;
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
return PartialView(service.ViewModel);
return View(service.ViewModel);
The ViewModel class only hold display data and no methods (except the odd really simple method to retrieve data from another property that is, for example a List<> object).
Works really well. An example of a service class:
namespace ES.eLearning.Domain.Services.Courses
public class SqlCourseDisplayService : ICourseDisplayService
DataContext db;
public SqlCourseDisplayService(DbDataContextFactory contextFactory)
db = contextFactory.Make();
CoursesRepository = new SqlRepository<Course>(db);
StepsRepository = new SqlRepository<CourseStep>(db);
StepLinksRepository = new SqlRepository<StepLink>(db);
UserCoursesRepository = new SqlRepository<UserCourse>(db);
CourseTutorsRepository = new SqlRepository<CourseTutor>(db);
UsersRepository = new SqlRepository<User>(db);
#region ICourseDisplayService Members
public ViewModels.CourseDisplayVM ViewModel
return new ViewModels.CourseDisplayVM
CourseId = this.CourseId,
CourseName = this.Course.Name,
Steps = this.Steps,
ActiveStepIndex = this.ActiveStepIndex,
CurrentStepIndex = this.CurrentStepIndex,
Pupil = new UserDto { UserId = this.PupilId, UserName = this.PupilName },
Tutors = this.GetTutors(this.CourseId),
Tutor = tutorName == null ? null : new UserDto { UserName = this.TutorName, UserId = this.TutorId}
#region Entities
int courseId;
public int CourseId
if (courseId == 0) throw new ApplicationException("Invalid Course Id!");
return courseId;
if (value == 0) throw new ApplicationException("Invalid Course Id!");
Course = (from c in CoursesRepository.Query where c.CourseId == value select c).First();
Steps = Course.CourseSteps.ToList();
courseId = value;
catch {throw new ApplicationException("No Course found for Course Id: " + value);}
public Data.Course Course { get; private set; }
public int StepOrder { get; set; }
public List<Data.CourseStep> Steps { get; private set; }
public int ActiveStepIndex
if (PupilName == null)
throw new ApplicationException("Pupil not set!");
if (CourseId == 0)
throw new ApplicationException("Course not set!");
var x = (from uc in UserCoursesRepository.Query where (uc.IdCourse == CourseId) && (uc.UserName == PupilName) select uc).First();
return x.ActiveStepIndex;
catch { throw new ApplicationException("Could not get Active Step!"); }
#region Users
string tutorName;
public string TutorName
if (tutorName == null) throw new ApplicationException("Invalid call to get Tutor Name [Null Tutor Name]!");
return tutorName;
tutorName = value;
TutorId = (Guid)Membership.GetUser(tutorName).ProviderUserKey;
public Guid TutorId { get; set; }
string pupilName;
public string PupilName
get { return pupilName; }
pupilName = value;
PupilId = (Guid)Membership.GetUser(pupilName).ProviderUserKey;
public Guid PupilId { get; set; }
#region Utility Properties
public int CurrentStepIndex { get; set; }
public int StepCount
return Steps == null ? 0 : Steps.Count();
#region Private Utilities
private List<UserDto> GetTutors(int CourseId)
return (from ct in CourseTutorsRepository.Query join u in UsersRepository.Query
on ct.TutorName equals u.UserName
where (ct.CourseId == courseId)
select new UserDto { UserName = ct.TutorName, UserId = u.UserId }).ToList();
#region Repositories
private IRepository<Course> CoursesRepository
private IRepository<CourseStep> StepsRepository
private IRepository<StepLink> StepLinksRepository
private IRepository<UserCourse> UserCoursesRepository
private IRepository<CourseTutor> CourseTutorsRepository
private IRepository<User> UsersRepository
May not be everyone's choice, but hey, it works for me... AND (more importantly) my clients and their users.
As requested in the comment below, the Repository that I use:
namespace ES.eLearning.Domain
public class SqlRepository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class
DataContext db;
public SqlRepository(DataContext db)
this.db = db;
#region IRepository<T> Members
public IQueryable<T> Query
get { return db.GetTable<T>(); }
public List<T> FetchAll()
return Query.ToList();
public void Add(T entity)
public void Delete(T entity)
public void Attach(T entity)
public void Save()
And the IRepository Interface:
namespace Wingspan.Web.Mvc
public interface IRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
List<TEntity> FetchAll();
IQueryable<TEntity> Query {get;}
void Add(TEntity entity);
void Delete(TEntity entity);
void Attach(TEntity entity);
void Save();
This should help you getting started. There are a lot of tutorials and videos available; for example:
Understanding Models, Views and Controllers
The ASP.NET MVC 2.0 basics and excellent introduction by Scott Hanselman. Personally one of my favorite speakers.
And also at www.asp.net; there are a few tutorials/examples to help you getting started. For example the Music Store sample
Unfortunately, I'm not so familiar with EF4/Repository pattern. But here's a blogpost about this pattern.
1) I would say that the repository pattern is the most widely used, then there is inversion of controll too.
2) I can't really point out the benefits with using a repository for entity framework other than that the controller should not know about how to acces data other then asking a repository. This makes it easy to switch it out sometime.
You can also eager load the data to make sure that the view don't call the database in every iteration of a foreach, for example a collection of users to display data from a child entity. You can probly do this anyway, but I feel that the repository is the right place to do it.
3) I can't tell you about the concept in a more in depth way, but I can tell some about viewmodels. In my opinion you should only use viewmodels if there is anything more then one entity you want to send to the view, for example a list of countries. You can alo use a viewmodel to "flatten" out very complex objects.
I would defiantly say the repository pattern is used a lot. This pattern can be used with Dependency Injection. Using Dependency Injection makes Unit Testing a breeze because you can snap different repositories to an abstract repoistory. Check out http://ninject.org/ for a simple to use Dependecy injector for .NET.
View Models should hold display data and transfer that data from the controller to the view. If you want to edit and display customer info, take a look at this
