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Interview: Remove Loop in linked list - Java
(7 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
A loop may occur in singly linked list (SLL).
To delete the loop in the list, first we need to detect the loop in the SLL and then delete the loop.
Can any one tell how to delete the loop in a SLL with pseudo code?
Can we do it using 3 pointers?
Is there any alternate to accomplish the task?
There are many solutions to what you ask. One of the easiest yet inefficient methods consists of reversing the list, while remembering the head node. If you get back to the head node, then you know that a loop exists.
Another way to check is by creating an array containing an int for each node in the list, each time you visit a node, increment its' corresponding value in the array. Then all you have to do is check to see if a value in the array has more than one, and then compare that to where the extra iterations start. This method detects full loops, and small loops. Hopefully this is helpful.
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How to find sum of elements from given index interval (i, j) in constant time?
(5 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have large array with random number stored in it. I want to create a function which returns the sum of numbers from given starting and end position in O(1) time.
Is there another method of storing number to achieve O(1) ?
It’s not possible to make a O(1) code, to get the sum of numbers.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm not sure what kind of "list", could be considered as "linear list".
For example, if the concept "linear" means we have one and only one rule to say what is the "next" element: then "Circular list", should also be "linear list"?
If yes, then "general lists", although they could have high dimensional structure, but as long as we give the rule of how to find "next" element, could it be considered as "linear list"?
Circular lists are linear data structures. However, it is not sufficient to give a rule for finding next element: in order for the structure to be linear, a single element must not be the next element to more than one element.
For example, the structure below is not linear:
Although each node has at most one successor, node "C" is a successor to two other nodes - "B" and "F". The structure is, therefore, cannot be considered linear.
A list of linear data structures can be found here.
I'm not sure what context you are coming from with this question, but my understanding of "circular list" in general computer data structure terminology is a list where the last element points back to the first element, so that the list could be traversed infinitely. This has usefulness in certain applications.
Yes you are right that , linearly linked means that you have a specific method for reaching to a unique next node
Because of a little difference in implementation of circular lists ,that is,
None of the pointers points to a NULL and becoz of it's infinite nature
there tends to be a confusion ...
Circular Linked List is generally called as a linear Linked List only
Note that
a tree is called a non linear datatype because one node's next could be more than one node so not a unique next node hence ** tree is example of non linear**
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Call every subunitary ratio with its denominator a power of 2 a perplex.
Number 1 can be written in many ways as a sum of perplexes.
Call every sum of perplexes a zeta.
Two zetas are distinct if and only if one of the zeta has as least one perplex that the other does not have. In the image shown above, the last two zetas are considered to be the same.
Find all the numbers of ways 1 can be written as a zeta with N perplexes. Because this number can be big, calculate it modulo 100003.
Please don't post the code, but rather the algorithm. Be as precise as you can.
This problem was given at a contest and the official solution, written in the Romanian language, has been uploaded at , as a docx file. (you can use google translate)
I do not understand what the author of the solution meant to say there.
Well, this reminds me of BFS algorithms(Breadth first search), where you radiate out from a single point to find multiple solutions w/ different permutations.
Here you can use recursion, and set the base case as when N perplexes have been reached in that 1 call stack of the recursive function.
So you can say:
function(int N <-- perplexes, ArrayList<Double> currentNumbers, double dividedNum)
if N == 0, then you're done - enter the currentNumbers array into a hashtable
clone the currentNumbers ArrayList as cloneNumbers
remove dividedNum from cloneNumbers and add 2 dividedNum/2
iterate through index of cloneNumbers
for every number x in cloneNumbers, call function(N--, cloneNumbers, x)
This is a rough, very inefficient but short way to do it. There's obviously a lot of ways you can prune the algorithm(reduce the amount of duplicates going into the hashtable, prevent cloning as much as possible, etc), but because this shows the absolute permutation of every number, and then enters that sequence into a hashtable, the hashtable will use its equals() comparison to see that the sequence already exists(such as your last 2 zetas), and reject the duplicate. That way, you'll be left with the answer you want.
The efficiency of the current algorithm: O(|E|^(N)), where |E| is the absolute number of numbers you can have inside of the array at the end of all insertions, and N is the number of insertions(or as you said, # of perplexes). Obviously this isn't the most optimal speed, but it does definitely work.
Hope this helps!
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Closed 8 years ago.
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If I have an array of unsorted numbers and a number I'm looking for, I believe there's no way of checking if my number is in it except by going through each member and comparing.
Now, in mathematics and various theoretical branches I've been interested in, there's often the pattern that you usually get what you put in. What I mean is, there's usually an explanation for every unexpected result. Take the Monty Hall problem as an example. It seems counter-intuitive until you realize the host adds more information into the situation because he knows what door the car is behind.
Since you're iterating on the array, instead of just getting a yes or no answer, you also get the exact location of the element (if it's there). Wouldn't it then make sense that there's an algorithm that's less complex, but give you ONLY a single bit of information?
Am I completely off base here?
Is there an actual correlation between the amount of information you get and the complexity of an algorithm? What's the theory behind the relationship between the amount of information you get from an algorithm and it's complexity?
Yes, you're completely off base, sorry!
Algorithmic complexity is defined in terms of how many operations it takes to solve the problem of size N. If the array has N elements in it, then there is no way of determining whether the value appears in the array other than checking all N elements. That makes it linear, or O(N).
The fact that you can also determine the location of the value in O(N) (as indeed you can) doesn't mean that you can solve the simpler problem in less time.
When you are searching an array, indexing is the price that you pay for having an array. An ability to access an element by index is inherent in the structure of the array: in other words, once you say "I am going to search an array" (not a collection, but specifically an array) you have already paid for the index. At this point, there is no way to get rid of it, and the O(n) cost associated with searching the array.
However, this is not the only solution: if you agree to drop the ability to index as a requirement, you could build a collection that gives you a yes/no answer much faster. For example, if you use a hash table, your search time becomes O(1). Of course there is no associated index in a hash table: inability to access items in arbitrary order is your payment for an ability to check for presence or absence of items in constant time.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a list whose members are sets of 5 numbers chosen from the
integers 1 to 600 [or 0 to 599 for storage purposes].
I need to choose a sublist of this list such that among the sets in this
sublist, each integer in the 1 to 600 range appears exactly once, so a
sublist of 120 elements. My list has either 4200 or 840 elements in
it--I'll find out by running whether the bigger number is necessary.
I need any one such sublist.
This sounds like a standard problem to me, but I have no idea how to
search. Can someone help with providing an algorithm, please?
From Set Cover Problem
The greedy algorithm for set covering chooses sets according to one rule: at each stage, choose the set that contains the largest number of uncovered elements
Wikipedia seems to say that this algorithm works the best under plausible complexity assumptions.
I would boil it down to these steps:
Pick an element from the list (the first one, probably)
Pick the next element you come across where all 5 numbers are not yet represented in the sub-list
If you reach the end, go back to the beginning of the list and lower the criteria of step #2 to 4 numbers
Repeat steps 2 & 3 until you have covered all integers
Depending on the programming language you're using, there are ways of making this pretty quick.
Edit: the poster has explained that each integer must be used exactly once
So, what you really need to do is just continue adding elements until the element contains an integer that is already present in your subset. The "exactly" criterion takes precedent over the "not yet in the subset" criterion. You'll break out of the loop when you hit 120 subsets.
You may also want to keep track of the order in which you add elements to your subset, and when you hit a dead end (e.g., each of the elements remaining in the superset contains an integer that is already present in your subset) you backtrack one element and continue.
In order to backtrack and remember what combinations do not work, you will need to keep a list of "banned collections", and each time you decide whether to add a new element you should first make sure it's not in this list of banned collections. The best way (that I've found) to do this in Ruby is to store the Hash of the collection rather than the collection itself. This provides an inexpensive way to evaluate whether the prospective collection has already been tried and has led to a dead-end.
Good luck!