Can OLAP be done in BigTable? - hadoop

In the past I used to build WebAnalytics using OLAP cubes running on MySQL.
Now an OLAP cube the way I used it is simply a large table (ok, it was stored a bit smarter than that) where each row is basically a measurement or and aggregated set of measurements. Each measurement has a bunch of dimensions (i.e. which pagename, useragent, ip, etc.) and a bunch of values (i.e. how many pageviews, how many visitors, etc.).
The queries that you run on a table like this are usually of the form (meta-SQL):
SELECT SUM(hits), SUM(bytes),
WHERE date='20090914' and pagename='Homepage' and browser!='googlebot'
So you get the totals for each hour of the selected day with the mentioned filters.
One snag was that these cubes usually meant a full table scan (various reasons) and this meant a practical limitation on the size (in MiB) you could make these things.
I'm currently learning the ins and outs of Hadoop and the likes.
Running the above query as a mapreduce on a BigTable looks easy enough:
Simply make 'hour' the key, filter in the map and reduce by summing the values.
Can you run a query like I showed above (or at least with the same output) on a BigTable kind of system in 'real time' (i.e. via a user interface and the user get's their answer ASAP) instead of batch mode?
If not; what is the appropriate technology to do something like this in the realm of BigTable/Hadoop/HBase/Hive and the likes?

It's even kind of been done (kind of).
LastFm's aggregation/summary engine:
A google search turned up a google code project "mroll" but it doesn't have anything except contact info (no code, nothing). Still, might want to reach out to that guy and see what's up.

We managed to create low latency OLAP in HBase by preagragating a SQL query and mapping it into appropriate Hbase qualifiers. For more detail visit below site.

My answer relates to HBase, but applies equally to BigTable.
Urban Airship open-sourced datacube, which I think is close to what you want. See their presentation here.
Adobe also has a couple of presentations (here and here) on how they do "low-latency OLAP" with HBase.

Andrei Dragomir made an interesting talk about how Adobe performs OLAP functionality with M/R and HBase.

If you are looking for a table-scan approach, have you considered Google BigQuery? BigQuery does automatic scale-out on the back-side that gives interactive response. There is a good session by Jordan Tigani from the 2012 Google I/O event that explains some of the internals.
It's not MapReduce but it is geared towards high-speed table scan like what you described.


Getting into designing dashboards and need some help identifying each technical layer along the way

So I will be embarking on designing a dashboard that will display KPI's and other relevant information for my team. Since I am in the early stages of this project and am not very familiar on the technical process behind designing a dashboard, I need some questions vetted out first before I go and shop for some solutions to avoid reinventing the wheel.
Here are some of my questions:
We want a dashboard that can provide live-time information via our data sources (or as close to live-time as possible). What function allows a dashboard to update itself with concurrent datasources? From a conceptual standpoint, I can understand creating a dashboard out of Microsoft Excel, and having the dashboard dependent on the values you may have set within your pivot table.
How do you make a dashboard request information from multiple datasources on its own? Just like the excel example, a user may have to go into the pivot tables to update values, but I want to know how would a dashboard request this by itself and what is the exact method from a programming standpoint? Does the code execute itself every time you refresh the webpage?
How do you create datasources organically? I know for some solutions such as SharePoint BI Center, there are pre-supported datasources like an excel sheet or SharePoint and it's as easy as uploading your document and letting the design handle the rest. However, there are going to be some datasources that I know that will need to be fetched. Do I need to understand something else like an event recorder in order to navigate this issue?
The dashboard (or a report, respectively) is usually the result of a long chain of steps. Very much simplified it could look like this:
src2 | /---- Dashboards
src n | | \---- Reports etc.
|------/ [Big Data]
Keep in mind, this is only a very, very simple structure of a data backend / frontend.
DWH means Data Warehouse, where data might be stored temporarily (you referred to this as fetching). This could be a database, could be a Big Data engine, could be a combination of both...
Afterwards, there are Business Rules (BR). Those might be specific rules in how different departments calculate and relate to data, but also simple things like algebra.
So, the main question should not be about the technology:
What software should we choose?
How can we create a dashboard?
but on the contrary focused on your business processes (see it like a top-down view):
How does our core process look like? Where would I like to measure data?
How would department a calculate sales in difference to department b? Should all use the same rule?
Where does everyone store the data? Can we access it? Do we need structural data?
And, very easy to forget but also easily sometimes one of the biggest parts: Is the identifier of a business object (say, sales id) everywhere build and formatted in the same way?
When those questions are at least in the back of your head and you keep working in this direction, more or less automatically data will spill out at certain points of that process.
Then it won't matter if you use Excel, a small-to medium app like Tableau, Tibco Spotfire, QlikView, Power BI or you want to go full scale with a big Hadoop backend, databases and JasperReports, Apache Drill, Pentaho, SSIS on top of it... it will come out eventually.
Focus on the processes first. Make sure to understand them. Draft in Excel. Then proceed in getting the data and the tools you need to help your use cases. It will work out much better from a "top-down" approach than trying to solve your requirements with tools only.

Storing and processing timeseries with Hadoop

I would like to store a large amount of timeseries from devices. Also these timeseries have to be validated, can be modified by an operator and have to be exported to other systems. Holes in the timeseries must be found. Timeseries must be shown in the UI filtered by serialnumber and date range.
We have thought about using hadoop, hbase, opentsdb and spark for this scenario.
What do you think about it? Can Spark connect to opentsdb easily?
OpenTSDB is really great for storing large amount of time series data. Internally, it is underpinned by HBase - which means that it had to find a way around HBase's limitations in order to perform well. As a result, the representation of time series is highly optimized and not easy to decode. AFAIK, there is no out-of-the-box connector that would allow to fetch data from OpenTSDB into Spark.
The following GitHub project might provide you with some guidance:
Achak1987's connector
If you are looking for libs that would help you with time series, have a look at spark-ts - it contains useful functions for missing data imputation as well.
Warp 10 offers the WarpScript language which can be used from Spark/Pig/Flink to manipulate time series and access data stored in Warp 10 via a Warp10InputFormat.
Warp 10 is Open Source and available at
Disclaimer: I'm CTO of Cityzen Data, maker of Warp 10.
Take a look at Axibase Time Series Database which has a rather unique versioning feature to maintain a history of value changes for the same timestamp. Once enabled with per-metric granularity, the database keeps track of source, status and times of value modifications for audit trail or data reconciliation.
We have customers streaming data from Spark apps using Network API, typically once data is enriched with additional metadata (aks series tags) for downstream reporting.
You can query data from ATSD with REST API or SQL.
Disclaimer: I work for Axibase.

DB candidate as CouchDB/Schema replacement

The idea is to redesign data structure and/or change DB.
I just started to review this project and plan to start optimization from this one.
Currently i have CouchDb with about 80GB of document data, around 30M records.
From that subset for the most of documents properties like id, group_id, location, type can be considered as generic, but unfortunately for now such are even stored with different property naming around the set. Also a lot of deeply nested can be found.
Structure isn't hardly defined, that's why NoSQL db was selected way before some picture was seen.
Data is calculated and populated in DB in a separate Job on powerful cluster. This isn't done too often. From that perspective i can conclude that general write/update performance isn't very important. Also size decrease would be great, but isn't most important. There are only like 1-10 active customers at a time.
Actually read performance with various filtering/grouping etc is most important.
But no heavy summary calculations should be done, this one is already done while population.
This one is a data analytical tool for displaying compare and other reports to quality engineers and data analyst, so they can browse the results, group them or filter from the Web UI.
Now such tasks like searching a subset of document properties for a text isn't possible due to performance.
For sure i've done some initial investigations(like and it looks Cassandra seems to be good choice among NoSql.
Also it's quite interesting trying to port this data into the new PostgreSQl.
Any ideas would be highly appreciated :-)
Hello please check the following articles:
For me, PostgreSQL json(and jsonb!) capabilities allow to start schema-less, have transactions, indexes, grouping, aggregate functions with very good performance, just from the start. And when ready(and if needed), you can go for the schema, with internal data migration.
Also check:
Good luck

Big Data transfer between different systems

We have different set of data into different systems like Hadoop, Cassandra, MongoDB. But our analytic team want to get the stitched data from different systems. For example customer information with demographic will be in one system, their transactions will be in another system. Analytic should able to query to get data like from US users what was the volume of transaction. We need to develop an application to provide ease way to interact with different system. What is the best way to do?
Another requirement:
If we want to provide their custom workspace in a system like MongoDB, they can easily place with it. What is the best strategy to pull data from one system to another system on demand?
Any pointer or common architecture used to solve this kind of problem will be really helpful.
I see two questions here:
How can I consolidate data from different systems into one system?
How can I create some data in Mongo for people to experiment with?
Here we go ... =)
I would pick one system and target that for consolidation. In other words, between Hadoop, Cassandra and MongoDB, which one does your team have the most experience with? Which one do you find easiest to query with? Which one do you have set up to scale well?
Each one has pros and cons to scale, storage and queryability.
I would pick one and then pump all data to that system. At a recent job, that ended up being MongoDB. It was easy to move data to Mongo and it had by far the best query language. It also had a great community and setting up nodes was easier than Hadoop, etc.
Once you have solved (1), you can trim your data set and create a scaled down sandbox for people to run ad-hoc queries against. That would be my approach. You don't want to support the entire data set, because it would likely be too expensive and complicated.
If you were doing this in a relational database, I would say just run a
select top 1000 * from [table]
query on each table and use that data for people to play with.

Free data warehouse - Infobright, Hadoop/Hive or what?

I need to store large amount of small data objects (millions of rows per month). Once they're saved they wont change. I need to :
store them securely
use them to analysis (mostly time-oriented)
retrieve some raw data occasionally
It would be nice if it could be used with JasperReports or BIRT
My first shot was Infobright Community - just a column-oriented, read-only storing mechanism for MySQL
On the other hand, people says that NoSQL approach could be better. Hadoop+Hive looks promissing, but the documentation looks poor and the version number is less than 1.0 .
I heard about Hypertable, Pentaho, MongoDB ....
Do you have any recommendations ?
(Yes, I found some topics here, but it was year or two ago)
Other solutions : MonetDB, InfiniDB, LucidDB - what do you think?
Am having the same problem here and made researches; two types of storages for BI :
column oriented. Free and known : monetDB, LucidDb, Infobright. InfiniDB
Distributed : hTable, Cassandra (also column oriented theoretically)
Document oriented / MongoDb, CouchDB
The answer depends on what you really need :
If your millions of row are loaded at once (nighly batch or so), InfiniDB or other column oriented DB are the best; They have great performance and are "BI oriented".
And they won't require a setup of "nodes", "sharding" and other stuff that comes with distributed/"NoSQL" DBs.
If the rows are added in real time.. then column oriented DB are bad. You can either choose two have two separate DB (that's my choice : one noSQL for real feeding of the stats by the front, and real time stats. The other DB column-oriented for BI). Or turn towards something that mixes column oriented (for out requests) and distribution (for writes) / like Cassandra.
Document oriented DBs are not suited for BI, they are more useful for CRM/CMS issues where you need frequent access to a particular row
As for the exact choice inside a category, I'm still undecided. Cassandra in distributed, and Monet or InfiniDB for CODB, are leaders. Monet is reported to have problem loading very big tables because it runs indexes in memory.
You could also consider GridSQL. Even for a single server, you can create multiple logical "nodes" to utilize multiple cores when processing queries.
GridSQL uses PostgreSQL, so you can also take advantage of partitioning tables into subtables to evaluate queries faster. You mentioned the data is time-oriented, so that would be a good candidate for creating subtables.
If you're looking for compatibility with reporting tools, something based on MySQL may be your best choice. As for what will work for you, Infobright may work. There are several other solutions as well, however you may want also to look at plain-old MySQL and the Archive table. Each record is compressed and stored and, IIRC, it's designed for your type of workload, however I think Infobright is supposed to get better compression. I haven't really used either, so I'm not sure which will work best for you.
As for the key-value stores (E.g. NoSQL), yes, they can work as well and there are plenty of alternatives out there. I know CouchDB has "views", but I haven't had the opportunity to use any, so I don't know how well any of them work.
My only concern with your data set is that since you mentioned time, you may want to ensure that whatever solution you use will allow you to archive data past a certain time. It's a common data warehouse practice to only keep N months of data online and archive the rest. This is where partitioning, as implemented in an RDBMS, comes in very useful.
