How can I exit my current project in Visual Studio? - visual-studio

In Visual Studio, how can I exit the current project and load another? Something like reloading?
i.e when i'm executiing my project(window application) i need to close the current exe and load another instance of the exe file.

File --> Close Project...
File --> Open Project

I think you're looking for the restart action.
View|Toolbars|Debug will show you the toolbar; the square blue icon with an arrow pointing left is what you're after.
On my system the keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+F5.

Simply open another project. Visual Studio will automatically close the current project when opening a new one.
I'm still not entirely sure that's what you're asking for though. Here are a couple of related actions and the way to achieve them
Unload project: Right Click and select "Unload"
Remove project from solution: Right click and select "Remove"
Close Solution: Right click on the solution and select "Close"

If you mean how to restart the program currently being debugged, then use the command "Debug -> Restart" or press "Ctrl+Shift+F5".


No option to open the Build process Workflow Designer

I have a build process in TFS and I'm using Visual Studio 2010. I can view the build process in the default xml editor, but I want to open it in the Workflow Designer.
Mostly there will be an option to open the build process in the Workflow Designer or you can press Shift-F7 and it'll open it when viewing the xaml.
For some reason that has disappeared, any ideas why?
Is there any way to force VS2010 to open a xaml (or xoml) file in the Workflow Designer and / or are there any good Windows Workflow editors out there like Kaxaml for WPF / Silverlight?
I have the same condition.
I have set my default editor for .xaml to the XML editor. This speeds up the load time of the file because it does not have to load the designer, but prevents me from seeing the workflow view of a build process. There is no option in TFS to allow you to view the build in a different editor, there is only a 'View' option.
So here is my workaround:
Find a .xaml form in your solution (not a build process .xaml)
Right click the file and choose 'Open with...'
Choose 'Workflow Designer' and click 'Set as Default'
Click 'Cancel' because clicking OK will try and open the file, fail, and set the setting back.
Now go open your build process .xaml. If it was already opened, nothing will change, so close the tab and try again.
Don't forget to default your setting back.
It's not a great solution, but it works for what I'm doing.
Did you try right clicking the template file and using "Open With" and selecting Workflow Designer?

Visual Studio Clicking Find Results Opens Code in Wrong Window

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and when I do a "Find in Files" the results are returned to the "Find Results 1" window which is docked below my code editor window.
Before, I would double click on one of the results in the Find Results window and the file I clicked on would open in the code editor panel.
The problem is now when I click on one of the results, it opens in the same panel as the Find Results window which happens to be much smaller than the code editor window which is annoying.
Does anyone know how to make it so that when I double click on the search results they open up in the code editor window again?
Click Window → Reset Window Layout
Works for VS2013 Update 4 and all newer versions, including VS2019.
I thought I had this problem but it was easily fixed by docking the Find Results window using the very bottom of the window position selectors.
The files open in the same position as the Find Results when the window is docked in the positions immediately next to the centre position.
This is also being discussed here:
VS2010 docks code windows in the wrong place
Go the same... irritating... I realized that this unwanted behavior happened only while the app was running in debug. After I stopped debugging, a new panel was created with this file open in it. If I opened new files, they would open in this new panel. If I close all files in this new panel, opening new files from the "Find In Files" open in the standard code editor window (as long as the app is not running).
I had this problem also. I experienced the problem in VS2013. I did not want to do "Window -> Reset Window Layout" because it seemed like that was going to do other stuff that I did not want it to do.
Here was my solution:
I noticed the problem in VS2013 in which I had project "A" open.
I opened another copy of VS2013 and opened project "B".
I closed the copy of VS2013 that was exhibiting the annoying behavior: project A.
I closed the copy of VS2013 that had project B open.
This saved the settings from the "good" copy.
Opened project A in VS2013 and all was well.
Obviously, the caveat is that this requires you notice the problem before you close VS2013. But if you do notice it in time, this is a pretty easy solution.
For those who do not want to dock their "Find Results", "Error List", "Output",... windows to the right, and for those the above answer which is Window->Reset Window Layout doesn't work: may be you are trying to dock wrong place! You should dock these windows to very bottom. Refer here:
For me, this was happening with a Visual Studio window containing an SQL file with the Window Split option active. If the cursor was in the top pane of the window, both Ctrl + F (Find) and Ctrl + H (Find & Replace) would cause the find control to appear in the other (main) Visual Studio window. Moving the SQL window into the main window just caused Find and Find & Replace to display the "Find in Files" dialog instead until another tab was selected.
The workaround was to place the cursor in the bottom pane which caused both Find and Find & Replace to work correctly in that pane of that window. Unfortunately as long as the Window Split is there, the bug is still there in the top pane.

Don't set project as startup project but run it

In my solution there are eight different projects. Most of the time the startup project is project A but some times I need to run other projects to check things and to do that I must set other project as the startup project every time.
I want to know if there is any other way to run a project in the solution without setting it as the startup project? This will save me lots of time!
You can also bind this command to keyboard shortcut:
Search for "Startnewinstance"
This way you can achieve desired with 0 clicks :)
It doesn't take a lot of time, just Right click the project and select "Set as startup project". 2 clicks.
If you want though you can use another method, right click the project, go to "Debug" and click on "Start new instance". 3 clicks!
Right click on the project, there is an entry on the context menu to run the project in the debugger. Its right underneath the command to "Set as StartUp project".
Debug > Start New Instance
This answer I'm quoting from may help:
The options for startup projects can be found by right-clicking on the solution and selecting "Set Startup Projects". The options are pretty straightforward:
Current selection
Single startup project
Multiple startup projects
Shift+F10 then press A key is a little faster than scrolling down.

Visual Studio 2005 not building solutions

I have a solution with about 20 projects (that use Devexpress controls) in and when I do a normal solution build (ctrl-shift-B) it says everything is completed sucessfully when in actualy fact it has done nothing. To get it to build i have to right click on the solution and use the batch build option.
I've tried deleting the solution and regetting from TFS and i've even gone as far as reinstalling VS!
Anyone got any clues as to what is going wrong?
Sorry should have added that also tried to build from the main menus aswell.
I've had similar issues. It's a long shot, but right-click your solution and go to Properties -> Configuration Properties. Check to make sure all of your projects have the "Build" option checked.
Perhaps Ctrl+Shift+B has been assigned to one of the "check-to-see-if-it-is-needed-before-building" type of functions?
Check in the keyboard setting:
Right-click the toolbar
Select Customize in the popup menu
Click the Keyboard button in the lower right corner of the dialog
In the new dialog, in the "Press shortcut keys", a bit to the right and below the center, hit Ctrl+Shift+B
Verify that it is bound to Build.BuildSolution
at least that is what it is bound to for me. I notice there is an action named Build.RebuildSolution as well, you should experiment.

Unable to start debug in Visual Studio 2005

My "Start debugging" button and element menu are greyed out... but only on one of my projects (an ASP.NET website). I have no idea what I have done to disable it.
I already checked everything in the Property page of both the solution and project. I even compared it to another project, but nothing seems to do the trick... maybe I missed an option ?
It sounds like your startup projects are all set to "start without debugging", since that would cause the button and element to grey out.
This can be fixed from Solution -> Set StartUp Projects.
Is it a startup project? You can only debug projects that can actually be started.
Right click on the project and click properties. Then click on Start Options (or something similar) to see the settings. If it's an executable project, you probably want to choose the option that will start the project output.
If you're able to start the project, you can usually attach the debugger using Ctrl+Alt+P (Or choose Attach to Process from the Debug-menu) and then choose the process from the list that comes up.
Do you have the COM+ Event System service running?
