How are dependency files in Makefile with include resolved - makefile

I have a few questions about makefiles. I have defined my own version of a dependency file (.d) by creating it in code and called it say .dd (Looks just like a normal .c dependency file except that this is for some internal file format). Now this file I have included in the makefile with the include statement. (There are a whole bunch of these files so I've defined this as a rule which uses subst to replace the extension as required.)
Now suppose that file X depends on file Y i.e. X.dd contains a reference to file Y. Now from my understanding, whenever I run make and the program goes through the include and finds that Y has been updated, it somehow recompiles this so as to reflect the changes in X.
My question and problem is when this timestamp change in Y is noticed, does make restart itself so as to include the changes. How exactly are dependency files of this sort resolved. Also file X is not a typical .c or .cc file. So how would the file be treated when its dependency changes.
The problem I'm facing is that if file Y is changed/touched, file X does not recompile. Also if I touch file X, it recompiles just fine. Also as expected, if the makefile is touched, everything recompiles appopriately.
This bug has me scratching my head for a few days now so any help whatsoever would be appreciated.

Presuming that an X.boy is generated from an X.src (and Y.boy from Y.src) then to following works:
all: X.boy Y.boy
# for the example I will generate .boy with cp
%.boy: %.src
cp $< $#
include X.dd
X.boy: Y.src
This then gives:
cp X.src X.boy
cp Y.src Y.boy
$touch X.src
cp X.src X.boy
$touch Y.src
cp X.src X.boy
cp Y.src Y.boy

My question and problem is when this timestamp change in Y is noticed,does make restart itself so as to include the changes.
GNU make reads the timestamps of files once, when it starts up. If you don't explicitly re-invoke it (e.g. by calling make or $MAKE from within the makefile), it won't re-check the timestamps after running commands.
So how would the file be treated when its dependency changes.
All files are treated identically; make just has a few built in rules for some types of files. Dependencies are handled the same way for all file types.
It sounds like your included .d file is creating a dependency on the source file(s), and not the target file. You can verify this by printing the rules make is using with make -p.
I'll use c files as an example, since you already know how their dependencies should work. Lets assume you have a file foo.c (source) which gets compiled to foo.o (target) and whos dependencies are specified in foo.d. For this example, lets say if bar.h or baz.h change, we want foo.o to be rebuilt.
foo.d should then contain something like:
foo.o : bar.h baz.h
And your makefile would read
$(CC) -c $< -o $#
include foo.d
Your symptoms sound like you have instead got a foo.d containing:
foo.c: bar.h baz.h
Or something totally unrelated on the left hand side, such that make does not see a dependency on foo.o. If you run make -p and search for foo.o in the output, you will see what make thinks it depends on from your makefile contents.


Make file Doesn't detect changes in source files

I am very much new to make files , I am facing very basic problem , My Makefile doesn't detect changes I made to source files . The problem is , when I first time generate consoleapp binary from my source file i get expected output . But When I change source file again and when I run make again it says
make: 'consoleapp' is up to date , So what changes I have to give to make file so that it detects my changes
Below is my Makefile :
g++ consoleapp.cpp -o consoleapp
rm -rf *.o consoleapp
This is my Source File :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout<<"I am ok \n"; // I am changing this line again after giving make
return 0;
make relies on the makefile author to tell it what each target's prerequisites are -- that is, which other targets or files affect the construction of the target in question, so that if they are newer or themselves out of date then the target is out of date and should be rebuilt. As your other answer already indicates, you do not designate any prerequisites for your targets, so make considers them out of date if and only if they don't exist at all.
That's actually problematic for both targets, albeit in different ways. For target consoleapp, which represents an actual file that you want to build, the failure to specify any prerequisites yields the problem you ask about: make does not recognize that changes to the source file necessitate a rebuild. The easiest way to fix that would be to just add the source file name to the recipe's header line, after the colon:
consoleapp: consoleapp.cpp
g++ consoleapp.cpp -o consoleapp
Generally speaking, however, it is wise to minimize duplication in your makefile code, and to that end you can use some of make's automatic variables to avoid repeating target and prerequisite names in your rule's recipe. In particular, I recommend always using $# to designate the rule's target inside its recipe:
consoleapp: consoleapp.cpp
g++ consoleapp.cpp -o $#
It's a bit more situational for prerequisites. In this case, all the prerequisites are source files to be compiled, and furthermore there is only one. If you are willing to rely on GNU extensions then in the recipe you might represent the sources via either $< (which represents the first prerequisite), or as $^ (which represents the whole prerequisite list, with any duplicates removed). For example,
consoleapp: consoleapp.cpp
g++ $^ -o $#
If you are not using GNU make, however, or if you want to support other people who don't, then you are stuck with some repetition here. You can still save yourself some effort, especially in the event of a change to the source list, by creating a make variable for the sources and duplicating that instead of duplicating the source list itself:
consoleapp_SRCS = consoleapp.cpp
consoleapp: $(consoleapp_SRCS)
g++ $(consoleapp_SRCS) -o $#
I mentioned earlier that there are problems with both of your rules. But what could be wrong with the clean rule, you may ask? It does not create a file named "clean", so its recipe will be run every time you execute make clean, just as you want, right? Not necessarily. Although that rule does not create a file named "clean", if such a file is created by some other means then suddenly your clean rule will stop working, as that file will be found already up to date with respect to its (empty) list of prerequisites.
POSIX standard make has no solution for that, but GNU make provides for it with the special target .PHONY. With GNU make, any targets designated as prerequisites of .PHONY are always considered out of date, and the filesystem is not even checked for them. This is exactly to support targets such as clean, which are used to designate actions to perform that do not produce persistent artifacts on the file system. Although that's a GNU extension, it is portable in the sense that it uses standard make syntax and the target's form is reserved for extensions, so a make that does not support .PHONY in the GNU sense is likely either to just ignore it or to treat it as an ordinary rule:
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf *.o consoleapp
because your target has no dependence. Please use this codes that rely to all cpp file in current dir to update binary.
consoleapp: $(SRCS)
g++ $< -o $#

makefile: dependency not build

The question was edited after MadScientist's answer. See history for the original makefile, but the problem stays the same.
I have a small makefile:
POSTCOMPILE=#mv -f $(OUTDIR)/$*.Td $(OUTDIR)/$*.d && touch $#
SOURCES:=$(notdir $(wildcard ../src/*.c))
all: $(OBJECTS) $(OBJECTS:%.o=%.d)
$(OUTDIR)/%.o : %.c
$(OUTDIR)/%.o : %.c $(OUTDIR)/%.d
#$(CC) $(DEPFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
$(OUTDIR)/%.d : ;
Directory structure looks like:
contains file.c
empty, after make: contains file.o and file.d
contains the makefile
When I call the makefile everything works fine and two files are generated: file.o and file.d
However, when I delete file.d nothing happens. I would expect that make finds a missing dependency for file.c and starts a rebuild. Why doesn't it happen?
Make version is 3.81 built for i386-pc-mingw32 under Windows 7.
Marking a file as .PRECIOUS does not remove all aspects of it's "intermediateness". All it does is prevent it from being deleted, but this feature of intermediate files is still in effect:
If an ordinary file b does not exist, and make considers a target that depends on b, it invariably creates b and then updates the target from b. But if b is an intermediate file, then make can leave well enough alone. It won’t bother updating b, or the ultimate target, unless some prerequisite of b is newer than that target or there is some other reason to update that target.
This is why your .d file is not recreated. In order for it to be recreated you need to ensure it's not an intermediate file. Fortunately this is trivial to do: you just need to mention the files explicitly somewhere as a target or prerequisite. You can do it like this:
all: $(OBJECTS) $(SOURCES:%.c=$(OUTDIR)/%.d)
Or if you prefer like this:
depends: $(SOURCES:%.c=$(OUTDIR)/%.d)
which would allow you to run make depends to update the dependency files, if you wanted to.
I'll just point out in passing that this method of managing dependencies is considered outdated. There's a better, more advanced way it can be done described here among other places.
(I'll be a horrific necromancer here, but I've ran into same problem, and found that actual issue isn't one mentioned in answer or comments here)
Dependency rule generated by compiler by default sports file name with ALL suffixes replaced by single suffix .o and path removed. Which doesn't match the pattern of rule in makefile.
For gcc 4.x and later correct options would be
$(OUTDIR)/%.o : %.c $(OUTDIR)/%.d
#$(CC) -MF $(OUTDIR)/$*.Td -MT $# -c $< -o $#
Mo flag no longer exist, you have to use only MF flag to specify dependency file name.MT flag allows to provide a literal line for target name.

Make recompiles source files outside project tree every time

For some reason make is recompiling the source files that are outside my
project tree every time. I don't normally have such files, but I noticed it while I was testing this Makefile and I would like to understand why. It behaves normally with respect to the source files inside my project tree. Here are my rules. First I have a function
src_to_obj = $(basename $(addprefix $(build_dir)/,$(1))).o
Then I populate the list of program_objects by calling foreach on the list of sources and applying the above function to each one.
$(bin_dir)/$(program_name): $(program_objects)
$(linker) $(link_flags) $(CPPFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(TARGET_ARCH) \
define build_template =
$$(call src_to_obj,$(1)) : $(1) $$(call dependency_file,$(1))
// make dependency and build directories
$$(compile) $$(OUTPUT_OPTION) $$<
// rename dependency
$(foreach source,$(program_sources),\
$(eval $(call build_template,$(source))))
As I said, this works just fine for the source files in the project directory. For example, the Makefile lives in ~/Projects/foo and most of the source code is in ~/Projects/foo/src. But if I pull in a file from the home directory,then that file is recompiled every time I run make.
Following Mad-Scientists suggestion, I ran make -d and examined the output. That made the problem clear. Basically, if I feed this a source file ~/, then the rule looks like:
build/~/bad.o : ~/ .deps/~/bad.d
However, my script for the rule is creating the file .deps/home/jim/bad.d. Therefore, every time I run make the dependency file is "not there" and the object file has to be remade. I am using the exact same expressions to refer to the file name in the script. However I am guessing that the shell is expanding the ~ to /home/jim. So somehow I have to escape the ~ in the recipe. Thanks to Mad Scientist for pointing out the -d option for make.
I don't have time to make a short self contained correct example right now, but if I can't solve this problem I will come up with one and post it here later.
So I solved the problem with the following hack:
program_sources = $(shell echo $(program_sources))
This pre-expands all names so that they are never different in the shell.

Make recompiles non-updated files

I was experimenting with GNU make. Suppose, I have 3 C files with the following structure:
| |
hellofunc.c hellomake.h
hellomake: hellomake.c hellofunc.c
gcc -o hellomake hellomake.c hellofunc.c -I.
When I type make for the 1-st time, it creates a program hellomake. When I run it for the 2-nd time, it prints:
make: `hellomake' is up to date.
Everything is working correctly.
I tried to use make for compiling LaTeX files. Suppose, I have 2 TeX files:
1_data is included into 1.tex internally.
COMMAND = pdflatex
all: 1.tex 1_data.tex
$(COMMAND) 1.tex
But it recompiles 1.tex every time I type make. Even if none of the files were modified.
What's wrong?
makesimply looks at whether or not all exists. Since it doesn't, it attempts to create it (but doesn't even notice that your commands do not create the file!)
Assuming pdflatex really creates a file somewhere, use the file name as the target name. Then it will be recreated only if it is older than the dependencies.
To recapitulate, a Makefile declares a mapping of target files, their dependencies, and how to create them from the dependencies. When a target is missing or out of date with respect to its dependencies, Make runs the commands for recreating it.
(My first attempt at articulating this answer mentioned .PHONY: targets as an aside, but that's not really useful in this context; if you declared .PHONY: all it would run the recipe even if a file named all existed, so that's the opposite behavior of what you are looking for.)

Make - autogenerated file issue

Here is the context :
I am working on a makefile to create a .h at every build, including another makefile that will use this header. I can't edit the second one.
Using a target all depending on my file, it compiles the first time, creating the missing MyHeader.h. The problem is, when I recompile, the header is not regenerated...
My makefile looks like this :
all: myHeader.h
include obscureAndPrivateMakefile.make
I also tried with a .phony target at the beginning. Same result : once created, it won't be regenerated at every build.
PS : I can't call a script before make.
Do some makfile-Masters have any ideas how to deal with that ?
Because myHeader.h has no dependencies, it will never be rebuilt once it exists. You can work around this by creating a dependency from myHeader.h to a phony target, eg:
# dummy; do nothing and don't create this file
.PHONY: forcebuild
myHeader.h: forcebuild
This will however slow down your build considerably, as the header (and any source files including it) will need to be rebuilt every time.
The trouble is that because myHeader.h does not depend on anything, it exists and is therefore up to date on the second build. To make sure it is built each time, it has to depend on a non-existent file:
myHeader.h: .FORCE
The name '.FORCE' (or, sometimes, FORCE) is used classically.
If you use GNU Make, you could make the 'non-existent' file into a phony target:
The advantage of this is that (GNU) make does not create the file .FORCE even if you run make -t - which would break the automatic rebuild of the header because that rule depends on there not being a file .FORCE that actually exists.
Here's another possible approach:
all: clean foo.txt
rm foo.txt
echo > foo.txt
where I'm using echo > foo.txt to simulate creation of your header.
