Best way to close and wait for a child frame window using Win32/MFC - winapi

There are a few options here, probably, but what would you suggest to be the safest way to accomplish the following:
I've got a child CFrameWnd with a parent = NULL (so that it can live a separate life from the main application, while the app is running, at least). I've got all those windows stored in a list. When the main app is closing (MainFrame getting an OnClose), I go through the array and issue a PostMessage(WM_CLOSE) to all. However, the problem is that each of them has to do stuff before closing down. So, I need to wait for them. But we're all on the same thread... So, how can I wait for the children to close, without blocking their own processing in a single-threaded application?
Or should I launch a worker thread to take care of that? Would it be easier?
Thanks in advance!

Use SendMessage() instead of PostMessage().
Edit: Another option might be to simply handle WM_DESTROY in your child windows (depending on your code of course).

Well you certainly can't just wait for them to close, you need to at least pump messages so that they would receive and handle the WM_CLOSE. How you do that is up to you I guess. But I see you are doing PostMessage. Why not do SendMessage instead - this will run the close synchronously in the window procedure for the window. Or are you trying to quit the app? Then you should really use PostQuitMessage then pump messages in the normal fashion until GetMessage returns 0. Lots of options.
Pumping messages means to have a loop in your code that looks like this. You don't have to call AfxPumpMessages, but that would probably do something similar. There are in fact many different ways to pump messages depending on what you want to do. In addition there are quite a few functions that pump messages for you.
BOOL bRet;
// note that GetMessage returns 0 when WM_QUIT is received - this is how PostQuitMessage
// would work to get us to shut down
// We are passing NULL for the hWnd parameter - this means receive all window and
// thread messages for this thread
while( (bRet = GetMessage( &msg, NULL /* hWnd */, 0, 0 )) != 0)
if (bRet == -1)
// handle the error and possibly exit
If you post the message to a window or windows, then you need to pump messages. What happens is that the message goes into a queue for the thread associated with that window (this thread) - the message pump extracts them out and dispatches them off to the correct window procedure.
If you had sent the message instead of posting it, then the window procedure for the window is called directly - rather than going into a queue. You wouldn't need to pump messages because once SendMessage returns the message is fully handled.
The way PostQuitMessage works is by setting a flag on the message queue indicating that the application should quit. The WM_QUIT message isn't really a window message that you would send - what happens is that GetMessage will check this flag after all the other posted window messages are processed and returns 0 if it is set. This will cause all windows to correctly close, and you don't need to send it to the windows themselves.


Stop WndProc processing during shutdown of the app

I have defined a WndProc which looks similar to below (the code is written in C++Builder, but it applies in similar form to Delphi as well):
#define WM_GUI_UPDATE WM_APP + 1235
void __fastcall TForm1::WndProc(TMessage &fMessage)
switch (fMessage.Msg)
default: break;
case WM_SETTINGS_UPDATE: ProcessMySettingsUpdate();
fMessage.Result = 1;
break; // I know this is not needed, I do this purely for aesthetics
case WM_GUI_UPDATE: ProcessMyGUIUpdate();
fMessage.Result = 1;
break; // I know this is not needed, I do this purely for aesthetics
So in essence this:
checks for my custom WM_APP range messages (WM_SETTINGS_UPDATE and WM_GUI_UPDATE) in this case.
processes those messages and then sets fMessage.Result to 1 indicating message was processed and returns (avoiding TForm:WndProc(fMessage), which I understand is the same as inherited in Delphi, and not needed if the message is processed).
if my messages are not processed, it just calls TForm:WndProc(fMessage) (or inherited) to do the default processing.
My concern is this - what if there is a situation where the application is shutting down, and there are still some messages being unprocessed (left in the message queue by PostMessage())?
What I'd like to do in such a situation is to avoid calling my own processing, as it might result in some uninitialized memory Access Violations or similar. Is this basically enough, or do I need to apply some special processing to avoid that kind of situation, or process some "application shutting down" code?
And also - do I need to call inherited / TForm:WndProc(fMessage) after I am done with my processing, or is it safe to do it like above (set Result to 1 and return)?
Note - this does not necessarily apply to the MainForm (the first Form being created).
what if there is a situation where the application is shutting down, and there are still some messages being unprocessed (left in the message queue by PostMessage())?
That is perfectly OK. Once a Form's HWND is destroyed, any remaining messages that were posted for that window will simply be discarded when dispatched by the main message loop. Your WndProc will not be called for them.
What I'd like to do in such a situation is to avoid calling my own processing, as it might result in some uninitialized memory Access Violations or similar.
That should not be a concern. One, because messages won't be dispatched to your Form's HWND after it is destroyed, and two, when the MainForm is closed, the main message loop is signaled to stop running, before any active Form HWNDs are destroyed. So, there won't be any further message dispatching anyway.
Is this basically enough, or do I need to apply some special processing to avoid that kind of situation
It should be enough. You typically do not need to handle this special (unless your custom messages are carrying pointers to objects that have to be freed).
or process some "application shutting down" code?
If you really want to detect when the app is being shut down, try having your WndProc handle the WM_CLOSE message (or you can use the Form's OnClose/Query events).
do I need to call inherited / TForm:WndProc(fMessage) after I am done with my processing, or is it safe to do it like above (set Result to 1 and return)?
That is perfectly OK for custom messages.

What exactly is going on in this Win32 messaging loop?

What exactly is going on inside this Win32 messaging loop? I understand that TranslateMessage is converting keycodes to UTF char codes and sending the WM_CHAR event, but what is the call to PeekMessage doing exactly? Is it filtering out a certain type of message and only translating those?
// Application / Player message loop.
MSG msg;
ZeroMemory(&msg, sizeof(msg));
while(msg.message != WM_QUIT)
if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0U, 0U, PM_REMOVE))
// work happens here...
Normally the message loop will use GetMessage instead of PeekMessage. The difference is that PeekMessage returns immediately. Returning either TRUE if a message was removed, or FALSE if no message was fetched. On the other hand if the queue is empty, GetMessage blocks until a message arrives.
The point is the comment stating work happens here. Presumably the author had some reason why the normal blocking message loop would not suffice. The down side of the non-blocking message loop code in the question is that it is a busy loop. It will not idle and so it will fully consume the CPU, unless there is a call to Sleep() or similar that you have excised.
In a comment you say that you actually want to pull off keyboard messages only, and just messages for a specific window. You need to call PeekMessage like this:
PeekMessage(&msg, hwnd, WM_KEYFIRST, WM_KEYLAST, PM_REMOVE)
All it is is a nonblocking way to get messages. It checks to see if there is a message, and if there is, it takes it out of the queue and puts it in &msg.
Check the docs.
The second parameter says which window to look in. In this case, it's "all windows in the thread."
The third and fourth parameter do let you specify whether you want keyboard or mouse events, but currently is set to "all".

Is Application.DoEvents sending messages to a separate thread?

I've been trying to understand event loops (not going so well) in general and I've read that the windows messaging loop is single threaded. If it is, how can Application.DoEvents work? Doesn't an event loop process one message at a time and blocks while each message/event is being processed? Wouldn't the message event loop need to exist on a different thread from the one that is processing the message for Application.DoEvents to be possible? If there are separate threads, which one is it that we're calling the "main" thread? I'm sure I'm missing something very simple, I just don't know what it is.
I spend the better part of the day figuring this out (if anything I say is wrong, please comment and let me know so I can correct it). I actually had to build an old Win32 application and create the message loop myself (I'm a pretty persistent SOB). So there is a function called WinMain that starts up the message loop which looks like this:
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
if (!TranslateAccelerator(msg.hwnd, hAccelTable, &msg))
The thing about GetMessage() is that it blocks until a message is available in the message queue. If you run a Windowed application and just sit there and look at the window (don't cause any actions that would post a message to the queue), the main thread (the thread the window was created on) is paused on GetMessage(). Now when a message does get posted, we enter the while loop (that is if the message is not quit which is 0). DispatchMessage() is the interesting function here. This function will eventually lead to (in .NET) events being raised by controls and execution of EventHandlers. What puzzled me is if the call stack is GetMessage()/DispatchMessage()/.../EventHandler, how is it possible for Application.DoEvents() to process messages? Well it's pretty simple. DoEvents in Win32 would look like this:
void DoEvents()
MSG msg;
HACCEL hAccelTable;
hAccelTable = LoadAccelerators(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_TESTWIN32));
// Main message loop:
while (PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) != 0)
if (!TranslateAccelerator(msg.hwnd, hAccelTable, &msg))
So DoEvents() actually starts up another loop to process events while inside the initial message loop's DispatchMessage()! The key difference is that instead of using GetMessage() which blocks until there is a message in the queue, we use PeekMessage() which returns 0 and exists the loop when there are no longer any messages in the queue.
So what if we click a button twice and in that button's EventHandler we have a DoEvents() call? The initial event loop will process the first click and fire the event. While the EventHandler is executing, at the DoEvents() call, the event will be fired a second time and the EventHandler will be entered again (sort of like a recursive call). That's scary!
So in the end, everything is happening in a single thread and DoEvents() actually blocks until all messages are processed then returns. Now I'm going to go to sleep for a couple days.

CreateProcess with WaitForSingleObject performance degradation

Everyone probably knows the code to run a program and wait for it to end:
WaitForSingleObject(Process.hProcess, INFINITE
It was used several times by myself. But recently I found that this call when it launches a program with a multimedia playback has worse performance than the same process being executed from a general file manager (Windows XP). That's ok with CPU consumption of my (parent) process, but while playing the fragment there are unexpected little stops.
I made a little change to something like:
CreateProcess ...
do {
Res = WaitForSingleObject(Process.hProcess, 10);
} while (Res == WAIT_TIMEOUT);
And it helped. Now the child process plays the fragment without problems.
So what's wrong with the first fragment and is it documented somewhere? As I see from the tests the second "wait" is more "relaxed" than the first one, but the first one doesn't eat CPU at least formally
If this code is running on a UI thread, you will cause performance problems with other processes that (directly or indirectly) send messages to your window(s), since you do not run the message loop while you are waiting for the child process. Neither Sleep() nor WaitForSingleObject() will process messages.
Windows Explorer (the file manager) will not suffer this problem because it:
Does not keep an open handle to processes it launches at the user's request (I think this is more likely, since Explorer needs neither to know when the process exits or its exit code), or
Does not wait on any open process handles it may keep from its children, and importantly
Always makes sure to run a message loop while it waits on handles. This is very important in any process that makes use of COM, which Explorer uses heavily.
Instead of calling WaitForSingleObject(), you can call MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(). If you specifiy QS_ALLINPUT for the dwWaitMask parameter, MsgWaitForMultipleObjects will return either when your event is signaled or when there is input in the thread's message queue. If MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() returned because a message is available, you can process it and resume waiting:
MSG msg;
while (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != reason) {
reason = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &hChildProcess, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT);
switch (reason) {
// Your child process is finished.
case (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1):
// A message is available in the message queue.
if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) {
// Note that if your main message loop does additional processing
// (such as calling IsDialogMessage() for modeless dialogs)
// you will want to do those things here, too.

How can I update a win32 app gui while it is waiting for another program to finish?

I am currently using CreateProcess/WaitForSingleObject from within a win32 GUI app to launch a small GUI app that deals with software licensing issues. This all works fine, but it essentially hangs the "parent" app while it waits for the licensing app to finish its work. During this time, updates to the parent app do not occur and it ends up with ugly white squares if the utility app window is moved.
Also, for some strange reason, while the utility app is running, if I copy something from within that app to the clipboard, it HANGS. I haven't figured out why yet, but it only happens if I am waiting for the app to finish from within the parent app.
So I'm thinking that if I can cause the parent app to handle its events while waiting for my other app to finish, it might solve both problems.
So, is there a replacement for CreateProcess/WaitForSingleObject that also handles UI updates?
Your parent process appears to hang because the WaitForSingleObject() call blocks your thread until the handle you pass into the call is signaled.
Your child process likely hangs during the copy-to-clipboard operation because it is, as a part of that operation, sending a message either specifically to the parent process's window or to all top-level windows. The message loop in your parent process's thread is not running, because it is blocked waiting until the child process exits, so the message is never processed and the child process remains blocked.
Instead of calling WaitForSingleObject(), you can call MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(). If you specifiy QS_ALLINPUT for the dwWaitMask parameter, MsgWaitForMultipleObjects will return either when your event is signaled or when there is input in the thread's message queue. If MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() returned because a message is available, you can process it and resume waiting:
MSG msg;
while (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != reason) {
reason = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &hChildProcess, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT);
switch (reason) {
// Your child process is finished.
case (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1):
// A message is available in the message queue.
if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) {
// Note that if your main message loop does additional processing
// (such as calling IsDialogMessage() for modeless dialogs)
// you will want to do those things here, too.
You could put the WaitForSingleObject call in a loop and use a relatively small value for the dwMilliseconds parameter.
The condition to exit the loop is when the WaitForSingleObject call returns WAIT_OBJECT_0.
In the loop you have to examine the message queue to see if there are any that you must process. How you handle this is really up to you an it depends on your typical needs.
// Assuming hYourWaitHandle is the handle that you're waiting on
// and hwnd is your window's handle, msg is a MSG variable and
// result is a DWORD variable
// Give the process 33 ms (you can use a different value here depending on
// how responsive you wish your app to be)
while((result = WaitForSingleObject(hYourWaitHAndle, 33)) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
// if after 33 ms the object's handle is not signaled..
// we examine the message queue and if ther eare any waiting..
// Note: see PeekMessage documentation for details on how to limit
// the types of messages to look for
while(PeekMessage(&msg, hwnd, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE))
// we process them..
if(GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) > 0)
// if you're here it means WaitForSingleObject returned WAIT_OBJECT_0, so you're done
// (but you should always check and make sure it really is WAIT_OBJECT_0)
if(result != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
// This should not be.. so react!
I suggest you can handle this as follows:
Parent application does CreateProcess, and then returns immediately instead of waiting for a response or for the utility app to finish
Because the parent applicatin has returned, it can handle other Window messages (e.g. WM_PAINT)
When the utility app finishes, it notifies the parent application (e.g. using PostMessage and RegisterWindowMessage APIs)
Parent application handles positive notification received via PostMessage
Parent application may also have a Windows timer (WM_TIMER) running, so that it knows if the utility app is killed before it send its notification
You can get a hanging problem if the app you are spawning causes a sendmessage broadcast, either explicit or implicit. This is clipped from my website:
The problem arises because your application has a window but isn't pumping messages. If the spawned application invokes SendMessage with one of the broadcast targets (HWND_BROADCAST or HWND_TOPMOST), then the SendMessage won't return to the new application until all applications have handled the message - but your app can't handle the message because it isn't pumping messages.... so the new app locks up, so your wait never succeeds.... DEADLOCK.
I don't do clipboard code, but if that causes the situation above (believeable), then you'll deadlock. You can:
put the launch of the secondary application into a little thread
use a timeout and spin around a PeekMessage loop (yuck)
use the MsgWaitForMultipleObjects API.
No preference is implied by that ordering... I'm assuming you don't create the spawned application yourself, in which case you could use IPC to get around this issue, as ChrisW suggested.
You should create a thread that does only the following:
call CreateProcess() to run the other app
call WaitForSingleObject() to wait for the process to finish - since this is a background thread your app will not block
call CloseHandle() on the process handle
call PostMessage() with a notification message for your main thread
Now you only need to make sure that your main application has its GUI disabled to prevent reentrancy problems, possible by showing a modal dialog that informs the user that the other app is running and needs to be dealt with first. Make sure that the dialog can not be closed manually, and that it closes itself when it receives the posted notification message from the background thread. You can put the whole thread creation into this dialog as well, and wrap everything in a single function that creates, shows and destroys the dialog and returns the result your external application produces.
