What are possible problems switching from MSXML4 to MSXML6? - windows

Due to problems associated with installing MSXML4 (like this) we want to switch to MSXML6. Are there any known issues associated with this or is such transition smooth and painless?

This comment isn't so much about the 4 to 6 transition as it is about the MSXML6 installer itself. Apparently some people do experience problems getting it installed properly. When not properly installed, it breaks the Add-In Manager in Visual Studio.
Quote from this page:
"There is a reported problem that happens when MSXML 6.0 is not installed correctly. In this case the Add-In Manager doesn't show any XML-based add-in (using an .AddIn file for registration). It shows only registry-based add-ins. So, if the Add-In Manager is empty when it should show several installed add-ins (not only yours), try reinstalling MSXML 6.0."


Which version of Visual Studio covers ActiveX?

I would like to use an ActiveX control, more exactly "Microsoft Tabstrip control, version 5.0 (SP2)" but this is not possible due to license problems.
As mentioned in the answer on this other question, this problem can be solved by installing an old version of Visual Studio (the installation of another environment, using that control, automatically handles the licensing issues of that control, also for other environments, at least that's how I understood it). I have installed the most recent version (2019, 16.8.3), which seems not to be a good idea.
So, there are three ways to proceed now:
Either I uninstall my Visual Studio and replace it by an older version. In that case, which version do I need to use?
Either I add the mentioned control (or ActiveX as a whole) to my list of "Workloads", "Individual Components" ("Tools" menu, "Get tools and features..." menu item).
Either I use the extention handling feature to add (the mentioned) ActiveX control(s) ("Extensions" menu, "Manage extensions" menu item).
Edit after more investigation
In the meantime I've installed Visual Studio 2017, version 15.0, but this seems not to solve the issue. In top of that, I have no idea on how to include an ActiveX control to a basic Windows Form.
Does anybody have an idea?
In the meantime I've managed getting the license to work, installing "Visual Basic 6 (VB6), Service Pack 6".

How to remove all remnants of a VS extension after deinstalation from VS 2017?

I downloaded and installed Telerik's WinForms components demo and removed it later. However, the VS extension that adds the Telerik menu in the main menu system was not removed correctly. After deinstallation, my VS started to display about 10 message boxes at startup telling that Telerik assemblies like Telerik.WinControls.VSPackage.2018.1.115.1 cannot be loaded. Here is the corresponding part of the VS startup log (the ActivityLog.xml file viewed in the browser):
I asked Telerik's support about this problem and posted a message on their community forums, but nobody has answered yet - even after several days.
Having no answer, I tried to find all remnants of the problem extension in VS folders and the system registry and cleaned all what I found, but VS is still trying to load some "tails" of this non-existing Telerik extension.
Is there a way to trace and clear all remnants of a VS extension left by its uninstaller (manually or automatically using a tool)?
I got an answer to my question from the Telerik team:
Visual Studio 2017 uses its own private registry to store this king of
information -
Removing this file should resolve the issue on your side. The file
will be auto-generated by Visual Studio once it is launched.
Note: You if choose to delete the file your personal preferences
regarding the Visual Studio IDE environment will be reset to the
default ones and you may need to set up them in the Options dialog.
Frankly speaking, I could not try what they suggested. I suddenly discovered that my instance of VS no longer tries to load any Telerik assembly at startup. I think it happened after upgrading to the latest version 15.5.7, which was done with the administrator privileges. I earlier launched VS with admin rights several times, and as I saw, some problem Telerik entries (but not all) were cleared by VS automatically in this mode. It seems, VS can heal itself in the admin and/or upgrade mode.

Unable to register Outlook Add-in no matter what

I've been developing an Outlook Add-in, been working and installing fine.
Then I tried to installed a really old version of the same add-in (trying to verify some old behaviour, the old plugin was for Outlook 2010), and it somehow messed up the install/uninstall process. Ever since then Office Outlook 2016/365 is not able to register/view the Add-in anymore.
I've tried the following:
Uninstall and Reinstall Outlook
Removes all the registry entries related to the Add-in (I literally search with the Add-in's keyword and removed hundreds of left over entries which I wasn't even aware of)
Deleted c:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office
Deleted c:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Office
Deleted c:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\MyAddIn
Ran CCleaner
Ran RegDllView to scan all the registered DLLs, and it says C:\WINDOWS\system32\mscoree.dll is "missing"? But is there...
Tried to uninstall and reinstall Add-in Express before recompile the whole project.
If i try to manually add the Add-in in Microsoft Outlook, Options > Add-ins > Manage > Add, if i point it to MyAddIn.dll it would say that it is not a valid COM Add-in (but nothing was changed in the project on how the dll was built). If i point it to adxloader.dll and hit OK, it won't complaint but nothing shows under Add-in either.
My next option is to completely reinstall Windows, this is driving me insane. Can anyone who have experienced this insanity give me some pointers?
Operating System: Windows 10
Office: Office 365 Outlook

Visual Studio extensions keep disappearing

I am by no means a visual studio expert. However I have done some searching on this topic and cannot find anything to help me.
I'm working on a VS 2010 web application. We are using TFS 2012 for source control. I wouldn't be suprised if this is causing my issue so I make a special mention of it.
The issue I'm having is every morning after I open the project I have to go into Tools / Extension Manager and search online and add JScript Editor Extensions. When I open the project the next day it's gone and I have to add it again. (I think sometimes it does this right in the middle of coding - my Javascript window changes size and loses formatting)
An extension that stays every day regardless is NuGet package manager, so it's not removing every extension.
I suspect that when I get latest from TFS it's overwriting the solution or project which contains the reference to the extension but I haven't been able to verify this.
Can anyone tell me why extensions would be removed? Are these a local user setting or are they contained in the project file?
Taking a step back, my real problem is complete lack of integration between C# and Javascript in the web programming world. I need all the help I can get on the Javascript side.
There were a number of issues with buggy extension addins. To clarify are you using visual studio 2010 with tfs 2012 plugin?
The recommended process for identifying the buggy extension is to disable the extensions one at a time until the buggy one is isolated.
the source control shell for tfs2012 can be installed as a separate shell if needed.
I suspect the script editor extensions however.

Outlook 2007 Addin - LoadBehavior in registry always resets to 2

I know this has been asked before, but I've never found a solution to this. I created an Addin in Visual Studio for Outlook 2007. I created an Installer and copied the files and created the registry values. It installs perfectly on the developer computer and it uninstalls perfectly as well. But on the second computer, which is also Windows 7 32bit and Office 2007, the registry key LoadBehavior is always reset to 2 when Outlook opens. I edit it to say 3 and it just resets to 2 again. No error message or anything. This also happened on my computer at work.
Now, I did read something about this guy that tried installing Visual Studio on the computer and it would run just fine after. Made me think I need some other .NET library or something?
Why does this happen and has anyone ever found a solution?
In my case this turned out to be caused by an issue in a license protection wrapper from a third-party vendor. The issue has apparently been fixed in more recent versions of that product (contact me in private if you need more details).
Also, watch out for message boxes shown during Outlook startup. Outlook is really sensitive to those and AFAICT it has only gotten worse with Outlook 2010, especially under Windows 7.
Also, see this question of mine for links to a MS blog entry about this.
