Joomla 1.0 - need to add drop down menu into existing template - drop-down-menu

What is the best and easiest way to add a drop down menu to an existing template in Joomla 1.0 (can't upgrade it)?

Module SwFreeMenu works with 1.0 afaik.

Depends on what sort of options do you with to provide in that menu. If it's just some static stuff, like Select language: (options) English, German, Spanish, you might get away with adding that directly to the template by editing the template's HTML markup in the right place.
However, if you intend to do something more dynamic, than template is not the place to hack. You may want to create a "module" and ten add it to your list of site modules, to a desired position defined by the template. Then you can set which pages is this module going to appear on. I believe you can duplicate a simple module like the search box, and then change the module's code. I haven't done it before but I bet it's pretty simple.


Joomla 3 Overwrite/Change "Menu Manager: Edit Menu Item"

Like the topic say I want to overwrite/change the "Menu Manager: Edit Menu item" layout. To illustrate my question:
In the picture whiche is shown I want to change the labels: Layout, Option, Integration.... and add some other options to it. How can I do it? Or is this even possible?
In order to change the text, simply use language overrides, google is your friend.
In order to add functionality, let's first of all explain what we're talking about to ensure we're on the same page.
Joomla components have views which can have one or more layouts, i.e.
/components/com_content/views/category/tmpl/ contains two layouts, blog and default.
A layout can additionally contain an .xml manifest (in our case, blog.xml and default.xml) allowing us to create a menu item for the specific view/layout combination. The .xml file contains the parameters that the user will set, you can add your own as well.
When you want to change Joomla, usually there is a way to do so without touching the core, which would be pretty bad, as any Joomla! updates would break your work.
For the view layouts a special feature called template override was developed, which allows you to create an alternative to the view layout in a safe place (under your template folder, in this case your admin template), and this is the most elegant and effective way to achieve your result.
Beware though, you are just creating a layout, most likely you will want to add functionality, if it's complex you might be better off creating a dedicated component to keep the code clean. Or you can just put all the logic in your view, query the database from there. But in this latter case, get paid, and run away. Never answer the phone to the customer again.
A final alternative is to write a system plugin that will manipulate the page markup after it was generated in the event onAfterRender(). This is a simple and good approach if you only want to add a button or make minor changes, but if you do anything more than that, see the above advise about running away.

Joomla mulitple layouts in a single template?

Respected Specialists,
Is it possilble to create mulitple layouts inside a single joomla template ?. So that for each menu we can choose different layouts from the same template ?
Yours faithfully
Yes you can. You can code it by hand yourself if you want to, or look at using a library like Gantry to do the job.
Gantry is reasonably easy - as it gives you some default templates to start with. You can then customize them, and nominate which positions within the template actually display.
The easiest way would be to make multiple copies of your template, modify them and assign them to the various menus. To duplicate a template follow the steps described in the following:

visually enhanced joomla 2.5 List of Categories component (Default is ugly)

I have a menu item that loads a List of Categories.
The problem is that I donĀ“t know if there is a visually enhaced component other than the default one.
Could you please point me to the right direction
I am using Joomla 2.5
Just to add a link to the suggestion from Marko D about template overrides (which would be the correct answer):!_core and explains how the template overrides work
This is indeed the simplest way to adjust how the list is created. And of course using CSS within your template.

Multi-language store- Changing custom menu's language dynamically

I am doing Multi-language store in magento. i have some custom menu in header section like how to order, Help etc. .
now currently these menu i have given direct link like
<li>how to order</li>
i am not sure how multi-language feature will work with this menu.. How can i write these top menu as if It will change with language change.
any suggestions will be helpful for me.
Any text that is hard-coded into your template needs to be wrapped in the translation helper.
echo $this->__('Help');
But make sure the block it applies to has a helper declared, otherwise you'll need to load the generic helper.
Then, you can edit the relevant translation CSV file. By putting "Help" in the first column, and the translation in the second column.
Although, you'll be able to use translate in-line once you are using the above PHP.

Joomla 1.5 / Modification of YooTheme "ZOO" Component

I'll start out by mentioning that there is a developer forum for Zoo and I have used it already. My purpose posting here is that I typically get a thorough answer within minutes or hours at SO, whereas the responses on dev forums can be slow or non-existent due to the smaller population base.
My question regards Yootheme's ZOO 2.3.2. By default, a product "Frontpage" appears to have a "Categories" box rendered on top of the items. If one turns off all the available options in Frontpage/Template configuration (hide Titles, Count, Descriptions, etc.), an empty box still remains on top of the items.
I've been able to manually remove the box in its entirety by addressing the following file:
media/zoo/applications/product/templates/default/frontpage.php, and commenting out lines 84-92:
<!-- <?php
// render categories
if ($this->category->childrenHaveItems()) {
$categoriestitle = $this->application->getParams()->get('content.categories_title');
echo $this->partial('categories', compact('categoriestitle'));
?> -->
Seems like there should be a more eloquent way of doing this on the admin backend, but I couldn't find one. Am I missing something or is my solution the best one?
ZOO is designed to easily be able to modify the built in templates to suit your needs. ZOO templates are meant to be overridden much like Joomla uses template overrides. Rather than editing the default template, you simply create a new template that does what you want it to. The default template should not be changed.
Here is the documentation on ZOO templates -
Rather than edit the file you mention above, you make a new template here -
Then do all the changing you want without messing up the default.
There is an easier way: First, you must identify what calls the item called "frontpage". In PURE yootheme at least it is called from "home" in the "mainmenu". So click "home" buton of the mainmenu, then over the right menu "Parameters(Basic)" you just chose "-select aplication-" instead "frontpage" and that's it.The Frontpage and its "box" are now gone. At least it works for me.
