How clean is uninstalling the Service Packs from Visual Studio 2005? - visual-studio-2005

This is a total dah question but I hope somebody can help me out.
I have VS2005 SP2, nonetheless, I really need to use VS2005 No-SP to compile the release version of our product. Is it "safe" to uninstall the service packs?
What I mean by this is:
What implications should I take into consideration?
Will be things left from either Service Pack that might invalidate my requirement?
Would it be better to uninstall VS2005 and everything and then reinstalling it?
Should I rather format my computer and install VS2005?

Sorry for not directly answering your question, but might I suggest using virtual machines for your 'special' development scenarios?
In our office, people who get new machines, or for whatever reason find themselves doing a clean install are installing Windows 7. As such, they really don't want to pollute their clean 7 installation with our legacy development tools because of the occasional need to update one of our legacy applications.
Instead, they use a Windows XP virtual machine into which they install our legacy development tools. Having these special-situation development VMs saves so much time. (Testing in general is so much easier with VMs, too!)
A nice plus that makes working with these VMs is the "Unity" feature of the latest version of VMWare Workstation (6.5.) If you're not familiar with Unity, watch It's very handy being able to have your virtualized apps appear to be a part of your host OS.

Since it seems that your actual problem is the dependency on the CRT DLLs, you should look at the _USE_RTM_VERSION macro. There are corresponding macros for ATL and MFC.


Issue installing Microsoft Viual Studio Community edition v2017

I've been trying to install VSCommunity Edition for the last few hours with no luck. If you check the screenshot attached. You'll see that I can change the directories for installation for the first 2 requirements, but im unable to change the directory for the 3rd option (the SDK install along with others) which just happen to be the very large percentage of files. It's wanting to install over 45gb of files on my C Drive which is just a 50gb SSD.
enter image description here
I want to switch to D, and the only thing i can see fro any of the Microsoft help docs and posts is "You can change this upon fresh installation".
Which this is. I've uninstalled anything else remotely like it just to be sure.
Do any of you have any ideas or any experience with this issue, or anything i can try? I simply don't have enough space to install on C, and because of this, i can't start learning c# which is required for work.
Thanks so much in advance guys, it's really getting me worried now.
Although I can only guess why Visual Studio is locking down the SDK path, here's a few workarounds and recommendations:
In your screenshot, the installer warns you about possible performance effects of installing Visual Studio on your D drive. I assume this is because your D drive is not an SSD. Microsoft's Visual Studio system requirements document recommends that you install to an SSD, and based on community experience, this is one recommendation you really want to stick to, otherwise IDE responsiveness may be well below your expectations, especially if you decide to install extensions in future.
Instead, you might want to reconsider the set of components that you're installing. If you're only getting started with C#, you'll probably be just fine with developing class libraries, console and web applications targeting .NET Framework or .NET Core. If this is the case, you might want to go to the Workloads tab in the installer and opt out of some of the heaviest workloads (such as Mobile development with .NET). Consider only installing .NET desktop development, ASP.NET and web development, Azure development and .NET Core cross-platform development. If you only select these, your installation is going to be much slimmer.
If minimizing Visual Studio installation as shown above isn't enough, consider an alternative way of setting up your .NET development environment. For example, you can download and install .NET Core SDK and .NET Core Runtime, and use one of the two most prominent alternative code editors: Visual Studio Code or JetBrains Rider that are both quite compact.

Installing VS2005 on Windows 7

I'm trying to install Visual Studio 2005 on a Windows 7 box but am repeatedly getting the same error. When I run the installer it starts to run then pops up with a message saying:
"A problem has been encountered while loading the setup components. Canceling setup."
Various suggestions has said that maybe the install is corrupted so I downloaded a fresh copy of the ISO from MSDN today, same issue. Another suggestion is that installing from the ISO may be the issue so I extracted the contents of the ISO to a folder on my HDD, same issue. I have also tried running the files as administrator and in XP compatability mode, same issue.
Searching for this issue the most common responses I've found have been about installing SP1, however I cannot get the base product to install and therefore cannot apply SP1.
Does anyone have any further suggestions as to what I can do to fix this issue and get VS2005 installed? If anyone wants any log files of any variety I am happy to supply so long as you tell me where to look as I'm not sure.
As for why I am using VS2005 and not a newer product, it is required for the ongoing support and maintenance of some older applications we manage. These cannot be easily migrated to a newer version of Visual Studio without some considerable investment of time and that would probably be longer than the time it will take to develop newer, replacement applications (which is currently in progress). Until the new applications are available though we need to maintain an environment to use.
Did you try running setup.exe in compatibility mode with Windows XP? Some discussion here on how to do this.
Another alternative since you alluded to having an MSDN subscription. Download Windows XP and install it into a VM. (If HyperV isn't already in installed with your Win7, you can add it from Control Panel->Programs&Features->Turn Windows Features on/off). Then install VS2005 from there.

VB6 Package and deploy setup ask system restart

I found Vb6 tools package and deployment. I used it and created a package or setup file from my running vista operating system. Later when i tried deploying it in clients computer with winxp, it asks for update of system file and ask to restart. The process never ends just ask for update and restart. how should i create setup file to avoid this problem?
If i create setup file in Win98 and deploy it in clients Vista or winxp then it runs fine...
There is a very good chance you are trying to deploy system files that you shouldn't. Typical examples include MSVCRT components.
You receive multiple "System files are out of date" error messages when you install a Visual Basic 6.0 application
Using Win9x can mask the problem because ancient versions are packaged. During installation either setup1 will detect that newer versions are already in place or Windows will fend them off via System File Protection. Vista is much better at this than XP was.
Yes, the PDW is old. For that reason you should seek out the MSKB articles on usage tips, newer information, and on manually updating the files PDW uses as guidance (its REDIST folder, VB6DEP.INI and the .DEP files that accompany many controls).
Best practices for deploying Visual Basic 6.0 applications is a good generalized starting point.
Many of these sorts of issues have been answered over the years since VB6 and the PDW were released.
The VB6 package and deployment tool is really dated. It doesn't play well with some of the new security features.
It's probably trying to install old copies of the VB6 runtimes and then Windows is restoring its own copies.
It's been a while, but can you remove the VB6 runtime files from the files to deploy in the Package and Deployment Wizard? If so, do so. As long as the computer being installed on has the latest service packs it will already have the VB6 runtimes on it.
If that doesn't solve your problem then check what other system files your deployment project has in it. In most cases you won't need to deploy any system files as modern, patched systems should have them all. There are a few activeX controls that may not be on modern systems, but those shouldn't cause these endless restart problems.
Alternatively, try another install technology. You could create a setup project in modern versions of Visual Studio. Alternatively there are some very good open-source and commercial products.
I've used this one quite successfully in the past:

How to development in Visual Studio and then deploy apps to Linux machine

How to develop app in Visual Studio and then deploy apps to Linux machine (OS - Ubuntu, web server - Nginx). Can any explain the steps, it will be a great help
I would say that there are three ways how you can develop apps for Linux using mono.
First is using only Visual Studio for development and from time to time deploy your app to Linux to see potential issues. I personally use this scenario because it's simple and when you are not messing with MS specific stuff or yet fully unsupported things then you shouldn't have problems (at least I didn't so far). Disadvantage is that you will discover mono specific problems only during runtime on Linux machine.
Second approach is using Visual Studio with Mono Tools. I tested it when it was in beta and it was sometimes quite handy (you will move the phase of discovering mono specific problems to your dev environment, however you can still have some certain issues on Linux machine), but since this tool doesn't support debugging for now I don't use it personally.
Third approach is to use only MonoDevelop on Linux (since debugging is now supported only in Linux). With 2.2 release this IDE becomes really good and suitable for development however I have tested only console and basic ASP.NET MVC apps so I can't tell you if it's ready for bigger projects.
Deployment to Linux is quite easy - I just installed proftpd on Linux machine, configured it and copied project there from Windows machine.
If you are developing an application for Linux in C (as Nginx is) or C++, you need to develop on Linux.
There are many IDEs for Linux that you can use for this.
You can also try to run Visual Studio in Linux using Wine.
Use Mono on Windows and compile your apps with it , I guess Apache is only supported ... Disclaimer - I do not have personally experience with it ...

What's the best setup for Mono development on Windows? [closed]

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Closed last year.
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I started trying to play with Mono, mostly for fun at the moment. I first tried to use the Visual Studio plugin that will convert a csproj into a makefile, but there seemed to be no version available for Visual Studio 2005. I also read about the MonoDevelop IDE, which sounded nice. Unfortunately, there's no pre-fab Windows package for it. I tried to follow some instructions to build it by combining dependencies from other semi-related installs. It didn't work, but that's probably because I'm a Windows-oriented guy and can barely spell "makefile".
So, my question is this: What's the lowest-energy way to get up and running to try some Mono-based development on Windows?
I'd recommend getting VMWare Player and using the free Mono development platform image that is provided on the website.
Download Mono
Setup time for this will be minimal, and it will also allow you to get your code working in .NET and then focus on porting issues without a massive hassle of switching machines and the like. the VMWare Player tools will allow you to simply drag and drop the files over to copy them.
I'm looking to take a couple of my .NET apps and make them Mono compliant, and this is the path I'm going to take here shortly.
A year later and the answer to this has change greatly. You can now use MonoDevelop on Windows, or if you are more comfortable in Visual Studio you can use the Visual Studio Tools to write everything and then debug on in VM to make sure it is working on Linux.
#Chris I have found that Visual Studio is the best IDE for developing against .NET -- I think the best way to target Mono is really just to develop and build in Visual Studio under Windows then just run those binaries directly on Linux (or whatever other Mono platform you are using). There are free versions of Visual Studio if licensing is a concern. If you are developing under Linux, the best software is probably Eclipse with a Mono plugin (see The Mono Handbook - Eclipse for installation instructions) but keep in mind it doesn't have near the amount of features or language integration Visual Studio has.
#modesty Mono is a 3rd party open source implementation of the .NET framework which allows you to run .NET applications on platforms other than Windows.
One of the best things you can do if developing with Visual Studio for Mono is to get MoMA This will inspect any number of assemblies that you build and generate a report showing potential Mono problems (e.g., methods not implemented in the mono library). It can be run from a GUI or the command line for use in automated builds.
Miguel had a post about debugging Mono running on linux with remote debugging on Visual Studio. This may be something you want to look into... Using Visual Studio to debug Mono. There is also a new project called CloverLeaf whose goal is enabling debugging Mono on Windows in Visual Studio.
There's just no reason to build your app using Mono; the whole point of the .Net CLR is that the compiled output is cross-platform.
So you can simply build it using your favourite IDE (and if you like IDEs, Microsoft's is the best one to use) and then test it on Mono. Even if you get Mono working on Windows, it wouldn't be a very good test of your app's portability: what if your app does silly things like assuming filenames have backslashes in them, or that there's something special about a folder called Program Files? The best way to do portability testing is to actually test your app on the target platform.
And that's pretty easy to do with a Linux VMware player like the one at
Personally, I'm just compiling in Visual Studio 2008 as if it were for .Net 2.0 and then running in Mono (VS2008 on Windows in a VirtualBox, Mono on OSX). All the problems come up at runtime, anyway, so the system works perfectly.
I just found this very new link, which is amazing and shows you how to set up Visual Studio 2008 for Mono.
At the same time, setting up Mono on OpenSuse or Ubuntu inside a VirtualBox (Sun's product) is easy, painless, and doesn't force you to abandon whatever platform you normally live in.
This is not relevant to your question, but I might note that I just got into Mono and I'm amazed at how much of .Net is implemented, including much of the Winforms stuff.
My first instinct would be the rather unhelpful "Install Linux". You are somewhat swimming against the current to try and develop in mono under windows. Installing GTK and everything is a bit of a bother in my experience.
If you do feel like using linux, then you could Try Ubuntu
There's some information here: and it seems the cygwin toolchain might be your best bet. I don't think you're going to be able to avoid makefiles, sadly. I found a slightly more explicit tutorial from O'Reilly.
#modesty: Mono provides the necessary software to develop and run .NET client and server applications on Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, Windows, and Unix. Sponsored by Novell (, the Mono open source project has an active and enthusiastic contributing community and is positioned to become the leading choice for development of Linux applications. -- From the Mono site.
Eclipse plugin for Mono is dead. On Linux use MonoDevelop or X-Develop if you like good commercial support (although MonoDevelop is closing on them fast feature-wise). On Windows SharpDevelop has custom MSBuild targets for compiling the code against Mono.
As Mono and MonoDevelop are changing fast, be sure to use the latest released versions, even if they are not marked as stable yet (e.g. versions shipped with stock Ubuntu are terribly outdated).
The VMWare image is a great way to start testing Windows-developed code on Linux. Don't touch cygwin unless you are already very conformable with it.
I liked the idea of trying to use MonoDevelop mostly just to make sure my stuff would work against the Mono runtimes. I guess it would also be possible to get crazy with msbuild and write some custom targets that tried to build against Mono, but that's basically emulating the now-defunct plug-in's functionality which I assume was non-trivial to build. I do have minor experience with cygwin, and I am happy typing "configure" and "make" all day long, but when a problem occurs in that process, I'm virtually screwed. I'll probably try to play with all this again, but if it takes me more than a couple hours to come up with a way to build comfortably against the Mono runtimes, I'll probably just bail.
I will try the Eclipse idea. I use that for Java, so I might be able to get the c# stuff to work. We shall see...
