Real-world use of binding objects in ruby - ruby

Last night, I was thinking about what i think are advanced ruby language features, namely Continuations (callcc) and Binding objects. I mean advanced because I have a statically-typed oo langages background (C#, Java, C++), I discovered ruby very recently, so these language features are not very familiar to me.
I'm wondering what could be real-world use of these langages features. In my experience, everything could be done with statically typed oo langages, but I agree not very smartly sometimes. I think I figured out the beauty/interest of Continuation reading that nice article from Sam Ruby :
Still, i'm lost with Binding object. Can someone provide me with some real-world examples of something that can be smartly done with Binding object but not very smartly with langages missing the ruby Binding concept?
I was thinking of rollbacking some objects to their initial state when something goes wrong during a long runing process, but I'm not sure this could be implemented with Binding object and I think could be implemented quite smartly by cloning objects before the processing and replacing modified object with their clones when something goes wrong during the processing. So this is not a valid example I think.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Binding objects are useful when you want to evaluate ERB templates.

I've used the binding class to implement a debugging hack.
class Array
def debug binding
each do |arg|
puts "arg = #{eval(arg, binding).inspect}"
You can use this to inspect a list of snippets of Ruby code along with what each snippet returns:
# .. some hairy code you want to debug ...
['user','current_resource', 'user.owns?(current_resource)'].debug(binding)
which will print
user = #<User id:1, username: 'joe', ...
current_resource = #<Comment id:20, ...
user.owns?(current_resource) = false
I find it very useful for quick debugging.
I needed to use a binding object to capture the scope where debug is called so it can be used in the eval when debug is run. There are probably other ways to have implemented this but using the binding was easy and fast. There are also probably far better examples of what binding objects are useful for...

Take a look at , it's a smalltalk web application framework. It uses continuations extensively. Best real world example on how to use it, is this CMS


Smalltalk, TDD, and immutable objects

Like many people, I've wanted to really learn smalltalk and TDD. For fun, I've been going through the excellent Tetris TDD tutorial at:
and converting the code to Smalltalk.
I've gotten to the third set of tests ( which wants the objects representing the pieces to be immutable.
I'm not sure how to do this. Every attempt I make breaks the earlier tests. I did create a TetrisTetrominoe class as a subclass of TetrisPiece.
Using Pharo 3.0.
You have to take into account the dramatic difference between languages. Some time ago I've wrote a blog post with thoughts about immutability.
I think that if you want to follow test's for another language, you should try to find some for python or ruby, because they are also dynamic languages.
If you want to maintain immutability, I suggest you going the functional way, where each method that has intent to modify object creates a new one, with required properties. I doubt that this will satisfy java tests as java is not functional as much as it's not dynamic.
In smalltalk you would normally test for immutability by asking the mutators for their senders and then verifying that only the class method that creates the instances refers to it. So for instance:
self assert:
(SystemNavigation default allSendersOf: #privateColor:) size = 1

Where is Ruby code, generated via metaprogramming, stored, and is it viewable/printable?

I've just started learning about metaprogramming in Ruby, and found myself wondering if it was possible to view (in someway) the code that had been generated. I want to, as a coding exercise, write a short method that will generate a Ruby file containing either a few method definitions or, ideally, an entire class or module definition.
I was thinking that perhaps just building up a string representation of the file and then merely writing it out might be a way to accomplish that, but that way doesn't really necessitate the use of metaprogramming, and since my goal is a metaprogramming exercise, I would like to figure out a way to incorporate it into that process or else do it another way.
I guess, if I was to take the string-building approach, I would like to start with something like
klass_string = "class GeneratedClass\n\t<BODY>\nend"
and then somehow save the output of something like this
define_method( :initialize ) do
instance_variable_set("#var", "some_value")
in a string that could replace '' in klass_string and then written out to a file. I know I could just put the above code snippet directly into the string, and it would workout fine, but I would like to have the output in a more standard format, as if it'd been written by hand and not generated:
class GeneratedClass
def initialize
#var = 'some_value'
Could someone point me in the right direction?
I agree with your comment that this question isn't really about metaprogramming so much as dynamic code generation / execution and introspection. Those are interesting topics, but not really metaprogramming. In particular your question about outputting ruby code to strings is about introspection, where as your string injection question is about dynamic code (just to try give you the words to google about what you're interested in).
Since your question is general and really around introspection and dynamic code, I'm going to reference you to some canonical and useful projects that can help you learn more..
ParseTree & Ruby Parser and Sourcify
Ruby Parser is a pure ruby implementation of ParseTree, so I'd recommend starting there to learn how to examine and "stringify" Ruby code. Play around with all of those, and in particular learn how they examine code in Ruby to generate their results. You'll learn a ton about how things work under the hood. Eric Hodel among others is real smart about this stuff.. Be warned though, this is really advanced stuff, but if that's where you want to build expertise, hopefully those references will help!

Is it idiomatic Ruby to add an assert( ) method to Ruby's Kernel class?

I'm expanding my Ruby understanding by coding an equivalent of Kent Beck's xUnit in Ruby. Python (which Kent writes in) has an assert() method in the language which is used extensively. Ruby does not. I think it should be easy to add this but is Kernel the right place to put it?
BTW, I know of the existence of the various Unit frameworks in Ruby - this is an exercise to learn the Ruby idioms, rather than to "get something done".
No it's not a best practice. The best analogy to assert() in Ruby is just raising
raise "This is wrong" unless expr
and you can implement your own exceptions if you want to provide for more specific exception handling
I think it is totally valid to use asserts in Ruby. But you are mentioning two different things:
xUnit frameworks use assert methods for checking your tests expectations. They are intended to be used in your test code, not in your application code.
Some languages like C, Java or Python, include an assert construction intended to be used inside the code of your programs, to check assumptions you make about their integrity. These checks are built inside the code itself. They are not a test-time utility, but a development-time one.
I recently wrote solid_assert: a little Ruby library implementing a Ruby assertion utility and also a post in my blog explaining its motivation. It lets you write expressions in the form:
assert some_string != "some value"
assert clients.empty?, "Isn't the clients list empty?"
invariant "Lists with different sizes?" do
one_variable = calculate_some_value
other_variable = calculate_some_other_value
one_variable > other_variable
And they can be deactivated, so assert and invariant get evaluated as empty statements. This let you avoid performance problems in production. But note that The Pragmatic Programmer: from journeyman to master recommends against deactivating them. You should only deactivate them if they really affect the performance.
Regarding the answer saying that the idiomatic Ruby way is using a normal raise statement, I think it lacks expressivity. One of the golden rules of assertive programming is not using assertions for normal exception handling. They are two completely different things. If you use the same syntax for the two of them, I think your code will be more obscure. And of course you lose the capability of deactivating them.
Some widely-regarded books that dedicate whole sections to assertions and recommend their use:
The Pragmatic Programmer: from Journeyman to Master by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas
Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction by Steve McConnell
Writing Solid Code by Steve Maguire
Programming with
is an article that illustrates well what assertive programming is about and
when to use it (it is based in Java, but the concepts apply to any
What's your reason for adding the assert method to the Kernel module? Why not just use another module called Assertions or something?
Like this:
module Assertions
def assert(param)
# do something with param
# define more assertions here
If you really need your assertions to be available everywhere do something like this:
class Object
include Assertions
Disclaimer: I didn't test the code but in principle I would do it like this.
It's not especially idiomatic, but I think it's a good idea. Especially if done like this:
def assert(msg=nil)
raise msg || "Assertion failed!" unless yield
That way there's no impact if you decide not to run with DEBUG (or some other convenient switch, I've used Kernel.do_assert in the past) set.
My understanding is that you're writing your own testing suite as a way of becoming more familiar with Ruby. So while Test::Unit might be useful as a guide, it's probably not what you're looking for (because it's already done the job).
That said, python's assert is (to me, at least), more analogous to C's assert(3). It's not specifically designed for unit-tests, rather to catch cases where "this should never happen".
How Ruby's built-in unit tests tend to view the problem, then, is that each individual test case class is a subclass of TestCase, and that includes an "assert" statement which checks the validity of what was passed to it and records it for reporting.

How can I program defensively in Ruby?

Here's a perfect example of the problem: Classifier gem breaks Rails.
** Original question: **
One thing that concerns me as a security professional is that Ruby doesn't have a parallel of Java's package-privacy. That is, this isn't valid Ruby:
public module Foo
public module Bar
# factory method for new Bar implementations
def baz
raise'Implementing Classes MUST redefine #baz')
private class SimpleBarImplementation
include Bar
def baz
It'd be really nice to be able to prevent monkey-patching of Foo::BarImpl. That way, people who rely on the library know that nobody has messed with it. Imagine if somebody changed the implementation of MD5 or SHA1 on you! I can call freeze on these classes, but I have to do it on a class-by-class basis, and other scripts might modify them before I finish securing my application if I'm not very careful about load order.
Java provides lots of other tools for defensive programming, many of which are not possible in Ruby. (See Josh Bloch's book for a good list.) Is this really a concern? Should I just stop complaining and use Ruby for lightweight things and not hope for "enterprise-ready" solutions?
(And no, core classes are not frozen by default in Ruby. See below:)
require 'md5'
# => true
# => false
I don't think this is a concern.
Yes, the mythical "somebody" can replace the implementation of MD5 with something insecure. But in order to do that, the mythical somebody must actually be able to get his code into the Ruby process. And if he can do that, then he presumably could also inject his code into a Java process and e.g. rewrite the bytecode for the MD5 operation. Or just intercept the keypresses and not actually bother with fiddling with the cryptography code at all.
One of the typical concerns is: I'm writing this awesome library, which is supposed to be used like so:
require 'awesome'
# Do something awesome.
But what if someone uses it like so:
require 'evil_cracker_lib_from_russian_pr0n_site'
# Overrides crypto functions and sends all data to mafia
require 'awesome'
# Now everything is insecure because awesome lib uses
# cracker lib instead of builtin
And the simple solution is: don't do that! Educate your users that they shouldn't run untrusted code they downloaded from obscure sources in their security critical applications. And if they do, they probably deserve it.
To come back to your Java example: it's true that in Java you can make your crypto code private and final and what not. However, someone can still replace your crypto implementation! In fact, someone actually did: many open-source Java implementations use OpenSSL to implement their cryptographic routines. And, as you probably know, Debian shipped with a broken, insecure version of OpenSSL for years. So, all Java programs running on Debian for the past couple of years actually did run with insecure crypto!
Java provides lots of other tools for defensive programming
Initially I thought you were talking about normal defensive programming,
wherein the idea is to defend the program (or your subset of it, or your single function) from invalid data input.
That's a great thing, and I encourage everyone to go read that article.
However it seems you are actually talking about "defending your code from other programmers."
In my opinion, this is a completely pointless goal, as no matter what you do, a malicious programmer can always run your program under a debugger, or use dll injection or any number of other techniques.
If you are merely seeking to protect your code from incompetent co-workers, this is ridiculous. Educate your co-workers, or get better co-workers.
At any rate, if such things are of great concern to you, ruby is not the programming language for you. Monkeypatching is in there by design, and to disallow it goes against the whole point of the feature.
Check out Immutable by Garry Dolley.
You can prevent redefinition of individual methods.
I guess Ruby has that a feature - valued more over it being a security issue. Ducktyping too.
E.g. I can add my own methods to the Ruby String class rather than extending or wrapping it.
"Educate your co-workers, or get better co-workers" works great for a small software startup, and it works great for the big guns like Google and Amazon. It's ridiculous to think that every lowly developer contracted in for some small medical charts application in a doctor's office in a minor city.
I'm not saying we should build for the lowest common denominator, but we have to be realistic that there are lots of mediocre programmers out there who will pull in any library that gets the job done, paying no attention to security. How could they pay attention to security? Maybe the took an algorithms and data structures class. Maybe they took a compilers class. They almost certainly didn't take an encryption protocols class. They definitely haven't all read Schneier or any of the others out there who practically have to beg and plead with even very good programmers to consider security when building software.
I'm not worried about this:
require 'evil_cracker_lib_from_russian_pr0n_site'
require 'awesome'
I'm worried about awesome requiring foobar and fazbot, and foobar requiring has_gumption, and ... eventually two of these conflict in some obscure way that undoes an important security aspect.
One important security principle is "defense in depth" -- adding these extra layers of security help you from accidentally shooting yourself in the foot. They can't completely prevent it; nothing can. But they help.
If monkey patching is your concen, you can use the Immutable module (or one of similar function).
You could take a look at Why the Lucky Stiff's "Sandbox"project, which you can use if you worry about potentially running unsafe code.
An example (online TicTacToe):
Raganwald has a recent post about this. In the end, he builds the following:
class Module
def anonymous_module(&block)
self.send :include,
class Acronym
anonymous_module do
fu = lambda { 'fu' }
bar = lambda { 'bar' }
define_method :fubar do +
That exposes fubar as a public method on Acronyms, but keeps the internal guts (fu and bar) private and hides helper module from outside view.
If someone monkeypatched an object or a module, then you need to look at 2 cases: He added a new method. If he is the only one adding this meyhod (which is very likely), then no problems arise. If he is not the only one, you need to see if both methods do the same and tell the library developer about this severe problem.
If they change a method, you should start to research why the method was changed. Did they change it due to some edge case behaviour or did they actually fix a bug? especially in the latter case, the monkeypatch is a god thing, because it fixes a bug in many places.
Besides that, you are using a very dynamic language with the assumption that programmers use this freedom in a sane way. The only way to remove this assumption is not to use a dynamic language.

ruby idioms for using command-line options

I'm trying to pick up ruby by porting a medium-sized (non-OO) perl program. One of my personal idioms is to set options like this:
use Getopt::Std;
our $opt_v; # be verbose
# and later ...
$opt_v && print "something interesting\n";
In perl, I kind of grit my teeth and let $opt_v be (effectively) a global.
In ruby,the more-or-less exact equivalent would be
require 'optparse'
opts.on("-v", "--[no-]verbose", TrueClass, "Run verbosely") {
where $opt_verbose is a global that classes could access. Having classes know about global flags like that seems ... er ... wrong. What's the OO-idiomatic way of doing this?
Let the main routine take care of all option-related stuff and have the classes just return things to it that it decides how to deal with?
Have classes implement optional behaviour (e.g., know how to be verbose) and set a mode via an attr_writer sort of thing?
updated: Thanks for the answers suggesting optparse, but I should have been clearer that it's not how to process command-line options I'm asking about, but more the relationship between command-line options that effectively set a global program state and classes that should ideally be independent of that sort of thing.
A while back I ran across this blog post (by Todd Werth) which presented a rather lengthy skeleton for command-line scripts in Ruby. His skeleton uses a hybrid approach in which the application code is encapsulated in an application class which is instantiated, then executed by calling a "run" method on the application object. This allowed the options to be stored in a class-wide instance variable so that all methods in the application object can access them without exposing them to any other objects that might be used in the script.
I would lean toward using this technique, where the options are contained in one object and use either attr_writers or option parameters on method calls to pass relevant options to any additional objects. This way, any code contained in external classes can be isolated from the options themselves -- no need to worry about the naming of the variables in the main routine from within the thingy class if your options are set with a thingy.verbose=true attr_writer or thingy.process(true) call.
The optparse library is part of the standard distribution, so you'll be able to use it without requiring any third party stuff.
I haven't used it personally, but rails seems to use it extensively and so does rspec, which I guess is a pretty solid vote of confidence
This example from rails' script/console seems to show how to use it pretty easily and nicely
The first hit on google for "processing command line options in ruby" is an article about Trollop which seems to be a good tool for this job.
