Huffman compression algorithm - algorithm

I've implemented file compression using huffman's algorithm, but the problem I have is that to enable decompression of the compressed file, the coding tree used, or the codes itself should be written to the file too. The question is: how do i do that? What is the best way to write the coding tree at the beggining of the compressed file?

There's a pretty standard implementation of Huffman Coding in the Basic Compression Library (BCL), including a recursive function that writes the tree out to a file. Look at huffman.C. It just writes out the leaves in order so the decoder can reconstruct the same tree.
BCL is also nice because there are some other pretty straightforward compression algorithm pieces in there, too. It's quite handy if you need to roll your own algorithm.

First off, have you considered using a standard compression Stream (like GZipStream in .net) ?
About how/where to write your data, you can manipulate a Streams position with Seek (even reserve space that way). If you know the size of the Tree ahead of time you can start writing after that position. But you may want to position the coding tree after the actual data, and just make sure you know where that starts. Ie, reserve a little space in front, write the compressed data, record the position, write the tree, go to the front and write out the position.

Assuming you compress on 8-bit symbols (i.e. bytes) and the algorithm is non-adaptive, the simplest way would be to store not the tree but the distribution of the values. For example by storing how often you found byte 0, how often byte 1, ..., how often byte 255. Then when reading back the file you can re-assemble the tree. This is the simplest solution, but requires the most storage space (e.g. to cover large files, you would need 4 bytes per value, i.e. 1kb).
You could optimize this by not storing exactly how often each byte was found in the file, but instead normalizing the values to 0..255 (0 = found least, ...), in which case you would only need to save 256 bytes. Re-assembling of the tree based on these values would result in the same tree. (This is not going to work as pointed out by Edmund and in question 759707 - see there for further links and answers to your question)
P.S.: And as Henk said, using seek() allows you to keep space at the beginning of the file to store the values in later.

Most implementations are using canonical huffman encoding. You have only to store the symbol lengths in a compact way. Hier an implementation: shcodec.
Another way is using a semi-static huffman encoding (periodic rescale), then you have not to store any tree.

Instead of writing the code tree to the file, write how often each character was found, so the decompression program can generate the same tree.

The most naive solution would be to parse the compression tree in pre-order and write the 256 values in the header of your file.

Since every node in a huffman tree is either a branch with two children, or a leaf, you can use a single bit to represent each node unambiguously. For a leaf, follow immediately with the 8 bits for that node.
e.g. for this tree:
/\ A
B /\
You could store 001[B]01[C]1[D]1[A]
(Turns out this is exactly what happens in the huffman.c example posted earlier, but not how it was described above).

it is better to send the frequencies of characters and build the tree at the receiving end. This data will be of constant size for a fixed alphabet. I guess this must be serializable and put in the file. Sending the tree depends on its implementation, for what I have tried, an array based approach leads to more memory left unused for the tree since, the tree may not be a balanced tree most of the time. If the tree was balanced then array representation would have generated the best option.
Harisankar Krishna swamy

Did you try adaptive Huffman coding? From first look it seems the tree need not be sent at all, but more work to optimize and synchronize the tress.


LZW-decompressor algorithm

I'm having a hard time to understand the LZW algorithm. I'm examining the pseudocode supplied on wikipedia ( and there's one part in the decompressor code that I don't understand:
else if (k == currSizeDict)
entry = w + w[0];
Can someone explain to me a scenario where this would happen?
This problem is explained very well here: The basic idea is that since LZW only requires the compressed string and a dictionary containing all elements of the alphabet (rather than a dictionary containing all encoded patterns), it's necessary to reconstruct all encodings of more complex patterns on the fly while decoding. This results in a situation where it's possible to run into encodings that aren't in the dictionary. Interestingly enough, as the link above points out, this can only happen when the encoded string begins and ends with the same character.

Why Huffman Coding is good?

I am not asking how Huffman coding is working, but instead, I want to know why it is good.
I have the following two questions:
I understand the ultimate purpose of Huffman coding is to give certain char a less bit number, so space is saved. What I don't understand is that why the decision of number of bits for a char can be related to the char's frequency?
Huffman Encoding Trees says
It is sometimes advantageous to use variable-length codes, in which
different symbols may be represented by different numbers of bits. For
example, Morse code does not use the same number of dots and dashes
for each letter of the alphabet. In particular, E, the most frequent
letter, is represented by a single dot.
So in Morse code, E can be represented by a single dot because it is the most frequent letter. But why? Why can it be a dot just because it is most frequent?
Why the probability / statistics of the chars are so important to Huffman coding?
What happen if the statistics table is wrong?
If you assign less number or bits or shorter code words for most frequently used symbols you will be saving a lot of storage space.
Suppose you want to assign 26 unique codes to English alphabet and want to store an english novel ( only letters ) in term of these code you will require less memory if you assign short length codes to most frequently occurring characters.
You might have observed that postal code and STD codes for important cities are usually shorter ( as they are used very often ). This is very fundamental concept in Information theory.
Huffman encoding gives prefix codes.
Construction of Huffman tree:
A greedy approach to construct Huffman tree for n characters is as follows:
places n characters in n sub-trees.
Starts by combining the two least weight nodes into a tree which is assigned the sum of the two leaf node weights as the weight for its root node.
Do this until you get a single tree.
For example consider below binary tree where E and T have high weights ( as very high occurrence )
It is a prefix tree. To get the Huffman code for any character, start from the node corresponding to the the character and backtrack till you get the root node.
Indeed, an E could be, say, three dashes followed by two dots. When you make your own encoding, you get to decide. If your goal is to encode a certain text so that the result is as short as possible, you should choose short codes for the most frequent characters. The Huffman algorithm ensures that we get the optimal codes for a specific text.
If the frequency table is somehow wrong, the Huffman algorithm will still give you a valid encoding, but the encoded text would be longer than it could have been if you had used a correct frequency table. This is usually not a problem, because we usually create the frequency table based on the actual text that is to be encoded, so the frequency table will be "perfect" for the text that we are going to encode.
well.. you want assign shorter codes to the symbols which appear more frequently... huffman encoding works just by this simple assumption.. :-)
you compute the frequency of all symbols, sort them all, and start assigning bit codes to each one.. the more frequent a symbol is, the shorter the code you'll assign to it.. simple as this.
the big question is: how large the window in which we compute such frequencies should be? should it be as large as the entire file? or should it be smaller? and if the latter apply, how large? Most huffman encoding have some sort of "test-run" in which they estimate the best window size a little bit like TCP/IP do with its windows frame sizes.
Huffman codes provide two benefits:
they are space efficient given some corpus
they are prefix codes
Given some set of documents for instance, encoding those documents as Huffman codes is the most space efficient way of encoding them, thus saving space. This however only applies to that set of documents as the codes you end up are dependent on the probability of the tokens/symbols in the original set of documents. The statistics are important because the symbols with the highest probability (frequency) are given the shortest codes. Thus the symbols most likely to be in your data use the least amount of bits in the encoding, making the coding efficient.
The prefix code part is useful because it means that no code is the prefix of another. In morse code for instance A = dot dash and J = dot dash dash dash, how do you know where to break reading the code. This increases the inefficiency of transmitting data using morse as you need a special symbol (pause) to signify the end of transmission of one code. Compare that to Huffman codes where each code is unique, as soon as you discover the encoding for a symbol in the input, you know that that is the transmitted symbol because it is guaranteed not to be the prefix of some other symbol.
It's the dual effect of having the most frequent characters using the shortest bit sequences that gives you the savings.
For a concrete example, let's say you have a piece of text that consists of 1024 e characters and 1024 of all other characters combined.
With 8 bits for code, that's a full 2048 bytes used in uncompressed form.
Now let's say we represent e as a single 1-bit and every other letter as a 0-bit followed by its original 8 bits (a very primitive form of Huffman).
You can see that half the characters have been expanded from 8 bits to 9, giving 9216 bits, or 1152 bytes. However, the e characters have been reduced from 8 bits to 1, meaning they take up 1024 bits, or 128 bytes.
The total bytes used is therefore 1152 + 128, or 1280 bytes, representing a compression ratio of 62.5%.
You can use a fixed encoding scheme based on the likely frequencies of characters (such as English text), or you can use adaptive Huffman encoding which changes the encoding scheme as characters are processed and frequencies are adjusted. While the former may be okay for input which has high probability of matching frequencies, the latter can adapt to any input.
Statistic table can't be wrong, because in general Huffman algorithm, analyze hole text at the beginning, and builds frequent-statistics of the given text, while Morse has a static symbol -code map.
Huffman algorithm uses the advantage of a given text. As an example, if E is most frequent letter in English in general, that doesn't mean that E is most frequent in a given text for a given author.
Another advantage of Huffman algorithm is that you can use it for any alphabet starting from [0, 1] finished Chinese hieroglyphs, while Morse is defined only for English letters
So in Morse code, "E" can be represented by a single dot, because it is the most frequent letter. But why? Why is it a dot because of its frequency?
"E" can be encoded to any unique code for a specific code dictionary, so it can be "0", we choose it to be short to save memory, so the average bytes used after encode is minimized.
Why is the probability / statistics of the chars so important to Huffman coding? What happens if the statistics table is wrong?
why do we encode? save space right? Space used after encode is freq(wordi)*Length(wordi), it is what we should try to minimize, so we choose to assign words with high prob short code greedly to save space.
If the statistics table is wrong, then the encoding is not the best way to save space.

implementing a basic search engine with prefix tree

The problem is the implementing a prefix tree (Trie) in functional language without using any storage and iterative method.
I am trying to solve this problem. How should I approach this problem ? Can you give me exact algorithm or link which shows already implemented one in any functional language?
Why I am trying to do => creating a simple search engine with an feature of
adding word to tree
searching a word in tree
deleting a word in tree
Why I want to use functional language => I want improve my problem-solving ability a bit further.
NOTE : Since it is my hobby project, I will first implement basic features.
i.) What I mean about "without using storage" => I don't want use variable storage ( ex int a ), reference to a variable, array . I want calculate the result by recursively then showing result to the screen.
ii.) I have wrote some line but then I have erased because what I wrote is made me angry. Sorry for not showing my effort.
Take a look at haskell's Data.IntMap. It is purely functional implementation of
Patricia trie and it's source is quite readable.
bytestring-trie package extends this approach to ByteStrings
There is accompanying paper Fast Mergeable Integer Maps which is also readable and through. It describes implementation step-by-step: from binary tries to big-endian patricia trees.
Here is little extract from the paper.
At its simplest, a binary trie is a complete binary tree of depth
equal to the number of bits in the keys, where each leaf is either
empty, indicating that the corresponding key is unbound, or full, in
which case it contains the data to which the corresponding key is
bound. This style of trie might be represented in Standard ML as
datatype 'a Dict =
| Lf of 'a
| Br of 'a Dict * 'a Dict
To lookup a value in a binary trie, we simply read the bits of the
key, going left or right as directed, until we reach a leaf.
fun lookup (k, Empty) = NONE
| lookup (k, Lf x) = SOME x
| lookup (k, Br (t0,t1)) =
if even k then lookup (k div 2, t0)
else lookup (k div 2, t1)
The key point in immutable data structure implementations is sharing of both data and structure. To update an object you should create new version of it with the most possible number of shared nodes. Concretely for tries following approach may be used.
Consider such a trie (from Wikipedia):
Imagine that you haven't added word "inn" yet, but you already have word "in". To add "inn" you have to create new instance of the whole trie with "inn" added. However, you are not forced to copy the whole thing - you can create only new instance of the root node (this without label) and the right banch. New root node will point to new right banch, but to old other branches, so with each update most of the structure is shared with the previous state.
However, your keys may be quite long, so recreating the whole branch each time is still both time and space consuming. To lessen this effect, you may share structure inside one node too. Normally each node is a vector or map of all possible outcomes (e.g. in a picture node with label "te" has 3 outcomes - "a", "d" and "n"). There are plenty of implementations for immutable maps (Scala, Clojure, see their repositories for more examples) and Clojure also has excellent implementation of an immutable vector (which is actually a tree).
All operations on creating, updating and searching resulting tries may be implemented recursively without any mutable state.

Repetition-based, pattern-based data compression algorithm

Suppose I have the following string:
I want to compress it by finding repeating substrings.
What's an algorithm that gives the optimal compression?
In the above example it should return
AB*1 CAD*3 ABC*1
For comparison, a greedy algorithm might return
ABC*1 ADC*2 AD*1 ABC*1
Depending on whether you prefer fast and simple or high compression ratio you could take a look into the Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) or Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain (LZMA) algorithms. They both keep dictionaries of recurring strings.
This sounds like a job for suffix arrays/trees!
You can use a suffix array built over your string to figure out patterns that repeat. For instance, we can build a suffix array over your example as follows (I'm using $ as always coming after every letter, you can sort it so that $ comes before every letter ... either way will work):
From this, we can more easily see the common patterns in the string. Using the information in this suffix array representation, we can see that CAD is repeated 3x in a local area, and we'd likely use this as our choice for compression. ADC and DCA and so on are not as attractive because they compress less of the string.
Suffix trees are more efficient ways of doing the same task. Once you wrap your head around how to do something using suffix arrays, it's not too far of a jump to go onto suffix trees. In fact, this is used in popular compression algorithms including LZW 1 and BWT (Bzip) 2.
It may not be practically relevant, but for the particular question you ask there is a dynamic programming solution. If you have computed the optimum way to compress the strings of length 1, 2, 3...n-1 starting from the first character, then you can compute the optimum way to compress the string of length n starting from the first character by looking at the last k characters for each possibility k and seeing if they form a multiple of a simple string. If so, compute the cost of compressing the first n-k characters and then expressing the last k characters using a multiple of a string.
So in your example you would finish up by noticing that ABC was a multiple of itself, and that if you expressed this as ABC*1 you could use the answer you had already worked out for the first 11 characters of AB CAD*3 to produce AB*1 CAD*3 ABC*1
Better still would be:
where (n,d) is a length and distance back of a match. So (6,3) copies six bytes starting from three bytes back. While that may sound a little odd, by the time it gets three bytes in, the next three bytes it needs have been copied. So CADCAD is appended. The (3,11) causes ABC to be appended.
This is called LZ77 compression. It is what is implemented by zip, gzip, and zlib using the deflate compressed data format. That format not only references previous string matches, but also uses Huffman compression on the literals (e.g. ABCAD) as well as the lengths and distances.

Is there a hash function for binary data which produces closer hashes when the data is more similar?

I'm looking for something like a hash function but for which it's output is closer the closer two different inputs are?
Something like:
f(1010101) = 0 #original hash
f(1010111) = 1 #very close to the original hash as they differ by one bit
f(0101010) = 9999 #not very close to the original hash they all bits are different
(example outputs for demonstration purposes only)
All of the input data will be of the same length.
I want to make comparisons between a file a lots of other files and be able to determine which other file has the fewest differences from it.
You may try this algorithm.
Since this is string only.
You may convert all your binary to string
for example:
0 -> "00000000"
1 -> "00000001"
You might be interested in either simhashing or shingling.
If you are only trying to detect similarity between documents, there are other techniques that may suit you better (like TF-IDF.) The second link is part of a good book whose other chapters delve into general information retrieval topics, including these other techniques.
You should not use a hash for this.
You must compute signatures containing several characteristic values like :
file name
file size
Is binary / Is ascii only
date (if needed)
some other more complex like :
variance of the values of bytes
average value of bytes
average length of same value bits sequence (in compressed files there are no long identical bit sequences)
Then you can compare signatures.
But the most important is to know what kind of data is in these files. If it is images, the size and main color are more important. If it is sound, you could analyse only some frequencies...
You might want to look at the source code to unix utilities like cmp or the FileCmp stuff in Python and use that to try to determine a reasonable algorithm.
In my uninformed opinion, calculating a hash is not likely to work well. First, it can be expensive to calculate a hash. Second, what you're trying to do sounds more like a job for encoding than a hash; once you start thinking of it that way, it's not clear that it's even worth transforming the file that way.
If you have some constraints, specifying them might be useful. For example, if all the files are the exact same length, that may simplify things. Or if you are only interested in differences between bits in the same position and not interested in things that are similar only if you compare bits in different positions (e.g., two files are identical, except that one has everything shifted three bits--should those be considered similar or not similar?).
You could calculate the population count of the XOR of the two files, which is exactly the number of bits that are not the same between the two files. So it just does precisely what you asked for, no approximations.
You can represent your data as a binary vector of features and then use dimensionality reduction either with SVD or with random indexing.
What you're looking for is a file fingerprint of sorts. For plain text, something like Nilsimsa ( works reasonably well.
There are a variety of different names for this type of technique. Fuzzy Hashing/Locality Sensitive Hashing/Distance Based Hashing/Dimensional reduction and a few others. Tools can generate a fixed length output or variable length output, but the outputs are generally comparable (eg by levenshtein distance) and similar inputs yield similar outputs.
The link above for nilsimsa gives two similar spam messages and here are the example outputs:
773e2df0a02a319ec34a0b71d54029111da90838cbc20ecd3d2d4e18c25a3025 spam1
47182cf0802a11dec24a3b75d5042d310ca90838c9d20ecc3d610e98560a3645 spam2
* * ** *** * ** ** ** ** * ******* **** ** * * *
Spamsum and sdhash are more useful for arbitrary binary data. There are also algorithms specifically for images that will work regardless of whether it's a jpg or a png. Identical images in different formats wouldn't be noticed by eg spamsum.
