How do I find the nearest prime number? - algorithm

Is there any nice algorithm to find the nearest prime number to a given real number? I only need to search within the first 100 primes or so.
At present, I've a bunch of prime numbers stored in an array and I'm checking the difference one number at a time (O(n)?).

Rather than a sorted list of primes, given the relatively small range targetted, have an array indexed by all the odd numbers in the range (you know there are no even primes except the special case of 2) and containing the closest prime. Finding the solution becomes O(1) time-wise.
I think the 100th prime is circa 541. an array of 270 [small] ints is all that is needed.
This approach is particularly valid, given the relative high density of primes (in particular relative to odd numbers), in the range below 1,000. (As this affects the size of a binary tree)

If you only need to search in the first 100 primes or so, just create a sorted table of those primes, and do a binary search. This will either get you to one prime number, or a spot between two, and you check which of those is closer.
Edit: Given the distribution of primes in that range, you could probably speed things up (a tiny bit) by using an interpolation search -- instead of always starting at the middle of the table, use linear interpolation to guess at a more accurate starting point. The 100th prime number should be somewhere around 250 or so (at a guess -- I haven't checked), so if (for example) you wanted the one closest to 50, you'd start about 1/5th of the way into the array instead of halfway. You can pretty much treat the primes as starting at 1, so just divide the number you want by the largest in your range to get a guess at the starting point.

Answers so far are rather complicated, given the task in hand. The first hundred primes are all less then 600. I would create an array of size 600 and place in each the value of the nearest prime to that number. Then, given a number to test, I would round it both up and down using the floor and ceil functions to get one or two candidate answers. A simple comparison with the distances to these numbers will give you a very fast answer.

The simplest approach would be to store the primes in a sorted list and modify your algorithm to do a binary search.
The standard binary search algorithm would return null for a miss, but it should be straight-forward to modify it for your purposes.

The fastest algorithm? Create a lookup table with p[100]=541 elements and return the result for floor(x), with special logic for x on [2,3]. That would be O(1).

You should sort your number in array then you can use binary search. This algorithm is O(log n) performance in worst case.

public static boolean p(int n){
for(int i=3;i*i<=n;i+=2) {
return false;
return n%2==0? false: true; }
public static void main(String args[]){
String n="0";
int x = Integer.parseInt(n);
int z=x;
int a=0;
int i=1;
a = i*(int)Math.pow(-1, i);
System.out.println( (int) Math.abs(x-z));}
this is for n>=2.

In python:
>>> def nearest_prime(n):
incr = -1
multiplier = -1
count = 1
while True:
if prime(n):
return n
n = n + incr
multiplier = multiplier * -1
count = count + 1
incr = multiplier * count
>>> nearest_prime(3)
>>> nearest_prime(4)
>>> nearest_prime(5)
>>> nearest_prime(6)
>>> nearest_prime(7)
>>> nearest_prime(8)
>>> nearest_prime(9)
>>> nearest_prime(10)

$N1Diff = null;
$N2Diff = null;
$n1 = null;
$n2 = null;
$number = 16;
function isPrime($x) {
for ($i = 2; $i < $x; $i++) {
if ($x % $i == 0) {
return false;
return true;
for ($j = $number; ; $j--) {
if( isPrime($j) ){
$N1Diff = abs($number - $j);
$n1 = $j;
for ($j = $number; ; $j++) {
if( isPrime($j) ){
$N2Diff = abs($number - $j);
$n2 = $j;
if($N1Diff < $N2Diff) {
echo $n1;
} else if ($N1Diff2 < $N1Diff ){
echo $n2;

If you want to write an algorithm, A Wikipedia search for prime number led me to another article on the Sieve of Eratosthenes. The algorithm looks a bit simple and I'm thinking a recursive function would suit it well imo. (I could be wrong about that.)

If the array solution isn't a valid solution for you (it is the best one for your scenario), you can try the code below. After the "2 or 3" case, it will check every odd number away from the starting value until it finds a prime.
static int NearestPrime(double original)
int above = (int)Math.Ceiling(original);
int below = (int)Math.Floor(original);
if (above <= 2)
return 2;
if (below == 2)
return (original - 2 < 0.5) ? 2 : 3;
if (below % 2 == 0) below -= 1;
if (above % 2 == 0) above += 1;
double diffBelow = double.MaxValue, diffAbove = double.MaxValue;
for (; ; above += 2, below -= 2)
if (IsPrime(below))
diffBelow = original - below;
if (IsPrime(above))
diffAbove = above - original;
if (diffAbove != double.MaxValue || diffBelow != double.MaxValue)
//edit to your liking for midpoint cases (4.0, 6.0, 9.0, etc)
return (int) (diffAbove < diffBelow ? above : below);
static bool IsPrime(int p) //intentionally incomplete due to checks in NearestPrime
for (int i = 3; i < Math.Sqrt(p); i += 2)
if (p % i == 0)
return false;
return true;

Lookup table whit size of 100 bytes; (unsigned chars)
Round real number and use lookup table.

Maybe we can find the left and right nearest prime numbers, and then compare to get the nearest one. (I've assumed that the next prime number shows up within next 10 occurrences)
def leftnearestprimeno(n):
n1 = n-1
while(n1 >= 0):
if isprime(n1):
return n1
n1 -= 1
return -1
def rightnearestprimeno(n):
n1 = n+1
while(n1 < (n+10)):
if isprime(n1):
return n1
n1 += 1
return -1
n = int(input())
a = leftnearestprimeno(n)
b = rightnearestprimeno(n)
if (n - a) < (b - n):
print("nearest: ", a)
elif (n - a) > (b - n):
print("nearest: ", b)
print("nearest: ", a) #in case the difference is equal, choose min

Simplest answer-
Every prime number can be represented in the form (6*x-1 and 6*X +1) (except 2 and 3).
let number is N.divide it with 6.
and check which one is closer to N.


Efficient algorithm to search a element in rectangular Young Tableau [duplicate]

I was recently given this interview question and I'm curious what a good solution to it would be.
Say I'm given a 2d array where all the
numbers in the array are in increasing
order from left to right and top to
What is the best way to search and
determine if a target number is in the
Now, my first inclination is to utilize a binary search since my data is sorted. I can determine if a number is in a single row in O(log N) time. However, it is the 2 directions that throw me off.
Another solution I thought may work is to start somewhere in the middle. If the middle value is less than my target, then I can be sure it is in the left square portion of the matrix from the middle. I then move diagonally and check again, reducing the size of the square that the target could potentially be in until I have honed in on the target number.
Does anyone have any good ideas on solving this problem?
Example array:
Sorted left to right, top to bottom.
1 2 4 5 6
2 3 5 7 8
4 6 8 9 10
5 8 9 10 11
Here's a simple approach:
Start at the bottom-left corner.
If the target is less than that value, it must be above us, so move up one.
Otherwise we know that the target can't be in that column, so move right one.
Goto 2.
For an NxM array, this runs in O(N+M). I think it would be difficult to do better. :)
Edit: Lots of good discussion. I was talking about the general case above; clearly, if N or M are small, you could use a binary search approach to do this in something approaching logarithmic time.
Here are some details, for those who are curious:
This simple algorithm is called a Saddleback Search. It's been around for a while, and it is optimal when N == M. Some references:
David Gries, The Science of Programming. Springer-Verlag, 1989.
Edsgar Dijkstra, The Saddleback Search. Note EWD-934, 1985.
However, when N < M, intuition suggests that binary search should be able to do better than O(N+M): For example, when N == 1, a pure binary search will run in logarithmic rather than linear time.
Worst-case bound
Richard Bird examined this intuition that binary search could improve the Saddleback algorithm in a 2006 paper:
Richard S. Bird, Improving Saddleback Search: A Lesson in Algorithm Design, in Mathematics of Program Construction, pp. 82--89, volume 4014, 2006.
Using a rather unusual conversational technique, Bird shows us that for N <= M, this problem has a lower bound of Ω(N * log(M/N)). This bound make sense, as it gives us linear performance when N == M and logarithmic performance when N == 1.
Algorithms for rectangular arrays
One approach that uses a row-by-row binary search looks like this:
Start with a rectangular array where N < M. Let's say N is rows and M is columns.
Do a binary search on the middle row for value. If we find it, we're done.
Otherwise we've found an adjacent pair of numbers s and g, where s < value < g.
The rectangle of numbers above and to the left of s is less than value, so we can eliminate it.
The rectangle below and to the right of g is greater than value, so we can eliminate it.
Go to step (2) for each of the two remaining rectangles.
In terms of worst-case complexity, this algorithm does log(M) work to eliminate half the possible solutions, and then recursively calls itself twice on two smaller problems. We do have to repeat a smaller version of that log(M) work for every row, but if the number of rows is small compared to the number of columns, then being able to eliminate all of those columns in logarithmic time starts to become worthwhile.
This gives the algorithm a complexity of T(N,M) = log(M) + 2 * T(M/2, N/2), which Bird shows to be O(N * log(M/N)).
Another approach posted by Craig Gidney describes an algorithm similar the approach above: it examines a row at a time using a step size of M/N. His analysis shows that this results in O(N * log(M/N)) performance as well.
Performance Comparison
Big-O analysis is all well and good, but how well do these approaches work in practice? The chart below examines four algorithms for increasingly "square" arrays:
(The "naive" algorithm simply searches every element of the array. The "recursive" algorithm is described above. The "hybrid" algorithm is an implementation of Gidney's algorithm. For each array size, performance was measured by timing each algorithm over fixed set of 1,000,000 randomly-generated arrays.)
Some notable points:
As expected, the "binary search" algorithms offer the best performance on rectangular arrays and the Saddleback algorithm works the best on square arrays.
The Saddleback algorithm performs worse than the "naive" algorithm for 1-d arrays, presumably because it does multiple comparisons on each item.
The performance hit that the "binary search" algorithms take on square arrays is presumably due to the overhead of running repeated binary searches.
Clever use of binary search can provide O(N * log(M/N) performance for both rectangular and square arrays. The O(N + M) "saddleback" algorithm is much simpler, but suffers from performance degradation as arrays become increasingly rectangular.
This problem takes Θ(b lg(t)) time, where b = min(w,h) and t=b/max(w,h). I discuss the solution in this blog post.
Lower bound
An adversary can force an algorithm to make Ω(b lg(t)) queries, by restricting itself to the main diagonal:
Legend: white cells are smaller items, gray cells are larger items, yellow cells are smaller-or-equal items and orange cells are larger-or-equal items. The adversary forces the solution to be whichever yellow or orange cell the algorithm queries last.
Notice that there are b independent sorted lists of size t, requiring Ω(b lg(t)) queries to completely eliminate.
(Assume without loss of generality that w >= h)
Compare the target item against the cell t to the left of the top right corner of the valid area
If the cell's item matches, return the current position.
If the cell's item is less than the target item, eliminate the remaining t cells in the row with a binary search. If a matching item is found while doing this, return with its position.
Otherwise the cell's item is more than the target item, eliminating t short columns.
If there's no valid area left, return failure
Goto step 2
Finding an item:
Determining an item doesn't exist:
Legend: white cells are smaller items, gray cells are larger items, and the green cell is an equal item.
There are b*t short columns to eliminate. There are b long rows to eliminate. Eliminating a long row costs O(lg(t)) time. Eliminating t short columns costs O(1) time.
In the worst case we'll have to eliminate every column and every row, taking time O(lg(t)*b + b*t*1/t) = O(b lg(t)).
Note that I'm assuming lg clamps to a result above 1 (i.e. lg(x) = log_2(max(2,x))). That's why when w=h, meaning t=1, we get the expected bound of O(b lg(1)) = O(b) = O(w+h).
public static Tuple<int, int> TryFindItemInSortedMatrix<T>(this IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<T>> grid, T item, IComparer<T> comparer = null) {
if (grid == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("grid");
comparer = comparer ?? Comparer<T>.Default;
// check size
var width = grid.Count;
if (width == 0) return null;
var height = grid[0].Count;
if (height < width) {
var result = grid.LazyTranspose().TryFindItemInSortedMatrix(item, comparer);
if (result == null) return null;
return Tuple.Create(result.Item2, result.Item1);
// search
var minCol = 0;
var maxRow = height - 1;
var t = height / width;
while (minCol < width && maxRow >= 0) {
// query the item in the minimum column, t above the maximum row
var luckyRow = Math.Max(maxRow - t, 0);
var cmpItemVsLucky = comparer.Compare(item, grid[minCol][luckyRow]);
if (cmpItemVsLucky == 0) return Tuple.Create(minCol, luckyRow);
// did we eliminate t rows from the bottom?
if (cmpItemVsLucky < 0) {
maxRow = luckyRow - 1;
// we eliminated most of the current minimum column
// spend lg(t) time eliminating rest of column
var minRowInCol = luckyRow + 1;
var maxRowInCol = maxRow;
while (minRowInCol <= maxRowInCol) {
var mid = minRowInCol + (maxRowInCol - minRowInCol + 1) / 2;
var cmpItemVsMid = comparer.Compare(item, grid[minCol][mid]);
if (cmpItemVsMid == 0) return Tuple.Create(minCol, mid);
if (cmpItemVsMid > 0) {
minRowInCol = mid + 1;
} else {
maxRowInCol = mid - 1;
maxRow = mid - 1;
minCol += 1;
return null;
I would use the divide-and-conquer strategy for this problem, similar to what you suggested, but the details are a bit different.
This will be a recursive search on subranges of the matrix.
At each step, pick an element in the middle of the range. If the value found is what you are seeking, then you're done.
Otherwise, if the value found is less than the value that you are seeking, then you know that it is not in the quadrant above and to the left of your current position. So recursively search the two subranges: everything (exclusively) below the current position, and everything (exclusively) to the right that is at or above the current position.
Otherwise, (the value found is greater than the value that you are seeking) you know that it is not in the quadrant below and to the right of your current position. So recursively search the two subranges: everything (exclusively) to the left of the current position, and everything (exclusively) above the current position that is on the current column or a column to the right.
And ba-da-bing, you found it.
Note that each recursive call only deals with the current subrange only, not (for example) ALL rows above the current position. Just those in the current subrange.
Here's some pseudocode for you:
bool numberSearch(int[][] arr, int value, int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY)
if (minX == maxX and minY == maxY and arr[minX,minY] != value)
return false
if (arr[minX,minY] > value) return false; // Early exits if the value can't be in
if (arr[maxX,maxY] < value) return false; // this subrange at all.
int nextX = (minX + maxX) / 2
int nextY = (minY + maxY) / 2
if (arr[nextX,nextY] == value)
print nextX,nextY
return true
else if (arr[nextX,nextY] < value)
if (numberSearch(arr, value, minX, maxX, nextY + 1, maxY))
return true
return numberSearch(arr, value, nextX + 1, maxX, minY, nextY)
if (numberSearch(arr, value, minX, nextX - 1, minY, maxY))
return true
reutrn numberSearch(arr, value, nextX, maxX, minY, nextY)
The two main answers give so far seem to be the arguably O(log N) "ZigZag method" and the O(N+M) Binary Search method. I thought I'd do some testing comparing the two methods with some various setups. Here are the details:
The array is N x N square in every test, with N varying from 125 to 8000 (the largest my JVM heap could handle). For each array size, I picked a random place in the array to put a single 2. I then put a 3 everywhere possible (to the right and below of the 2) and then filled the rest of the array with 1. Some of the earlier commenters seemed to think this type of setup would yield worst case run time for both algorithms. For each array size, I picked 100 different random locations for the 2 (search target) and ran the test. I recorded avg run time and worst case run time for each algorithm. Because it was happening too fast to get good ms readings in Java, and because I don't trust Java's nanoTime(), I repeated each test 1000 times just to add a uniform bias factor to all the times. Here are the results:
ZigZag beat binary in every test for both avg and worst case times, however, they are all within an order of magnitude of each other more or less.
Here is the Java code:
public class SearchSortedArray2D {
static boolean findZigZag(int[][] a, int t) {
int i = 0;
int j = a.length - 1;
while (i <= a.length - 1 && j >= 0) {
if (a[i][j] == t) return true;
else if (a[i][j] < t) i++;
else j--;
return false;
static boolean findBinarySearch(int[][] a, int t) {
return findBinarySearch(a, t, 0, 0, a.length - 1, a.length - 1);
static boolean findBinarySearch(int[][] a, int t,
int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2) {
if (r1 > r2 || c1 > c2) return false;
if (r1 == r2 && c1 == c2 && a[r1][c1] != t) return false;
if (a[r1][c1] > t) return false;
if (a[r2][c2] < t) return false;
int rm = (r1 + r2) / 2;
int cm = (c1 + c2) / 2;
if (a[rm][cm] == t) return true;
else if (a[rm][cm] > t) {
boolean b1 = findBinarySearch(a, t, r1, c1, r2, cm - 1);
boolean b2 = findBinarySearch(a, t, r1, cm, rm - 1, c2);
return (b1 || b2);
} else {
boolean b1 = findBinarySearch(a, t, r1, cm + 1, rm, c2);
boolean b2 = findBinarySearch(a, t, rm + 1, c1, r2, c2);
return (b1 || b2);
static void randomizeArray(int[][] a, int N) {
int ri = (int) (Math.random() * N);
int rj = (int) (Math.random() * N);
a[ri][rj] = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
if (i == ri && j == rj) continue;
else if (i > ri || j > rj) a[i][j] = 3;
else a[i][j] = 1;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int N = 8000;
int[][] a = new int[N][N];
int randoms = 100;
int repeats = 1000;
long start, end, duration;
long zigMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE, zigMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
long binMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE, binMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
long zigSum = 0, zigAvg;
long binSum = 0, binAvg;
for (int k = 0; k < randoms; k++) {
randomizeArray(a, N);
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < repeats; i++) findZigZag(a, 2);
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
duration = end - start;
zigSum += duration;
zigMin = Math.min(zigMin, duration);
zigMax = Math.max(zigMax, duration);
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < repeats; i++) findBinarySearch(a, 2);
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
duration = end - start;
binSum += duration;
binMin = Math.min(binMin, duration);
binMax = Math.max(binMax, duration);
zigAvg = zigSum / randoms;
binAvg = binSum / randoms;
System.out.println(findZigZag(a, 2) ?
"Found via zigzag method. " : "ERROR. ");
//System.out.println("min search time: " + zigMin + "ms");
System.out.println("max search time: " + zigMax + "ms");
System.out.println("avg search time: " + zigAvg + "ms");
System.out.println(findBinarySearch(a, 2) ?
"Found via binary search method. " : "ERROR. ");
//System.out.println("min search time: " + binMin + "ms");
System.out.println("max search time: " + binMax + "ms");
System.out.println("avg search time: " + binAvg + "ms");
This is a short proof of the lower bound on the problem.
You cannot do it better than linear time (in terms of array dimensions, not the number of elements). In the array below, each of the elements marked as * can be either 5 or 6 (independently of other ones). So if your target value is 6 (or 5) the algorithm needs to examine all of them.
1 2 3 4 *
2 3 4 * 7
3 4 * 7 8
4 * 7 8 9
* 7 8 9 10
Of course this expands to bigger arrays as well. This means that this answer is optimal.
Update: As pointed out by Jeffrey L Whitledge, it is only optimal as the asymptotic lower bound on running time vs input data size (treated as a single variable). Running time treated as two-variable function on both array dimensions can be improved.
I think Here is the answer and it works for any kind of sorted matrix
bool findNum(int arr[][ARR_MAX],int xmin, int xmax, int ymin,int ymax,int key)
if (xmin > xmax || ymin > ymax || xmax < xmin || ymax < ymin) return false;
if ((xmin == xmax) && (ymin == ymax) && (arr[xmin][ymin] != key)) return false;
if (arr[xmin][ymin] > key || arr[xmax][ymax] < key) return false;
if (arr[xmin][ymin] == key || arr[xmax][ymax] == key) return true;
int xnew = (xmin + xmax)/2;
int ynew = (ymin + ymax)/2;
if (arr[xnew][ynew] == key) return true;
if (arr[xnew][ynew] < key)
if (findNum(arr,xnew+1,xmax,ymin,ymax,key))
return true;
return (findNum(arr,xmin,xmax,ynew+1,ymax,key));
} else {
if (findNum(arr,xmin,xnew-1,ymin,ymax,key))
return true;
return (findNum(arr,xmin,xmax,ymin,ynew-1,key));
Interesting question. Consider this idea - create one boundary where all the numbers are greater than your target and another where all the numbers are less than your target. If anything is left in between the two, that's your target.
If I'm looking for 3 in your example, I read across the first row until I hit 4, then look for the smallest adjacent number (including diagonals) greater than 3:
1 2 4 5 6
2 3 5 7 8
4 6 8 9 10
5 8 9 10 11
Now I do the same for those numbers less than 3:
1 2 4 5 6
2 3 5 7 8
4 6 8 9 10
5 8 9 10 11
Now I ask, is anything inside the two boundaries? If yes, it must be 3. If no, then there is no 3. Sort of indirect since I don't actually find the number, I just deduce that it must be there. This has the added bonus of counting ALL the 3's.
I tried this on some examples and it seems to work OK.
Binary search through the diagonal of the array is the best option.
We can find out whether the element is less than or equal to the elements in the diagonal.
I've been asking this question in interviews for the better part of a decade and I think there's only been one person who has been able to come up with an optimal algorithm.
My solution has always been:
Binary search the middle diagonal, which is the diagonal running down and right, containing the item at (rows.count/2, columns.count/2).
If the target number is found, return true.
Otherwise, two numbers (u and v) will have been found such that u is smaller than the target, v is larger than the target, and v is one right and one down from u.
Recursively search the sub-matrix to the right of u and top of v and the one to the bottom of u and left of v.
I believe this is a strict improvement over the algorithm given by Nate here, since searching the diagonal often allows a reduction of over half the search space (if the matrix is close to square), whereas searching a row or column always results in an elimination of exactly half.
Here's the code in (probably not terribly Swifty) Swift:
import Cocoa
class Solution {
func searchMatrix(_ matrix: [[Int]], _ target: Int) -> Bool {
if (matrix.isEmpty || matrix[0].isEmpty) {
return false
return _searchMatrix(matrix, 0..<matrix.count, 0..<matrix[0].count, target)
func _searchMatrix(_ matrix: [[Int]], _ rows: Range<Int>, _ columns: Range<Int>, _ target: Int) -> Bool {
if (rows.count == 0 || columns.count == 0) {
return false
if (rows.count == 1) {
return _binarySearch(matrix, rows.lowerBound, columns, target, true)
if (columns.count == 1) {
return _binarySearch(matrix, columns.lowerBound, rows, target, false)
var lowerInflection = (-1, -1)
var upperInflection = (Int.max, Int.max)
var currentRows = rows
var currentColumns = columns
while (currentRows.count > 0 && currentColumns.count > 0 && upperInflection.0 > lowerInflection.0+1) {
let rowMidpoint = (currentRows.upperBound + currentRows.lowerBound) / 2
let columnMidpoint = (currentColumns.upperBound + currentColumns.lowerBound) / 2
let value = matrix[rowMidpoint][columnMidpoint]
if (value == target) {
return true
if (value > target) {
upperInflection = (rowMidpoint, columnMidpoint)
currentRows = currentRows.lowerBound..<rowMidpoint
currentColumns = currentColumns.lowerBound..<columnMidpoint
} else {
lowerInflection = (rowMidpoint, columnMidpoint)
currentRows = rowMidpoint+1..<currentRows.upperBound
currentColumns = columnMidpoint+1..<currentColumns.upperBound
if (lowerInflection.0 == -1) {
lowerInflection = (upperInflection.0-1, upperInflection.1-1)
} else if (upperInflection.0 == Int.max) {
upperInflection = (lowerInflection.0+1, lowerInflection.1+1)
return _searchMatrix(matrix, rows.lowerBound..<lowerInflection.0+1, upperInflection.1..<columns.upperBound, target) || _searchMatrix(matrix, upperInflection.0..<rows.upperBound, columns.lowerBound..<lowerInflection.1+1, target)
func _binarySearch(_ matrix: [[Int]], _ rowOrColumn: Int, _ range: Range<Int>, _ target: Int, _ searchRow : Bool) -> Bool {
if (range.isEmpty) {
return false
let midpoint = (range.upperBound + range.lowerBound) / 2
let value = (searchRow ? matrix[rowOrColumn][midpoint] : matrix[midpoint][rowOrColumn])
if (value == target) {
return true
if (value > target) {
return _binarySearch(matrix, rowOrColumn, range.lowerBound..<midpoint, target, searchRow)
} else {
return _binarySearch(matrix, rowOrColumn, midpoint+1..<range.upperBound, target, searchRow)
A. Do a binary search on those lines where the target number might be on.
B. Make it a graph : Look for the number by taking always the smallest unvisited neighbour node and backtracking when a too big number is found
Binary search would be the best approach, imo. Starting at 1/2 x, 1/2 y will cut it in half. IE a 5x5 square would be something like x == 2 / y == 3 . I rounded one value down and one value up to better zone in on the direction of the targeted value.
For clarity the next iteration would give you something like x == 1 / y == 2 OR x == 3 / y == 5
Well, to begin with, let us assume we are using a square.
1 2 3
2 3 4
3 4 5
1. Searching a square
I would use a binary search on the diagonal. The goal is the locate the smaller number that is not strictly lower than the target number.
Say I am looking for 4 for example, then I would end up locating 5 at (2,2).
Then, I am assured that if 4 is in the table, it is at a position either (x,2) or (2,x) with x in [0,2]. Well, that's just 2 binary searches.
The complexity is not daunting: O(log(N)) (3 binary searches on ranges of length N)
2. Searching a rectangle, naive approach
Of course, it gets a bit more complicated when N and M differ (with a rectangle), consider this degenerate case:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
And let's say I am looking for 9... The diagonal approach is still good, but the definition of diagonal changes. Here my diagonal is [1, (5 or 6), 17]. Let's say I picked up [1,5,17], then I know that if 9 is in the table it is either in the subpart:
5 6 7 8
6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
This gives us 2 rectangles:
5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
6 7 8 9
So we can recurse! probably beginning by the one with less elements (though in this case it kills us).
I should point that if one of the dimensions is less than 3, we cannot apply the diagonal methods and must use a binary search. Here it would mean:
Apply binary search on 10 11 12 13 14 15 16, not found
Apply binary search on 5 6 7 8, not found
Apply binary search on 6 7 8 9, not found
It's tricky because to get good performance you might want to differentiate between several cases, depending on the general shape....
3. Searching a rectangle, brutal approach
It would be much easier if we dealt with a square... so let's just square things up.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
17 . . . . . . 17
. .
. .
. .
17 . . . . . . 17
We now have a square.
Of course, we will probably NOT actually create those rows, we could simply emulate them.
def get(x,y):
if x < N and y < M: return table[x][y]
else: return table[N-1][M-1] # the max
so it behaves like a square without occupying more memory (at the cost of speed, probably, depending on cache... oh well :p)
I misunderstood the question. As the comments point out this only works in the more restricted case.
In a language like C that stores data in row-major order, simply treat it as a 1D array of size n * m and use a binary search.
I have a recursive Divide & Conquer Solution.
Basic Idea for one step is: We know that the Left-Upper(LU) is smallest and the right-bottom(RB) is the largest no., so the given No(N) must: N>=LU and N<=RB
IF N==LU and N==RB::::Element Found and Abort returning the position/Index
If N>=LU and N<=RB = FALSE, No is not there and abort.
If N>=LU and N<=RB = TRUE, Divide the 2D array in 4 equal parts of 2D array each in logical manner..
And then apply the same algo step to all four sub-array.
My Algo is Correct I have implemented on my friends PC.
Complexity: each 4 comparisons can b used to deduce the total no of elements to one-fourth at its worst case..
So My complexity comes to be 1 + 4 x lg(n) + 4
But really expected this to be working on O(n)
I think something is wrong somewhere in my calculation of Complexity, please correct if so..
The optimal solution is to start at the top-left corner, that has minimal value. Move diagonally downwards to the right until you hit an element whose value >= value of the given element. If the element's value is equal to that of the given element, return found as true.
Otherwise, from here we can proceed in two ways.
Strategy 1:
Move up in the column and search for the given element until we reach the end. If found, return found as true
Move left in the row and search for the given element until we reach the end. If found, return found as true
return found as false
Strategy 2:
Let i denote the row index and j denote the column index of the diagonal element we have stopped at. (Here, we have i = j, BTW). Let k = 1.
Repeat the below steps until i-k >= 0
Search if a[i-k][j] is equal to the given element. if yes, return found as true.
Search if a[i][j-k] is equal to the given element. if yes, return found as true.
Increment k
1 2 4 5 6
2 3 5 7 8
4 6 8 9 10
5 8 9 10 11
public boolean searchSortedMatrix(int arr[][] , int key , int minX , int maxX , int minY , int maxY){
// base case for recursion
if(minX > maxX || minY > maxY)
return false ;
// early fails
// array not properly intialized
if(arr==null || arr.length==0)
return false ;
// arr[0][0]> key return false
return false ;
// arr[maxX][maxY]<key return false
return false ;
//int temp1 = minX ;
//int temp2 = minY ;
int midX = (minX+maxX)/2 ;
//if(temp1==midX){midX+=1 ;}
int midY = (minY+maxY)/2 ;
//if(temp2==midY){midY+=1 ;}
// arr[midX][midY] = key ? then value found
if(arr[midX][midY] == key)
return true ;
// alas ! i have to keep looking
// arr[midX][midY] < key ? search right quad and bottom matrix ;
if(arr[midX][midY] < key){
if( searchSortedMatrix(arr ,key , minX,maxX , midY+1 , maxY))
return true ;
// search bottom half of matrix
if( searchSortedMatrix(arr ,key , midX+1,maxX , minY , maxY))
return true ;
// arr[midX][midY] > key ? search left quad matrix ;
else {
return(searchSortedMatrix(arr , key , minX,midX-1,minY,midY-1));
return false ;
I suggest, store all characters in a 2D list. then find index of required element if it exists in list.
If not present print appropriate message else print row and column as:
row = (index/total_columns) and column = (index%total_columns -1)
This will incur only the binary search time in a list.
Please suggest any corrections. :)
If O(M log(N)) solution is ok for an MxN array -
template <size_t n>
struct MN * get(int a[][n], int k, int M, int N){
struct MN *result = new MN;
result->m = -1;
result->n = -1;
/* Do a binary search on each row since rows (and columns too) are sorted. */
for(int i = 0; i < M; i++){
int lo = 0; int hi = N - 1;
while(lo <= hi){
int mid = lo + (hi-lo)/2;
if(k < a[i][mid]) hi = mid - 1;
else if (k > a[i][mid]) lo = mid + 1;
result->m = i;
result->n = mid;
return result;
return result;
Working C++ demo.
Please do let me know if this wouldn't work or if there is a bug it it.
class Solution {
public boolean searchMatrix(int[][] matrix, int target) {
if(matrix == null)
return false;
int i=0;
int j=0;
int m = matrix.length;
int n = matrix[0].length;
boolean found = false;
while(i<m && !found){
while(j<n && !found){
if(matrix[i][j] == target)
found = true;
if(matrix[i][j] < target)
return found;
129 / 129 test cases passed.
Status: Accepted
Runtime: 39 ms
Memory Usage: 55 MB
Given a square matrix as follows:
[ a b c ]
[ d e f ]
[ i j k ]
We know that a < c, d < f, i < k. What we don't know is whether d < c or d > c, etc. We have guarantees only in 1-dimension.
Looking at the end elements (c,f,k), we can do a sort of filter: is N < c ? search() : next(). Thus, we have n iterations over the rows, with each row taking either O( log( n ) ) for binary search or O( 1 ) if filtered out.
Let me given an EXAMPLE where N = j,
1) Check row 1. j < c? (no, go next)
2) Check row 2. j < f? (yes, bin search gets nothing)
3) Check row 3. j < k? (yes, bin search finds it)
Try again with N = q,
1) Check row 1. q < c? (no, go next)
2) Check row 2. q < f? (no, go next)
3) Check row 3. q < k? (no, go next)
There is probably a better solution out there but this is easy to explain.. :)
As this is an interview question, it would seem to lead towards a discussion of Parallel programming and Map-reduce algorithms.

What is the best way to recursively generate all binary strings of length n?

I'm looking for a good (easy to implement, intuitive, etc.) recursive method of generating all binary strings of length n, where 1 <= n <= 35.
I would appreciate ideas for a pseudo-code algorithm (no language-specific tricks).
LE: okay, I did go overboard with the upper limit. My intention was to avoid solutions that use the binary representation of a counter from 1 to 1 << n.
Here's an example of recursion in C++.
vector<string> answer;
void getStrings( string s, int digitsLeft )
if( digitsLeft == 0 ) // the length of string is n
answer.push_back( s );
getStrings( s + "0", digitsLeft - 1 );
getStrings( s + "1", digitsLeft - 1 );
getStrings( "", n ); // initial call
According to the Divide et Impera paradigm, the problem of generating all binary strings of length n can be splitted in two subproblems: the problem of printing all binary strings of lenght n-1 preceeded by a 0 and the one of printing all binary strings of lenght n-1 preceeded by a 1. So the following pseudocode solves the problem:
generateBinary(length, string)
if(length > 0)
generateBinary(length-1, string + "0")
generateBinary(length-1, string + "1")
def genBins(n):
generate all the binary strings with n-length
max_int = '0b' + '1' * n
for i in range(0, int(max_int, 2)+1, 1):
yield str(format(i, 'b').zfill(n))
if __name__ == '__main__':
The problem you have can be solved with a Backtracking algorithm.
Pseudo-code for such an algorithm is:
fun(input, n)
if( base_case(input, n) )
//print result
//choose from pool of choices
//explorer the rest of choices from what's left
Base case: we want to print our result string when its size is equal to n
Recursive case:
our pool of choices consists of 0 and 1
choosing in this case means take 0 or 1 and add it to the input as last character
explore by recursing, where we pass the new input value from the choose step until base case is reached
un-choosing in this case means remove the last character
function binary(n) {
binaryHelper('', n);
function binaryHelper(str, n) {
if (str.length === n) {
//base case
console.log(str); //print string
} else {
for (let bit = 0; bit < 2; bit++) {
str = str + bit; // choose
binaryHelper(str, n); // explore
str = str.slice(0, -1); // un-choose
console.log('Size 2 binary strings:');
console.log('Size 3 binary strings:');
You can re-write the code above like this, where you choose & un-choose by stateless transition from one loop iteration to another. This is less intuitive though.
function binary(n) {
binaryHelper('', n);
function binaryHelper(str, n) {
if(str.length === n) {
} else {
for(let bit = 0; bit < 2; bit++) {
binaryHelper(str+bit, n);
console.log('Size 2 binary strings:');
console.log('Size 3 binary strings:');

How do I search for a number in a 2d array sorted left to right and top to bottom?

I was recently given this interview question and I'm curious what a good solution to it would be.
Say I'm given a 2d array where all the
numbers in the array are in increasing
order from left to right and top to
What is the best way to search and
determine if a target number is in the
Now, my first inclination is to utilize a binary search since my data is sorted. I can determine if a number is in a single row in O(log N) time. However, it is the 2 directions that throw me off.
Another solution I thought may work is to start somewhere in the middle. If the middle value is less than my target, then I can be sure it is in the left square portion of the matrix from the middle. I then move diagonally and check again, reducing the size of the square that the target could potentially be in until I have honed in on the target number.
Does anyone have any good ideas on solving this problem?
Example array:
Sorted left to right, top to bottom.
1 2 4 5 6
2 3 5 7 8
4 6 8 9 10
5 8 9 10 11
Here's a simple approach:
Start at the bottom-left corner.
If the target is less than that value, it must be above us, so move up one.
Otherwise we know that the target can't be in that column, so move right one.
Goto 2.
For an NxM array, this runs in O(N+M). I think it would be difficult to do better. :)
Edit: Lots of good discussion. I was talking about the general case above; clearly, if N or M are small, you could use a binary search approach to do this in something approaching logarithmic time.
Here are some details, for those who are curious:
This simple algorithm is called a Saddleback Search. It's been around for a while, and it is optimal when N == M. Some references:
David Gries, The Science of Programming. Springer-Verlag, 1989.
Edsgar Dijkstra, The Saddleback Search. Note EWD-934, 1985.
However, when N < M, intuition suggests that binary search should be able to do better than O(N+M): For example, when N == 1, a pure binary search will run in logarithmic rather than linear time.
Worst-case bound
Richard Bird examined this intuition that binary search could improve the Saddleback algorithm in a 2006 paper:
Richard S. Bird, Improving Saddleback Search: A Lesson in Algorithm Design, in Mathematics of Program Construction, pp. 82--89, volume 4014, 2006.
Using a rather unusual conversational technique, Bird shows us that for N <= M, this problem has a lower bound of Ω(N * log(M/N)). This bound make sense, as it gives us linear performance when N == M and logarithmic performance when N == 1.
Algorithms for rectangular arrays
One approach that uses a row-by-row binary search looks like this:
Start with a rectangular array where N < M. Let's say N is rows and M is columns.
Do a binary search on the middle row for value. If we find it, we're done.
Otherwise we've found an adjacent pair of numbers s and g, where s < value < g.
The rectangle of numbers above and to the left of s is less than value, so we can eliminate it.
The rectangle below and to the right of g is greater than value, so we can eliminate it.
Go to step (2) for each of the two remaining rectangles.
In terms of worst-case complexity, this algorithm does log(M) work to eliminate half the possible solutions, and then recursively calls itself twice on two smaller problems. We do have to repeat a smaller version of that log(M) work for every row, but if the number of rows is small compared to the number of columns, then being able to eliminate all of those columns in logarithmic time starts to become worthwhile.
This gives the algorithm a complexity of T(N,M) = log(M) + 2 * T(M/2, N/2), which Bird shows to be O(N * log(M/N)).
Another approach posted by Craig Gidney describes an algorithm similar the approach above: it examines a row at a time using a step size of M/N. His analysis shows that this results in O(N * log(M/N)) performance as well.
Performance Comparison
Big-O analysis is all well and good, but how well do these approaches work in practice? The chart below examines four algorithms for increasingly "square" arrays:
(The "naive" algorithm simply searches every element of the array. The "recursive" algorithm is described above. The "hybrid" algorithm is an implementation of Gidney's algorithm. For each array size, performance was measured by timing each algorithm over fixed set of 1,000,000 randomly-generated arrays.)
Some notable points:
As expected, the "binary search" algorithms offer the best performance on rectangular arrays and the Saddleback algorithm works the best on square arrays.
The Saddleback algorithm performs worse than the "naive" algorithm for 1-d arrays, presumably because it does multiple comparisons on each item.
The performance hit that the "binary search" algorithms take on square arrays is presumably due to the overhead of running repeated binary searches.
Clever use of binary search can provide O(N * log(M/N) performance for both rectangular and square arrays. The O(N + M) "saddleback" algorithm is much simpler, but suffers from performance degradation as arrays become increasingly rectangular.
This problem takes Θ(b lg(t)) time, where b = min(w,h) and t=b/max(w,h). I discuss the solution in this blog post.
Lower bound
An adversary can force an algorithm to make Ω(b lg(t)) queries, by restricting itself to the main diagonal:
Legend: white cells are smaller items, gray cells are larger items, yellow cells are smaller-or-equal items and orange cells are larger-or-equal items. The adversary forces the solution to be whichever yellow or orange cell the algorithm queries last.
Notice that there are b independent sorted lists of size t, requiring Ω(b lg(t)) queries to completely eliminate.
(Assume without loss of generality that w >= h)
Compare the target item against the cell t to the left of the top right corner of the valid area
If the cell's item matches, return the current position.
If the cell's item is less than the target item, eliminate the remaining t cells in the row with a binary search. If a matching item is found while doing this, return with its position.
Otherwise the cell's item is more than the target item, eliminating t short columns.
If there's no valid area left, return failure
Goto step 2
Finding an item:
Determining an item doesn't exist:
Legend: white cells are smaller items, gray cells are larger items, and the green cell is an equal item.
There are b*t short columns to eliminate. There are b long rows to eliminate. Eliminating a long row costs O(lg(t)) time. Eliminating t short columns costs O(1) time.
In the worst case we'll have to eliminate every column and every row, taking time O(lg(t)*b + b*t*1/t) = O(b lg(t)).
Note that I'm assuming lg clamps to a result above 1 (i.e. lg(x) = log_2(max(2,x))). That's why when w=h, meaning t=1, we get the expected bound of O(b lg(1)) = O(b) = O(w+h).
public static Tuple<int, int> TryFindItemInSortedMatrix<T>(this IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<T>> grid, T item, IComparer<T> comparer = null) {
if (grid == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("grid");
comparer = comparer ?? Comparer<T>.Default;
// check size
var width = grid.Count;
if (width == 0) return null;
var height = grid[0].Count;
if (height < width) {
var result = grid.LazyTranspose().TryFindItemInSortedMatrix(item, comparer);
if (result == null) return null;
return Tuple.Create(result.Item2, result.Item1);
// search
var minCol = 0;
var maxRow = height - 1;
var t = height / width;
while (minCol < width && maxRow >= 0) {
// query the item in the minimum column, t above the maximum row
var luckyRow = Math.Max(maxRow - t, 0);
var cmpItemVsLucky = comparer.Compare(item, grid[minCol][luckyRow]);
if (cmpItemVsLucky == 0) return Tuple.Create(minCol, luckyRow);
// did we eliminate t rows from the bottom?
if (cmpItemVsLucky < 0) {
maxRow = luckyRow - 1;
// we eliminated most of the current minimum column
// spend lg(t) time eliminating rest of column
var minRowInCol = luckyRow + 1;
var maxRowInCol = maxRow;
while (minRowInCol <= maxRowInCol) {
var mid = minRowInCol + (maxRowInCol - minRowInCol + 1) / 2;
var cmpItemVsMid = comparer.Compare(item, grid[minCol][mid]);
if (cmpItemVsMid == 0) return Tuple.Create(minCol, mid);
if (cmpItemVsMid > 0) {
minRowInCol = mid + 1;
} else {
maxRowInCol = mid - 1;
maxRow = mid - 1;
minCol += 1;
return null;
I would use the divide-and-conquer strategy for this problem, similar to what you suggested, but the details are a bit different.
This will be a recursive search on subranges of the matrix.
At each step, pick an element in the middle of the range. If the value found is what you are seeking, then you're done.
Otherwise, if the value found is less than the value that you are seeking, then you know that it is not in the quadrant above and to the left of your current position. So recursively search the two subranges: everything (exclusively) below the current position, and everything (exclusively) to the right that is at or above the current position.
Otherwise, (the value found is greater than the value that you are seeking) you know that it is not in the quadrant below and to the right of your current position. So recursively search the two subranges: everything (exclusively) to the left of the current position, and everything (exclusively) above the current position that is on the current column or a column to the right.
And ba-da-bing, you found it.
Note that each recursive call only deals with the current subrange only, not (for example) ALL rows above the current position. Just those in the current subrange.
Here's some pseudocode for you:
bool numberSearch(int[][] arr, int value, int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY)
if (minX == maxX and minY == maxY and arr[minX,minY] != value)
return false
if (arr[minX,minY] > value) return false; // Early exits if the value can't be in
if (arr[maxX,maxY] < value) return false; // this subrange at all.
int nextX = (minX + maxX) / 2
int nextY = (minY + maxY) / 2
if (arr[nextX,nextY] == value)
print nextX,nextY
return true
else if (arr[nextX,nextY] < value)
if (numberSearch(arr, value, minX, maxX, nextY + 1, maxY))
return true
return numberSearch(arr, value, nextX + 1, maxX, minY, nextY)
if (numberSearch(arr, value, minX, nextX - 1, minY, maxY))
return true
reutrn numberSearch(arr, value, nextX, maxX, minY, nextY)
The two main answers give so far seem to be the arguably O(log N) "ZigZag method" and the O(N+M) Binary Search method. I thought I'd do some testing comparing the two methods with some various setups. Here are the details:
The array is N x N square in every test, with N varying from 125 to 8000 (the largest my JVM heap could handle). For each array size, I picked a random place in the array to put a single 2. I then put a 3 everywhere possible (to the right and below of the 2) and then filled the rest of the array with 1. Some of the earlier commenters seemed to think this type of setup would yield worst case run time for both algorithms. For each array size, I picked 100 different random locations for the 2 (search target) and ran the test. I recorded avg run time and worst case run time for each algorithm. Because it was happening too fast to get good ms readings in Java, and because I don't trust Java's nanoTime(), I repeated each test 1000 times just to add a uniform bias factor to all the times. Here are the results:
ZigZag beat binary in every test for both avg and worst case times, however, they are all within an order of magnitude of each other more or less.
Here is the Java code:
public class SearchSortedArray2D {
static boolean findZigZag(int[][] a, int t) {
int i = 0;
int j = a.length - 1;
while (i <= a.length - 1 && j >= 0) {
if (a[i][j] == t) return true;
else if (a[i][j] < t) i++;
else j--;
return false;
static boolean findBinarySearch(int[][] a, int t) {
return findBinarySearch(a, t, 0, 0, a.length - 1, a.length - 1);
static boolean findBinarySearch(int[][] a, int t,
int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2) {
if (r1 > r2 || c1 > c2) return false;
if (r1 == r2 && c1 == c2 && a[r1][c1] != t) return false;
if (a[r1][c1] > t) return false;
if (a[r2][c2] < t) return false;
int rm = (r1 + r2) / 2;
int cm = (c1 + c2) / 2;
if (a[rm][cm] == t) return true;
else if (a[rm][cm] > t) {
boolean b1 = findBinarySearch(a, t, r1, c1, r2, cm - 1);
boolean b2 = findBinarySearch(a, t, r1, cm, rm - 1, c2);
return (b1 || b2);
} else {
boolean b1 = findBinarySearch(a, t, r1, cm + 1, rm, c2);
boolean b2 = findBinarySearch(a, t, rm + 1, c1, r2, c2);
return (b1 || b2);
static void randomizeArray(int[][] a, int N) {
int ri = (int) (Math.random() * N);
int rj = (int) (Math.random() * N);
a[ri][rj] = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
if (i == ri && j == rj) continue;
else if (i > ri || j > rj) a[i][j] = 3;
else a[i][j] = 1;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int N = 8000;
int[][] a = new int[N][N];
int randoms = 100;
int repeats = 1000;
long start, end, duration;
long zigMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE, zigMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
long binMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE, binMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
long zigSum = 0, zigAvg;
long binSum = 0, binAvg;
for (int k = 0; k < randoms; k++) {
randomizeArray(a, N);
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < repeats; i++) findZigZag(a, 2);
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
duration = end - start;
zigSum += duration;
zigMin = Math.min(zigMin, duration);
zigMax = Math.max(zigMax, duration);
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < repeats; i++) findBinarySearch(a, 2);
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
duration = end - start;
binSum += duration;
binMin = Math.min(binMin, duration);
binMax = Math.max(binMax, duration);
zigAvg = zigSum / randoms;
binAvg = binSum / randoms;
System.out.println(findZigZag(a, 2) ?
"Found via zigzag method. " : "ERROR. ");
//System.out.println("min search time: " + zigMin + "ms");
System.out.println("max search time: " + zigMax + "ms");
System.out.println("avg search time: " + zigAvg + "ms");
System.out.println(findBinarySearch(a, 2) ?
"Found via binary search method. " : "ERROR. ");
//System.out.println("min search time: " + binMin + "ms");
System.out.println("max search time: " + binMax + "ms");
System.out.println("avg search time: " + binAvg + "ms");
This is a short proof of the lower bound on the problem.
You cannot do it better than linear time (in terms of array dimensions, not the number of elements). In the array below, each of the elements marked as * can be either 5 or 6 (independently of other ones). So if your target value is 6 (or 5) the algorithm needs to examine all of them.
1 2 3 4 *
2 3 4 * 7
3 4 * 7 8
4 * 7 8 9
* 7 8 9 10
Of course this expands to bigger arrays as well. This means that this answer is optimal.
Update: As pointed out by Jeffrey L Whitledge, it is only optimal as the asymptotic lower bound on running time vs input data size (treated as a single variable). Running time treated as two-variable function on both array dimensions can be improved.
I think Here is the answer and it works for any kind of sorted matrix
bool findNum(int arr[][ARR_MAX],int xmin, int xmax, int ymin,int ymax,int key)
if (xmin > xmax || ymin > ymax || xmax < xmin || ymax < ymin) return false;
if ((xmin == xmax) && (ymin == ymax) && (arr[xmin][ymin] != key)) return false;
if (arr[xmin][ymin] > key || arr[xmax][ymax] < key) return false;
if (arr[xmin][ymin] == key || arr[xmax][ymax] == key) return true;
int xnew = (xmin + xmax)/2;
int ynew = (ymin + ymax)/2;
if (arr[xnew][ynew] == key) return true;
if (arr[xnew][ynew] < key)
if (findNum(arr,xnew+1,xmax,ymin,ymax,key))
return true;
return (findNum(arr,xmin,xmax,ynew+1,ymax,key));
} else {
if (findNum(arr,xmin,xnew-1,ymin,ymax,key))
return true;
return (findNum(arr,xmin,xmax,ymin,ynew-1,key));
Interesting question. Consider this idea - create one boundary where all the numbers are greater than your target and another where all the numbers are less than your target. If anything is left in between the two, that's your target.
If I'm looking for 3 in your example, I read across the first row until I hit 4, then look for the smallest adjacent number (including diagonals) greater than 3:
1 2 4 5 6
2 3 5 7 8
4 6 8 9 10
5 8 9 10 11
Now I do the same for those numbers less than 3:
1 2 4 5 6
2 3 5 7 8
4 6 8 9 10
5 8 9 10 11
Now I ask, is anything inside the two boundaries? If yes, it must be 3. If no, then there is no 3. Sort of indirect since I don't actually find the number, I just deduce that it must be there. This has the added bonus of counting ALL the 3's.
I tried this on some examples and it seems to work OK.
Binary search through the diagonal of the array is the best option.
We can find out whether the element is less than or equal to the elements in the diagonal.
I've been asking this question in interviews for the better part of a decade and I think there's only been one person who has been able to come up with an optimal algorithm.
My solution has always been:
Binary search the middle diagonal, which is the diagonal running down and right, containing the item at (rows.count/2, columns.count/2).
If the target number is found, return true.
Otherwise, two numbers (u and v) will have been found such that u is smaller than the target, v is larger than the target, and v is one right and one down from u.
Recursively search the sub-matrix to the right of u and top of v and the one to the bottom of u and left of v.
I believe this is a strict improvement over the algorithm given by Nate here, since searching the diagonal often allows a reduction of over half the search space (if the matrix is close to square), whereas searching a row or column always results in an elimination of exactly half.
Here's the code in (probably not terribly Swifty) Swift:
import Cocoa
class Solution {
func searchMatrix(_ matrix: [[Int]], _ target: Int) -> Bool {
if (matrix.isEmpty || matrix[0].isEmpty) {
return false
return _searchMatrix(matrix, 0..<matrix.count, 0..<matrix[0].count, target)
func _searchMatrix(_ matrix: [[Int]], _ rows: Range<Int>, _ columns: Range<Int>, _ target: Int) -> Bool {
if (rows.count == 0 || columns.count == 0) {
return false
if (rows.count == 1) {
return _binarySearch(matrix, rows.lowerBound, columns, target, true)
if (columns.count == 1) {
return _binarySearch(matrix, columns.lowerBound, rows, target, false)
var lowerInflection = (-1, -1)
var upperInflection = (Int.max, Int.max)
var currentRows = rows
var currentColumns = columns
while (currentRows.count > 0 && currentColumns.count > 0 && upperInflection.0 > lowerInflection.0+1) {
let rowMidpoint = (currentRows.upperBound + currentRows.lowerBound) / 2
let columnMidpoint = (currentColumns.upperBound + currentColumns.lowerBound) / 2
let value = matrix[rowMidpoint][columnMidpoint]
if (value == target) {
return true
if (value > target) {
upperInflection = (rowMidpoint, columnMidpoint)
currentRows = currentRows.lowerBound..<rowMidpoint
currentColumns = currentColumns.lowerBound..<columnMidpoint
} else {
lowerInflection = (rowMidpoint, columnMidpoint)
currentRows = rowMidpoint+1..<currentRows.upperBound
currentColumns = columnMidpoint+1..<currentColumns.upperBound
if (lowerInflection.0 == -1) {
lowerInflection = (upperInflection.0-1, upperInflection.1-1)
} else if (upperInflection.0 == Int.max) {
upperInflection = (lowerInflection.0+1, lowerInflection.1+1)
return _searchMatrix(matrix, rows.lowerBound..<lowerInflection.0+1, upperInflection.1..<columns.upperBound, target) || _searchMatrix(matrix, upperInflection.0..<rows.upperBound, columns.lowerBound..<lowerInflection.1+1, target)
func _binarySearch(_ matrix: [[Int]], _ rowOrColumn: Int, _ range: Range<Int>, _ target: Int, _ searchRow : Bool) -> Bool {
if (range.isEmpty) {
return false
let midpoint = (range.upperBound + range.lowerBound) / 2
let value = (searchRow ? matrix[rowOrColumn][midpoint] : matrix[midpoint][rowOrColumn])
if (value == target) {
return true
if (value > target) {
return _binarySearch(matrix, rowOrColumn, range.lowerBound..<midpoint, target, searchRow)
} else {
return _binarySearch(matrix, rowOrColumn, midpoint+1..<range.upperBound, target, searchRow)
A. Do a binary search on those lines where the target number might be on.
B. Make it a graph : Look for the number by taking always the smallest unvisited neighbour node and backtracking when a too big number is found
Binary search would be the best approach, imo. Starting at 1/2 x, 1/2 y will cut it in half. IE a 5x5 square would be something like x == 2 / y == 3 . I rounded one value down and one value up to better zone in on the direction of the targeted value.
For clarity the next iteration would give you something like x == 1 / y == 2 OR x == 3 / y == 5
Well, to begin with, let us assume we are using a square.
1 2 3
2 3 4
3 4 5
1. Searching a square
I would use a binary search on the diagonal. The goal is the locate the smaller number that is not strictly lower than the target number.
Say I am looking for 4 for example, then I would end up locating 5 at (2,2).
Then, I am assured that if 4 is in the table, it is at a position either (x,2) or (2,x) with x in [0,2]. Well, that's just 2 binary searches.
The complexity is not daunting: O(log(N)) (3 binary searches on ranges of length N)
2. Searching a rectangle, naive approach
Of course, it gets a bit more complicated when N and M differ (with a rectangle), consider this degenerate case:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
And let's say I am looking for 9... The diagonal approach is still good, but the definition of diagonal changes. Here my diagonal is [1, (5 or 6), 17]. Let's say I picked up [1,5,17], then I know that if 9 is in the table it is either in the subpart:
5 6 7 8
6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
This gives us 2 rectangles:
5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
6 7 8 9
So we can recurse! probably beginning by the one with less elements (though in this case it kills us).
I should point that if one of the dimensions is less than 3, we cannot apply the diagonal methods and must use a binary search. Here it would mean:
Apply binary search on 10 11 12 13 14 15 16, not found
Apply binary search on 5 6 7 8, not found
Apply binary search on 6 7 8 9, not found
It's tricky because to get good performance you might want to differentiate between several cases, depending on the general shape....
3. Searching a rectangle, brutal approach
It would be much easier if we dealt with a square... so let's just square things up.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
17 . . . . . . 17
. .
. .
. .
17 . . . . . . 17
We now have a square.
Of course, we will probably NOT actually create those rows, we could simply emulate them.
def get(x,y):
if x < N and y < M: return table[x][y]
else: return table[N-1][M-1] # the max
so it behaves like a square without occupying more memory (at the cost of speed, probably, depending on cache... oh well :p)
I misunderstood the question. As the comments point out this only works in the more restricted case.
In a language like C that stores data in row-major order, simply treat it as a 1D array of size n * m and use a binary search.
I have a recursive Divide & Conquer Solution.
Basic Idea for one step is: We know that the Left-Upper(LU) is smallest and the right-bottom(RB) is the largest no., so the given No(N) must: N>=LU and N<=RB
IF N==LU and N==RB::::Element Found and Abort returning the position/Index
If N>=LU and N<=RB = FALSE, No is not there and abort.
If N>=LU and N<=RB = TRUE, Divide the 2D array in 4 equal parts of 2D array each in logical manner..
And then apply the same algo step to all four sub-array.
My Algo is Correct I have implemented on my friends PC.
Complexity: each 4 comparisons can b used to deduce the total no of elements to one-fourth at its worst case..
So My complexity comes to be 1 + 4 x lg(n) + 4
But really expected this to be working on O(n)
I think something is wrong somewhere in my calculation of Complexity, please correct if so..
The optimal solution is to start at the top-left corner, that has minimal value. Move diagonally downwards to the right until you hit an element whose value >= value of the given element. If the element's value is equal to that of the given element, return found as true.
Otherwise, from here we can proceed in two ways.
Strategy 1:
Move up in the column and search for the given element until we reach the end. If found, return found as true
Move left in the row and search for the given element until we reach the end. If found, return found as true
return found as false
Strategy 2:
Let i denote the row index and j denote the column index of the diagonal element we have stopped at. (Here, we have i = j, BTW). Let k = 1.
Repeat the below steps until i-k >= 0
Search if a[i-k][j] is equal to the given element. if yes, return found as true.
Search if a[i][j-k] is equal to the given element. if yes, return found as true.
Increment k
1 2 4 5 6
2 3 5 7 8
4 6 8 9 10
5 8 9 10 11
public boolean searchSortedMatrix(int arr[][] , int key , int minX , int maxX , int minY , int maxY){
// base case for recursion
if(minX > maxX || minY > maxY)
return false ;
// early fails
// array not properly intialized
if(arr==null || arr.length==0)
return false ;
// arr[0][0]> key return false
return false ;
// arr[maxX][maxY]<key return false
return false ;
//int temp1 = minX ;
//int temp2 = minY ;
int midX = (minX+maxX)/2 ;
//if(temp1==midX){midX+=1 ;}
int midY = (minY+maxY)/2 ;
//if(temp2==midY){midY+=1 ;}
// arr[midX][midY] = key ? then value found
if(arr[midX][midY] == key)
return true ;
// alas ! i have to keep looking
// arr[midX][midY] < key ? search right quad and bottom matrix ;
if(arr[midX][midY] < key){
if( searchSortedMatrix(arr ,key , minX,maxX , midY+1 , maxY))
return true ;
// search bottom half of matrix
if( searchSortedMatrix(arr ,key , midX+1,maxX , minY , maxY))
return true ;
// arr[midX][midY] > key ? search left quad matrix ;
else {
return(searchSortedMatrix(arr , key , minX,midX-1,minY,midY-1));
return false ;
I suggest, store all characters in a 2D list. then find index of required element if it exists in list.
If not present print appropriate message else print row and column as:
row = (index/total_columns) and column = (index%total_columns -1)
This will incur only the binary search time in a list.
Please suggest any corrections. :)
If O(M log(N)) solution is ok for an MxN array -
template <size_t n>
struct MN * get(int a[][n], int k, int M, int N){
struct MN *result = new MN;
result->m = -1;
result->n = -1;
/* Do a binary search on each row since rows (and columns too) are sorted. */
for(int i = 0; i < M; i++){
int lo = 0; int hi = N - 1;
while(lo <= hi){
int mid = lo + (hi-lo)/2;
if(k < a[i][mid]) hi = mid - 1;
else if (k > a[i][mid]) lo = mid + 1;
result->m = i;
result->n = mid;
return result;
return result;
Working C++ demo.
Please do let me know if this wouldn't work or if there is a bug it it.
class Solution {
public boolean searchMatrix(int[][] matrix, int target) {
if(matrix == null)
return false;
int i=0;
int j=0;
int m = matrix.length;
int n = matrix[0].length;
boolean found = false;
while(i<m && !found){
while(j<n && !found){
if(matrix[i][j] == target)
found = true;
if(matrix[i][j] < target)
return found;
129 / 129 test cases passed.
Status: Accepted
Runtime: 39 ms
Memory Usage: 55 MB
Given a square matrix as follows:
[ a b c ]
[ d e f ]
[ i j k ]
We know that a < c, d < f, i < k. What we don't know is whether d < c or d > c, etc. We have guarantees only in 1-dimension.
Looking at the end elements (c,f,k), we can do a sort of filter: is N < c ? search() : next(). Thus, we have n iterations over the rows, with each row taking either O( log( n ) ) for binary search or O( 1 ) if filtered out.
Let me given an EXAMPLE where N = j,
1) Check row 1. j < c? (no, go next)
2) Check row 2. j < f? (yes, bin search gets nothing)
3) Check row 3. j < k? (yes, bin search finds it)
Try again with N = q,
1) Check row 1. q < c? (no, go next)
2) Check row 2. q < f? (no, go next)
3) Check row 3. q < k? (no, go next)
There is probably a better solution out there but this is easy to explain.. :)
As this is an interview question, it would seem to lead towards a discussion of Parallel programming and Map-reduce algorithms.

Is there a simple algorithm that can determine if X is prime?

I have been trying to work my way through Project Euler, and have noticed a handful of problems ask for you to determine a prime number as part of it.
I know I can just divide x by 2, 3, 4, 5, ..., square root of X and if I get to the square root, I can (safely) assume that the number is prime. Unfortunately this solution seems quite klunky.
I've looked into better algorithms on how to determine if a number is prime, but get confused fast.
Is there a simple algorithm that can determine if X is prime, and not confuse a mere mortal programmer?
Thanks much!
The first algorithm is quite good and used a lot on Project Euler. If you know the maximum number that you want you can also research Eratosthenes's sieve.
If you maintain the list of primes you can also refine the first algo to divide only with primes until the square root of the number.
With these two algoritms (dividing and the sieve) you should be able to solve the problems.
Edit: fixed name as noted in comments
To generate all prime numbers less than a limit Sieve of Eratosthenes (the page contains variants in 20 programming languages) is the oldest and the simplest solution.
In Python:
def iprimes_upto(limit):
is_prime = [True] * limit
for n in range(2, limit):
if is_prime[n]:
yield n
for i in range(n*n, limit, n): # start at ``n`` squared
is_prime[i] = False
>>> list(iprimes_upto(15))
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]
I see that Fermat's primality test has already been suggested, but I've been working through Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, and they also give the Miller-Rabin test (see Section 1.2.6, problem 1.28) as another alternative. I've been using it with success for the Euler problems.
Here's a simple optimization of your method that isn't quite the Sieve of Eratosthenes but is very easy to implement: first try dividing X by 2 and 3, then loop over j=1..sqrt(X)/6, trying to divide by 6*j-1 and 6*j+1. This automatically skips over all numbers divisible by 2 or 3, gaining you a pretty nice constant factor acceleration.
Keeping in mind the following facts (from
All primes except 2 are odd.
All primes greater than 3 can be written in the form 6k - 1 or 6k + 1.
You don't need to check past the square root of n
Here's the C++ function I use for relatively small n:
bool isPrime(unsigned long n)
if (n == 1) return false; // 1 is not prime
if (n < 4) return true; // 2 and 3 are both prime
if ((n % 2) == 0) return false; // exclude even numbers
if (n < 9) return true; //we have already excluded 4, 6, and 8.
if ((n % 3) == 0) return false; // exclude remaining multiples of 3
unsigned long r = floor( sqrt(n) );
unsigned long f = 5;
while (f <= r)
if ((n % f) == 0) return false;
if ((n % (f + 2)) == 0) return false;
f = f + 6;
return true; // (in all other cases)
You could probably think of more optimizations of your own.
I'd recommend Fermat's primality test. It is a probabilistic test, but it is correct surprisingly often. And it is incredibly fast when compared with the sieve.
For reasonably small numbers, x%n for up to sqrt(x) is awfully fast and easy to code.
Simple improvements:
test 2 and odd numbers only.
test 2, 3, and multiples of 6 + or - 1 (all primes other than 2 or 3 are multiples of 6 +/- 1, so you're essentially just skipping all even numbers and all multiples of 3
test only prime numbers (requires calculating or storing all primes up to sqrt(x))
You can use the sieve method to quickly generate a list of all primes up to some arbitrary limit, but it tends to be memory intensive. You can use the multiples of 6 trick to reduce memory usage down to 1/3 of a bit per number.
I wrote a simple prime class (C#) that uses two bitfields for multiples of 6+1 and multiples of 6-1, then does a simple lookup... and if the number i'm testing is outside the bounds of the sieve, then it falls back on testing by 2, 3, and multiples of 6 +/- 1. I found that generating a large sieve actually takes more time than calculating primes on the fly for most of the euler problems i've solved so far. KISS principle strikes again!
I wrote a prime class that uses a sieve to pre-calculate smaller primes, then relies on testing by 2, 3, and multiples of six +/- 1 for ones outside the range of the sieve.
For Project Euler, having a list of primes is really essential. I would suggest maintaining a list that you use for each problem.
I think what you're looking for is the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
Your right the simples is the slowest. You can optimize it somewhat.
Look into using modulus instead of square roots.
Keep track of your primes. you only need to divide 7 by 2, 3, and 5 since 6 is a multiple of 2 and 3, and 4 is a multiple of 2.
Rslite mentioned the eranthenos sieve. It is fairly straight forward. I have it in several languages it home. Add a comment if you want me to post that code later.
Here is my C++ one. It has plenty of room to improve, but it is fast compared to the dynamic languages versions.
// Author: James J. Carman
// Project: Sieve of Eratosthenes
// Description: I take an array of 2 ... max values. Instead of removeing the non prime numbers,
// I mark them as 0, and ignoring them.
// More info:
#include <iostream>
int main(void) {
// using unsigned short.
// maximum value is around 65000
const unsigned short max = 50000;
unsigned short x[max];
for(unsigned short i = 0; i < max; i++)
x[i] = i + 2;
for(unsigned short outer = 0; outer < max; outer++) {
if( x[outer] == 0)
unsigned short item = x[outer];
for(unsigned short multiplier = 2; (multiplier * item) < x[max - 1]; multiplier++) {
unsigned int searchvalue = item * multiplier;
unsigned int maxValue = max + 1;
for( unsigned short maxIndex = max - 1; maxIndex > 0; maxIndex--) {
if(x[maxIndex] != 0) {
maxValue = x[maxIndex];
for(unsigned short searchindex = multiplier; searchindex < max; searchindex++) {
if( searchvalue > maxValue )
if( x[searchindex] == searchvalue ) {
x[searchindex] = 0;
for(unsigned short printindex = 0; printindex < max; printindex++) {
if(x[printindex] != 0)
std::cout << x[printindex] << "\t";
return 0;
I will throw up the Perl and python code I have as well as soon as I find it. They are similar in style, just less lines.
Here is a simple primality test in D (Digital Mars):
* to compile:
* $ dmd -run prime_trial.d
* to optimize:
* $ dmd -O -inline -release prime_trial.d
module prime_trial;
import std.conv : to;
import std.stdio : w = writeln;
/// Adapted from:
isprime(Integer)(in Integer number)
/* manually test 1, 2, 3 and multiples of 2 and 3 */
if (number == 2 || number == 3)
return true;
else if (number < 2 || number % 2 == 0 || number % 3 == 0)
return false;
/* we can now avoid to consider multiples
* of 2 and 3. This can be done really simply
* by starting at 5 and incrementing by 2 and 4
* alternatively, that is:
* 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25, 29, 31, 35, 37, ...
* we don't need to go higher than the square root of the number */
for (Integer divisor = 5, increment = 2; divisor*divisor <= number;
divisor += increment, increment = 6 - increment)
if (number % divisor == 0)
return false;
return true; // if we get here, the number is prime
/// print all prime numbers less then a given limit
void main(char[][] args)
const limit = (args.length == 2) ? to!(uint)(args[1]) : 100;
for (uint i = 0; i < limit; ++i)
if (isprime(i))
I am working thru the Project Euler problems as well and in fact just finished #3 (by id) which is the search for the highest prime factor of a composite number (the number in the ? is 600851475143).
I looked at all of the info on primes (the sieve techniques already mentioned here), and on integer factorization on wikipedia and came up with a brute force trial division algorithm that I decided would do.
So as I am doing the euler problems to learn ruby I was looking into coding my algorithm and stumbled across the mathn library which has a Prime class and an Integer class with a prime_division method. how cool is that. i was able to get the correct answer to the problem with this ruby snippet:
require "mathn.rb"
puts 600851475143.prime_division.last.first
this snippet outputs the correct answer to the console. of course i ended up doing a ton of reading and learning before i stumbled upon this little beauty, i just thought i would share it with everyone...
I like this python code.
def primes(limit) :
limit += 1
x = range(limit)
for i in xrange(2,limit) :
if x[i] == i:
x[i] = 1
for j in xrange(i*i, limit, i) :
x[j] = i
return [j for j in xrange(2, limit) if x[j] == 1]
A variant of this can be used to generate the factors of a number.
def factors(limit) :
limit += 1
x = range(limit)
for i in xrange(2,limit) :
if x[i] == i:
x[i] = 1
for j in xrange(i*i, limit, i) :
x[j] = i
result = []
y = limit-1
while x[y] != 1 :
divisor = x[y]
y /= divisor
return result
Of course, if I were factoring a batch of numbers, I would not recalculate the cache; I'd do it once and do lookups in it.
Is not optimized but it's a very simple function.
function isprime(number){
if (number == 1)
return false;
var times = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= number; i++){
if(number % i == 0){
times ++;
if (times > 2){
return false;
return true;
Maybe this implementation in Java can be helpful:
public class SieveOfEratosthenes {
* Calling this method with argument 7 will return: true true false false true false true false
* which must be interpreted as : 0 is NOT prime, 1 is NOT prime, 2 IS prime, 3 IS prime, 4 is NOT prime
* 5 is prime, 6 is NOT prime, 7 is prime.
* Caller may either revert the array for easier reading, count the number of primes or extract the prime values
* by looping.
* #param upTo Find prime numbers up to this value. Must be a positive integer.
* #return a boolean array where index represents the integer value and value at index returns
* if the number is NOT prime or not.
public static boolean[] isIndexNotPrime(int upTo) {
if (upTo < 2) {
return new boolean[0];
// 0-index array, upper limit must be upTo + 1
final boolean[] isIndexNotPrime = new boolean[upTo + 1];
isIndexNotPrime[0] = true; // 0 is not a prime number.
isIndexNotPrime[1] = true; // 1 is not a prime number.
// Find all non primes starting from 2 by finding 2 * 2, 2 * 3, 2 * 4 until 2 * multiplier > isIndexNotPrime.len
// Find next by 3 * 3 (since 2 * 3 was found before), 3 * 4, 3 * 5 until 3 * multiplier > isIndexNotPrime.len
// Move to 4, since isIndexNotPrime[4] is already True (not prime) no need to loop..
// Move to 5, 5 * 5, (2 * 5 and 3 * 5 was already set to True..) until 5 * multiplier > isIndexNotPrime.len
// Repeat process until i * i > isIndexNotPrime.len.
// Assume we are looking up to 100. Break once you reach 11 since 11 * 11 == 121 and we are not interested in
// primes above 121..
for (int i = 2; i < isIndexNotPrime.length; i++) {
if (i * i >= isIndexNotPrime.length) {
if (isIndexNotPrime[i]) {
int multiplier = i;
while (i * multiplier < isIndexNotPrime.length) {
isIndexNotPrime[i * multiplier] = true;
return isIndexNotPrime;
public static void main(String[] args) {
final boolean[] indexNotPrime = SieveOfEratosthenes.isIndexNotPrime(7);
assert !indexNotPrime[2]; // Not (not prime)
assert !indexNotPrime[3]; // Not (not prime)
assert indexNotPrime[4]; // (not prime)
assert !indexNotPrime[5]; // Not (not prime)
assert indexNotPrime[6]; // (not prime)
assert !indexNotPrime[7]; // Not (not prime)
The AKS prime testing algorithm:
Input: Integer n > 1
if (n is has the form ab with b > 1) then output COMPOSITE
r := 2
while (r < n) {
if (gcd(n,r) is not 1) then output COMPOSITE
if (r is prime greater than 2) then {
let q be the largest factor of r-1
if (q > 4sqrt(r)log n) and (n(r-1)/q is not 1 (mod r)) then break
r := r+1
for a = 1 to 2sqrt(r)log n {
if ( (x-a)n is not (xn-a) (mod xr-1,n) ) then output COMPOSITE
output PRIME;
another way in python is:
import math
def main():
count = 1
while True:
isprime = True
for x in range(2, int(math.sqrt(count) + 1)):
if count % x == 0:
isprime = False
if isprime:
print count
count += 2
if __name__ == '__main__':

Most efficient code for the first 10000 prime numbers?

I want to print the first 10000 prime numbers.
Can anyone give me the most efficient code for this?
It does not matter if your code is inefficient for n >10000.
The size of the code does not matter.
You cannot just hard code the values in any manner.
The Sieve of Atkin is probably what you're looking for, its upper bound running time is O(N/log log N).
If you only run the numbers 1 more and 1 less than the multiples of 6, it could be even faster, as all prime numbers above 3 are 1 away from some multiple of six.
Resource for my statement
I recommend a sieve, either the Sieve of Eratosthenes or the Sieve of Atkin.
The sieve or Eratosthenes is probably the most intuitive method of finding a list of primes. Basically you:
Write down a list of numbers from 2 to whatever limit you want, let's say 1000.
Take the first number that isn't crossed off (for the first iteration this is 2) and cross off all multiples of that number from the list.
Repeat step 2 until you reach the end of the list. All the numbers that aren't crossed off are prime.
Obviously there are quite a few optimizations that can be done to make this algorithm work faster, but this is the basic idea.
The sieve of Atkin uses a similar approach, but unfortunately I don't know enough about it to explain it to you. But I do know that the algorithm I linked takes 8 seconds to figure out all the primes up to 1000000000 on an ancient Pentium II-350
Sieve of Eratosthenes Source Code:
Sieve of Atkin Source Code:
This isn't strictly against the hardcoding restriction, but comes terribly close. Why not programatically download this list and print it out, instead?
In Haskell, we can write down almost word for word the mathematical definition of the sieve of Eratosthenes, "primes are natural numbers above 1 without any composite numbers, where composites are found by enumeration of each prime's multiples":
import Data.List.Ordered (minus, union)
primes = 2 : minus [3..] (foldr (\p r -> p*p : union [p*p+p, p*p+2*p..] r)
[] primes)
primes !! 10000 is near-instantaneous.
Sieve of Eratosthenes
Richard Bird's sieve (see pp. 10,11)
minus, union
The above code is easily tweaked into working on odds only, primes = 2 : 3 : minus [5,7..] (foldr (\p r -> p*p : union [p*p+2*p, p*p+4*p..] r) [] (tail primes)). Time complexity is much improved (to just about a log factor above optimal) by folding in a tree-like structure, and space complexity is drastically improved by multistage primes production, in
primes = 2 : _Y ( (3:) . sieve 5 . _U . map (\p -> [p*p, p*p+2*p..]) )
_Y g = g (_Y g) -- non-sharing fixpoint combinator
_U ((x:xs):t) = x : (union xs . _U . pairs) t -- ~= nub.sort.concat
pairs (xs:ys:t) = union xs ys : pairs t
sieve k s#(x:xs) | k < x = k : sieve (k+2) s -- ~= [k,k+2..]\\s,
| otherwise = sieve (k+2) xs -- when s⊂[k,k+2..]
(In Haskell the parentheses are used for grouping, a function call is signified just by juxtaposition, (:) is a cons operator for lists, and (.) is a functional composition operator: (f . g) x = (\y -> f (g y)) x = f (g x)).
GateKiller, how about adding a break to that if in the foreach loop? That would speed up things a lot because if like 6 is divisible by 2 you don't need to check with 3 and 5. (I'd vote your solution up anyway if I had enough reputation :-) ...)
ArrayList primeNumbers = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 2; primeNumbers.Count < 10000; i++) {
bool divisible = false;
foreach(int number in primeNumbers) {
if(i % number == 0) {
divisible = true;
if(divisible == false) {
Console.Write(i + " ");
#Matt: log(log(10000)) is ~2
From the wikipedia article (which you cited) Sieve of Atkin:
This sieve computes primes up to N
using O(N/log log N) operations with
only N1/2+o(1) bits of memory. That is
a little better than the sieve of
Eratosthenes which uses O(N)
operations and O(N1/2(log log N)/log
N) bits of memory (A.O.L. Atkin, D.J. Bernstein, 2004). These asymptotic
computational complexities include
simple optimizations, such as wheel
factorization, and splitting the
computation to smaller blocks.
Given asymptotic computational complexities along O(N) (for Eratosthenes) and O(N/log(log(N))) (for Atkin) we can't say (for small N=10_000) which algorithm if implemented will be faster.
Achim Flammenkamp wrote in The Sieve of Eratosthenes:
cited by:
For intervals larger about 10^9,
surely for those > 10^10, the Sieve of
Eratosthenes is outperformed by the
Sieve of Atkins and Bernstein which
uses irreducible binary quadratic
forms. See their paper for background
informations as well as paragraph 5 of
W. Galway's Ph.D. thesis.
Therefore for 10_000 Sieve of Eratosthenes can be faster then Sieve of Atkin.
To answer OP the code is prime_sieve.c (cited by num1)
Using GMP, one could write the following:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gmp.h>
int main() {
mpz_t prime;
mpz_set_ui(prime, 1);
int i;
char* num = malloc(4000);
for(i=0; i<10000; i++) {
mpz_nextprime(prime, prime);
printf("%s, ", mpz_get_str(NULL,10,prime));
On my 2.33GHz Macbook Pro, it executes as follows:
time ./a.out > /dev/null
real 0m0.033s
user 0m0.029s
sys 0m0.003s
Calculating 1,000,000 primes on the same laptop:
time ./a.out > /dev/null
real 0m14.824s
user 0m14.606s
sys 0m0.086s
GMP is highly optimized for this sort of thing. Unless you really want to understand the algorithms by writing your own, you'd be advised to use libGMP under C.
Not efficient at all, but you can use a regular expression to test for prime numbers.
This tests if, for a string consisting of k “1”s, k is not prime (i.e. whether the string consists of one “1” or any number of “1”s that can be expressed as an n-ary product).
I have adapted code found on the CodeProject to create the following:
ArrayList primeNumbers = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 2; primeNumbers.Count < 10000; i++) {
bool divisible = false;
foreach(int number in primeNumbers) {
if(i % number == 0) {
divisible = true;
if(divisible == false) {
Console.Write(i + " ");
Testing this on my ASP.NET Server took the rountine about 1 minute to run.
Sieve of Eratosthenes is the way to go, because of it's simplicity and speed. My implementation in C
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void)
unsigned int lim, i, j;
printf("Find primes upto: ");
scanf("%d", &lim);
lim += 1;
bool *primes = calloc(lim, sizeof(bool));
unsigned int sqrtlim = sqrt(lim);
for (i = 2; i <= sqrtlim; i++)
if (!primes[i])
for (j = i * i; j < lim; j += i)
primes[j] = true;
printf("\nListing prime numbers between 2 and %d:\n\n", lim - 1);
for (i = 2; i < lim; i++)
if (!primes[i])
printf("%d\n", i);
return 0;
CPU Time to find primes (on Pentium Dual Core E2140 1.6 GHz, using single core)
~ 4s for lim = 100,000,000
Here is a Sieve of Eratosthenes that I wrote in PowerShell a few days ago. It has a parameter for identifying the number of prime numbers that should be returned.
# generate a list of primes up to a specific target using a sieve of eratosthenes
function getPrimes { #sieve of eratosthenes,
param ($target,$count = 0)
$sieveBound = [math]::ceiling(( $target - 1 ) / 2) #not storing evens so count is lower than $target
$sieve = #($false) * $sieveBound
$crossLimit = [math]::ceiling(( [math]::sqrt($target) - 1 ) / 2)
for ($i = 1; $i -le $crossLimit; $i ++) {
if ($sieve[$i] -eq $false) {
$prime = 2 * $i + 1
write-debug "Found: $prime"
for ($x = 2 * $i * ( $i + 1 ); $x -lt $sieveBound; $x += 2 * $i + 1) {
$sieve[$x] = $true
$primes = #(2)
for ($i = 1; $i -le $sieveBound; $i ++) {
if($count -gt 0 -and $primes.length -ge $count) {
if($sieve[$i] -eq $false) {
$prime = 2 * $i + 1
write-debug "Output: $prime"
$primes += $prime
return $primes
Adapting and following on from GateKiller, here's the final version that I've used.
public IEnumerable<long> PrimeNumbers(long number)
List<long> primes = new List<long>();
for (int i = 2; primes.Count < number; i++)
bool divisible = false;
foreach (int num in primes)
if (i % num == 0)
divisible = true;
if (num > Math.Sqrt(i))
if (divisible == false)
return primes;
It's basically the same, but I've added the "break on Sqrt" suggestion and changed some of the variables around to make it fit better for me. (I was working on Euler and needed the 10001th prime)
The Sieve seems to be the wrong answer. The sieve gives you the primes up to a number N, not the first N primes. Run #Imran or #Andrew Szeto, and you get the primes up to N.
The sieve might still be usable if you keep trying sieves for increasingly larger numbers until you hit a certain size of your result set, and use some caching of numbers already obtained, but I believe it would still be no faster than a solution like #Pat's.
The deque sieve algorithm mentioned by BenGoldberg deserves a closer look, not only because it is very elegant but also because it can occasionally be useful in practice (unlike the Sieve of Atkin, which is a purely academical exercise).
The basic idea behind the deque sieve algorithm is to use a small, sliding sieve that is only large enough to contain at least one separate multiple for each of the currently 'active' prime factors - i.e. those primes whose square does not exceed the lowest number currently represented by the moving sieve. Another difference to the SoE is that the deque sieve stores the actual factors into the slots of composites, not booleans.
The algorithm extends the size of the sieve window as needed, resulting in fairly even performance over a wide range until the sieve starts exceeding the capacity of the CPU's L1 cache appreciably. The last prime that fits fully is 25,237,523 (the 1,579,791st prime), which gives a rough ballpark figure for the reasonable operating range of the algorithm.
The algorithm is fairly simple and robust, and it has even performance over a much wider range than an unsegmented Sieve of Eratosthenes. The latter is a lot faster as long its sieve fits fully into the cache, i.e. up to 2^16 for an odds-only sieve with byte-sized bools. Then its performance drops more and more, although it always remains significantly faster than the deque despite the handicap (at least in compiled languages like C/C++, Pascal or Java/C#).
Here is a rendering of the deque sieve algorithm in C#, because I find that language - despite its many flaws - much more practical for prototyping algorithms and experimentation than the supremely cumbersome and pedantic C++. (Sidenote: I'm using the free LINQPad which makes it possible to dive right in, without all the messiness with setting up projects, makefiles, directories or whatnot, and it gives me the same degree of interactivity as a python prompt).
C# doesn't have an explicit deque type but the plain List<int> works well enough for demonstrating the algorithm.
Note: this version does not use a deque for the primes, because it simply doesn't make sense to pop off sqrt(n) out of n primes. What good would it be to remove 100 primes and to leave 9900? At least this way all the primes are collected in a neat vector, ready for further processing.
static List<int> deque_sieve (int n = 10000)
Trace.Assert(n >= 3);
var primes = new List<int>() { 2, 3 };
var sieve = new List<int>() { 0, 0, 0 };
for (int sieve_base = 5, current_prime_index = 1, current_prime_squared = 9; ; )
int base_factor = sieve[0];
if (base_factor != 0)
// the sieve base has a non-trivial factor - put that factor back into circulation
mark_next_unmarked_multiple(sieve, base_factor);
else if (sieve_base < current_prime_squared) // no non-trivial factor -> found a non-composite
if (primes.Count == n)
return primes;
else // sieve_base == current_prime_squared
// bring the current prime into circulation by injecting it into the sieve ...
mark_next_unmarked_multiple(sieve, primes[current_prime_index]);
// ... and elect a new current prime
current_prime_squared = square(primes[++current_prime_index]);
// slide the sieve one step forward
sieve.RemoveAt(0); sieve_base += 2;
Here are the two helper functions:
static void mark_next_unmarked_multiple (List<int> sieve, int prime)
int i = prime, e = sieve.Count;
while (i < e && sieve[i] != 0)
i += prime;
for ( ; e <= i; ++e) // no List<>.Resize()...
sieve[i] = prime;
static int square (int n)
return n * n;
Probably the easiest way of understanding the algorithm is to imagine it as a special segmented Sieve of Eratosthenes with a segment size of 1, accompanied by an overflow area where the primes come to rest when they shoot over the end of the segment. Except that the single cell of the segment (a.k.a. sieve[0]) has already been sieved when we get to it, because it got run over while it was part of the overflow area.
The number that is represented by sieve[0] is held in sieve_base, although sieve_front or window_base would also be a good names that allow to draw parallels to Ben's code or implementations of segmented/windowed sieves.
If sieve[0] contains a non-zero value then that value is a factor of sieve_base, which can thus be recognised as composite. Since cell 0 is a multiple of that factor it is easy to compute its next hop, which is simply 0 plus that factor. Should that cell be occupied already by another factor then we simply add the factor again, and so on until we find a multiple of the factor where no other factor is currently parked (extending the sieve if needed). This also means that there is no need for storing the current working offsets of the various primes from one segment to the next, as in a normal segmented sieve. Whenever we find a factor in sieve[0], its current working offset is 0.
The current prime comes into play in the following way. A prime can only become current after its own occurrence in the stream (i.e. when it has been detected as a prime, because not marked with a factor), and it will remain current until the exact moment that sieve[0] reaches its square. All lower multiples of this prime must have been struck off due to the activities of smaller primes, just like in a normal SoE. But none of the smaller primes can strike off the square, since the only factor of the square is the prime itself and it is not yet in circulation at this point. That explains the actions taken by the algorithm in the case sieve_base == current_prime_squared (which implies sieve[0] == 0, by the way).
Now the case sieve[0] == 0 && sieve_base < current_prime_squared is easily explained: it means that sieve_base cannot be a multiple of any of the primes smaller than the current prime, or else it would have been marked as composite. I cannot be a higher multiple of the current prime either, since its value is less than the current prime's square. Hence it must be a new prime.
The algorithm is obviously inspired by the Sieve of Eratosthenes, but equally obviously it is very different. The Sieve of Eratosthenes derives its superior speed from the simplicity of its elementary operations: one single index addition and one store for each step of the operation is all that it does for long stretches of time.
Here is a simple, unsegmented Sieve of Eratosthenes that I normally use for sieving factor primes in the ushort range, i.e. up to 2^16. For this post I've modified it to work beyond 2^16 by substituting int for ushort
static List<int> small_odd_primes_up_to (int n)
var result = new List<int>();
if (n < 3)
return result;
int sqrt_n_halved = (int)(Math.Sqrt(n) - 1) >> 1, max_bit = (n - 1) >> 1;
var odd_composite = new bool[max_bit + 1];
for (int i = 3 >> 1; i <= sqrt_n_halved; ++i)
if (!odd_composite[i])
for (int p = (i << 1) + 1, j = p * p >> 1; j <= max_bit; j += p)
odd_composite[j] = true;
result.Add(3); // needs to be handled separately because of the mod 3 wheel
// read out the sieved primes
for (int i = 5 >> 1, d = 1; i <= max_bit; i += d, d ^= 3)
if (!odd_composite[i])
result.Add((i << 1) + 1);
return result;
When sieving the first 10000 primes a typical L1 cache of 32 KiByte will be exceeded but the function is still very fast (fraction of a millisecond even in C#).
If you compare this code to the deque sieve then it is easy to see that the operations of the deque sieve are a lot more complicated, and it cannot effectively amortise its overhead because it always does the shortest possible stretch of crossings-off in a row (exactly one single crossing-off, after skipping all multiples that have been crossed off already).
Note: the C# code uses int instead of uint because newer compilers have a habit of generating substandard code for uint, probably in order to push people towards signed integers... In the C++ version of the code above I used unsigned throughout, naturally; the benchmark had to be in C++ because I wanted it be based on a supposedly adequate deque type (std::deque<unsigned>; there was no performance gain from using unsigned short). Here are the numbers for my Haswell laptop (VC++ 2015/x64):
deque vs simple: 1.802 ms vs 0.182 ms
deque vs simple: 1.836 ms vs 0.170 ms
deque vs simple: 1.729 ms vs 0.173 ms
Note: the C# times are pretty much exactly double the C++ timings, which is pretty good for C# and ìt shows that List<int> is no slouch even if abused as a deque.
The simple sieve code still blows the deque out of the water, even though it is already operating beyond its normal working range (L1 cache size exceeded by 50%, with attendant cache thrashing). The dominating part here is the reading out of the sieved primes, and this is not affected much by the cache problem. In any case the function was designed for sieving the factors of factors, i.e. level 0 in a 3-level sieve hierarchy, and typically it has to return only a few hundred factors or a low number of thousands. Hence its simplicity.
Performance could be improved by more than an order of magnitude by using a segmented sieve and optimising the code for extracting the sieved primes (stepped mod 3 and unrolled twice, or mod 15 and unrolled once) , and yet more performance could be squeezed out of the code by using a mod 16 or mod 30 wheel with all the trimmings (i.e. full unrolling for all residues). Something like that is explained in my answer to Find prime positioned prime number over on Code Review, where a similar problem was discussed. But it's hard to see the point in improving sub-millisecond times for a one-off task...
To put things a bit into perspective, here are the C++ timings for sieving up to 100,000,000:
deque vs simple: 1895.521 ms vs 432.763 ms
deque vs simple: 1847.594 ms vs 429.766 ms
deque vs simple: 1859.462 ms vs 430.625 ms
By contrast, a segmented sieve in C# with a few bells and whistles does the same job in 95 ms (no C++ timings available, since I do code challenges only in C# at the moment).
Things may look decidedly different in an interpreted language like Python where every operation has a heavy cost and the interpreter overhead dwarfs all differences due to predicted vs. mispredicted branches or sub-cycle ops (shift, addition) vs. multi-cycle ops (multiplication, and perhaps even division). That is bound to erode the simplicity advantage of the Sieve of Eratosthenes, and this could make the deque solution a bit more attractive.
Also, many of the timings reported by other respondents in this topic are probably dominated by output time. That's an entirely different war, where my main weapon is a simple class like this:
class CCWriter
const int SPACE_RESERVE = 11; // UInt31 + '\n'
public static System.IO.Stream BaseStream;
static byte[] m_buffer = new byte[1 << 16]; // need 55k..60k for a maximum-size range
static int m_write_pos = 0;
public static long BytesWritten = 0; // for statistics
internal static ushort[] m_double_digit_lookup = create_double_digit_lookup();
internal static ushort[] create_double_digit_lookup ()
var lookup = new ushort[100];
for (int lo = 0; lo < 10; ++lo)
for (int hi = 0; hi < 10; ++hi)
lookup[hi * 10 + lo] = (ushort)(0x3030 + (hi << 8) + lo);
return lookup;
public static void Flush ()
if (BaseStream != null && m_write_pos > 0)
BaseStream.Write(m_buffer, 0, m_write_pos);
BytesWritten += m_write_pos;
m_write_pos = 0;
public static void WriteLine ()
if (m_buffer.Length - m_write_pos < 1)
m_buffer[m_write_pos++] = (byte)'\n';
public static void WriteLinesSorted (int[] values, int count)
int digits = 1, max_value = 9;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
int x = values[i];
if (m_buffer.Length - m_write_pos < SPACE_RESERVE)
while (x > max_value)
if (++digits < 10)
max_value = max_value * 10 + 9;
max_value = int.MaxValue;
int n = x, p = m_write_pos + digits, e = p + 1;
m_buffer[p] = (byte)'\n';
while (n >= 10)
int q = n / 100, w = m_double_digit_lookup[n - q * 100];
n = q;
m_buffer[--p] = (byte)w;
m_buffer[--p] = (byte)(w >> 8);
if (n != 0 || x == 0)
m_buffer[--p] = (byte)((byte)'0' + n);
m_write_pos = e;
That takes less than 1 ms for writing 10000 (sorted) numbers. It's a static class because it is intended for textual inclusion in coding challenge submissions, with a minimum of fuss and zero overhead.
In general I found it to be much faster if focussed work is done on entire batches, meaning sieve a certain range, then extract all primes into a vector/array, then blast out the whole array, then sieve the next range and so on, instead of mingling everything together. Having separate functions focussed on specific tasks also makes it easier to mix and match, it enables reuse, and it eases development/testing.
In Python
import gmpy
for i in range(10000):
print p
Here is my VB 2008 code, which finds all primes <10,000,000 in 1 min 27 secs on my work laptop. It skips even numbers and only looks for primes that are < the sqrt of the test number. It is only designed to find primes from 0 to a sentinal value.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim TestNum As Integer
Dim X As Integer
Dim Z As Integer
Dim TM As Single
Dim TS As Single
Dim TMS As Single
Dim UnPrime As Boolean
Dim Sentinal As Integer
Button1.Text = "Thinking"
Sentinal = Val(SentinalTxt.Text)
UnPrime = True
Primes(0) = 2
Primes(1) = 3
Z = 1
TM = TimeOfDay.Minute
TS = TimeOfDay.Second
TMS = TimeOfDay.Millisecond
For TestNum = 5 To Sentinal Step 2
Do While Primes(X) <> 0 And UnPrime And Primes(X) ^ 2 <= TestNum
If Int(TestNum / Primes(X)) - (TestNum / Primes(X)) = 0 Then
UnPrime = False
End If
X = X + 1
If UnPrime = True Then
X = X + 1
Z = Z + 1
Primes(Z) = TestNum
End If
UnPrime = True
X = 0
Button1.Text = "Finished with " & Z
TM = TimeOfDay.Minute - TM
TS = TimeOfDay.Second - TS
TMS = TimeOfDay.Millisecond - TMS
ShowTime.Text = TM & ":" & TS & ":" & TMS
End Sub
The following Mathcad code calculated the first million primes in under 3 minutes.
Bear in mind that this would be using floating point doubles for all of the numbers and is basically interpreted. I hope the syntax is clear.
Here is a C++ solution, using a form of SoE:
#include <iostream>
#include <deque>
typedef std::deque<int> mydeque;
void my_insert( mydeque & factors, int factor ) {
int where = factor, count = factors.size();
while( where < count && factors[where] ) where += factor;
if( where >= count ) factors.resize( where + 1 );
factors[ where ] = factor;
int main() {
mydeque primes;
mydeque factors;
int a_prime = 3, a_square_prime = 9, maybe_prime = 3;
int cnt = 2;
std::cout << "2 3 ";
while( cnt < 10000 ) {
int factor = factors.front();
maybe_prime += 2;
if( factor ) {
my_insert( factors, factor );
} else if( maybe_prime < a_square_prime ) {
std::cout << maybe_prime << " ";
primes.push_back( maybe_prime );
} else {
my_insert( factors, a_prime );
a_prime = primes.front();
a_square_prime = a_prime * a_prime;
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
Note that this version of the Sieve can compute primes indefinitely.
Also note, the STL deque takes O(1) time to perform push_back, pop_front, and random access though subscripting.
The resize operation takes O(n) time, where n is the number of elements being added. Due to how we are using this function, we can treat this is a small constant.
The body of the while loop in my_insert is executed O(log log n) times, where n equals the variable maybe_prime. This is because the condition expression of the while will evaluate to true once for each prime factor of maybe_prime. See "Divisor function" on Wikipedia.
Multiplying by the number of times my_insert is called, shows that it should take O(n log log n) time to list n primes... which is, unsurprisingly, the time complexity which the Sieve of Eratosthenes is supposed to have.
However, while this code is efficient, it's not the most efficient... I would strongly suggest using a specialized library for primes generation, such as primesieve. Any truly efficient, well optimized solution, will take more code than anyone wants to type into Stackoverflow.
Using Sieve of Eratosthenes, computation is quite faster compare to "known-wide" prime numbers algorithm.
By using pseudocode from it's wiki (, I be able to have the solution on C#.
/// Get non-negative prime numbers until n using Sieve of Eratosthenes.
public int[] GetPrimes(int n) {
if (n <= 1) {
return new int[] { };
var mark = new bool[n];
for(var i = 2; i < n; i++) {
mark[i] = true;
for (var i = 2; i < Math.Sqrt(n); i++) {
if (mark[i]) {
for (var j = (i * i); j < n; j += i) {
mark[j] = false;
var primes = new List<int>();
for(var i = 3; i < n; i++) {
if (mark[i]) {
return primes.ToArray();
GetPrimes(100000000) takes 2s and 330ms.
NOTE: Value might vary depend on Hardware Specifications.
Here is my code which finds
first 10,000 primes in 0.049655 sec on my laptop, first 1,000,000 primes in under 6 seconds and first 2,000,000 in 15 seconds
A little explanation. This method uses 2 techniques to find prime number
first of all any non-prime number is a composite of multiples of prime numbers so this code test by dividing the test number by smaller prime numbers instead of any number, this decreases calculation by atleast 10 times for a 4 digit number and even more for a bigger number
secondly besides dividing by prime, it only divides by prime numbers that are smaller or equal to the root of the number being tested further reducing the calculations greatly, this works because any number that is greater than root of the number will have a counterpart number that has to be smaller than root of the number but since we have tested all numbers smaller than the root already, Therefore we don't need to bother with number greater than the root of the number being tested.
Sample output for first 10,000 prime number
Here is the code in C language,
Enter 1 and then 10,000 to print out the first 10,000 primes.
Edit: I forgot this contains math library ,if you are on windows or visual studio than that should be fine but on linux you must compile the code using -lm argument or the code may not work
Example: gcc -Wall -o "%e" "%f" -lm
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <limits.h>
/* Finding prime numbers */
int main()
char d,w;
int l,o;
printf(" 1. Find first n number of prime numbers or Find all prime numbers smaller than n ?\n"); // this question helps in setting the limits on m or n value i.e l or o
printf(" Enter 1 or 2 to get anwser of first or second question\n");
// decision making
printf(" -->");
while ((w=getchar()) != '\n' && w != EOF);
if ( d == '1')
printf("\n 2. Enter the target no. of primes you will like to find from 3 to 2,000,000 range\n -->");
printf(" Here we go!\n\n");
else if ( d == '2' )
printf("\n 2.Enter the limit under which to find prime numbers from 5 to 2,000,000 range\n -->");
printf(" Here we go!\n\n");
else printf("\n Try again\n");
}while ( d != '1' || d != '2' );
clock_t start, end;
double cpu_time_used;
start = clock(); /* starting the clock for time keeping */
// main program starts here
int i,j,c,m,n; /* i ,j , c and m are all prime array 'p' variables and n is the number that is being tested */
int s,x;
int p[ l ]; /* p is the array for storing prime numbers and l sets the array size, l was initialized in pre-phase */
printf("%10dst:%10d\n%10dnd:%10d\n%10drd:%10d\n",1,p[1],2,p[2],3,p[3]); // first three prime are set
for ( i=4;i<=l;++i ) /* this loop sets all the prime numbers greater than 5 in the p array to 0 */
n=6; /* prime number testing begins with number 6 but this can lowered if you wish but you must remember to update other variables too */
s=sqrt(n); /* 's' does two things it stores the root value so that program does not have to calaculate it again and again and also it stores it in integer form instead of float*/
x=2; /* 'x' is the biggest prime number that is smaller or equal to root of the number 'n' being tested */
/* j ,x and c are related in this way, p[j] <= prime number x <= p[c] */
// the main loop begins here
for ( m=4,j=1,c=2; m<=l && n <= o;)
/* this condition checks if all the first 'l' numbers of primes are found or n does not exceed the set limit o */
// this will divide n by prime number in p[j] and tries to rule out non-primes
if ( n%p[j]==0 )
/* these steps execute if the number n is found to be non-prime */
++n; /* this increases n by 1 and therefore sets the next number 'n' to be tested */
s=sqrt(n); /* this calaulates and stores in 's' the new root of number 'n' */
if ( p[c] <= s && p[c] != x ) /* 'The Magic Setting' tests the next prime number candidate p[c] and if passed it updates the prime number x */
/* these steps sets the next number n to be tested and finds the next prime number x if possible for the new number 'n' and also resets j to 1 for the new cycle */
continue; /* and this restarts the loop for the new cycle */
// confirmation test for the prime number candidate n
else if ( n%p[j]!=0 && p[j]==x )
/* these steps execute if the number is found to be prime */
s = sqrt(n);
/* these steps stores and prints the new prime number and moves the 'm' counter up and also sets the next number n to be tested and also resets j to 1 for the new cycle */
continue; /* and this restarts the loop */
/* the next number which will be a even and non-prime will trigger the magic setting in the next cycle and therfore we do not have to add another magic setting here*/
++j; /* increases p[j] to next prime number in the array for the next cycle testing of the number 'n' */
// if the cycle reaches this point that means the number 'n' was neither divisible by p[j] nor was it a prime number
// and therfore it will test the same number 'n' again in the next cycle with a bigger prime number
// the loops ends
printf(" All done !!\n");
end = clock();
cpu_time_used = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf(" Time taken : %lf sec\n",cpu_time_used);
I spend some time writing a program calculating a lot of primes and this is the code I'm used to calculate a text file containing the first primes. It's in German, but the interesting part is the method calcPrimes(). The primes are stored in an array called Primzahlen. I recommend a 64bit CPU because the calculations are with 64bit integers.
class Primzahlengenerator {
long[] Primzahlen;
int LastUnknown = 2;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Primzahlengenerator Generator = new Primzahlengenerator();
switch(args.length) {
case 0: //Wenn keine Argumente übergeben worden:
Generator.printHelp(); //Hilfe ausgeben
return; //Durchfallen verhindern
case 1:
try {
Generator.Primzahlen = new long[Integer.decode(args[0]).intValue()];
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
System.out.println("Das erste Argument muss eine Zahl sein, und nicht als Wort z.B. \"Tausend\", sondern in Ziffern z.B. \"1000\" ausgedrückt werden.");//Hinweis, wie man die Argumente angeben muss ausgeben
Generator.printHelp(); //Generelle Hilfe ausgeben
break;//dutchfallen verhindern
case 2:
switch (args[1]) {
case "-l":
System.out.println("Sie müsen auch eine Datei angeben!"); //Hilfemitteilung ausgeben
Generator.printHelp(); //Generelle Hilfe ausgeben
break;//durchfallen verhindern
case 3:
try {
Generator.Primzahlen = new long[Integer.decode(args[0]).intValue()];
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
System.out.println("Das erste Argument muss eine Zahl sein, und nicht als Wort z.B. \"Tausend\", sondern in Ziffern z.B. \"1000\" ausgedrückt werden.");//Hinweis, wie man die Argumente angeben muss ausgeben
Generator.printHelp(); //Generelle Hilfe ausgeben
switch(args[1]) {
case "-l":
Generator.loadFromFile(args[2]);//Datei Namens des Inhalts von Argument 3 lesen, falls Argument 2 = "-l" ist
void printHelp() {
System.out.println("Sie müssen als erstes Argument angeben, die wieviel ersten Primzahlen sie berechnen wollen."); //Anleitung wie man das Programm mit Argumenten füttern muss
System.out.println("Als zweites Argument können sie \"-l\" wählen, worauf die Datei, aus der die Primzahlen geladen werden sollen,");
System.out.println("folgen muss. Sie muss genauso aufgebaut sein, wie eine Datei Primzahlen.txt, die durch den Aufruf \"java Primzahlengenerator 1000 > Primzahlen.txt\" entsteht.");
void loadFromFile(String File) {
// System.out.println("Lese Datei namens: \"" + File + "\"");
int x = 0;
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(File));
String line;
while((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
Primzahlen[x] = new Long(line).longValue();
LastUnknown = x;
} catch(FileNotFoundException ex) {
System.out.println("Die angegebene Datei existiert nicht. Bitte geben sie eine existierende Datei an.");
} catch(IOException ex) {
} catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
System.out.println("Die Datei enthält mehr Primzahlen als der reservierte Speicherbereich aufnehmen kann. Bitte geben sie als erstes Argument eine größere Zahl an,");
System.out.println("damit alle in der Datei enthaltenen Primzahlen aufgenommen werden können.");
/* for(long prim : Primzahlen) {
System.out.println("" + prim);
} */
//Hier soll code stehen, der von der Datei mit angegebenem Namen ( Wie diese aussieht einfach durch angeben von folgendem in cmd rausfinden:
//java Primzahlengenerator 1000 > 1000Primzahlen.txt
//da kommt ne textdatei, die die primzahlen enthält. mit Long.decode(String ziffern).longValue();
//erhält man das was an der entsprechenden stelle in das array soll. die erste zeile soll in [0] , die zweite zeile in [1] und so weiter.
//falls im arry der platz aus geht(die exception kenn ich grad nich, aber mach mal:
//int[] foo = { 1, 2, 3};
//int bar = foo[4];
//dann kriegst ne exception, das ist die gleiche die man kriegt, wenn im arry der platzt aus geht.
void calcPrims() {
int PrimzahlNummer = LastUnknown;
// System.out.println("LAstUnknown ist: " + LastUnknown);
Primzahlen[0] = 2;
Primzahlen[1] = 3;
long AktuelleZahl = Primzahlen[PrimzahlNummer - 1];
boolean IstPrimzahl;
// System.out.println("2");
// System.out.println("3");
int Limit = Primzahlen.length;
while(PrimzahlNummer < Limit) {
IstPrimzahl = true;
double WurzelDerAktuellenZahl = java.lang.Math.sqrt(AktuelleZahl);
for(int i = 1;i < PrimzahlNummer;i++) {
if(AktuelleZahl % Primzahlen[i] == 0) {
IstPrimzahl = false;
if(Primzahlen[i] > WurzelDerAktuellenZahl) break;
if(IstPrimzahl) {
Primzahlen[PrimzahlNummer] = AktuelleZahl;
// System.out.println("" + AktuelleZahl);
AktuelleZahl = AktuelleZahl + 2;
for(long prim : Primzahlen) {
System.out.println("" + prim);
I have written this using python, as I just started learning it, and it works perfectly fine. The 10,000th prime generate by this code as same as mentioned in To check if n is prime or not, divide n by the numbers from 2 to sqrt(n). If any of this range of number perfectly divides n then it's not prime.
import math
print ("You want prime till which number??")
a = input()
a = int(a)
x = 0
x = int(x)
count = 1
print("2 is prime number")
for c in range(3,a+1):
b = math.sqrt(c)
b = int(b)
x = 0
for b in range(2,b+1):
e = c % b
e = int(e)
if (e == 0):
x = x+1
if (x == 0):
print("%d is prime number" % c)
count = count + 1
print("Total number of prime till %d is %d" % (a,count))
I have been working on find primes for about a year. This is what I found to be the fastest:
import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
public class finder {
public static void main(String[] args) {
primelist primes = new primelist();
File file = new File("C:/Users/Richard/Desktop/directory/file0024.txt");
long time = System.nanoTime();
PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter ("file0024.txt");
int linenum = 0;
printWriter.print (" , ");
printWriter.print (" , ");
int up;
int down;
for(int i =1; i<357913941;i++){//
printWriter.println ("");
down = i*6-1;
printWriter.print ( down );
printWriter.print (" , ");
up = i*6+1;
printWriter.print ( up );
printWriter.print (" , ");
printWriter.println ("Time to execute");
printWriter.println (System.nanoTime()-time);
printWriter.close ();
}catch(Exception e){}
class node{
node next;
int x;
public node (){
node next;
x = 3;
public node(int z) {
node next;
x = z;
class primelist{
node first;
int length =0;
node current;
public void insert(int x){
node y = new node(x);
if(current == null){
current = y;
first = y;
}else{ = y;
current = y;
public boolean check(int x){
int p = (int)sqrt(x);
node y = first;
for(int i = 0;i<length;i++){
return true;
}else if(x%y.x ==0){
return false;
y =;
return true;
1902465190909 nano seconds to get to 2147483629 starting at 2.
Here the code that I made :
enter code here
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main() {
/* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT*/
unsigned long int n;
int prime(unsigned long int);
unsigned long int val;
for(unsigned long int i=0;i<n;i++)
int flag=0;
return 0;
int prime(unsigned long int n)
if(n==2) return 1;
else if (n == 1||n%2==0) return 0;
for (unsigned long int i=3; i<=sqrt(n); i+=2)
if (n%i == 0)
return 0;
return 1;
Using the Array.prototype.find() method in Javascript. 2214.486 ms
function isPrime (number) {
function prime(element) {
let start = 2;
while (start <= Math.sqrt(element)) {
if (element % start++ < 1) {
return false;
return element > 1;
return [number].find(prime)
function logPrimes (n) {
let count = 0
let nth = n
let i = 0
while (count < nth) {
if (isPrime(i)) {
console.log('i', i) //NOTE: If this line is ommited time to find 10,000th prime is 121.157ms
if (count === nth) {
console.log('while i', i)
console.log('count', count)
console.timeEnd(logPrimes) // 2214.486ms
I can give you some tips, you have to implement it.
For each number, get the half of that number. E.g. for checking 21, only obtain the remainder by dividing it from range 2-10.
If its an odd number, only divide by odd number, and vice versa. Such as for 21, divide with 3, 5, 7, 9 only.
Most efficient method I got up to so far.
Since you want first 10000 primes only, rather than coding complex algorithm I'll suggest
the following
boolean isPrime(int n){
//even but is prime
return true;
//even numbers filtered already
if(n==0 || n==1 || n%2==0)
return false;
// loop for checking only odd factors
// i*i <= n (same as i<=sqrt(n), avoiding floating point calculations)
for(int i=3 ; i*i <=n ; i+=2){
// if any odd factor divides n then its not a prime!
return false;
// its prime now
return true;
now call is prime as you need it
for(int i=1 ; i<=1000 ; i++){
//do something
This is an old question, but there's something here everyone's missing...
For primes this small, trial division isn't that slow... there are only 25 primes under 100. With so few primes to test, and such small primes, we can pull out a neat trick!
If a is coprime to b, then gcd a b = 1. Coprime. Fun word. Means it doesn't share any prime factors. We can thus test for divisibility by several primes with one GCD call. How many? Well, the product of the first 15 primes is less than 2^64. And the product of the next 10 is also less than 2^64. That's all 25 that we need. But is it worth it?
Let's see:
check x = null $ filter ((==0) . (x `mod`)) $ [<primes up to 101>]
Prelude> length $ filter check [101,103..85600]
>>> 9975
(0.30 secs, 125,865,152 bytes
a = 16294579238595022365 :: Word64
b = 14290787196698157718
pre = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97]
primes = (pre ++) $ filter ((==1) . gcd a) $ filter ((==1) . gcd b) [99,101..85600]
main = print $ length primes
Prelude> main
>>> 10000
(0.05 secs, 36,387,520 bytes)
A 6 fold improvement there.
(length is to force the list to be computed. By default Haskell prints things 1 Unicode character at a time and so actually printing the list will either dominate the time or dominate the amount of actual code used.)
Of course, this is running in GHCi - a repl running interpreted code - on an old laptop and it is not interpreting any of these numbers as int64s or even BigInts, nor will it even if you ask it to (well, you can force it, but it's ugly and doesn't really help). It is interpreting every single number there as generalized Integer-like things that can be specialized to some particular type via dictionary lookup, and it is traversing a linked list (which is not fused away here as it's not compiled) 3 times. Interestingly, hand fusing the two filters actually slows it down in the REPL.
Let's compile it:
...\Haskell\8.6\Testbed>Primes.exe +RTS -s
606,280 bytes allocated in the heap
Total time 0.000s ( 0.004s elapsed)
Using the RTS report because Windows. Some lines trimmed because they aren't relevant - they were other GC data, or measurements of only part of the execution, and together add up to 0.004s (or less). It's also not constant folding, because Haskell doesn't actually do much of that. If we constant fold ourselves (main = print 10000), we get dramatically lower allocation:
...Haskell\8.6\Testbed>Primes.exe +RTS -s
47,688 bytes allocated in the heap
Total time 0.000s ( 0.001s elapsed)
Literally just enough to load the runtime, then discover there's nothing to do but print a number and exit. Let's add wheel factorization:
wheel = scanl (+) 7 $ cycle [4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6]
primes = (pre ++) $ filter ((==1) . gcd a) $ filter ((==1) . gcd b) $ takeWhile (<85600) wheel
Total time 0.000s ( 0.003s elapsed)
Cut down approximately 1/3rd relative to our reference of main = print 10000, but there's definitely room for more optimization. It actually stopped to perform a GC in there for example, while with tweaking there shouldn't be any heap use. For some reason, compiling for profiling here actually cuts the runtime down to 2 milliseconds:
Tue Nov 12 21:13 2019 Time and Allocation Profiling Report (Final)
Primes.exe +RTS -p -RTS
total time = 0.00 secs (2 ticks # 1000 us, 1 processor)
total alloc = 967,120 bytes (excludes profiling overheads)
I'm going to leave this as is for now, I'm pretty sure random jitter is starting to dominate.
def compute_primes(bound):
Return a list of the prime numbers in range(2, bound)
Implement the Sieve of Eratosthenes
primeNumber = [True for i in range(bound + 1)]
start_prime_number = 2
primes = []
while start_prime_number * start_prime_number <=bound:
# If primeNumber[start_prime_number] is not changed, then it is a prime
if primeNumber[start_prime_number]:
# Update all multiples of start_prime_number
for i in range(start_prime_number * start_prime_number, bound + 1, start_prime_number):
primeNumber[i] = False
start_prime_number += 1
# Print all prime numbers
for start_prime_number in range(2, bound + 1):
if primeNumber[start_prime_number]:
return primes
This is a Python code that prints prime numbers between 1 to 1000000.
import math
for i in range(1,1000000):
if i==2 or i==3:
for j in range(2,k+1):
if i%j==0:
elif factor==0 and j==k:
