Visual Studio: Profiles for addins - visual-studio

I would like to be able to switch between using Visual Studio with C#-addins (Resharper, TestDriven.Net and VisualSVN) and C++-addins (Visual Assist X and VisualSVN). I have found that Resharper and Visual Assist X does not coexist very well and I would like an easy way to change between them.
Anyone know how to do that? If I can have different key-bindings for each profile, that would be a big plus - as would the ability to have different instances of Visual Studio running in different profiles.
Virtual machines would do it of course, but that seems overkill.

Maybe to record two macros: one that starts the C# add-ins and stops the C++ add-ins, and the other doing the oposite? Then run one of the macros after starting IDE?

Add .cs to the Extensions to ignore list in the VA Options dialog (Projects | File Handling) - but also report problems you are experiencing to Whole Tomato


Enabling opening and closing tag guidelines in Visual Studio

I've recently started using Visual Studio quite heavily since starting to develop in .Net
I really like the intellisense as it increases my productivity by allowing me to code faster. Previously when authoring CSS I would just use Notepad ++ and I got very used to some of the little features that this awesome text editor possessed however, now that I am doing the bulk of my work in Visual Studio 2013 I want to try and avoid having too many environments open at once. With this in mind, there is one feature inparticular that I would like to try and replicate in Visual Studio when editing CSS or indeed any other type of code.
In Notepad ++ it automatically includes a sort of guideline which runs down the page between the opening and closing tags of elements as shown below:
My question is, how do I replicate this behaviour in Visual Studio 2013 as the currently setup I have at the moment isn't as clear/productive as you can see below:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There are a couple of free extensions you can use to do this. These will run on any of the Visual Studio versions except Express, which does not support extensions.
You can duplicate this with the Indent Guides extension.
You can also use the Structure Visualizer Feature of the Productivity Power Tools.
Note: The backgrounds in the example are different because they are taken on different machines with different themes.

Multiple Visual Studio (2012) profiles (addons + settings)

I use Visual Studio 2012 for both C# and C++ development. I also use different extensions depending on the current working project: ReSharper for C# and Visual Assist X for C++.
Is there a way of creating multiple Visual Studio profiles (or installations of the same version) that will use a specific (and different) set of extensions? Currently I have to deactivate/reactivate some manually and it's getting annoying that such a feature doesn't exist (at least something like Eclipse's workspace)
Combine this with different environment setting (e.g.: tabs and spaces settings) for each project and you'll soon get mad. I know we can use different settings files, but it's still annoying to have to re-import a specific .vssettings file each time you open a different project.
Have you considered "Run As" for Visual Studio and use another Windows User Account? That should allow you to disable R# and VisualAssist separately.
There used to be a way to run a Macro to import an exported settings file, but they removed the Macro functionality in VS2012 (sadly). You could write an extension that manages importing different settings I guess.

Possible to deactivate parts of Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate without reinstall?

I have Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate installed. It includes a lot of features that I rarely use, mostly around Team Explorer and Architecture and Modeling Tools. These things have a ton of commands and menus and context menu items that really clutter my display and probably slow down VS launching etc.
Is it possible to deactivate these components without uninstalling Ultimate and installing Pro instead? I do use these components on rare occasions and don't want them completely gone, just temporarily disabled.
I looked at the installer's "change" options, and it only has high level options like "C#" and "Visual Basic", nothing about the modeling tools. These components also do not show up in the addins or extensions lists.
(I'm fine with a hacky solution, like renaming a folder or editing an XML file.)
Adam Driscoll to the rescue.
He wrote a tool called VSTweaker that does exactly this.

Visual Studio 2010 with phone tools - Any advanced/configurable settings?

In Visual Studio 2008, there was the device manager for setting up additional templates and options for the emulator. None of these options are available with Visual Studio 2010 which I understand as the features were removed.
When the Phone Tools are installed, the device target box comes back but there are no options at all.
Basically, I was just wondering where this list gets its options from and if there is any way at all to configure it?
The closest I got to was find the %LocalAppData%\microsoft\phone tools folder, but not sure this is correct as it appears to be more related to the emulator itself (e.g. if deleted, it gets recreated when you run.).
(Link to something a post that helped me years ago)
It took me a while, but it looks like I have found it.
I was on to the correct path with %LocalAppData%\microsoft\phone tools. All the targets are in the conman_ds_platform.xslt file.
I have no idea why they no longer provide an interface for customising - but it looks to me that despite MS taking the feature out of Visual Studio, it is still possible to customise this and add your own devices just fine.
... Next, depending on time, I will try to convert the Windows Mobile/CE project templates to VS 2010 and see if it is possible to do full development on Visual Studio 2010.

Sounds for build error/success in Visual C++?

On long Visual C++ builds, it would be really helpful to hear some sort of (optional) sounds for such build/compile results as:
individual compile error
file compile success/failure
build success/failure
batch build success/failure
Does anyone know how to enable sounds for these kinds of build occurrences in Visual C++ (especially Visual C++ 2008 on Vista)?
CJM is almost right.
In VC++ 9 (Visual Studio 2008) Go to Control Panel's Sounds applet (Control Panel/Hardware and Sounds/Sounds in Vista).
Under the Sounds tab scroll to "Build Succeeded" under "Microsoft Visual Studio" and set a sound for this event.
If you have (or had) multiple VS on this PC (I have 6.0, 2003, 2005, and 2008) there may be multiple entries with names like "Microsoft Developer" or blanks - which I assume work in the older versions. I often end-up setting the wrong ones. It seems you'll have to close VS 2008 and reopen for this to take effect.
Someone mentioned this was broken/removed in VS 2005 - I noticed this as well.
Go to Start | Settings | Control Panel | Sounds, click the Sounds tab, and customize the entries under Microsoft Developer.
Another solution is to install the Visual Studio Power Toys. This includes a feature called 'Toast' that shows a notification in your system tray when a build has finished. You might see if this has options that would be useful for sound notification.
In VS2005, the sound subsystem wasn't working correctly, not sure it was fixed in 2008. Using macros, you COULD play sounds, like different ones for builds that succeeded, and builds that failed, however the person that I knew that did them was constantly crashing due to the macros failing.
