In NetBeans, is it possible to reattach .form and .java files? - netbeans6.7

Somehow, my .form files and .java files for my GUIs built with the NetBeans GUI editor became detached and now appear in my project as two separate files. I'm not sure why this happened or how to correct it, but until it is corrected, I am not able to use the GUI editor to edit the files.
I've already tried closing and reopening the project, but that did not work. I also tried deleting the project (but not the source files) and reimporting it, and that too did not work.
Has this happened to anyone else? What could cause this (so I can avoid it in the future) and what can I do to correct this problem?

I don't know what caused this problem, but I was able to fix it by closing the project, closing NetBeans, deleting all of the NetBeans project files, and then reimporting the code as a project. It appears everything is back to the way it was.


Why aren't my nib files being created?

I've inherited a objective c application that I don't know much about.
My task was to change the login from a normal form view type thing, to a web view that gets content from a server. This all went fine and is implemented, but things weren't working right in the localized version.
Since there are no strings used, I deleted the localized files and now it seems my nib files don't get created. It's like there is a compiler error that's not reported. I checked the resource files in the build area, and it doesn't create nib files for anything after the login view I changed.
No errors are being reported during the build. I've tried re-starting Xcode, changing the branch in git to something without these changes. Nothing seems to clear up the issue.
For anyone else that comes across something like this. What finally worked for me was completely re-cloning the project from git. It appears that some of the files in the project were not tracked and just stayed around when I changed branches. I'm not sure if this is config related file, which we commonly don't track. All I know is that re-cloning fixed the issue.
In researching the problem, other common fixes include deleting and recreating offending xib files. Simply restarting Xcode. And, deleting a variety of other project related files and directories.
Hope this helps someone.

Eclipse - bin Folder keeps creating itself

This is a long one, but please, bear with me. I really need help here.
I use Eclipse (latest version) to play with some programs of my own. During installation (?), it asked me where I'd like to put in my Workspace folder. I set it to default, but, not wanting to dig through Documents and such (I have my own Documents folder on another drive), I made sure that every project I have is condensed into one "Projects" folder, not in the Workspace. My "Projects" folder contains every program I've coded so far, from C# to Java, as well as the necessary tools, like the Eclipse folder.
It worked fine for me, until I decided I want to do another project. So, I navigated to my "Projects" folder, and then created it there.
Now for some reason, Eclipse treated the directory I navigated to as my project folder. As in, new folders like bin, src, etc. started popping up in my otherwise organized folder. Visual Studio does not have this problem, and actually creates a new folder for your project under whatever directory you set it to.
So I, in a 'Monday blues' move, went into Eclipse and deleted my project. Eclipse wasted no time in deleting my entire "Projects" folder and everything in it - including itself, apparently. Gah.
I quickly closed Eclipse, but it kept saying something about 'Saving Workspace' which I assumed meant "Don't close me yet, I'm still deleting your files."
I thought I was being sensible when I terminated it via the Task Manager. It stopped deleting my stuff, but out of the dozen or so programs, I only managed to save three.
Wanting to start over again, I deleted (what's left of) my Eclipse, so I can 'install' it again, and let it have its way of where to create projects and save my files, so that this doesn't happen again. Unfortunately, one folder keeps returning no matter how many times I delete it. The aforementioned bin folder, a name that needs at least two adjectives and the suffix "Of the Damned."
So, to summarize:
I lost majority of my programs.
I lost my Eclipse.
And folder 'Bin' keeps popping up.
And so I'd like to ask:
Can I recover my files?
How can I setup Eclipse so that it creates a new project folder when I create a new project instead of treating the directory as the project folder?
How can I permanently get rid of that haunted Bin folder?
If anyone an help out here, thank you so much. This has easily been one of my worst Mondays.
As of now, I have tried:
Restarting my PC (didn't work, Bin Folder is still there)
Downloading and running a new copy of Eclipse (didn't work either)
I have struggles also on my Eclipse for the past few weeks. I answer each of your question below, hope that helps.
Can I recover my files? - If your programs are not physically removed from disk, you can add it back when you have your Eclipse running
How can I setup Eclipse so that it creates a new project folder when I create a new project instead of treating the directory as the project folder? - Create your project by clicking File->New->Android Application Project (if android). Then input the application name,etc. Click Next and uncheck create project in workspace, from there you can have your own location or directory of your project.
How can I permanently get rid of that haunted Bin folder? - In may case, I downloaded a fresh copy of Eclipse. I used the adt bundle which can be downloaded here:
the sad news is, that Eclipse does not just delete the projects into the bin, like it would happen with the "delete" by clicking on the folder and manually deleting it. You could try with recovery software, but it is not an assurance it will work, or recover all your lost data.
For the more of it, in the Bin folder that is made automatically in any Java project, you get compiled classes which are what gets packaged/archived into any jars that are created.(I hope this makes sense, I couldn't find a better way to explain myself.)
For the set-up of Eclipse I would have a look at the page of Eclipse, maybe a forum, or a FAQ is there.
I for instance use Netbeans, which does from the start always create a new folder for the new projects.
I hope I could somehow help!Here a little link to a recovery software that has a good reputation:
Kind regards,
DomExtra edit: Version Control is an awesome tool to save your buttex from trouble like this ;)

How do you flush Netbeans synatx error information?

Opps: This is the same as: Is there a way to reset the error badges in Netbeans? but I don't know how to mark it as such ...
My version of NetBeans 6.9.1 is currently showing a large number of syntax errors in many files, in many projects.
But, if I look at the errors, they are invalid. For example, one error says that an import is referencing a non-existent file. However, that file exists and has no syntax errors.
More importantly, despite all of the errors, the code compiles cleanly and runs correctly.
My guess is that NetBeans is caching some data (OSGi?) that is out of date or has been corrupted. This has happened before, but in the past it wasn't this bad and it magically cleared itself.
I've tried starting and stopping NetBeans, but that doesn't do it. If, as in the above case, I use NetBeans to resave the imported file, it goes away after a minute, but for large projects this is very time-consuming. (Note that I am using jVi, and saving with that embedded editor doesn't not fix the problem, it has to be the NetBeans save command).
I'd really like to find a simple way just to force the whole internal state to refresh itself. Does anybody have any ideas?
To clear this error you need to shut netbeans, go to the .netbeans folder in your home directory C:\users\.netbeans for Win 7,
in there you will see a folder for the version you are using.
in there is a folder called var
delete this folder then re-run netbeans.
This clears the cache in Netbeans allowing it to re scan the folders correctly.
I found a useful plugin you can use called Cache Eraser.

Crash of the visual basic 6 IDE just before loading the project ends; only when source safe is active

I am at my wits end with this one.
I have a vb6 project that edits, compiles and runs well as long as I do not try to synchronize its files with the visual source safe 6.0d database at loading. I tried removing the .scc files, I tried filling the working folder from the database and vice versa, all to no avail.
The problem started when I tried to add a new class module to the project, for which VB6 complained that the .vbp project file should be checked out first. Somewhere after that I got an error and now this is the result.
What file could be the culprit in such a way that it does not interfere with 'source safe-less' execution, but causes a crash when I do use it???
I have been unable to reliably reproduce the error, but it seems to happen when the number of files in the project reaches a certain level. A workaround I found is to disable sourcecontrol before loading the project and loading the sourcecontrol AddIn after all files are present in the IDE.

Why don't files automatically get checked out from VSS when I edit them?

This is driving me crazy and has resulted in lost work (not much, at least).
Normally, when I edit a file in Visual Studio, it's supposed to automatically check that file out in source safe. On multi-project solutions (e.g., web app with class libraries), sometimes none of the files in one project would automatically get checked out, though exiting & reloading visual studio may fix that problem temporarily. Furthermore, project files are never automatically checked out. Whenever I add/remove code files, I have to remember to explicitly check out the project file as well (otherwise we'll have issues with code files not showing up in the solution explorer, or trying to load non-existing files).
We're using VS-2008 and VSS 2005. Do you have any idea how I might fix this? There are no more visual-studio updates/fixes on Microsoft Update.
You need to ensure the files are read-only, or VS won't be able to tell that they are version controlled (or, at least that's what it uses to determine it). You can tell VSS to set itself up so getting the latest version places the files RW on disk.
There may be other problems here, but that's what comes to mind first. My advice (that I took myself) is to migrate to SVN or an alternative. Losing work is unacceptable.
