"The specified table does not exist" - for the administrator it does! Vista only issue - windows-vista

I've got a weird bug occurring in a compact database on a Vista deployment machine. Basically the sdf file seem to be schizophrenic.
The client application get the entitled error when running as a user but not when I use run as administrator. I don't see this problem on my XP development machine.
I installed management studio onto the deployment machine and opened two versions of the application, one as user and one as administrator. When I query:
I see 21 tables on the one and 26 on the other, and the administrator is seeing less tables. It turns out that the user version, with 26 rows, is a previous incarnation of this database.
Any ideas on why this is happening?

The issue seems to revolve around a cached version of the database being created during installation to the deployment machine.
vista virtual file store is to blame. We altered the application to use the All User Profile area for dumping the data in.


Need help installing ODAC 122011x64 so I can connect ADW to Power BI

So I have successfully installed Oracle DB 19c and connected it to Oracle SQL Developer. I am able to create tables and run queries. Furthermore, I can connect to ADW with both python and SQL Developer and any changes that I commit are seen in all locations. I am trying to connect the ADW database to Power BI. I am running all this on a personal Windows 10 Pro laptop with plenty of SSD & RAM.
In a new window of Power BI I click Get Data and then Oracle Database followed by Connect. When I do this I get a pop up that says:
The recommended provider ('Oracle.DataAccess.Client') is not installed. You can continue with your current provider, however it has been deprecated and may not work correctly.
I clock OK. Enter my Server as the TNS Name that I have used for my python and SQL Developer instances. In my ADW database, I have a table called TEST. It's a simple table with 1 column with the years 2015 through 2020 in it. Been using this to test to see if things are working. So I click on the DirectQuery and run the SQL statement SELECT * FROM TEST under the Advanced options menu and select OK. A sign in window pops up and I select the Database table and enter my correct ADW username and password. The same one that I can use to access this table from SQL Developer and then select Connect. When I do, I get this error:
Details: "The provider being used is deprecated: 'System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater.'. Please visit https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=272376 to install the official provider."
So I go to the website and download the ODAC122011_x64 file from Oracle and unzip it. When I double click the setup.exe file inside the directory I get a yes/no user control account menu and I select yes and then a command prompt window flashes very quickly and then nothing happens. I ran a super slow motion capture from my phone to capture what the command window showed and below is what I see:
Starting Oracle Universal Starter...
Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 color Higher than 256 . Actual 4294967290 Passed
Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from C:\Users\<my username>\AppData\Local\Temp\OraInstall2020 09:20_09-04 {???}
Please wait .._
It does nothing after this I have tried running the oui.exe file under the install subdirectory and get nothing and I have tried running the install.exe file in Oracle Universal Installer that I acquired when installing Oracle DB 19c and I get the following error when I target the install.exe file for installation:
OUI-10118:C/Users/{my username}/Downloads/ODAC122011_x64/Setup.exe is either a directory or a corrupt file. Specify a valid filename.
This is a file that I just directly downloaded from Oracle's website and unzipped to a directory with no spaces in the directory location. I have the latest version of Java installed (JDK 15).
I am not sure the proper work around here. Why can't I get my Power BI to connect to my Oracle ADW table using the methods described in this article. Those are the instructions that I used. It appears that I need this ODAC application but I don't understand why it won't install.
Can anyone help me resolve this issue? Thanks!
Edit: I am using 64-bit on each application.
Update: Still having issues. I checked the log and this is what I am seeing:
Using paramFile:
Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors. Actual 4294967296 Passed
The number of files bootstrapped for the jre is 0.
The number of files bootstrapped for the oui is 0.
the client version need not match the server version, Removing all other versions, and making sure that I had the x64 version,
You need the latest ODP.net library to use Oracle. Please download it here:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/dotnet/utilsoft-086879.html
I figured out the solution after reviewing this post. Apparently having over 2TB of free space on a hard drive causes this problem. You have to go into command prompt and create a temporary file to get your free space under 2TBs using something like this:
fsutil file createnew temp_1TB_file 1200000000000
Run the setup.exe again and then delete the temp file after.
Update: After doing all this I still was running into the same issues in Power BI. Then I read the troubleshooting notes from this page more closely and realized that I might have found the problem when it said:
If you downloaded Power BI Desktop from the Microsoft Store, you might be unable to connect to Oracle databases because of an Oracle driver issue.
I uninstalled the PowerBI Desktop that I had installed from Microsoft Store and installed it from the download from its website and tried connecting to Oracle ADW again through PowerBI and IT WORKED!!! So much troubleshooting but it finally works!

Oracle 11g 32/64-bit | Bad Installation?

everyone. If you don't want to read through it all, the question I have is: What would cause the Oracle 11g Client Installer to not install all of the registry keys properly? I'm not sure how specific this is to my environment, so I'll try to be as specific as I can and this first paragraph may not be relevant. If it's not, I apologize.
I'm installing the Administrative deployment of the Oracle 11g Client Installer, and after installing all of the 32/64-bit ODBC Drivers, testing the credentials, SunGard EAS 11.5, etc... I receive an error from EAS 11.5 telling me...
Lucky for me, that's me! The problem is that other people are already in EAS so obviously it's not a server failure, which, since every machine is Windows 10 r14393 64-bit, leads me to the only difference between the environments: The Registry.
During the installation, I change the REG_SZ insta_loc in HKLM\Software\Oracle\ from C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory to C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Inventory so it installs correctly. In a good install, the following registry keys appear:
Lately, only the following keys have been appearing, when installed from either my Network (Admin) Account, or the local Administrator, over the network or locally from the HDD:
Can anyone help me figure out (or answer) why the Oracle Installer(s) would only install certain registry keys? I feel like the only thing that would interfere with an install is permissions, but I've tried the same two Admin accounts I've previously and successfully installed this on to no avail. Thanks!
I recreated one of the computers in a different group policy and the install worked. The original group policy I had them in was set to automatically install certain .MSI files, and I believe those files wrote to directories with the SYSTEM account instead of using User privileges which disallowed me from writing to the directories and creating the necessary keys.

Capturing User Profile when saving an image (sysprep)

I have successfully captured an image using sysprep and can provision new machines from it, however all the custom user settings are missing (desktop shortcuts, chrome bookmarks etc...).
A more serious issue is that one of the applications I had installed fails on the provisioned machine unless run as administrator (due to the way it writes some files when being installed originally).
How can I ensure this profile information is preserved and I don't hit the permissions issue for the application?
I have been pointed at the following link (http://theitbros.com/sysprep-xp-sp3-copy-administrator-profile/) but it seems to be Win XP specific.
Profile information can be migrated to a new deployment using the User State Migration Tool (USMT). USMT is a free tool designed to help IT Professionals migrate files and settings to Windows 7 or Windows 8. USMT captures user accounts, user files, operating system settings, and applications settings and then migrates them to the new Windows installation. The TechNet articles ‘Step-by-Step: Basic Windows Migration using USMT for IT Professionals’ and ‘User State Migration Tool 4.0 User’s Guide’ are good places to start learning how to use USMT.
For your application issue, I would recommend using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) for your deployments. MDT can deploy your image and then install device drivers and applications to the machine automatically. These two video walkthroughs are specific to migrating from Windows XP to Windows 7 with MDT, and using USMT to migrate the user files and settings:
Part 1: Building the Deployment Environment
Part 2: Initiating the Install and Migrating the PC
There is also a Microsoft Virtual Academy 7 part course titled ‘Migrating from Windows XP to Windows 7’ that has two parts dedicated to using USMT to transfer user data and one part for MDT.
MDT can be downloaded here, and USMT is a part of the ADK which is a component of MDT.
Hope this helps,
The answer here wasn't very elegant (in my mind at least) but here is what I did to achieve the desired result:
Create the VM as usual (specifying the admin user during setup)
Create a new (non-admin) user and give them RDP access
Log in as the non-admin user
Install all the necessary software
Log in as the admin user, change the permissions for any files that were causing an issue to be readable by the non-admin user
Run sysprep as the admin and complete the process as detailed elsewhere
This gave me an image that I was able to provision VMs from. When creating the VM I specified the admin user to be created (but then never needed to login as the admin, as I would just login as my non-admin user that was created before). All profile settings for the non-admin user are preserved.
Hope this helps anyone else facing the same issue.

Problem moving Access 2007 Database from win XP to Win 7 64 bit machine

I have a split access 2007 database that has been running fine on a xp machine. I have recently tried moving the database to a new hosting machine that is running win 7 64 bit, but I'm having a few problems.
I have installed office 2010 small business (word, excel, PowerPoint) and the access 2007 runtime on the new machine.
My problem is that I can open the database but only as a read only. I also get the error message on some forms "Error: 3326: This recordset is not update-able".
I have checked (and double checked) that the database . Accdb file is read only and removed the read only attributes at the command prompt.
Also all users have full control set in permissions.
I must admit I expected there to be teething problems but I'm at a loss as to how I can't even get the database to be editable.
I couldn't get this working in Office 2010. I did however simply cut and paste the db files in different locations on the main computer and promptly pasted them back in the original location. I also reverted back to using office 2007. This seems to have resolved the issue, albeit not in a very satisfactory manner.

Getting Oracle client to work on Windows 7 RC

Has anyone had any luck in getting an Oracle client to install and work with Windows 7 RC? I went and upgraded from Vista to Windows 7 but having terrible problems getting my Oracle databases to work...
Phew I eventually worked it out. I downloaded the Oracle Instant Client x86 and copied that and setup up my environment variables (PATH, LD_LIBRARY, TNS_ADMIN). The problem I had before was that I downloaded the x64 version which won't work with Toad which is an x86 app! As soon as I installed the x86 version the problem was solved....
I ran into similar issues.
After downloading the Oracle 10g client for Vista (10203_vista_w2k8_x86_production_client.zip) from the Oracle web site, I unzipped the files, right-clicked on setup.exe, and selected Run As Administrator.
Within the Oracle Universal Installer, I selected Administrator, clicked the Next button, and then selected the Oracle home name and path and clicked the Next button.
As mentioned in other answers, the installer failed on the next screen, "Product-Specific Prequisite Checks". The specific failure was "Checking operating system requirements..." in the third column, there is a check box (which was not checked). I clicked in the check box and the installer changed the status to "Not executed". When I clicked the Next button, it warned me that the install may fail. I clicked Okay. I was able to install without further issue.
It is not intuitive and the Oracle 11g client may be different, but this worked for me.
I had the same issue. What I did to solve this problem was:
- right click on the setup
- choose Troubleshoot Compatibility
- it will popup a window "Test Compatibility settings for the program". It tells me which version is it compatible with and Windows 7 will activate that setting for you. In my case was Windows XP service pack 2 is the setting used to install this Oracle 10g client
- click on the button "Start the program" it will run the installer
- done
It Worked with me, I had to do the following: (all after installing oracle in either compatibility mode or skipping the OS check results)
1- Set up the %Oracle_Home% in the environment variables.
2- Configured "tnsnames.ora, listener.ora and sqlnet.ora" to make sure they match
3- Replaced a malfunctioning DLL for sql*plus (I found the original one in the setup's temp file, just by using search from windows)
4- Logged into sqlplus from command line (sys /as dba) and created a user with high privileges (cuz you can't build a repository with "system" or "sys"
5- Used this new user to create the repository from the RAU (Repository Administration Utility), and here you go!
Read here: http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=3454893&#3454893
