How do you calculate floating point in a radix other than 10? - algorithm

Given Wikipedia's article on Radix Point, how would one calculate the binary equivalent of 10.1 or the hex equivalent of 17.17? For the former, what is the binary equivalent of a tenth? For the latter, the hex representation of 17/100?
I'm looking more for an algorithm than for solutions to just those two examples.

To convert decimal 10.1 to binary, separate the integer and fractional parts and convert each separately.
To convert the integer part, use repeated integer division by 2, and then write the remainders in reverse order:
10/2 = 5 remainder 0
5/2 = 2 remainder 1
2/2 = 1 remainder 0
1/2 = 0 remainder 1
Answer: 1010
To convert the fractional part, use repeated multiplication by 2, subtracting off the integer part at each step. The integer parts, in order of generation, represent your binary number:
0.1 * 2 = 0.2
0.2 * 2 = 0.4
0.4 * 2 = 0.8
0.8 * 2 = 1.6
0.6 * 2 = 1.2
0.2 * 2 = 0.4
0.4 * 2 = 0.8
... (cycle repeats forever)
So decimal 0.1 is binary 0.000110011001100...
(For a more detailed explanation see routines dec2bin_i() and dec2bin_f() in my article .)
For hexadecimal, use the same procedure, except with a divisor/multiplier of 16 instead of 2. Remainders and integer parts greater than 9 must be converted to hex digits directly: 10 becomes A, 11 becomes B, ... , 15 becomes F.

The algorithm is quite simple, but in practice you can do a lot of tweaks both with lookup tables and logs to speed it up.
But for the basic algorithm, you may try something like this:
while v>=base, v=v/base, shift=shift+1;
Next digit:
if v<1.0 && shift==0, output the decimal point
output D
shift = shift-1
if (v==0) exit;
goto Next Digit
You may also put a test in there to stop printing after N digits for longer repeating decimals.

A terminating number (a number which can be represented by a finite number of digits) n1 in base b1, may end up being a non-terminating number in a different base b2. Conversely, a non-terminating number in one base b1 may turn out to be a terminating number in base b2.
The number 0.110 when converted to binary is a non-terminating number, as is 0.1710 when converted to a hexadecimal number. But the terminating number 0.13 in base 3, when converted to base 10 is the non-terminating, repeating number 0.(3)10 (signifying that the number 3 repeats). Similarly, converting 0.110 to binary and 0.1710 to hexadecimal, one ends up with the non-terminating, repeating numbers 0.0(0011)2 and 0.2(B851E)16
Because of this, when converting such a number from one base to another, you may find yourself having to approximate the number instead of having a representation which is completely accurate.

The 'binary equivalent' of one tenth is one half, i.e instead of 1/10^1, it's 1/2^1.
Each digit represents a power of two. The digits behind the radix point are the same, it's just that they represent 1 over the power of two:
8 4 2 1 . 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16
So for 10.1, you obviously need an '8' and a '2' to make the 10 portion. 1/2 (0.5) is too much, 1/4 ( 0.25 ) is too much, 1/8 (0.125) is too much. We need 1/16 (0.0625), which will leave us with 0.0375. 1/32 is 0.03125, so we can take that too. So far we have:
8 4 2 1 . 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
With an error of 0.00625. 1/64 (0.015625) and 1/128 (0.0078125) are both too much, 1/256 (0.00390625) will work:
8 4 2 1 . 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/64 1/128 1/256
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
With an error of 0.00234375.
The .1 cannot be expressed exactly in binary ( just as 1/3 can't be expressed exactly in decimal ). Depending on where you put your radix, you eventually have to stop, probably round, and accept the error.

Before I twiddle with this in the light of my GMP library, here's where I got to trying to make Rick Regan's PHP code generic for any base from 2 up to 36.
Function dec2base_f(ByVal ddecimal As Double, ByVal nBase As Long, ByVal dscale As Long) As String
Const BASES = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" 'up to base 36
Dim digitCount As Long
Dim wholeNumber As Double
Dim digit As String * 1
digitCount = 0
dscale = max(dscale, Len(CStr(ddecimal)) - Len("0."))
Dim baseary_f As String
baseary_f = "0."
Do While ddecimal > 0 And digitCount < dscale
ddecimal = ddecimal * nBase
digit = Mid$(BASES, Fix(ddecimal) + 1)
baseary_f = baseary_f & digit '"1"
ddecimal = ddecimal - Fix(ddecimal)
digitCount = digitCount + 1
dec2base_f = baseary_f
End Function
Function base2dec_f(ByVal baseary_f As String, nBase As Double) As Double
Dim decimal_f As Double
Dim i As Long
Dim c As Long
For i = Len(baseary_f) To Len("0.") + 1 Step -1
c = InStr(BASES, Mid$(baseary_f, i, 1)) - 1
decimal_f = decimal_f + c
decimal_f = decimal_f / nBase
base2dec_f = decimal_f
End Function
Debug.Print base2dec_f(dec2base_f(0.09, 2, 200), 2) --> 0.09
Debug.Print base2dec_f(dec2base_f(0.09, 8, 200), 8) --> 0.09
Debug.Print base2dec_f(dec2base_f(0.09, 16, 200), 16) --> 0.09


Conversion of decimal fraction to floating-point binary reprecentation

Let's assume that we have normalized floating point numbers with an exponent range of [-3,3] and a precision of 4 bits. Below you see 4 decimal numbers and the corresponding binary representation. How can I convert these decimal numbers to binary? How to go from binary to decimal I know, but not vice versa.
0.11 (decimal) = 1.000 * 2^-3 (binary)
3.1416 (decimal) = 1.101 * 2^1 (binary)
2.718 (decimal) = 1.011 * 2^1 (binary)
7 (decimal) = 1.110 * 2^2 (binary)
Just go out from the definition of both mantissa and exponent. The exponent is the easiest part. The mantissa is nothing else than a sum of two's negative powers: 1 + ½ + ¼ + ⅛ … , some of which are multiplied to one, some — to zero.
To determine exponent's value, find the biggest power of two that, when being divided (multiplied for numbers in [0,1) ) to, gives a value in range [1, 2).
For 0.11, it is -4 (not -3 as you state), as 0.11 * 2⁴ = 1.76.
For 3.1416, it is +1 because 3.1416/2¹ = 1.5708
Then you'll have a number m in range [1,2) left to convert to a binary fraction. Start with r = "1." as a result, then subtract 1 from m and multiply it by two.
If the result is more than one, write "1" to the end of r and subtract 1 from m, otherwise write "0" to the end of r. Continue multiplying by two and optionally subtracting 1 from m, while simultaneously writing "0" and "1" to r depending whether you had to subtract 1 or not. Stop when you have enough digits in mantissa.
I guess you can figure out how to do desired rounding mode yourself.

How to convert a fraction to binary?

I don't know how to convert from a fraction to binary. When I search it, there has a solution shows that:
1 1
-- (dec) = ---- (bin)
10 1010
1010 | 1.0000000000
I don't know how and why to do it.
Let's take a look at converting the decimal value of 0.625 to binary.
Step 1: Begin with the decimal fraction and multiply by 2. The whole number part of the result is the first binary digit to the right of the point.
Because .625 x 2 = 1.25, the first binary digit to the right of the point is a 1.
So far, we have .625 = .1??? . . . (base 2) .
Step 2: Next we disregard the whole number part of the previous result (the 1 in this case) and multiply by 2 once again. The whole number part of this new result is the second binary digit to the right of the point. We will continue this process until we get a zero as our decimal part or until we recognize an infinite repeating pattern.
Because .25 x 2 = 0.50, the second binary digit to the right of the point is a 0.
So far, we have .625 = .10?? . . . (base 2) .
Step 3: Disregarding the whole number part of the previous result (this result was .50 so there actually is no whole number part to disregard in this case), we multiply by 2 once again. The whole number part of the result is now the next binary digit to the right of the point.
Because .50 x 2 = 1.00, the third binary digit to the right of the point is a 1.
So now we have .625 = .101?? . . . (base 2) .
Step 4: In fact, we do not need a Step 4. We are finished in Step 3, because we had 0 as the fractional part of our result there.
Hence the representation of .625 = .101 (base 2) .
Decimal 1/10 converts to an infinite binary fraction.
In your question you said that 1/10 in decimal equals 1/1010 in binary. .1 (1/10) in decimal actually equals 0.00011001100110011... in binary.
Fractional value to Binary number conversion
The fraction value is multiplied by 2 and
result has a decimal (1 or 0) and a fraction value.
take the faction value for step 1 operation.
The repeat process until the fraction value reached to 0.
collects a decimal value from bottom to up
fraction = .125
= .125 x 2
= 0.250 x 2
= 0.50 x 2
= 1.0
fraction = 0.125 = 100
given fraction value (base 10)= 0.125
into binary bits (base 2) = 0.100
Real number to binary conversion
In a binary weighted fraction each digit to the right of the decimal point is a power of (1/2) (or the negative of power of 2) smaller than the one to the left. The first rightward digit has a weight of 1/2, the second is 1/4, the third 1/8, and so on.
So a 0.111 (base-2) is:
1*(0.5) + 1*(0.25) + 1*(0.125) = 0.875
And a 0.0101 (base-2) is:
0*(0.5) + 1*(0.25) + 0*(0.125) + 1*(0.0625) = 0.3125
It's no different from binary integers, except we're just extending it to negative powers of 2 as we move right of the decimal point.
I hope that addresses at least part of your question.

How can I take the modulus of two very large numbers?

I need an algorithm for A mod B with
A is a very big integer and it contains digit 1 only (ex: 1111, 1111111111111111)
B is a very big integer (ex: 1231, 1231231823127312918923)
Big, I mean 1000 digits.
To compute a number mod n, given a function to get quotient and remainder when dividing by (n+1), start by adding one to the number. Then, as long as the number is bigger than 'n', iterate:number = (number div (n+1)) + (number mod (n+1))Finally at the end, subtract one. An alternative to adding one at the beginning and subtracting one at the end is checking whether the result equals n and returning zero if so.
For example, given a function to divide by ten, one can compute 12345678 mod 9 thusly:
12345679 -> 1234567 + 9
1234576 -> 123457 + 6
123463 -> 12346 + 3
12349 -> 1234 + 9
1243 -> 124 + 3
127 -> 12 + 7
19 -> 1 + 9
10 -> 1
Subtract 1, and the result is zero.
1000 digits isn't really big, use any big integer library to get rather fast results.
If you really worry about performance, A can be written as 1111...1=(10n-1)/9 for some n, so computing A mod B can be reduced to computing ((10^n-1) mod (9*B)) / 9, and you can do that faster.
Try Montgomery reduction on how to find modulo on large numbers -
1) Just find a language or package that does arbitrary precision arithmetic - in my case I'd try java.math.BigDecimal.
2) If you are doing this yourself, you can avoid having to do division by using doubling and subtraction. E.g. 10 mod 3 = 10 - 3 - 3 - 3 = 1 (repeatedly subtracting 3 until you can't any more) - which is incredibly slow, so double 3 until it is just smaller than 10 (e.g. to 6), subtract to leave 4, and repeat.

Algorithm for detecting repeating decimals?

Is there an algorithm for figuring out the following things?
If the result of a division is a repeating decimal (in binary).
If it repeats, at what digit (represented as a power of 2) does the repetition start?
What digits repeat?
Some examples:
1/2 = 1/10 = 0.1 // 1 = false, 2 = N/A, 3 = N/A, 4 = N/A
1/3 = 1/11 = 0.010101... // 1 = true, 2 = -2, 3 = 10
2/3 = 10/11 = 0.101010... // 1 = true, 2 = -1, 3 = 10
4/3 = 100/11 = 1.010101... // 1 = true, 2 = 0, 3 = 10
1/5 = 1/101 = 0.001100110011... // 1 = true, 2 = -3, 3 = 1100
Is there a way to do this? Efficiency is a big concern. A description of the algorithm would be preferred over code, but I'll take what answer I can get.
It's also worth noting that the base isn't a big deal; I can convert the algorithm over to binary (or if it's in, say base 256 to use chars for ease, I could just use that). I say this because if you're explaining it might be easier for you to explain in base 10 :).
if the divisor is not a power of 2 (in general, contains prime factors not shared with the base of representation)
repeat cycle length will be driven by the largest prime factor of the dividend (but not connected with the length of the representation of that factor -- see 1/7 in decimal), but the first cycle length may differ from the repeat unit (e.g. 11/28 = 1/4+1/7 in decimal).
the actual cycle will depend on the numerator.
I can give a hint - repeating decimals in base ten are all fraction with the denominator having at least one prime factors other than two and five. If the denominator contains no prime factors two or five, they can always be represented with a denominator of all nines. Then the nominator is the repeating part and the number of nines is the length of the repeating part.
3 _
- = 0.3
1 142857 ______
- = ------ = 0.142857
7 999999
If there are prime factors two or five in the denominator, the repeating part starts not at the first position.
17 17 ______
-- = ----- = 0.4857142
35 5 * 7
But I cannot remember how to derive the non-repeating part and its length.
This seem to translate well to base two. Only fraction with a power of two denominator are non-repeating. This can be easily checked by asserting that only a single bit in the denominator is set.
1/2 = 1/10 = 0.1
1/4 = 1/100 = 0.01
3/4 = 11/100 = 0.11
5/8 = 101/1000 = 0.101
All fraction with odd denominators should be repeating and the pattern and its length can be obtained by expressing the fraction with a denominator in the form 2^n-1.
1/3 = 1/(2^2-1) = 1/11 = 0.01
2/3 = 2/(2^2-1) = 10/11 = 0.10
4/3 => 1 + 1/3 => 1.01
10/3 => 3 + 1/3 => 11.01
1/5 = 3/15 = 3/(2^4-1) = 11/1111 = 0.0011
11/17 = 165/255 = 11/(2^8-1) = 10100101/11111111 = 0.10100101
As for base ten, I cannot tell how to handle denominators containing but not being a power of two - for example 12 = 3 * 2^2.
First of all, one of your examples is wrong. The repeating part of 1/5 is 0011 rather than 1100, and it begins at the very beginning of the fractional part.
A repeating decimal is something like:
a/b = c + d(2-n + 2-n-k + 2-n-2k + ...)
= c + 2-n * d / (1 - 2-k)
in which n and d are what you want.
For example,
1/10(dec) = 1/1010(bin) = 0.0001100110011... // 1 = true, 2 = -1, 3 = 0011
could be represented by the formula with
a = 1, b = 10(dec), c = 0, d = 0.0011(bin), n = 1, k = 4;
(1 - 2-k) = 0.1111
Therefore, 1/10 = 0.1 * 0.0011/0.1111. The key part of a repeating decimal representation is generated by dividing by (2n - 1) or its any multiple of 2. So you can either find a way to express your denominator as such (like building constant tables), or do a big number division (which is relatively slow) and find the loop. There's no quick way to do this.
Check out decimal expansion, and specifically about the period of a fraction.
You can do a long division, noting the remainders. The structure of the remainders will give you the structure of any rational decimal:
the last remainder is zero: it is a decimal without any repeating part
the first and the last remainder are equal: the decimal is repeating right after the dot
the distance between the first and the first remainder equal to the last are the non-repeating digits, the remainder is the repeating part
In general the distances will give you the amount of digits for each part.
You can see this algorithm coded in C++ in the method decompose() here.
Try 228142/62265, it has a period of 1776 digits!
To find the repeating pattern, just keep track of the values you use along the line:
1/5 = 1/101:
1 < 101 => 0
(decimal separator here)
10 < 101 => 0
100 < 101 => 0
1000 >= 101 => 1
1000 - 101 = 11
110 >= 101 => 1
110 - 101 = 1
10 -> match
As you reach the same value as you had at the second bit, the process will just repeat from that point producing the same bit pattern over and over. You have the pattern "0011" repeating from the second bit (first after decimal separator).
If you want the pattern to start with a "1", you can just rotate it until it matches that condition:
"0011" from the second bit
"0110" from the third bit
"1100" from the fourth bit
Example in C#:
void FindPattern(int n1, int n2) {
int digit = -1;
while (n1 >= n2) {
n2 <<= 1;
Dictionary<int, int> states = new Dictionary<int, int>();
bool found = false;
while (n1 > 0 || digit >= 0) {
if (digit == -1) Console.Write('.');
n1 <<= 1;
if (states.ContainsKey(n1)) {
Console.WriteLine(digit >= 0 ? new String('0', digit + 1) : String.Empty);
Console.WriteLine("Repeat from digit {0} length {1}.", states[n1], states[n1] - digit);
found = true;
states.Add(n1, digit);
if (n1 < n2) {
} else {
n1 -= n2;
if (!found) {
Console.WriteLine("No repeat.");
Called with your examples it outputs:
No repeat.
Repeat from digit -1 length 2.
Repeat from digit -1 length 2.
Repeat from digit 0 length 2.
Repeat from digit -1 length 4.
As others have noted, the answer involves a long division.
Here is a simple python function which does the job:
def longdiv(numerator,denominator):
digits = []
remainders = [0]
n = numerator
while n not in remainders: # until repeated remainder or no remainder
remainders.append(n) # add remainder to collection
digits.append(n//denominator) # add integer division to result
n = n%denominator * 10 # remainder*10 for next iteration
# Result
result = list(map(str,digits)) # convert digits to strings
result = ''.join(result) # combine list to string
if not n:
result = result[:1]+'.'+result[1:] # Insert . into string
recurring = remainders.index(n)-1 # first recurring digit
# Insert '.' and then surround recurring part in brackets:
result = result[:1]+'.'+result[1:recurring]+'['+result[recurring:]+']'
return result;
print(longdiv(31,8)) # 3.875
print(longdiv(2,13)) # 0.[153846]
print(longdiv(13,14)) # 0.9[285714]
It’s heavily commented, so it shouldn’t be too hard to write in other languages, such as JavaScript.
The most important parts, as regards recurring decimals are:
keep a collection of remainders; the first remainder of 0 is added as a convenience for the next step
divide, noting the integer quotient and the remainder
if the new remainder is 0 you have a terminating decimal
if the new remainder is already in the collection, you have a recurring decimal
repeat, adlib and fade etc
The rest of the function is there to format the results.

Fast modulo 3 or division algorithm?

is there a fast algorithm, similar to power of 2, which can be used with 3, i.e. n%3.
Perhaps something that uses the fact that if sum of digits is divisible by three, then the number is also divisible.
This leads to a next question. What is the fast way to add digits in a number? I.e. 37 -> 3 +7 -> 10
I am looking for something that does not have conditionals as those tend to inhibit vectorization
4 % 3 == 1, so (4^k * a + b) % 3 == (a + b) % 3. You can use this fact to evaluate x%3 for a 32-bit x:
x = (x >> 16) + (x & 0xffff);
x = (x >> 10) + (x & 0x3ff);
x = (x >> 6) + (x & 0x3f);
x = (x >> 4) + (x & 0xf);
x = (x >> 2) + (x & 0x3);
x = (x >> 2) + (x & 0x3);
x = (x >> 2) + (x & 0x3);
if (x == 3) x = 0;
(Untested - you might need a few more reductions.) Is this faster than your hardware can do x%3? If it is, it probably isn't by much.
This comp.compilers item has a specific recommendation for computing modulo 3.
An alternative, especially if the maximium size of the dividend is modest, is to multiply by the reciprocal of 3 as a fixed-point value, with enough bits of precision to handle the maximum size dividend to compute the quotient, and then subtract 3*quotient from the the dividend to get the remainder. All of these multiplies can be implemented with a fixed sequence of shifts-and-adds. The number of instructions will depend on the bit pattern of the reciprocal. This works pretty well when the dividend max is modest in size.
Regarding adding digits in the number... if you want to add the decimal digits, you're going to end up doing what amounts to a number-conversion-to-decimal, which involves divide by 10 somewhere. If you're willing to settle for adding up the digits in base2, you can do this with an easy shift-right and add loop. Various clever tricks can be used to do this in chunks of N bits to speed it up further.
Not sure for your first question, but for your second, you can take advantage of the % operator and integer division:
int num = 12345;
int sum = 0;
while (num) {
sum += num % 10;
num /= 10;
This works because 12345 % 10 = 5, 12345 / 10 = 1234 and keep going until num == 0
If you are happy with 1 byte integer division, here's a trick. You could extend it to 2 bytes, 4 bytes, etc.
Division is essentially multiplication by 0.3333. If you want to simulate floating point arithmetic then you need closest approximation for the 256 (decimal) boundary. This is 85, because 85 / 256 = 0.332. So if you multiply your value by 85, you should be getting a value close to the result in the high 8 bits.
Multiplying a value with 85 fast is easy. n * 85 = n * 64 + n * 16 + n * 4 + n. Now all these factors are powers of 2 so you can calculate n * 4 by shifting, then use this value to calculate n * 16, etc. So you have max 5 shifts and 4 additions.
As said, this'll give you approximation. To know how good it is you'll need to check the lower byte of the next value using this rule
n ... is the 16 bit number you want to divide
approx = HI(n*85)
if LO(n*85)>LO((n+1)*85)THEN approx++
And that should do the trick.
Example 1:
3 / 3 =?
3 * 85 = 00000000 11111111 (approx=0)
4 * 85 = 00000001 01010100 (LO(3*85)>LO(4*85)=>approx=1)
result approx=1
Example 2:
254 / 3
254 * 85 = 01010100 01010110 (approx=84)
255 * 85 = 01010100 10101011 (LO(254*85)<LO(255*85), don't increase)
result approx=84
If you're dealing with big-integers, one very fast method is realizing the fact for all
bases 10 +/- multiple-of-3
4,7,10,13,16,19,22…. etc
All you have to do is count the digits, then % 3. something like :
** note : x ^ y is power, not bit-wise XOR,
x ** y being the python equivalent
function mod3(__,_) {
# can handle bases
# { 4, 7,10,13,16,19,
# 22,25,28,31,34 } w/o conversion
# assuming base digits :
# 0-9A-X for any base,
# or 0-9a-f for base-16
return \
&& (__~"^[0-9]+$") )\
? (substr(__,_~_,_+_*_+_)+\
+ length(__) \
+ gsub("[258BbEeHKNQTW]","",__))%+_
This isn't the fastest method possible, but it's one of the more agile methods.
