Time Machine API / Command-line scripts? - macos

I need the reference, if it exists, to Time Machine's API or simply some commands that can change the disk in use with Time Machine and back!
I'd like the script I'm going to write to do the following:
Change from disk A to disk B
Force Time Machine backup
Change from disk B back to disk A
Thank you!

Lion added tmutil, a command line interface into Time Machine.

If AppleScript is fine with you have a look at this post with script. It should serve as a basis for your own.

Apple time capsules include an 'archive' command that can back-up the time capsule disk to an external USB-attached disk.

If I knew what to put there, it seems the file to edit is /Library/Preferences/com.apple.TimeMachine.plist.
You can achieve the correct configuration using "defaults write" to overwrite the relevant settings, although it seems like you have to modify the BackupAlias, which seems to be a hexdump of something I couldn't quite decipher. It does contain the path to my TimeMachine disk, though.
The sanest solution would be to copy the original settings, and then swap files whenever needed.

This Krypted.com blog post has a good list of the main command line use cases.
Also, if you are interested in anything Time Machine the place to start is the unofficial pondini FAQ.


Is it possible to recover a running VBScript file, if the original file was already deleted?

I have one Vbscript which runs continuously on my system to monitor a web page on Internet Explorer.
I have permanently deleted this Vbscript file from its original location on system by mistake, However the script is still in RAM and is still running and monitoring the web page.
This script is very important to me but I have lost it :(
I want to know if there is any way by which I can recover the code of Vbscript file from system's RAM or any temporary file as the script is still running.
I am not allowed to use any file recovery software, so please don't suggest to install any third party data recovery software.
Try using 'ADPlus.vbs' script from WinDbg:
1. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/hh852365
2. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/286350
As the code was running, I followed the below process to recover the running code:
Go to Task Manager
Select the process and create dump
Open online dump analyser (www.osronline.com)
Upload dump file
Download the dump analysis
The dump analysis provided almost 95% of the correct code. Code within some loops were distorted or changed. As I was the owner of the code I was able to correct it.
Use HxD, it can view all ram content relative to any process at fly. It is commonly used to hack currently running games etc.
After locating your script, it might be needed to clear alphanumeric mess between your code, N++ and regex knowledge may be useful.

Use named pipes (or something else) as in-memory files

I've been going through the WinAPI documentation for a while, but I don't seem to be able to find an answer. What I'm trying to achieve is to give a program a file name that it can open and work with it like that would be a normal file on the disk. But I want this object to be in the memory.
I tried using named pipes and they work in some of the situations, but not always. I create a named pipe and pass it to the child process as a regular file. When process exists I collect the data from the pipe.
program.exe \\.\pipe\input_pipe
Faced some limitations though. One of them is that they are not seekable. The second limitation is that they should be opened with exactly the right permissions. And the third one I found is that you cannot pre-put any data into a duplex pipe before it's been open on the other end. Is there any way to overcome those limitations of the named pipes?
Or maybe there is some other kind of object that could be opened with CreateFile and then accessed with ReadFile and WriteFile. So far the only solution I see is to create a file system driver and implement all the functionality myself.
Just to make it clear I wanted to point out that I cannot change the child program I'm running. The main idea is to give that program something that it would think is a normal file.
UPDATE: I'm not looking for a solution that involves installation of any external software.
Memory-mapped files would allow you to do what you want.
On rereading the question - since the receiving program already uses CreateFile/ReadFile/WriteFile and cannot be modified, this will not work. I cannot think of a way to do what OP wants outside of third-party or self-written RAMDisk solution.
The simplest solution might be, as you seem to suggest, using a Ramdisk to make a virtual drive mapped to memory. Then obviously, any files you write to or read from that virtual drive will be completely contained in RAM (assuming it doesn't get paged to disk).
I've done that a few times myself to speed up a process that was entirely disk-bound.
Call CreateFile but with FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY and probably FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE as well.
The file will then never hit the disk unless the system is low on physical memory.

Is there a way to hook into the windows file system so that for a particular directory I controlled every bit with custom code?

I'm interested to know if there's any method/mechanism to roll my own virtual file system that will run on modern windows. The idea would be that no matter what part of the operating system tried to access files under the directory I "control", all of the operations are filtered through some kind of callback code. If not, is there a fundamental reason why?
You absolutely can do this, it's called a "reparse point". See MSDN for the details.
Eugene is correct... you want to look at the documentation for File System Filters, not for reparse points.
Take a look at the TrueCrypt source code its open source and it does something very close to what you want: "# Creates a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mounts it as a real disk."

How to prevent a file being copied or cut in windows file system?

I want that an exe file can't be copied or cut from the Windows file system to paste somewhere.
The exe is made in C#. which must have to be in only one PC.
I have worked with FileSystemWatcher, NSIS, Clipboard. but for all I need to detect whether that file is being copied.
I also have seen 'Prevent'(http www free-download-blog.com disable-cut-paste-copy-delete-rename-functions-using-prevent ), but I need to prevent only that particular exe from being copied or cut.
Any pointer or idea will help.
As others have suggested you won't be able to disable the copy/cut behaviour so easily.
An alternative would be to disable the execution of the copied versions. In your executable you could check many things like :
The path of the present executable is explicitly your_path
The name of the machine and user is the one you authorise
You could even prevent the file of being executed more than once using Windows register entries (if already 1 don't launch). It won't be perfect since any experimented user could tweak that out, assuming they are seeking for that. But depending on your users profile it might be sufficient.
If you need the exe to be executable, you need to permit loading it into memory.
As soon as you do, anyone can read it to memory using ReadFile and then write to an arbitrary location using WriteFile. No shell-detectable copying involved.
A good reading: Raymond's post and its comments on preventing copying.
Well, this is a hard problem. Even if you get explorer.exe to disable cut&paste, what prevents a user from using the command window? Or writing their own exe to do it? Booting up in linux and reading it?
Still, you have a few options (there will be more, most likely) which you could try:
Use the right permissions: Set the
permissions such that the users who
you don't want to cut&paste cannot
read the file.
Write a device driver which can hook
onto the filesystem calls and do that
for you.
Encrypt the file.
And some hacky options like:
Use the APPINIT_DLLS regkey to put your own dll to be loaded into each process ( I am not sure if this will work with console process though). Then on your dll load, do IAT hooking to replace the kernel32.dll file calls.
Replace kernel32.dll with your own version. Might have to do some messing around with the PE format etc.
There are no guarantees though. If for instance, you expect them to be able to execute it, but not copy it, you are probably stuck.
Any local admin will be able to undo anything you do to prevent copying. I can pretty much guarantee the program on that page you mention relies on a service or background process to prevent copy-and-paste, and therefore is easily circumventable. If your users are in a closed environment where none of them are admins and they have very limited rights to their PCs, then you have a chance.
if you could completly block explorer from copying or moving files, then all u need is a 3rd party software for copying files (but make sure it can filter file extensions) for example Copy Handler
Set up an ENVIRONMENT variable in your machine
In your code add a check
if (ENVIRONMENT Variable=='Same as defined')
//Execute code
//Suspend execution

Unmovable Files on Windows XP

When I defragment my XP machine I notice that there is a block of "Unmovable Files". Is there a file attribute I can use to make my own files unmovable?
Just to clarify, I want a way to programmatically tell Windows that a file that I create should be unmovable. Is this possible, and if so, how can I do it?
A lot of system files cannot be moved after the system boots, such as the page file and registry database files.
This utility runs before Windows boots to defragment those files. I have it set to run at every boot, and it works well for me on several machines.
Note that the very first time you boot up with this utility set to run, it may take several minutes to defrag. After that first run though, it finishes in just 3 or 4 seconds.
Edit0: To respond to your clarification- that link says windows has marked the page file and registry files as open for exclusive access. So you should be able to do the same thing with the LockFile API Call. However, that's not an attribute of the file itself. You'd have to actually run some background program that locks the file for exclusive access.
There are no file attributes that you can place on your files to mark them as immovable. The only way that a file cannot be moved (I think) during defragmentation is to have some other process have the file open (for read or write, I'm not even sure that you need to have the file open in exclusive mode or not).
Quite frankly, I cannot think of a reason that you'd want your files not to move, unless you have specific requirements about where on the disk platter your files reside. Defragmentation should generally lead to faster disk access and that seems to be desireable in all cases :-)
This usually means that the file is in use by some process. If you're defragmenting, you'll likely see this with a lot of system files. If the file should legitimately be movable and is stuck (it's being held by a process that runs at startup but shouldn't be, for example), the most useful way of resolving the problem is to remove all permissions on the file, reboot, restore the permissions, and then get rid of the file/run the program that's trying to use it.
I suppose the ugly way is to have an application boot on startup, check every few seconds if defrag is running and if so open the file in exclusive mode.
This is really ugly and I don't recommend it unless there is no cleaner solution.
Terry, the answers all mention ways to prevent files from becoming unmovable during defragmentation. From your question it appears that you are in fact wanting to make your personal files unmovable. Can you please clarify what is appealing about making your files unmovable.
I assume you're using the defragger that comes with Windows. Some commercial ones like DiskKeeper can move some of these files (usually system files). You can try their trial versions.
Contig might serve your purpose http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897428.aspx
I'm relatively certain I ran across some methods/attributes you could access programatically to do exactly what you want. This was back in NT4 days though and my memory isn't that good.
For a little more complete solution try Raxco's PerfectDisk. While it is a commercial product it does a very good job and supports boot time defrag of system files. The first defrag takes longer than say DiskKeeper but its a single pass defragger and supports defragging with very little free space left on the drive. Overall its a much smarter defrag program then any other I've seen and supports systems of any size.
first try to move(or delete) the files within safe mode. If can not, try to move(or delete) the files with linux.
But be careful if those are the windows system files, then you are failed to boot up your windows.
Some reason why the files are unmovable are : the file size is too big, the files are being in open/in use condition, insufficient security privileges, being access by other computer/s, and many other things.
