SolrNet queries with boost functions - solrnet

I'm trying to use this library (which looks very nice) but I'm having difficulty understanding how to add extra params to my queries such as boost functions etc. How can this be done?

You can use the ExtraParams property of QueryOptions to add any parameter to the Solr querystring. Example:
ISolrOperations<Document> solr = ...
var results = solr.Query("myquery", new QueryOptions {
ExtraParams = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{"bf", "recip(rord(myfield),1,2,3)^1.5"}


Mock Elastic Search response in.Net

I have Elastic Search Nest library code and need to mock the response i am getting from elastic search index.
var obj = service.Search<TestDocument>(new student().Query());
var Name= obj.Aggs.Terms("Name");
For Testing :
I am creating the Nest object after doing quick watch but facing issue -Aggregations - is a internal protected property and i am not able to set this value.
new Nest.KeyedBucket<object>
Key="XYZ school",
Aggregations=new Dictionary<string, IAggregationContainer>{}
Please suggest solution or any other approach i can use to mock elastic search nest object .
If you really want to stub the response from the client, you could do something like the following with Moq
var client = new Mock<IElasticClient>();
var searchResponse = new Mock<ISearchResponse<object>>();
var aggregations = new AggregateDictionary(new Dictionary<string, IAggregate> {
["Name"] = new BucketAggregate
Items = new List<KeyedBucket<object>>
new Nest.KeyedBucket<object>(new Dictionary<string, IAggregate>())
Key = "XYZ school",
KeyAsString = null,
DocCount = 5
searchResponse.Setup(s => s.Aggregations).Returns(aggregations);
client.Setup(c => c.Search<object>(It.IsAny<Func<SearchDescriptor<object>, ISearchRequest>>()))
var response = client.Object.Search<object>(s => s);
var terms = response.Aggregations.Terms("Name");
Another way would be to use the InMemoryConnection and return known JSON in response to a request..
For testing purposes however, it may be better to have an instance of Elasticsearch running, and perform integration tests against it. Take a look at Elastic.Xunit which provides an easy way to spin up an Elasticsearch cluster for testing purposes. This is used by the client in integration tests.
You can get Elastic.Xunit from the Appveyor feed.

Bulk Update on ElasticSearch using NEST

I am trying to replacing the documents on ES using NEST. I am seeing the following options are available.
Option #1:
var documents = new List<dynamic>();
`var blkOperations = documents.Select(doc => new BulkIndexOperation<T>`(doc)).Cast<IBulkOperation>().ToList();
var blkRequest = new BulkRequest()
Refresh = true,
Index = indexName,
Type = typeName,
Consistency = Consistency.One,
Operations = blkOperations
var response1 = _client.Raw.BulkAsync<T>(blkRequest);
Option #2:
var descriptor = new BulkDescriptor();
foreach (var eachDoc in document)
var doc = eachDoc;
descriptor.Index<T>(i => i
var response = await _client.Raw.BulkAsync<T>(descriptor);
So can anyone tell me which one is better or any other option to do bulk updates or deletes using NEST?
You are passing the bulk request to the ElasticsearchClient i.e. ElasticClient.Raw, when you should be passing it to ElasticClient.BulkAsync() or ElasticClient.Bulk() which can accept a bulk request type.
Using BulkRequest or BulkDescriptor are two different approaches that are offered by NEST for writing queries; the former uses an Object Initializer Syntax for building up a request object while the latter is used within the Fluent API to build a request using lambda expressions.
In your example, BulkDescriptor is used outside of the context of the fluent API, but both BulkRequest and BulkDescriptor implement IBulkRequest so can be passed to ElasticClient.Bulk(IBulkRequest).
As for which to use, in this case it doesn't matter so whichever you prefer.

saving & updating full json document with Spring data MongoTemplate

I'm using Spring data MongoTemplate to manage mongo operations. I'm trying to save & update json full documents (using String.class in java).
String content = "{MyId": "1","code":"UG","variables":[1,2,3,4,5]}";
String updatedContent = "{MyId": "1","code":"XX","variables":[6,7,8,9,10]}";
I know that I can update code & variables independently using:
Query query = new Query(where("MyId").is("1"));
Update update1 = new Update().set("code", "XX");
getMongoTemplate().upsert(query, update1, collectionId);
Update update2 = new Update().set("variables", "[6,7,8,9,10]");
getMongoTemplate().upsert(query, update2, collectionId);
But due to our application architecture, it could be more useful for us to directly replace the full object. As I know:
implements saveOrUpdate functionality, but this creates two objects, do not update anything.
I'm missing something? Any approach? Thanks
You can use Following Code :
Query query = new Query();
Update update = new Update();
Iterator<String> iterator = json.keys();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
String key =;
if(!key.equals("MyId")) {
Object value = json.get(key);
update.set(key, value);
mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, entityClass);
There may be some other way to get keyset from json, you can use according to your convenience.
You can use BasicDbObject to get keyset.
you can get BasicDbObject using mongoTemplate.getConverter().

MapODataRoute and ODataQueryOptions

Im building a WebAPI OData solution that handles untyped entity objects, as described in this excellent post. Like that post, I define my EdmModel upfront, and use the MapODataRoute method and pass in the model to use:
config.Routes.MapODataRoute("odata", "odata", ModelBuilder.GetEdmModel());
However, this does not seem to work with ODataQueryOptions parameter in my methods:
Get(ODataQueryOptions query)
It gives the following error: The given model does not contain the type 'System.Web.Http.OData.IEdmEntityObject'. Parameter name: elementClrType
Is there any way to get ODataQueryOptions to work with MapODataRoute?
You should build the ODataQueryOptions manually in your controller action in untyped mode. Sample code follows,
ODataPath path = Request.GetODataPath();
IEdmType edmType = path.EdmType;
IEdmType elementType = edmType.TypeKind == EdmTypeKind.Collection
? (edmType as IEdmCollectionType).ElementType.Definition
: edmType;
// build the typeless query options using the element type.
ODataQueryContext queryContext = new ODataQueryContext(Request.GetEdmModel(), elementType);
ODataQueryOptions queryOptions = new ODataQueryOptions(queryContext, Request);
Ive managed to do it as follows:
ODataPath path = Request.GetODataPath();
IEdmType edmType = path.EdmType;
private ODataQueryOptions GetODataQueryOptions(IEdmType edmType)
IEdmModel model = Models.ModelBuilder.GetEdmModel();
ODataQueryContext queryContext = new ODataQueryContext(model, edmType);
ODataQueryOptions queryOptions = new ODataQueryOptions(queryContext, this.Request);
return queryOptions;
This works for most query options, but crashes with $select and $expand: The type 'Collection([Org.Microsoft.Product Nullable=False])' is not an entity type. Only entity types support $select and $expand. Is there a way to avoid this exception gracefully when a client tries to filter with $select and $expand, or should i just write something like
if (Request.RequestUri.Query.Contains("select")) { return errormessage }
Also, and more importantly, how would one apply these query options to an EdmEntityObjectCollection which gets returned in the first method?
queryOptions.ApplyTo(collectionProduct.AsQueryable()); // wont work...
(perhaps it is better practice to dynamically build your collection in regards to the query options anyway)

Is there a way to get results of solr grouping using Solr Net

I want to try new solr collapsing/grouping included in solr 3.3, i have tried queries on solr Admin page and that works absolutely right but when I try to query in my c# code using solr net that does not seem to work as expected. Here is how I am setting the param values
options.ExtraParams = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
new KeyValuePair<string,string>("group","true"),
new KeyValuePair<string,string>("group.field","AuthorID"),
Yes, you can use Grouping (formerly known as Field Collapsing) with SolrNet, it was introduced in the SolrNet 0.4.0 alpha1 release. Here are the release notes on the author's blog about this support being added in. So you will need to grab that version (or later) from Google Code(binaries) or GitHub(source). Also here is an example of using grouping from the unit tests in the source - Grouping Tests
public void FieldGrouping()
var solr = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ISolrBasicOperations<Product>>();
var results = solr.Query(SolrQuery.All, new QueryOptions
Grouping = new GroupingParameters()
Fields = new [] { "manu_exact" },
Format = GroupingFormat.Grouped,
Limit = 1,
Console.WriteLine("Group.Count {0}", results.Grouping.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(1, results.Grouping.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(true, results.Grouping.ContainsKey("manu_exact"));
