I have a couple of word documents and want to refer to and view specific sections of these. I thought about splitting the sections into seperate documents and then just viewing the correct files but is it possible to do it a nicer way?
I thought about command-line switches for scrolling down to the correct chapter but haven't found any.
Is it possible to hide sections of a document using the word api? that way i can only show the correct sections.
Not sure what exactly you're looking for but there are few good software which may help you!
http://microsoft1.software.informer.com/download-microsoft-word-wordperfect-converter-wpd-doc/ - Great Tools
Is there something that explains the purpose of the different files in a PPTX file.
First off, what's the purpose of the SlideMaster files, & SlideLayout files? And how do they relate to the Slide files?
Second, there are multiple theme.xml files - why? Word & XL each have a single theme file. No reason PPT can't have multiple, but what drives that?
Third, there are several notes files. What is the purpose of those?
And finally there are a bunch of customXml files. What is the purpose of those?
thanks - dave
Google/OtherSearchEngine "OFFICEXML" (w/o quotes). That'll bring up several possible references that'll explain the various files.
SlideMasters/SlideLayouts govern the formatting and layout of slides based on the layouts. This is more a matter for a PowerPoint tutorial, not a programming help site, though.
The PPT user can apply different themes to different slides and/or inserted slides from other presentations may carry themes from the original presentation. Or the original template the PPT file's based on may have been designed with different themes (each of which becomes a new set of SlideMaster + child Layouts).
Several notes files: each slide may have its own "attached" notes text. There'll be a notes xml file for each slide's notes text.
It's sort of the nature of the idea of "custom" that it's special-purpose, something outside the normal spec. Custom XML may define the ribbon interface or it might be anything else that the developer needed.
Has anyone come across a good online alternative to either of these desktop apps? Notational Velocity or nvAlt
The basic feature set:
full document searching: as fast as possible
markdown editing and a formatted preview window
drag and drop documents or links, and convert to markdown
similar UI system: list of documents with preview of text, large search field
The best alternative to NValt or notational velocity, that I've seen, is Workflowy.
It doesn't have many of the features you're looking for, but is definitely worth checking out.
It should behave like Delicious toolbar for Firefox does; it lists possible tags to click. The effect is shown as below:
The code should be able to find key words for the text. Any good algorithm or open source project to recommend?
I found this post, but it is a bit too general for my specific need.
I think you're looking for one of these answers,
tag generation from a text content
How to extract common / significant phrases from a series of text entries
tag generation from a small text content (such as tweets)
In a nutshell - you're looking to extract unigrams from the text that somehow represent the concepts within it - a technique to do this is called Pointwise Mutual Information, which is illustrated with an example in the first two links. Using the Python NLTK framework (which already has a bunch of these algorithms built in) might be your best starting point to work off from.
Good luck!
I use Mma mainly to solve relatively small problems.
I want to start using it also to prepare my presentations and documents, but I am having troubles to learn how to do it from the embedded help, and I guess some good resources may be available elsewhere.
Do you know any useful pointers (books, papers, videos ...)?
Do you have a "bag of tricks" to post here?
This question received two answers so far (#mzabsky's and Mr.Wizard's) and although both are useful, perhaps my concerns are much more basic. So I am posting an example of the kind of things I am unable to do (or understand how to discern how others did them).
I took the following example from The Mathematica Journal (the notebook at the left on the following image - click on the image to see full size):
So, some issues, just to get the idea of my troubles:
1) I copied the text to my .nb on the right, formatted it with the same style (text), but the appearance is different, so I guess the style definition is different. How can I copy the style definitions from one .nb to the other?
2) The table below the text block doesn't have an attached style. How was it formatted? Where is the background color defined?
I would like pointers to read (or videos to look, or whatever) about these issues. I don't want you to write down here a book on Mathematica formatting!
Summary of the links posted in answers
A Mathgroup thread (John Browne) and here (David Park and
Selwyn Hollis)
Advice from Bob Ueland
The Writing Assistant Palette
David Park's notes
Simon's documents
Tips for Mathematica SlideShow presenters
Notebook formatting
Presentations with Mathematica
Tips for Mathematica Slide Show Presenters
How to - Automatic Slide Show
Create a Lecture Notebook
I use Mathematica to take lecture notes in real time without any major issues (while the proud TeX guys struggle hard to keep up :) ). I have also used it for most math-related homework/assignments I wrote during past two and half years on university.
Before you start, you may want to look at some of these video tutorials.
Also, a few recommendations from me:
Keyboard shortcuts are the key to type fast. Ctrl+9 for inline math cell, Ctrl+6 for superscript, etc.
Learn symbol identifiers for the "esc - symbol - esc" notation. "sum" for Sum, "es" for empty set...you can find list of these in the Mathematica documentation. I have encountered only very few symbols I wanted to type that don't have the esc notation name (for example, leftwards double arrow or double right tee).
Type all math-related stuff into inline math cells. The math cell will do some of the math related formatting for you - put spaces where they belong, render all variables and symbols in italics, etc.
Use the preformatted templates found in "New"->"Styled Notebook".
Do not use ENTER for breaklines, individual paragraph should go into separate text cells (Ctrl+Shift+D) so Mathematica can break the content into individual pages/slides correctly.
In-built Mathematica PDF export sucks big-time; I use CutePDF printer for this.
Also, save often and back up often (Dropbox/Syncplicity are the ideal solution), one misplaced keyboard shortcut can turn hundred hours of work worth document into a goulash (trust me, been there) :)
Example of lecture notes I took in real-time during lecture (it is in Czech, but that doesn't matter much).
I agree with all that mzabsky said in his answer.
Here's a few of extra things:
I find it useful to make statements using a Text or DisplayFormula cell then manually group a Mathematica check/proof to the statement which is then collapsed and can be displayed when you want.
The Writing Assistant Palette has quite a few useful constructions in it that you can learn from.
Finally, I found it really useful to make my own style sheet for a couple reasons:
1) the built-in ones are a bit ugly; 2) it really helps you to understand how the notebooks work.
To see examples of the stylesheet I made (which I don't claim to be perfect - I didn't bother making it work in all screen environments) look at some of the files in ftp://ftp.physics.uwa.edu.au/pub/MATH2200/2010/. I use a similar stylesheet in all of my notes - I have many research projects primarily contained in Mma notebooks, eg http://arxiv.org/abs/1102.3043.
Like Mr Wizard, I also recommend David Park's notes as a starting point. Also, you should study stylesheets that you like by going to the Format menu and clicking "Edit Stylesheet". Don't forget to follow the links through the cascade of stylesheets (version 6 onwards).
To answer the questions in your edit: Once you are viewing a notebook's stylesheet, you can save it, edit it, and use it in your own documents. Stylesheets in
$UserBaseDirectory/SystemFiles/FrontEnd/StyleSheets are automatically available in the menu. You can then use that stylesheet in any notebook by simply selecting it from the menu.
The formating in the screenshot that you posted is all contained in the stylesheet. This includes the grey background in the table.
When distributing notebooks to others, if the stylesheet is external from the notebook, then other people will not see it as you do. To include the stylesheet into the current notebook, you need code like
ss = StyleDefinitions /. Options[EvaluationNotebook[]]
fn = ToFileName[{$UserBaseDirectory, "SystemFiles", "FrontEnd", "StyleSheets"}, ss]
Print["Can not find file"]]
(Assuming the file is in stored in the conventional place)
Here's an EmbedStylesheet.m that is an improved version of the above.
A Mathgroup thread on embedded stylesheets, particularly here (John Browne) and here (David Park and Selwyn Hollis) might be of interest.
I find stylesheets problematical. In particular I don't like having to remember to embed a stylesheet before I give the notebook to someone else, or before I try to print from an unfamiliar computer. However, along with David Park's tutorial (referenced above by Mr Wizard), I find this advice from Bob Ueland very useful.
If you browse the back-issues of The Mathematica Journal you will see that articles are available in Notebook format. These may be a useful reference.
I cannot recall a good formatting tutorial at the moment. You can use Show Expression (Win: Shift+Ctrl+E) to view the code expression for a block, such as the table in your example. While one may not enter code by hand in the same form, it can give indications of the options or methods that are used. Code can also be procedurally produced as needed.
I will add links as I find or recall them.
David Park's StyleSheet creation notes
Tips for Mathematica SlideShow presenters
These are brief, but may still be useful:
Notebook formatting
Presentations with Mathematica
A few years ago I read an article about a neat way to analyze a large code-base.
The idea was to zoom out so far that patterns of indentation and block length are all that is really visible.
The author wrote about printing out code with very small fonts and looking at the results from 10 feet back. I believe the author also had some tools for reformatting code and producing images for this technique, in such a way that paper could be avoided.
I can't find the right search query to bring this up. Anyone have any ideas?
The text editor Sublime Text has a zoomed-out overview of your code on the left of the window, and can be used to scroll.
I've done this myself, that is print to paper with very small fonts and step back. If you want to avoid the paper route then perhaps you can print to PDF?
Or use and editor that can zoom in and out by changing font size. I use SciTE and Komodo Edit, both based on the Scintilla code editing engine and both allow me to hold down the ctrl key and use the mousewheel to change font size (just like web browsers).
With a bit of Google-fu I found references that this (ctrl+mousewheel) may also be implemented in Visual Studio and XCode. Can anyone confirm?
I think you are referring to Software Visualization? If you search for Code Visualizer, you maybe able to find a few products out there that does it but there are more focusing on aggregating the measurements information/metrics together for software comprehension and not necessary as a way to view or navigating to code only.
Some of the tools include Code city, code crawler or code visualizer. Michele Lanza and his team did some great work in this area in the recent years, however some only has support for certain language/platform so be mindful if they are going to be useful for you.
Could extract all the types, classes, etcetera, and put them into a tool such as graphviz and generate a graph.