Data Structures to store complex option relationships in a GUI - user-interface

I'm not generally a GUI programmer but as luck has it, I'm stuck building a GUI for a project. The language is java although my question is general.
My question is this:
I have a GUI with many enabled/disabled options, check boxes.
The relationship between what options are currently selected and what option are allowed to be selected is rather complex. It can't be modeled as a simple decision tree. That is options selected farther down the decision tree can impose restrictions on options further up the tree and the user should not be required to "work his way down" from top level options.
I've implemented this in a very poor way, it works but there are tons of places that roughly look like:
if (checkboxA.isEnabled() && checkboxB.isSelected())
//enable/disable a bunch of checkboxs
//select/unselect a bunch of checkboxs
This is far from ideal, the initial set of options specified was very simple, but as most projects seem to work out, additional options where added and the definition of what configuration of options allowed continually grew to the point that the code, while functional, is a mess and time didn't allow for fixing it properly till now.
I fully expect more options/changes in the next phase of the project and fully expect the change requests to be a fluid process. I want to rebuild this code to be more maintainable and most importantly, easy to change.
I could model the options in a many dimensional array, but i cringe at the ease of making changes and the nondescript nature of the array indexes.
Is there a data structure that the GUI programmers out there would recommend for dealing with a situation like this? I assume this is a problem thats been solved elegantly before.
Thank you for your responses.

The important savings of code and sanity you're looking for here are declarative approach and DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself).
[Example for the following: let's say it's illegal to enable all 3 of checkboxes A, B and C together.]
Bryan Batchelder gave the first step of tidying it up: write a single rule for validity of each checkbox:
if(B.isSelected() && C.isSelected()) {
A.forceOff(); // making methods up - disable & unselected
} else {
// similar rules for B and C...
// similar code for other relationships...
and re-evaluate it anytime anything changes. This is better than scattering changes to A's state among many places (when B changes, when C changes).
But we still have duplication: the single conceptual rule for which combinations of A,B,C are legal was broken down into 3 rules for when you can allow free changes of A, B, and C. Ideally you'd write only this:
bool validate() {
if(A.isSelected() && B.isSelected() && C.isSelected()) {
return false;
// other relationships...
and have all checkbox enabling / forcing deduced from that automatically!
Can you do that from a single validate() rule? I think you can! You simulate possible changes - would validate() return true if A is on? off? If both are possible, leave A enabled; if only one state of A is possible, disable it and force its value; if none are possible - the current situation itself is illegal. Repeat the above simulation for A = other checkboxes...
Something inside me is itching to require here a simulation over all possible combinations of changes. Think of situations like "A should not disable B yet, because while illegal currently with C on, enabling B would force C off, and with that B is legal"... The problem is that down that road lies complete madness and unpredictable UI behaviour. I believe simulating only changes of one widget at a time relative to current state is the Right Thing to do, but I'm too lazy to prove it now. So take this approach with a grain of scepticism.
I should also say that all this sounds at best confusing for the user! Sevaral random ideas that might(?) lead you to more usable GUI designs (or at least mitigate the pain):
Use GUI structure where possible!
Group widgets that depend on a common condition.
Use radio buttons over checkboxes and dropdown selections where possible.
Radio buttons can be disabled individually, which makes for better feedback.
Use radio buttons to flatten combinations: instead of checkboxes "A" and "B" that can't be on at once, offer "A"/"B"/"none" radio buttons.
List compatibility constraints in GUI / tooltips!
Auto-generate tooltips for disabled widgets, explaining which rule forced them?
This one is actually easy to do.
Consider allowing contradictions but listing the violated rules in a status area, requiring the user to resolve before he can press OK.
Implement undo (& redo?), so that causing widgets to be disabled is non-destructive?
Remember the user-assigned state of checkboxes when you disable them, restore when they become enabled? [But beware of changing things without the user noticing!]

I've had to work on similar GUIs and ran into the same problem. I never did find a good data structure so I'll be watching other answers to this question with interest. It gets especially tricky when you are dealing with several different types of controls (combo boxes, list views, checkboxes, panels, etc.). What I did find helpful is to use descriptive names for your controls so that it's very clear when your looking at the code what each control does or is for. Also, organization of the code so that controls that affect each other are grouped together. When making udpates, don't just tack on some code at the bottom of the function that affects something else that's dealt with earlier in the function. Take the time to put the new code in the right spot.

Typically for really complex logic issues like this I would go with an inference based rules engine and simply state my rules and let it sort it out.
This is typically much better than trying to 1. code the maze of if then logic you have; and 2. modifying that maze later when business rules change.
One to check out for java is: JBoss Drools

I would think of it similarly to how validation rules typically work.
Create a rule (method/function/code block/lambda/whatever) that describes what criteria must be satisfied for a particular control to be enabled/disabled. Then when any change is made, you execute each method so that each control can respond to the changed state.

I agree, in part, with Bryan Batchelder's suggestion. My initial response was going to be something a long the lines of a rule system which is triggered every time a checkbox is altered.
Firstly, when a check box is checked, it validates (and allows or disallows the check) based on its own set of conditions. If allowed, it to propagate a change event.
Secondly, as a result of the event, every other checkbox now has to re-validate itself based on its own rules, considering that the global state has now changed.
On the assumption that each checkbox is going to execute an action based on the change in state (stay the same, toggle my checked status, toggle my enabled status), I think it'd be plausible to write an operation for each checkbox (how you associate them is up to you) which either has these values hardcoded or, and what I'd probably do, have them read in from an XML file.

To clear this up, what I ended up doing was a combination of provided options.
For my application the available open source rule engines were simply massive over kill and not worth the bloat given this application is doing real time signal processing. I did like the general idea.
I also didn't like the idea of having validation code in various places, I wanted a single location to make changes.
So what I did was build a simple rule/validation system.
The input is an array of strings, for me this is hard coded but you could read this from file if you wish.
Each string defines a valid configuration for all the check boxes.
On program launch I build a list of check box configurations, 1 per allowed configuration, that stores the selected state and enabled state for each checkbox. This way each change made to the UI just requires a look up of the proper configuration.
The configuration is calculated by comparing the current UI configuration to other allowed UI configurations to figure out which options should be allowed. The code is very much akin to calculating if a move is allowed in a board game.


Record User Interaction for a Tcl Tk Test Automation

I want to do some tests on our tcl tk application regarding the user interaction. As the application has parts similar to a CAD for which every mouse movement is relevant, I would like to do something like record all events of some user interactions. My goal would be to playback these events laterwards and on every program change to discover potential changes. Or even better to assure the GUI behaves always the same and produces always the same data.
I know, that I can generate some enter motion and button events, but this would not be the same like the thousands of events generated by a real user interaction. But it is very important for me to have exactly these thousands of events.
Is there any possibility to achieve this?
It's relatively easy to record events of particular types with bind — you'll find that <ButtonPress>, <ButtonRelease>, <Enter>, <Leave>, <FocusIn>, <FocusOut>, <KeyPress> and <KeyRelease> cover pretty much everything that you are interested in — and then play them back with event generate. (You need to record quite a bit of information about each event in order to regenerate it correctly, but the underlying model is that of X events with similar names.) Assuming you're not wanting to support inter-application cut-and-paste or drag-and-drop for the purposes of recording; those complicate things a lot. You'll likely have a lot of events; recording to an SQLite database might make a lot of sense.
However, you should think carefully about which parts of the application you want to record. Does it matter if the order of two buttons in the outer shell of the application outside the CAD-like area get swapped in order? For most users, provided you're clear about what the buttons do (through clear labels and icons) it isn't very important, but for replaying recorded events it can matter hugely. Instead, for the parts of the application that are simple buttons and edit fields, I'd not record the details of them but would instead just record when the buttons are clicked and the changes to the text content of entries and so on. In effect, it's capturing higher-level events, and that's much easier to replay correctly. It's only when the user is in that main CAD area that you need the full detail.
Also, beware of changes to font sizes and screen sizes/scaling. They can change how things are laid out and may happen because of system-level alterations outside the scope of your application.
We started out the way you describe: record all those thousands of motion events, etc. Including exact timings which are extremely important for a GUI application as well.
It quickly became appearent that those recordings became too hard to maintain. They are also overly brittle in light of UI changes. Another problem where the hardcoded time values. A switch to a more powerful machine (or a cpu under load) would break the execution.
The two biggest improvements we introduced
Event compression: recognize the high-level action the user wanted to perform (like selecting a menu item). The recorded activateItem command would then perform the necessary work (event emulation) on replay.
Synchronization functions: instead of relying on a particular timing commands like waitForObject wait for an object to come into existance and become ready for interaction.
It took several years for this to work fluently, however. Including a central Object Map repository, property and screenshot verifications, high-level test descriptions in BDD and others. Feel free to take a look a the Squish for Tk product that came out of this work.

Implementation of Unsaved Changes Detection

It seems like three ways to approach detecting unsaved changes in a text/image/data file might be to:
Update a boolean flag every time the user makes a change or saves, which would result in a lot of unnecessary updates.
Keep a cached copy of the original file and diff the two every time a save operation needs to be checked.
Keep a stack of all past operations and push/pop operations as needed, resulting in a lot of extra memory usage.
In general, how do commercial applications detect whether unsaved changes exist and what are the advantages/disadvantages of each approach? I ran into this issue while writing a custom application that has special saving behavior and would like to know if there is a known best practice.
As long as you need an undo/redo system, you need that stack of past operations. To detect in wich state the document is, an item of the stack is set to be the 'saved state'. Current stack node is not that item, the document is changed.
You can see an example of this in Qt QUndoStack( ) and its isClean() and setClean()
For proposition 1, updating a boolean is not something problematic and take little time.
This depends on the features you want and the size/format of the files, I guess.
The first option is the simplest, and it gives you just what you want with minial overhead.
The second option has the advantage that you can detect when changes have been manually reverted, so that there is no real change after all (although that probably doesn't happen all too often). On the other hand it is much more costly to make a diff just to check if anything was modified. You probably don't want to do that everytime the user presses a key.
The third option gives the ability to provide an undo-history. You could limit the number of items in that history by grouping changes together that were made consecutively (without moving the cursor in between), or something like that.

Stories and Scenarios that implies UI

I am trying to learn how to use BDD for our development process and I sometimes end-up writing things that implies a UI design, so for brand new development or new features, the UI does not always exists.
For example, if I say this in a scenario "When a column header is clicked" it implies that this feature is based on some sort of table or grid, but at this point we are still just writing user-stories so there is no UI yet.
That gets me confused to know at what point in the process do we come up with a UI design ?
Keep in mind, I only have read articles about BDD and I think it would help our team a lot but still very new at this! Thx!
If you write your scenarios with a focus on the capabilities of the system, you'll be able to refactor the underlying steps within those scenarios more easily. It keeps them flexible. So I'd ask - what does clicking the column get for you? Are you selecting something? What are you going to do with the selection? Are you searching for something and sorting by a value?
I like to see scenarios which say things like:
When I look for the entry
When I go to the diary for January
When I look at the newest entries
When I look at the same T-shirt in black
These could all involve clicking on a column header, but the implementation detail doesn't matter. It's the capability of the system.
Beneath these high-level scenarios and steps I like to create a screen or page with the smaller steps like clicking buttons in it. This makes it easy to refactor.
I wrote this in a DSL rather than English, but it works with the same idea - you can't tell from the steps whether it's a GUI or a web page, and some of the steps involve multiple UI actions:
Hope you find it interesting and maybe it helps. Good luck!
I guess you can write around that by saying "when I sort the information by X, then..." But then you would have to adjust your scenario to remove any mention of the data being displayed in a grid format, which could lead to some rather obtuse writing.
I think it's a good idea to start with UI design as soon as you possibly can. In the case you mentioned above, I think it would be perfectly valid to augment the user story with sketch of the relevant UI as you would imagine it, and then refine it as you go along. A pencil sketch on a piece of paper should be fine. Or you could use a tablet and SketchBook Pro if you want something all digital.
My point is that I don't see a real reason for the UI design to be left out of user stories. You probably already know that you're going to build a Windows, WPF, or Web application. And it's safe to assume that when you want to display tabular data, you'll be using a grid. Keeping these assumptions out of the requirements obfuscates them without adding any real value.
User stories benefit from the fact, that you describe concrete interactions and once you know concrete data and behaviour of the system for it, you might as well add more information about the way you interact. This allows you to use some tools like Cucumber, which with Selenium enables you to translate a story to a test. You might go even further and e.g. for web apps capture all pages you start concrete story at and collect all interactions with that page resulting in some sort of information architecture you might use for documentation or prototyping and later UI testing.
On the other hand, this makes your stories somewhat brittle when it comes to UI changes. I think the agile way of thinking about this is same as when it comes to design changes - do not design for the future, do the simplest possible thing, in the future you might need to change it anyway.
If you stripped your user stories of all concrete things (even inputs) you will end up with use cases(at least in their simplest format, depends on how you write your stories). Use cases are in this respect not brittle at all, they specify only goals. This makes them resistant to change, but its harder to transfer information automatically using tools.
As for the process, RUP/UP derives UI from use cases, but I think agile is in its nature incremental (I will not say iterative, this would exclude agile methods like FDD and Kanban). This means, as you implement new story, you add to your UI what is necessary. This only makes adding UI specifics in stories more reasonable. The problem is, that this is not a very good way to create UI or more generally UX(user experience). This is exactly what one might call a weakpoint of agile. The Agile manifesto concentrates on functional software, but that is it. There are as far as I know no agile techniques for designing UI or UX.
I think you just need to step back a bit.
BAD: When I click the column header, the rows get sorted by the column I clicked.
GOOD: Then I sort the rows by name, or sometimes by ZIP code if the name is very common, like "Smith".
A user story / workflow is a sequence of what the user wants to achieve, not a sequence of actions how he achieves that. You are collecting the What's so you can determine the best How's for all users and use cases.
Looking at a singular aspect of your post:
if I say this in a scenario "When a column header is clicked" it implies that this feature is based on some sort of table or grid, but at this point we are still just writing user-stories so there is no UI yet.
If this came from a user, not from you, it would show a hidden expectation that there actually is a table or grid with column headers. Even coming from you it's not entirely without value, as you might be a user, too. It might be short-sighted, thinking of a grid just because it comes from an SQL query, or it might be spot-on because it's the presentation you expect the data in. A creative UI isnÄt a bad thing as such, but ignoring user expectations is.

Is it a good idea to have the same feature available from two different menus?

It happens sometimes that one feature seems to belong to more than one place.
Trivial example, let's say I've got the following menus :
Pending orders
Accepted orders
I've got a search feature, and the same search window work for both pending and accepted orders (it's just an 'order status' combo you can change)
Where does this search feature belongs?
The Tools menu seems to be a good choice, but I'm afraid the users may expect the search accepted orders to be in the accepted orders menu, which would make sense
Duplicating the menu entry in both pending and accepted order seems wrong to me.
What would you do? (And let's pretend we cannot merge the two orders menu into one single menu)
I think the problem you've run into is that you're thinking like a programmer. (code duplication bad). I'm not faulting you for it, I do the same thing. Multiple paths to the same screen, or multiple ways to handle the same process can actually be extremely beneficial. I would guess that more than one person is going to use your program and each probably have slightly different job functions. In essence, they have different needs for the application and will approach using it different ways. If you stick to the all items have one way of being accessed, some people will find the application beneficial and others won't. Sure all people can learn to do a task a certain way, but it won't make sense to some users. It's not intuitive (read familiar) to they way they are used to processing information, which means the application will ultimately be less beneficial to them. When people find a process (program etc.) frustrating, they won't adopt it. They find reasons why the process will need to be changed or abandoned.
An excellent example of the multiple approaches to a problem is with Adobe Photoshop. Normally there are at least 2 different ways to access a function. Most users only know of one, because that's all they are concerned with, but most users are really comfortable with using one, because it makes the most sense to them. With a little extra work, Adobe scored a huge win, because more people find their product intuitive.
Having a feature in multiple locations is not a bad thing. Consider the overall workflow for viewing both pending orders and accepted orders, and think of your new feature as a component, rather than a one-off entity.
After you map out exactly what tasks a user completes in the pending and accepted order viewing process, see where having the ability to search would provide value (by shortening the workflow or otherwise). This is where your search component belongs.
The main thing to remember about UI is that all that really matters in the end is whether your design makes using your application or site a better experience for your users.
In the search example you list above you'll commonly see apps take two approaches:
Put the search feature in a single location and allow the user to filter the search by selecting pending or accepted, or
Put the search feature in both menus, already configured for the type of search to be done based on the menu it was launched from.
If you repeat the above choice for a number of factors you'll see a much more advanced (aka 'complicated') search interface for number one, and a much simpler (aka 'restrictive') search interface for number two.
Which one is best completely depends on your users. This is why many general applications have a simple search by default and a link to a more advanced search for those that want or need the additional capabilities; they're attempting to make everyone happy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that if you're writing for a wide variety of people with different needs. If you're writing for a set of users with a restricted set of needs however, you can make some better choices.
In my experience your best bet is to work with one or two of your primary users and map out all of the steps they need to take to get each of the tasks the application will be helping them with accomplished. If there aren't a lot of branching points in that sequence of steps there shouldn't be a lot of choices or settings to make in the application; otherwise the users may feel that the app is harder to work with than it needs to be.
For the search example above, if the user has already navigated into the Pending Orders menu, the likelihood that they'll want to launch a search for Accepted Orders is very small and having to make that choice, or go elsewhere to do the search, will be an extra decision or action they'll need to take. Basic principle is if your user has already made a decision, use it; don't make them tell you again.
Use the UI you come up with as a first cut. Let your users, or a subset of them, try it out and make suggestions. If you have the option, watch them use it. You'll learn far more about how to improve the interface by seeing how they work with it than you will from what they tell you.
Generally you do not want the same menu item appearing in different menus. It adds complexity and clutter to the menu, and users will wonder if the two menu items are really the same or not. When it appears that a menu item belongs in two places, then you may have a more basic problem with your menu organization.
For instance, your example shows a menu bar that is organized by the class or attribute of the object the commands within act on. In general, the menu bar should be organized by category of action not type of object. For example, you could have a Retrieval menu for commands like Search and other means of displaying orders, and a Modify menu for processing the orders (e.g., updating, accepting, forwarding). Both menus would have menu items that apply to both types of objects, although some commands may apply to only one.
Organizing commands by object type is actually a good idea but it is better accomplished with a context menu (right click) than the menu bar.
I would try the search in both the Accepted Orders and Pending Orders menus. However, user testing will show if this is a good idea or not. But it also depends on your user base.
You are doing user testing right? may already know this, but this is a good place to use the command\action pattern IMHO.
So to answer your question: IMO, yes, it is ok :) This situation is definitely warranted.
Just put it under both menus and have it open your search window, pre-configured for the order type who's menu it was launched from. Name them accordingly and voila they're actually two different actions - even though they use the same code/component.
Keep the user-selectable "status combo you can change" in the search window active though so the user still can adjust the settings without relaunching it from the other menu... and then perhaps rethink the structure, see some of the great answers in here for ideas ^^

How much logic should you put in the UI class?

I'm not sure if this has been asked or not yet, but how much logic should you put in your UI classes?
When I started programming I used to put all my code behind events on the form which as everyone would know makes it an absolute pain in the butt to test and maintain. Overtime I have come to release how bad this practice is and have started breaking everything into classes.
Sometimes when refactoring I still have that feeling of "where should I put this stuff", but because most of the time the code I'm working on is in the UI layer, has no unit tests and will break in unimaginable places, I usually end up leaving it in the UI layer.
Are there any good rules about how much logic you put in your UI classes? What patterns should I be looking for so that I don't do this kind of thing in the future?
Just logic dealing with the UI.
Sometimes people try to put even that into the Business layer. For example, one might have in their BL:
if (totalAmount < 0)
color = "RED";
color = "BLACK";
And in the UI display totalAmount using color -- which is completely wrong. It should be:
if (totalAmount < 0)
isNegative = true;
isNegative = false;
And it should be completely up to the UI layer how totalAmount should be displayed when isNegative is true.
As little as possible...
The UI should only have logic related to presentation. My personal preference now is to have the UI/View
just raise events (with supporting data) to a PresenterClass stating that something has happened. Let the Presenter respond to the event.
have methods to render/display data to be presented
a minimal amount of client side validations to help the user get it right the first time... (preferably done in a declarative manner) screening off invalid inputs before it even reaches the presenter e.g. ensure that the text field value is within a-b range by setting the min and max properties. describes the evolution of UI design. An excerpt
When people talk about self-testing
code user-interfaces quickly raise
their head as a problem. Many people
find that testing GUIs to be somewhere
between tough and impossible. This is
largely because UIs are tightly
coupled into the overall UI
environment and difficult to tease
apart and test in pieces.
But there are occasions where this is
impossible, you miss important
interactions, there are threading
issues, and the tests are too slow to
As a result there's been a steady
movement to design UIs in such a way
that minimizes the behavior in objects
that are awkward to test. Michael
Feathers crisply summed up this
approach in The Humble Dialog Box.
Gerard Meszaros generalized this
notion to idea of a Humble Object -
any object that is difficult to test
should have minimal behavior. That way
if we are unable to include it in our
test suites we minimize the chances of
an undetected failure.
The pattern you are looking for may be Model-view-controller, which basically separates the DB(model) from the GUI(view) and the logic(controller). Here's Jeff Atwood's take on this. I believe one should not be fanatical about any framework, language or pattern - While heavy numerical calculations probably should not sit in the GUI, it is fine to do some basic input validation and output formatting there.
I suggest UI shouldn't include any sort of business logic. Not even the validations. They all should be at business logic level. In this way you make your BLL independent of UI. You can easily convert you windows app to web app or web services and vice versa. You may use object frameworks like Csla to achieve this.
Input validations attached to control.
Like emails,age,date validators with text boxes
James is correct. As a rule of thumb, your business logic should not make any assumption regarding presentation.
What if you plan on displaying your results on various media? One of them could be a black and white printer. "RED" would not cut it.
When I create a model or even a controller, I try to convince myself that the user interface will be a bubble bath. Believe me, that dramatically reduces the amount of HTML in my code ;)
Always put the minimum amount of logic possible in whatever layer you are working.
By that I mean, if you are adding code to the UI layer, add the least amount of logic necessary for that layer to perform it's UI (only) operations.
Not only does doing that result in a good separation of also saves you from code bloat.
I have already written a 'compatible' answer to this question here. The rule is (according to me) that there should not be any logic in the UI except the UI logic and calls for standard procedures that will manage generic/specific cases.
In our situation, we came to a point where form's code is automatically generated out of the list of controls available on a form. Depending on the kind of control (bound text, bound boolean, bound number, bound combobox, unbound label, ...), we automatically generate a set of event procedures (such as beforeUpdate and afterUpdate for text controls, onClick for labels, etc) that launch generic code located out of the form.
This code can then either do generic things (test if the field value can be updated in the beforeUpdate event, order the recordset ascending/descending in the onClick event, etc) or specific treatments based on the form's and/or the control's name (making for example some work in a afterUpdate event, such as calculating the value of a totalAmount control out of the unitPrice and quantity values).
Our system is now fully automated, and form's production relies on two tables: Tbl_Form for a list of forms available in the app, and Tbl_Control for a list of controls available in our forms
Following the referenced answer and other posts in SO, some users have asked me to develop on my ideas. As the subject is quite complex, I finally decided to open a blog to talk about this UI logic. I have already started talking about UI interface, but it might take a few days (.. weeks!) until I can specifically reach the subject you're interested in.
