Uninstall error if original install DVD is not in drive - installation

When trying to remove our application in Add/Remove Programs, the following error pops up, and the application fails to uninstall:
'mFileBagIDE.dll' is not a valid short file name.
The curious thing is that you only get this error if the original installation DVD is not in the drive. If the DVD is in the drive, the uninstall works perfectly.
Here's the real kicker: we did not catch this bug until after our application was already widely deployed, and our clients' situations are such that it is likely many of them no longer have their original DVD. This means that the next version's installer (doing a windows installer major upgrade) will fail because it is unable to first remove the previous version.
So, my question is twofold:
What did we do to create this problem so we can avoid it in future releases?
Is there a way to tell our next windows installer to ignore this error and go ahead and remove the previous version?
Our current installer (the one that is causing problems) was generated using InstallAware. We're likely moving to WiX. But solutions in any platform (InstallAware, WiX, raw MSI tables) are appreciated!
UPDATE: I have the following row in both the InstallExecuteSequence and InstallUISequence tables in my MSI, which may very well be relevant, but I have no idea what the SRCDIREX property is, or where it is being set.
| Action | Condition |
| ResolveSource | NOT SRCDIREX |

Probably one of the actions (either standard or custom) that references the original MSI was not conditioned to run on installation only (for example, ResolveSource should be conditioned as "Not INSTALLED"). You might be able to workaround this with a patch (an MSP file) that changes the condition on the relevant action.

I would start by determining which action is causing the error. Here's how I would do that:
Install your app from the dvd
copy the msi file to some local folder, let's say "c:\temp"
Remove the dvd
kick off the uninstall like this: "msiexec /x yourapp.msi /L*v c:\temp\uninst.log"
When the error comes up, the uninstall is effectively paused. You can then check the end of the log to see exactly where you are in the sequence. That should help you to debug.
If the answer really is ResolveSource, regular patching may not be an option.
Heath Stewart mentions this in his blog -
"In general, do not schedule ResolveSource. If this runs when installing a patch, for example, the user will have to insert the original media whether they would otherwise need to or not."
If that's the position you find yourself in, you could create a transform that updates the condition on your ResolveSource action, and apply that to the cached copy of the msi file manually. It's a bit of a pain, but I'm pretty sure that would work.

have you tried to copy those files to %WinDir%/system32 folder?
EDIT: Make a setup to copy all the setup MSI package to the disk, and install it from the diskdrive.
Remove every files uneeded to uninstaller. Adobe, HP and many other companys are doing that.


How can I suppress "this action is only valid for products that are currently installed" upon running msiexec /x to non-existing item?

I am attempting to make sure certain software does not exist before installing the newer version. Long story short, vendor requires me to do so, and although they recommend me to repair after install, that causes other issues such as undesirable restart (trust me I tried /norestart and I have even tried to modify the stored msi package to make sure it does not restart) but over all it just gives us soo much headache without the result we want.
So I tried to simply uninstall this software ahead of installing their newer one since that seem to have higher success rate without unnecessary issues.
Now I am accomplishing this by running batch file via ExePackage (with WiX toolset) with Vital="no". I have to do Vital="no" because when the older installer does not exist and if I call msiexec /x, it returns the error stating
this action is only valid for products that are currently installed
When the older installation exists, it works fine, but when it does not it errors out.
Now Vital="no" works fine, but I would prefer to suppress the error with msiexec /x if I can.
Is there any known way to solve this?
In order to solve this problem, I checked the uninstall keys and only called msiexec /x on products that were listed. Though in my own case, we were switching installer tech (too many MSI bugs...) and were uninstalling older versions of our own.
Installation State: You can use VBScript to check for the installation state of a product if you know its product GUID (replace the sample GUID here):
Dim installer : Set installer = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
MsgBox installer.ProductState("{6C961B30-A670-8A05-3BFE-3947E84DD4E4}")
There are a number of possible installation states. Here is a more comprehensive script to check product installation state. Check section 7 here.
Major Upgrades: I assume you are aware of how major upgrades work? (uninstall of existing installation and install of newer version with options for what order this happens in). They can in reality uninstall any other MSI package on installation via settings in its Upgrade table. This includes even competitive products (a bit mad one would have to say). You can - however - not install them again easily from within MSI for a number of technical issues. You could install them via a Burn setup.exe bootstrapper (which I think you use).

how to get the name of the feature being installed using wix managed bootstrapper ui

I am using WiX to install a executable and I have used ManagedBootstrapperApplicationHost for CustomUI.
Is it possible to get the name of the feature being installed at the time of installation ?
If possible then how can we get the name of the feature ?
Any help would be appreciated.
Features aren't installed one after another. For example if 3 features are being installed, each with 10 files then the InstallFiles action will install all 30 files at the same time. Same thing with registry entries. So you can't display a UI that says "Installing Feature1" and then later on "Installing Feature2" because that doesn't happen. All you can know is that some list of features are being installed.
Your comment asks about finding out whether a feature installed successfully or not. This issue never comes up - there are never some features that install and others that fail. An MSI install is a transaction and it either all works or fails and rolls back and deletes changes it made so that the system is restored to its previous state.
It's not clear why the list of features is so important to display. If you use the MSI's internal UI there is a feature selection dialog where the user selects which features are to be installed; if you use the Burn UI the same thing is available, so the user can see what features have been chosen.
Inside the MSI the list of features being installed (after they've been selected) is in the ADDLOCAL property, but that's the internal name. It could be used to display a list of the features that were installed at the end, but again by definition what was chosen is installed otherwise the install would have rolled back entirely. I don't believe I've ever seen an install where the list of MSI features installed is displayed at the end - it's redundant info. It would be useful to know the scenario you have, or what problem you're trying to solve, and if you believe that you need to display a list because some might install and others might fail then there is no point, as I have said.

Windows installer is too clever, tries to repair when tester deletes config file

Our application is deployed to the target machine with an msi file. All works nicely. Our tester has gone through his plan, and one of the tests requires deleting the application's configuration file. The application is designed to alert the user with a dialog on startup saying "missing config". However, what happens is that - somehow! - the software starts the installer again and retrieves the missing file from the msi! Which is nice, but not what we want. How do we disable that behaviour?
without going into much depth of the windows installer mechanics (if you interested in that there a plenty of articles about this), the shortcut of the software is probably advertised, which means the windows installer checks if everything is in its place before the software is started.
if you can edit the msi, make the shortcut non advertised.
if you can't, install it with DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS
e.g. msiexec /i myMsi.msi DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS=1
please note that this is only a quick (and dirty) workaround,
to fix this proper you need to understand the whole windows installer advertising (also called repair or self resiliency) mechanism.
but explaining all the causes and the mechanism of the repair is far beyond this answer and there are quite some articles and posts about that on the internet (and especially on MSDN and stackoverflow)
There is a more correct answer to this, and it is NOT DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS. You set the component id to null in the MSI file to prevent repair of that individual file. See ComponentId comments here:
Edit the MSI file with Orca to delete the Componenty ID, and write an uninstall custom action to delete the file at uninstall if it's there.
In addition, that's a redundant test. Windows will restore that file for you if it's missing, so the idea that you need a test to notify that it's missing is pointless. The true test should be that Windows will restore the file if it's lost, and your app needs to do potentially nothing about the missing file.
You don't mention what tool you are using to make your MSI but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess Visual Studio Deployment Projects (.VDRPOJ).
One of the (many) horrible things about this tool was that it fails to expose the foundational concept of components. Instead it makes every file a key file of it's own component and hides the existence of the component from you. I say 'was' because Microsoft killed this project type in VS. There are around 50k people complaining on UserVoice to bring this tool back and I'm guessing that 49,990 of them don't know what a key path is.
Windows Installer has a concept called the component rules and each component has a keypath. The keypath teaches MSI how to handle repair scenarios. But your tool has to allow you to be able to control this to make it work.
Windows Installer is functioning exactly the way it's supposed to function. You just aren't up to speed on what that is.
However, if you want to ignore Windows Installer best practices and continue using the tool you use today, the trick is to install the app.config file as a different file. Then have the application copy the file to the real file name on run. Windows Installer won't service what it didn't install.
Several answers have been provided that can work:
You can install the file with a blank guid. Then you need to remove it on uninstall using the RemoveFile feature. You will also run into issues if you want to replace it during an upgrade. Could be tricky at times.
You can disable the advertised shortcut(s), but this affects too much in my opinion.
Finally you can use my suggestion to install a separate non-advertised shortcut to use to launch the application. Such a shortcut bypasses the self-repair check. It may still be invoked by other means such as missing file associations, COM registration or similar, but those are exception states.
However, my preference is that an application can start without a config file present, if at all possible. I always suggest a good startup routine with "internal defaults" available. The startup routine should also degrade gracefully if faced with any file system access denied conditions.
Most importantly you should place this config file in the userprofile so you can generate the file on first launch for the user in question. It can even be copied from a read-only copy in the main installation directory.
When you generate a file from internal defaults and put it in a userprofile location, the file will have no interference with Windows Installer at all. The issues that results is how to clean up user data on uninstall. I discussed this with Stefan Kruger (MSI MVP) at one point, and I agree with his notion that user data is indeed user data and should not be automatically dealt with by your installer at all. Leave it installed, and clean it up via system administrator tools if necessary - for example logon scripts.

Error 1001. Exception occured while initializing the installation

I am seeing the following error while trying to uninstall. How can I uninstall the software when there is no folder WRT the software in the program files.
Note: I have deleted the software folder from program files.
Error Message:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException. could not load file or assembly or its dependencies. the system cannot find the file specified.
I need the solution on how to uninstall the software when there is no folder existing the program files.
Sounds like a very britty InstallUtil custom action that has a dependency on a file being installed with no exception handling if it's not found. Awesome! :)
Take the orginal MSI that you installed and edit it with Orca to remove the custom action from the InstallExecute sequence. Recache the MSI using the command:
Finally uninstall the application.
Broken Uninstalls: There are a few ways to approach this such as 1) trying to run the repair sequence of the installed MSI which might be able to pull files down from the original installation location or 2) run the original installer itself again - as in the install sequence rather than the repair sequence (must be the exact MSI file used to install the software originally), etc... These approaches are all vulnerable to failure and generally need some "hacking" to succeed.
Microsoft FixIt: This all leads to the recommendation of the last resort solution that is "sort of official", it is the Microsoft FixIt tool. It can be used to clean out broken uninstalls by "unregistering" the installation rather than running the actual uninstall for it. It should work. Never use it if you don't need to, there are risks.
Logging & Debugging: The above should work, but here is information on how to log an MSI operation: Different ways to create and interpret MSI logs to narrow down the cause of the problem seen.
Links: Below some general-purpose MSI uninstall resources. The first link lists cleanup strategies for broken uninstall - very hacky some of it. The second link lists different ways to invoke uninstall of MSI files - there are a lot of ways:
Broken Uninstalls: Here is a generic list of cleanup approaches for broken uninstalls - most of this is very hacky, only use this if you really need to.
MSI Uninstall Approaches: Uninstalling an MSI file from the command line without using msiexec.

Uninstall an MSI with msiexec fails with new version of MSI

We are installing several web sites using msi's as part of continuos integration tests.
For each build we want to uninstall the old msi and install a new one.
Problem is we do not have the old msi after the build server has done a get latest and rebuilt the system.
Is there a way in which we can uninstall the msi without having access to the orginal msi?
Yes you can, if you know the product code. Just type
msiexec /x [ProductCode]
on the command line. Or you could do it through the Add/Remove programs applet.
If you want to find the physical file, Windows actually stores a copy of the msi when it runs it - you will find it somewhere in your %WINDOWS%\Installer folder, but it will have been given a random name so could be quite hard to find :)
Alternatively if you don't know the product code (which you should) then try searching for your app name under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Installer and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData registry keys, you will find the product code there. (quick hint: you can also search for UninstallString values in the registry).
