Including Files in Ruby Questions - ruby

I am very new to Ruby so could you please suggest the best practice to separating files and including them.
What is the preferred design structure of the file layout. When do you decide to separate the algorithm into a new file?
When do you use load to include other files and when do you use require?
And is there a performance hit when you include files?

I make one file per class, except classes that are small helper classes, not needed by other files. I separate my different modules in subdirectories also.
The difference between load and require is require will only load the file once, even if it's called multiple times, while load will load it again regardless of whether it's been loaded before. You'll almost always want to use require, except maybe in irb when you want to manually want to reload a file.
I'm not sure on the performance hit. When you load or require a file, the interpreter has to interpret the file. Most Ruby's will compile it to virtual machine code after being required. Obviously, require is more performant when the file may have already been included once, because it may not have to load it again.


.rb file containing multiple classes vs multiple .rb files with a single class in each

Commonly I have written programs that have multiple classes in one .rb file. Similarly I have updated programs that use multiple classes, however, each class is in its own .rb file. I can assume that having them in different files would make it easier for a team to all work together or to split work up. But in almost every project I have been assigned I have put all the classes in one file. What is the major advantage or disadvantage of using one file vs multiple and which is better 'ruby' etiquette?
Well, you've already got one great reason: "...having them in different files would make it easier for a team to all work together or to split work up."
Another reason is organization. Suppose I want to know where the User class is defined. If there are a bunch of files and one is named user.rb, that's a pretty good clue. If there are a bunch of files and none of them is named user.rb I have to start hunting through files, or use a file search utility, and my time is wasted.
Furthermore, if I'm reading a file and it says require "user" at the top, I know automatically that this file probably needs something called User. If it says require "script" at the top, I have no idea what it's loading, or what's in there that this file needs, so I have to go digging around, and my time is wasted.
A third reason is encapsulation. Keeping code in memory has real performance implications. If there are a dozen different classes in script.rb and I do require "script", then I'm loading all of those classes, even if I only want User. Not to mention your tests—and thereby your entire workflow—run a lot faster if they only have to load the things they actually need.

Is it wrong to put all Codeigniter translations into one translation file

Looking fro some advise...
I'm creating a multi-language site with Codeigniter. CI allows me to create several language files, e.g. one per controller and load language files whenever I need them.
For me it sounds easier to just work with one language file and auto-load it, but this approach doesn't seem to be encouraged. Can anyone tell me if working with one language file (per language) is OK, or should I use a language file per controller ?
It depends on the size of your file, if size of your single file is too big then for every time you load the file all data for that file will get loaded and your script will take much more memory, in case of big language file it is always to use multiple files and load it when needed, and if your language file is small it is always better to use single file so that you don't need to manage it and simple to use.

Testing File/Folder Navigation and Manipulation

I am working on a module that supplies methods for navigating directories and manipulating files. Basically it will be a combination of the Dir and File classes, with options specific to the needs of a project I'm working on.
Right now I have started writing tests for some of these methods and things are getting messy.
One of the methods I have is a tree function that returns a hash of files and folders where you can pass options like tree(only: 'folders', limit: 3). In order to test that it only goes down 3 levels, I would have to have 4+ subfolders with dummy files in them.
The Problem
Right now I'm testing on folders outside the project since the subfolders are already there, but I want to move away from this, especially considering the implausibility of testing on system files once I start testing methods equivalent to rm -rf (as well as the lack of portability).
I'm starting to think that I need to create a "lab rat" type folder that I do all my "experiments" on, but I have no clue how to approach creating it.
Do I create a function that creates the files?
Do I pull files and folders from another location?
Do I use some sort of "lorem ipsum" generator for file structures?
Do I make all these files and folders manually(ugh)?
Do I just mock and stub the hell out of everything and not actually create/delete the files and folders?(I don't see this happening)
How would someone normally approach testing excessive amounts of file and folder manipulation?
I don't think you want to use mocks/stubs. The file system of your OS should be well tested and fast, so the benefit of mocks/stubs is minimal. Creating a mock/stub system increases the complexity without much benefit.
Here's my answers:
Do I create a function that creates the files?
Yes. You can create tests for these functions to make sure that they are correct. Instead of calling Dir and File, write helper functions that make the code simple and readable. Maybe you can share the helper functions between the source/test code...
Do I pull files and folders from another location?
Not sure what this is for...
Do I use some sort of "lorem ipsum" generator for file structures?
Yes, if you mean create functions that generate file structures.
Do I make all these files and folders manually(ugh)?
Do I just mock and stub the hell out of everything and not actually create/delete the files and folders?(I don't see this happening)
No. One benefit of creating files/directories is that you can manually check what is going on and not be 100% dependent on the tests. This is actually a good approach because without it there could be a bug where both the source code and test code is not doing what you expect, but you wouldn't know because everything seems to be working.

Should I use load or require in IRB?

I had the impression that I should use require 'some_path' to get a file or a library I want to use, but I couldn't get it to work, and load 'some_path' worked.
When are the different times when I should use these?
Also, is it possible to import a directory with the load or require commmands? I am trying to use a whole directory, but so far I could only get one file at a time with load.
You can use Dir to list all the files ending with .rb and require/load them
Dir["/path/to/dir/*.rb"].each { |file| load_your_file_here(file) }
I recommend requiring file and then including the module that file loads... If you are not using module or class inside your file than maybe you should reconsider your structure.
load might have some unintended consequences and it's not performant.
Once you call require for a file further calls of require will no longer require it again(i.e. will have no effect), while load will reload it every time you call it. As far as I know there is no way to load a whole directory.

How to setup activerecord + models in a file, then re-use it in all other script files?

I have a bunch of different .rb command line script files that perform various tasks, but they all use the same database.
I'm coding the 2nd .rb file, and the 1st one has all references to ActiveRecord, db connections, and classes that represent my models etc.
Is it possible to move all this to another file, and then just import the file in each of my .rb files?
How would this work?
require basically goes out and runs another file in the context of the current ruby process if it hasn't be required yet. if your db file is called models.rb and it is living in a sub directory called lib, it would look like this
require 'lib/models'
You need to read Modules, which is part of the "Pickaxe Book", AKA Programming Ruby.
