Using let in Scheme - scheme

I want to write a program to find the roots of the quadratic equation in Scheme. I used LET for certain bindings.
(define roots-with-let
(λ (a b c)
(let ((4ac (* 4 a c))
(2a (* 2 a))
(discriminant (sqrt ( - (* b b) (4ac)))))
(cons ( / ( + (- b) discriminant) 2a)
( / ( - (- b) discriminant) 2a)))))
I defined the discriminant with 4ac since I did not want (* 4 a c). Even though I have defined (4ac (* 4 a c)), it is giving me this error:
expand: unbound identifier in module in: 4ac.
My question is how is let evaluated (what order)? And if i want 4ac in my let should i write another inner let? Is there a better way to do this?

Use let* instead of let.
The difference between let and let* is the following:
let* binds variables from left to right. Earlier bindings can be used in new binding further to the right (or down).
let on the other hand can be thought of as syntactic sugar (or macro) for simple lambda abstraction:
(let ((a exp1)
(b exp2))
is equivalent to
((lambda (a b)
exp1 exp2)

4ac is a variable with a numeric value, so (4ac) is not meaningful.
LET binds all variables, but the variables can't be used in the computations for the values.
This does not work:
(let ((a 1) (b 1) (c (* a b)))
(let ((a 1) (b 1))
(let ((c (* a b)))
Above introduces A and B with the first LET. In the second LET both A and B now can be used to compute C.
(let* ((a 1) (b 1) (c (* a b)))

You'll need a special let-construct (let*) here since the variables inside the let-definition refer to each other.
It's rather a problem of defining a scope than of evaluating an expression (In usual let-definitions, the order of evaluation doesn't matter since the values may not use each other)

When you use let, the bindings are not visible in any of the bodies. Use let* instead and see the RNRS docs for details.


How do I get a function's name as a symbol?

I am trying to define a function func->symbol that takes a function and returns its name as a symbol. For example:
(define (pythagoras a b)
(sqrt (+ (* a a) (* b b))))
;; #1
(func->symbol pythagoras) ; Returns: 'pythagoras
;; #2
(func->symbol (if #t pythagoras sqrt)) ; Returns: 'pythagoras
;; #3
(let ((f (if #t pythagoras sqrt)))
(func->symbol f)) ; Returns: 'pythagoras
;; #4
(let ((f (if #t pythagoras sqrt)))
(let ((g f))
(func->symbol g))) ; Returns: 'pythagoras
This is a follow-up question on How do I get a definition's name as a symbol? which only deals with case #1. For case #1, a simple macro def->symbol is sufficient:
(define-syntax def->symbol
(syntax-rules ()
((_ def) 'def)))
However, this macro definition does not pass cases #2, #3, #4. Is it possible to define func->symbol, or is Scheme not expressive enough for this?
In Racket, in many cases, you can get a function's name using object-name. But it is probably a bad idea to rely on this result for anything other than debugging.
Perhaps it's worth an answer which shows why this is not possible in any language with first-class functions.
I'll define what I mean by a language having first-class functions (there are varying definitions).
Functions can be passed as arguments to other functions, and returned as values from them.
Functions can be stored in variables and other data structures.
There are anonymous functions, or function literals.
Scheme clearly has first-class functions in this sense. Now consider this code:
(define a #f)
(define b #f)
(let ((f (lambda (x)
(+ x 1))))
(set! a f)
(set! b f))
Let's imagine there is a function-name function, which, given a function, returns its name. What should (function-name a) return?
Well, the answer is that there's simply no useful value it can return (in Racket, (object-name a) returns f, but that's clearly exposing implementation details which might be useful for debugging but would be very misleading as a return value for a function-name procedure.
This is why such a procedure can't exist in general in a language with first-class functions: the function which maps from names to values is many-to-one and thus has no inverse.
Here is an example of the sort of disgusting hack you could do to make this 'work' and also why it's horrible. The following is Racket-specific code:
(define-syntax define/naming
;; Define something in such a way that, if it's a procedure,
;; it gets the right name. This is a horrid hack.
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (p arg ...) form ...)
(define (p arg ...) form ...)]
[(_ name val)
(define name (let ([p val])
(if (procedure? p)
(procedure-rename p 'name)
And now, given
(define/naming a
(let ([c 0])
(set! c (+ c 1))))))
(define/naming b a)
> (object-name a)
> (object-name b)
> (eqv? a b)
> (a)
> (b)
> (a)
So a and b have the 'right' names, but because of that they are necessarily not the same object, which I think is semantically wrong: if I see (define a b) then I want (eqv? a b) to be true, I think. But a and b do capture the same lexical state, so that works, at least.

lexical scoping in scheme

I am trying to understand concepts of lexical and dynamic scoping and the differences between them.
Let's take a look at the following code:
(let ((a 1)
(b 2))
(letrec ((f (lambda () F))
(g (lambda (c) G)))
(lambda (d)
(+ (f) (g b)))))
For expressions F and G, which variables are at lexical scope of (lambda(d)...)?
(lambda(d)...) has d as bound variable and f, g a b and all of the global scope as free variables.
Just to demonstrate the code in Scheme and some other language where the same bindings are dynamic. Since neither of your functions call each other you might as well keep them in the same let:
(define test
(let ((a 1)
(b 2)
(f (lambda () F))
(g (lambda (c) G)))
(lambda (d)
(+ (f) (g b)))))
;; for the test we need the F and G defined
(define F 10)
(define G 20)
(test 4) ; ==> 30 (aka (+ F G))
What happens is that when the lambda gets evaluated the variables it uses from the lexical scope lives on even after the let is gone. In a dymaic scope this isn't true:
(test 4)
; ERROR f: unbound identifier
The reason for this is while a, b, f and g existed when the lamba was evaluated none of the variables get captured like in lexical scope and thus when the procedure test is made none of the local variables exist anymore. In fact you might as well write it like this:
;; in a dynamic lisp this s the same
(define test
(lambda (d)
(+ (f) (g b))))
And you must make sure the variable exist when you call the function (aka dynamic)
(define g (lambda (v) 1337))
(define f (lambda () 3.1415927))
(define b 13)
(test 4) ; ==> 1340.1415927
Now if you were to add the above definitions in the global scope and keep the original definition you'd still get 30 since a lexical lisp uses the closer lexical bindings rather than the global ones.
Another great example is this:
(define x 10)
(define (test v)
(+ x v))
(let ((x 20))
(test 10))
; ==> ?
In a lexical lisp the result would be always 20 since test does not have any idea of the let since it is not in its lexical scope. It's x is always the global bindings x. In a dymamic lisp the x from the let is the closest one from the runtime point of view which would result in 30 since the x in test is the same as the x in the let and it shadows the global x.

DrRacket define begin set! probably should work but dont

Im learning for exam of programming in lisp using DrRacket..
In presentation from lectures i found this code:
(define (f a b c)
(define delta)
(set! delta (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))
(if (>=? delta 0)
(writeln ”są pierwiastki”)
(writeln ”nie ma pierwiastków)))))
But it dont work.
DrRacket is showing:
. define: bad syntax (missing expression after identifier) in: (define delta)
Can't I set delta value later?
What is the problem?
thanks in advance
The original error message is because
(define delta)
is missing a value. Instead it should be something like:
(define delta 0)
There some other issues:
The double quotes weren't the " character and weren't recognized
by Racket.
Some parens were wrong.
Also I don't know why it was define-ing delta, then immediately
set!-ing it.
I tried to fix/simplify what you posted, and came up with the
following. But I'm not really sure what the function is supposed to
do, so I don't know if the example output is correct.
#lang racket
(define (f a b c)
(define delta (- (* b b) (* 4 a c)))
(if (>= delta 0)
(displayln "są pierwiastki")
(displayln "nie ma pierwiastków")))
;; Example output:
(f 1 2 3)
;;-> nie ma pierwiastków
(f 1 200 3)
;;-> są pierwiastki
Try this:
#lang racket
(define (f a b c)
(define delta 0)
(set! delta (- (* b b) (* 4 a c)))
(if (>= delta 0)
(displayln "są pierwiastki")
(displayln "nie ma pierwiastków")))
What was wrong with your code:
It's probably a copy-paste error, but in Scheme we delimit strings using the " character, not ” as in your code. And the last line is missing the closing ".
Although some interpreters accept a define without an initial value, the standard is that a value must be present after the variable name
A closing parenthesis is missing at the end of the set! line
The define and set! lines can be merged into a single line: (define delta (- (* b b) (* 4 a c)))
The >=? operator is not standard in Scheme, it might work in your interpreter but if possible use the standard >=
The writeln procedure is not standard in Scheme, in Racket you can substitute it for displayln
Not really an error, but you don't need to write a begin inside a procedure definition, it's implicit
In conclusion: the code in the question seems to be intended for a different interpreter, this question was tagged racket but believe me, what you have is not valid Racket code - heck, is not even standard Scheme. Make sure to use the correct interpreter, and be very alert for typos in the text.
I think Greg already has a perfect answer to your problem, but I just want to add the obvious let version of his code as well:
;; for a given ax^2+bx+c=0
;; this displays if it has at least one
;; real number answer or not
(define (equation-has-answer a b c)
(let ((delta (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))))
(if (>= delta 0)
(displayln "Has answer(s)")
(displayln "Has no answers"))))
To just make a predicate you can do this:
;; for a given ax^2+bx+c=0
;; this returns #t if it has at least one
;; real number answer and #f otherwise
(define (equation-has-answer? a b c)
(>= (- (* b b) (* 4 a c)) 0))

Error: Can't bind name in null syntactic environment

I'm currently going through exercise 1.3 of the sicp book. Here's the description of the problem:
Define a procedure that takes three numbers as arguments and returns
the sum of the squares of the two larger numbers.
I tried to solve it with the following code
(define (square x) (* x x))
(define (sq2largest a b c)
((define large1 (if (> a b) a b))
(define small (if (= large1 a) b a))
(define large2 (if (> c small) c small))
(+ (square large1) (square large2))))
When I ran it in mit-scheme, I got the following error:
;Can't bind name in null syntactic environment: large1
#[reserved-name-item 13]
Googling this error doesn't yield many results. Does anyone know what's wrong with my code? (I'm not familiar with Scheme)
I'll try to break down the structure of your sq2largest procedure:
The basic structure is:
(define (sq2largest a b c)
; Body)
The Body you wrote is:
((define large1 (if (> a b) a b)) ; let this be alpha
(define small (if (= large1 a) b a)) ; let this be bravo
(define large2 (if (> c small) c small)) ; let this be charlie
(+ (square large1) (square large2)) ; let this be delta) ; This parentheses encloses body
So, the Body is structured as:
(alpha bravo charlie delta)
Which translates to: "Pass bravo, charlie and delta as arguments to alpha."
Now, alpha is being told to take a bunch of arguments, but inside the namespace reserved for large1, no provision was made for any argument... i.e. scheme encounters a null syntactic environment where it cannot bind any variable.
Parentheses are significant in Scheme (and most, if not all, Lisps) because they define the scope of a procedure and enforce[1] the order of application of operations.
[1] "No ambiguity can arise, because the operator is always the leftmost element and the entire combination is delimited by the parentheses."
You have too many brackets. If you took out the extra brackets around the internal defines, things should work a lot better.

Variadic Function in Scheme

I have to define a variadic function in Scheme that takes the following form:
(define (n-loop procedure [a list of pairs (x,y)]) where the list of pairs can be any length.
Each pair specifies a lower and upper bound. That is, the following function call: (n-loop (lambda (x y) (inspect (list x y))) (0 2) (0 3)) produces:
(list x y) is (0 0)
(list x y) is (0 1)
(list x y) is (0 2)
(list x y) is (1 0)
(list x y) is (1 1)
(list x y) is (1 2)
Obviously, car and cdr are going to have to be involved in my solution. But the stipulation that makes this difficult is the following. There are to be no assignment statements or iterative loops (while and for) used at all.
I could handle it using while and for to index through the list of pairs, but it appears I have to use recursion. I don't want any code solutions, unless you feel it is necessary for explanation, but does anyone have a suggestion as to how this might be attacked?
The standard way to do looping in Scheme is to use tail recursion. In fact, let's say you have this loop:
(do ((a 0 b)
(b 1 (+ a b))
(i 0 (+ i 1)))
((>= i 10) a)
(eprintf "(fib ~a) = ~a~%" i a))
This actually get macro-expanded into something like the following:
(let loop ((a 0)
(b 1)
(i 0))
(cond ((>= i 10) a)
(else (eprintf "(fib ~a) = ~a~%" i a)
(loop b (+ a b) (+ i 1)))))
Which, further, gets macro-expanded into this (I won't macro-expand the cond, since that's irrelevant to my point):
(letrec ((loop (lambda (a b i)
(cond ((>= i 10) a)
(else (eprintf "(fib ~a) = ~a~%" i a)
(loop b (+ a b) (+ i 1)))))))
(loop 0 1 0))
You should be seeing the letrec here and thinking, "aha! I see recursion!". Indeed you do (specifically in this case, tail recursion, though letrec can be used for non-tail recursions too).
Any iterative loop in Scheme can be rewritten as that (the named let version is how loops are idiomatically written in Scheme, but if your assignment won't let you use named let, expand one step further and use the letrec). The macro-expansions I've described above are straightforward and mechanical, and you should be able to see how one gets translated to the other.
Since your question asked how about variadic functions, you can write a variadic function this way:
(define (sum x . xs)
(if (null? xs) x
(apply sum (+ x (car xs)) (cdr xs))))
(This is, BTW, a horribly inefficient way to write a sum function; I am just using it to demonstrate how you would send (using apply) and receive (using an improper lambda list) arbitrary numbers of arguments.)
Okay, so here is some general advice: you will need two loops:
an outer loop, that goes through the range levels (that's your variadic stuff)
an inner loop, that loops through the numbers in each range level
In each of these loops, think carefully about:
what the starting condition is
what the ending condition is
what you want to do at each iteration
whether there is any state you need to keep between iterations
In particular, think carefully about the last point, as that is how you will nest your loops, given an arbitrary number of nesting levels. (In my sample solution below, that's what the cur variable is.)
After you have decided on all these things, you can then frame the general structure of your solution. I will post the basic structure of my solution below, but you should have a good think about how you want to go about solving the problem, before you look at my code, because it will give you a good grasp of what differences there are between your solution approach and mine, and it will help you understand my code better.
Also, don't be afraid to write it using an imperative-style loop first (like do), then transforming it to the equivalent named let when it's all working. Just reread the first section to see how to do that transformation.
All that said, here is my solution (with the specifics stripped out):
(define (n-loop proc . ranges)
(let outer ((cur ???)
(ranges ranges))
(cond ((null? ranges) ???)
(else (do ((i (caar ranges) (+ i 1)))
((>= i (cadar ranges)))
(outer ??? ???))))))
Remember, once you get this working, you will still need to transform the do loop into one based on named let. (Or, you may have to go even further and transform both the outer and inner loops into their letrec forms.)
