Access VPN connection on guest Virtual PC from Host OS - windows

I am running as my Host OS - Win 7 x64 and running an instance of Virtual PC XP. I am running the Cisco ISPec VPN Client on the Guest XP VPC OS and can successfully connect to my company's corporate network.
I cannot run the Cisco IPSec client sw on the Host, because it is 64-bit, Cisco doesn't support 64-bit on its IPSec client products and I don't have alot of choices at the moment in terms of moving to Cisco's SSL VPN client (AnyConnect).
The XP VPC Guest OS is not using the NAT network adapter, but the physical adapter of the machine.
I can ping the Host from the Guest OS and vice versa when Cisco Client is not running on the XP VPC guest OS.
Couple of problems:
When the Cisco client is running and connected the guest OS cannot see the Host any longer.
I would like to be able to access the VPN from the Host when the XP VPC guest is connected to VPN.
For #2, I have tried at least one technique, described:
This technique turns on ICS on the Cisco pseudo network adapter.
I could not get this to work. I may have followed the instructions incorrectly, however.
I have also looked at:,guid,12ee0de7-f998-4084-8b06-537b3dbd5d9a.aspx
... which involves using a Loopback adapter and bridging between the host and guest OS. I have not followed this because the instructions are not completely clear.
Lastly, I have seen references on the net regarding a x64 build of OpenVPN, but I am hesitant to go in that direction.
Can anyone steer me in the correct direction regarding what to do?

actually cisco has cisco vpn client for windows 7 64 bit ,you can find it on ,but still cisco does not have client for windows 8


Howto route network traffic from WSL2 through a VPN connection established by the Windows 10 host?

So what I'm trying to do is to use nested VPN connections inside WSL2. The Windows 10 host is logged into one (Cisco AnyConnect, if it makes any difference) VPN, and I'm trying to establish another (openconnect GP protocol) VPN connection inside WSL2, that would get routed through the host OS's established VPN tunnel.
This all works fine with VirtualBox using NAT networking, but I have absolutely no idea how to achieve the same result with WSL2.
Zero experience with Windows networking, so don't really know where to even start (other than Googling, which has been of zero help so far). I have no need for any fancy VLANs or network confs for WSL2 containers. I'm simply using WSL2 to avoid the utter horseshit that is development tools running on Windows.

Use Windows VPN connection to Azure P2S VPN from MacOS

Windows 10 Virtual Machine hosted using Parallels on MacOS Catalina
Azure VPN - Basic SKU
Shared Network setup using Parallels
I can successfully connect to the Azure VPN using a Point-to-site connection from the Windows 10 installation.
Problem: I would like to use the VPN connection (established by Windows 10 VM) with macOS Host. Is this possible?
I have tried adding a static route on Mac OS as below, where is the Azure Network CIDR, and is the IP address of the Windows 10 VM on Parallels.
sudo route add -net
But this does not work. Any suggestions, or is there no way to share the VPN connection even with custom routing configuration?
Note. I understand that you can connect to Azure VPN from MacOS using the Standard SKU of Azure VPN, but would like to see if it is possible without.

Setup VPN to accept incoming connection on VMplayer

I have VMware player 5.0.2 installed in Win8 64bit host and running Win7 as Guest.
I'm trying to set up Win7 guest to receive VPN connection (PPTP), but it is not working, the VPN connection request keeps being disconnected.
Is it possible to create VPN on a bridged network? I am aiming to get the Guest Win7 to accept incoming VPN connections and allow the Win7 Guest to access the outside through VPN. Any clue or suggestions?
Yes we can setup VPN connection on a bridged network. It is possible to dial from my XP machine to a VPN server set up on a windows server 2008 which was running on VMWare.

DHCP to real network from VMWare machine

I'm currently working on a project involved in deploying Windows 7 (configured to our needs) to a lot of netbooks. For that I'm planning to use Acronis Snap Deploy and to push images through ethernet. I'm currently having issues with DHCP service though, because I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate on my PC (main). I tried to use programs which run DHCP services, but they all failed for some reason.
The thing is complicated with the fact, that my PC belongs to our corporate network with our our Domain and DHCP server - I connect to the network through WiFi.
I plan to use PCs Ethernet to create my own "private netbook network" :) I have to turn off my Wireless so that my PCs DHCP won't conflict with corporate's.
So my questions are:
1) If issue IS REALLY in DHCP programs, would I able to run Windows 2003 Server from Vmware Workstation, so that it would issue IP Addresses to the netbooks?
2) If you know better ways of deploying images to multiple PCs, can you advice me on that?
What network will netbooks be plugged in? You are talking about "private netbook network". Does it mean that all the netbooks are plugged in a network with only your PC and netbooks?
If so, you should install a DHCP server on your PC and enjoy. Netbooks get IP from your PC, no one knows about corporate network.
DHCP works by using broadcast. If your computer is connected to a corporate network that already uses DHCP, your new DHCP server may answer requests from other corporate PCs. You don't want that.
You need to make sure your DHCP server doesn't have a way to talk to the corporate network. You could put another network interface (like wifi you mentioned) in the PC, then make sure the DHCP server only hands out addresses on that non-corporate interface.
Using virtualization won't help unless the DHCP clients (the netbooks) are also virtual machines.

Is it possible to make localhost work through a Virtual Machine?

I am using a Macbook running 10.6. I am using VMware Fusion to run an Ubuntu Server minimal virtual machine. Ubuntu Server is running your basic LAMP stack.
I do my development in Mac OS. I have VMware share a directory from Mac OS to the Ubuntu Server. Ubuntu Server uses that directory for apache.
I access my server is Mac OS in firefox using the ip address of my virtual machine. This is a pain because I have to find out what the ip address is of my virtual machine each time I boot it up. I could set a static ip address but this causes problems if I move my Macbook from network to network.
Is there any configuration (NAT or Bridged or something) that would let me access my virtual machine from the Mac OS using localhost or something similar?
NAT should be OK. Your VM is on a different subnet that way, you can give it the static IP you like, and it won't interfere with the (dynamic) IP on your real network.
What you are looking for is the host-only networking adapter as opposed to the NAT or bridged adapters. This creates a network interface on the virtual machine that only connects the actual host. It is perfectly safe to set an IP address for this interface that does not change, and there will be no tricky NAT getting in the way. It's a little network that only exists for communication between the real host and the virtual host. It's exact purpose is so you can do development like this. I use the same feature on VirtualBox all the time, but VMWare has it as well.
Now, with a host-only adapter you might be worried that your VM now has no access to the Internet. The answer is simple. Just make two adapters. eth0, eth1. Make one of them a bridged or NAT adapter for Internet access. Make the other one the host-only adapter for your development. Most modern Linux distros will automatically route accordingly. I know for a fact that Ubuntu does, because I do it all the time. Again, this is with VirtualBox. Your mileage may vary with VMWare, but I can't imagine it's that different.
I'm using Virtual Box and typing in the computer local address (for instance instead of localhost did the trick.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question but why not just add an entry in your hosts file for the virtual machine? That way you can access it with some arbitrarily assigned name (like testmachine) instead of the IP.
This is the first tutorial I found through google:
This would work best if your VM has a static IP, BTW (either no DHCP or configure the DHCP server to give that MAC the same IP every time). That way you don't have to worry about changing the hosts entry every time the DHCP server gives the VM a different IP.
