Can I trigger a webcontrol panel's OnInit event without a page? - panel

I am working with someone else's code. The code was originally designed so that data would dynamically create controls (and sub-controls of those controls...) on the OnInit event on numerous web control panels. And then later validation methods would check those dynamically created controls for valid data. This continues to work just fine for my web site. However, I need to be able to validate that data without my website (as in this will just be server side). The simpilist solution appeared to be to just have the panels initialize and then run the validation methods. That'd be great...if I could figure out how to initialize those panels server side without a web page.
Can this be done? Is there any way to get a panel to initialize without having a page to display that panel?

That way lies madness - you could use reflection to call the control's InitRecursive method, but it needs a Page (among other things) to run correctly.
You should extract the validation code into a new class that you can call from your server code an change your WebControl to use that class as well.

Try RenderControl.


Change Sidedrawer content dynamically

I´m at that point on my app, where the user Logged in, receive the data from the server and now i need to make same changes. One of the changes is change the button that appears on my Sidedrawer saying Log In to Log Out and vice-versa when the user Logs Out...I could talk about other changes but i think the main thing is...
How do I access the Sidedrawer content in order to change/add buttons. I already entered the app-root.xml and made same testing adding the navigatingTo="onNavigatingTo" function and also in the .js file just to see if it responds, but it doesn´t...
How do i perform this?
You can show/hide your button via visibility, text binding or via a structural directive like *ngIf (if using Angular). For example, take a look here - I am showing/hiding a button based on whether the user is logged in or not (here is the related code-behind code).
The above example is using an Angular directive and can be applied only in Angular based applications, but with the same logic, you can substitute ****ngIf*** with visibility and achieve the same in TypeScript or plain JavaScript app.
The easiest way to do it is put the frame inside drawer content area, then navigate frame to another page.

Spring/GWT :Permission control on UI side

I am writing a simple web page, which shows some widgets based on user permission. If user has EDIT permission, the page renders EDIT widget else EDIT widget doesn't shows up.
What is the best way to achieve this?
I, first called a service to get logged in user's permission and then set visibility: none or block based on the permission. But, I see that user can "inspect element" on browser and set visibility accordingly. However, on server-side, I am using #PreAuthorize annotation on DAO to control the user actions.
How to control visibility of UI widgets without user being able to make changes, maybe from server side?
Update : I am looking for JSTL equivalent in GWT
AFAIK there is no JSTL equivalent for GWT.
However there are some 3rd party (i.e. ArcIS) libraries that make display/hiding UI elements based on user permissions more convenient.
However no matter whether you do it manually or using a library you should make sure that you properly secure your backend side (as far as I can tell you are doing that by using method level security).
One important thing to remember when dealing with client side permissions/security:
You should never trust input/actions from the client/browser, because you are not in control of it. So you must always do security on the backend
In my opinion, it really does not matter if the user could theoratically inspect the edit button for example using Browser Dev Tools and make it visible, as long as the the edit action on the backend is properly secured. If you are really that concerned you can remove the elements (i.e edit button) from the DOM instead of hiding it, but it won't make it more secure.
I, first called a service to get logged in user's permission and then
set visibility: none or block based on the permission.
Well instead of setting the visibility none or block, assuming you are using JSP, use JSTL tag
<c:if test="${if the user has permission}">Show widget UI code</c:if>
If the page has n widgets for which the user doesn't has permission, why would you load the code for all the n widgets. It's non performant.
write a panel that shows it's contents based on security settings in the client code
add the widgets to be controlled inside the security panel
the panel will now control the appearance of the children based on security in your client code
As has been mentioned before, and has been recognized by you, client security is only visibility control and thus not sufficient to protect the app.

Attach TargetWithoutContext to an AppBarButton

I have a Conductor<MyItem>.Collection.OneActive ViewModel and try to attach the application bar buttons to methods of MyItem with cal:Action.TargetWithoutContext="{ Binding ActiveItem }". My view is a Pivot, if someone wonders why am I trying to attach the application bar to a child ViewModel. The compiler says "Property 'TargetWithoutContext' is not attachable to elements of type 'AppBarButton'." Though it works with normal buttons elsewhere in the view.
How can I get it work? Or maybe any workaround?
The AppBar functionality that Caliburn.Micro provides is a hack due to the flaws in the underlying framework, which doesn't allow arbitrary binding. Unfortunately, we can't support TargetWithoutContext. For AppBars the target will always be the page's view model and messages can only be directed to it. If the page's view model is a conductor, and you want a child to receive the message, you could have the conductor receive it and then forward it on to its ActiveItem.
Unfortunatly the ApplicationBar is not bindalbe as it is not Part of the Silverlight Framework.
You can only interact with the Application via the Code Behind File of the Page which uses the ApplicationBar.
You have to register the Click Event and invoke the Action form the code Behind.
The WP7 ApplicationBar is just a simple wrapper around the native shell and doesn't support data binding at all. However, there are a couple of workarounds available.

MVC - How to develop a wizard like control functionality in ajax

I thought I would ask here about how to develop a wiazrd like control
in ajax for MVC before I started it.
The control will have pages that have data entry controls and
on each page submission insert data into a database.
Any ideas how to go about this?
Are you using a JavaScript library? I know dojo has a wizard in dojox namespace, and I'm pretty sure there are wizards for jquery. If not, I'd do a wizard just like I would tabs, without the tab bar, and each view contains a form and next, previous, cancel and or restart buttons, all of which would handle the ajax calls/state management and change the view.
If it's a wizard you probably actually should use separate web pages rather than having a single page that's updated through ajax calls, that way the forward and back buttons can work as nature intended in the browser for moving forward and back through the wizard.
Of course you can use fragment tricks to get forward / back working in a single page but in my experience this is tricky.

custom server control values lost in callback

I have a custom server control that loads data from a web service into a GridView. Works fine on my page. I want to be able to click on a row and pop a popupcontrol with more detail on the clicked row. I am using the client side events of the DevExpress gridview to handle the onclick. And from JavaScript I am calling a callbackpanel to access my custom server control to get properties to use in the popupcontrol. In the callback, the properties on my server control (which were previously set in order to display the data) are not set, yet any of the other standard controls on the page still have their property settings. Am I missing a setting in my customer server control that will persist my property settings into a callback?
There are a few methods for persisting values through a postback. The method you pick will depend on your exact situation, which you didn't elaborate enough. Personally, I think it sounds like a good place for AJAX...
Here's a great article with some options:
I've had very similar issues. The problem seemed to resolved by tweaking the timing of when the Data is bound.
