Does Reporting Services embedded in WinForm need SQL Server? - visual-studio

I am starting to learn Reporting Services and I read that it uses SQL Server to store the meta data. I am planning to use it in a WinForm app. Does SSRS require SQL Server to be used in a WinForm app? Can it be self contained like Crystal?

You can use LocalReport in order to make reports but you should give it directly the datasource. More over the ReportViewer Redistribuable Package should be installed !


pass dynamic data to jqplot piechart in

pass dynamic data to jqplot piechart in
Yes, it is possible to use SpagoBI server without using Cubes. Many different reporting engines plug into SpagoBI. I'm primarily using BIRT reports in SpagoBI, using a traditional RDMS model.
Look at the following list for the list of supported analytic engines, aside from the OLAP category.
See here for the docs on settings up a Data Source in SpagoBI
See these two screenshots for how to the the Data Source settings for a JTDS Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Connection. You can set it up via JNDI, as well.
SpagoBI Data Source menu :
SpagoBI JTDS MSSql JDBC Data source settings:
Remember to copy the jtds (or MS Equivalent) JDBC jar into your app server's library folder, SpagoBI libs, or class path. Be sure to test the data source and then save it. You'll have to restart the app server or app after that.

How can I do Database testing with Selenium RC?

How do i start database testing with selenium and SQL SERVER, kinldy let me know which all jar's do i have to download and start .
Selenium RC is meant to test html pages, using javascript, which is wrapped into client drivers for several languages. If you need anything from database it doesn't relate to selenium, just include your DB client libs and access it independently to Selenium.
Selenium is used mostly for web application testing.
You can use java features for database testing.
See the example given in the link below. You can use sql queries in java program to fetch results from database and validate them in the java program itself.
click here

What do the ASP.NET Universal Providers enable that the default sql providers don't?

Inside the readme file of the ASP.NET Universal providers NuGet package is this quote
The SqlMembershipProvider, SqlRoleProvider, SqlProfileProvider classes that shipped in ASP.NET through version 4 support only Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Express. They do not support newer offerings such as Microsoft SQL Azure and Microsoft SQL Server Compact.
However, when I run the custom aspnet_regsql scripts for Sql Azure and then point my web.config to the SQL Azure database, ASP.NET membership seems to work correctly.
Can anyone tell me what exactly doesn't work with SQL Azure, that the universal providers enable?
The main difference, as far as I can tell, is that when you connect to Sql Azure you need to implement retry logic. The original providers won't retry when a connection error occurs and this will happen from time to time with SQL Azure.
Also, the original providers don't raise exceptions containing the full SQL error codes so if your database is being throttled you won't know which throttling rule is being applied. At least this is what the SQL Azure support team tell me - I'm currently in the process of upgrading for this reason.
A note of caution: the Universal Providers seem to use a different database schema to the original providers, so you will need to migrate membership data. If you are starting a new project it will be much easier to change these providers before you go live with real users!
the universal providers enable you to use membership system on sqlazure and also make the implementation sql agnostic. you can take the same app using universal providers and change the datasource to be sql server/sqlexpress/sqlce/localdb etc

What is the Reporting tool that I will use in APEX?

I'm going to develop a new system using Oracle APEX.
I used to use Oracle Reports Builder to develop reports in Oracle Forms.
What Reporting tool should I use in APEX?
I need something with Oracle Reports features such as Conditional Formatting, PL/SQL support, etc?
Thanks and Regrads
You can use Oracle Reports with Apex - see this rather old how-to doc. Essentially, if you have Reports set up to run via the web then you can run a report via a URL like this:
So it is then just a matter of constructing this URL in Apex and using it. You can avoid passing the password as a parameter by using single sign-on for Apex and Reports.
See Quick Start Guide to Oracle Reports Server 9.0.4 for further details.
The recommended approach I think is to use BI Publisher, but that is expensive to license. There may be cheaper third-party alternatives to BI Publisher that can be used, but I don't know them.
I think there are a number of people in the Apex community waiting for a nice solution to this requirement!
You have that in APEX forms with PL/SQL. But you have to be more specific or you can try in creating a workspace and see what can be done with APEX.

Create an ETL with SQL Server 2008 R2 Express

I've recently installed the latest version of SQL Server (2008 R2 x64) and I'm now trying get my first steps to create an ETL.
Is it possible to create an ETL with SQL Server 2008 R2 Express, and if not is there some tool that provides that for free?
What I plan to do is collect data from multiple sources like a web services, rss feeds, a parsed url request, a file or maybe other database engine. Transform this collected data for an understandable schema (for my purposes) and store this in my SQL Server database.
If you are looking for a rather simple, yet very flexible and more code-based approach as an alternative to the SSIS (Integration Services), I'd recommend you have a good look at the Rhino ETL code library by Ayende Rahien.
Check out these resources:
Rhino ETL 2.0
Object-oriented ETL using Rhino ETL
Write ETL jobs in pure C#
Rhino ETL is a code-based, programmer-oriented approach - it gives you nice, usable base classes, from which you can inherit and do just about anything - with very little effort.
Integration Services, which is the product of SQLSERVER for this kind of tasks is not supported by the Express Edition.
Although, you can take the long way of making the integrations using plain TSQL and features of Express Edition like linked server (for other databases, access and excel), sqlcmd (for file system) and XML support(for web services).
