Most FTP clients return an exit code "0" even if an error occured during the file transfer.
I am facing a problem, where in I am checking for the error codes. But my script gets the error code number in the bytes sent and the validation fails.
I tried it like this:
if [[ egrep '^202 |^421 |^426 |^450 |^500 |^501 |^503 |^530 |^550 |^553 |^666 |^777 |^999 ' test.log ]] echo " Error in FTP !!! " else echo " FTP Successful !!!" fi
Can any one help me out how to segregate the error code from other numbers that come along with the message "byte sent" e.g "220 Bytes sent in 0.001 seconds (220 Kbytes/sec)"?
When an error code is returned, does the message only contain the error code and no text after it? If so, using the end of line anchor $ would work:
if [[ egrep '^202$ |^421$ |^426$ |^450$ |^500$ |^501$ |^503$ |^530$ |^550$ |^553$ |^666$ |^777$ |^999$ ' test.log ]] echo " Error in FTP !!! " else echo " FTP Successful !!!" fi
Using the Perl-variant of regular expressions you can use something like this:
if [[ grep -P '^(([45][0-9][0-9] )(?-i)(?!bytes received))|\?|(\w+: )|([Nn]ot connected)' test.log ]] echo " Error in FTP !!! " else echo " FTP Successful !!!" fi
The regular expression tests for all sorts of common FTP error codes and some on the client side. It uses a look-ahead expression '(?! …)' to test for the non-existence of the literal "bytes received" which solves your requirement — and mine as well. ;-)
The expression is far from perfect and can be expanded at your needs.
I guess that you have to be a bit more specific in your pattern, i.e., take the start of the message after the error code into the pattern.
Use wget or curl. Both of them support ftp, as well as http and https, and will return the desired exit status. And they are both open source as well.
I'm doing some challenge online. The lvl asked us to do some brute forcing.
SO now what's the difference between this 2 solutions :
## Solution 1
for i in $(seq -w 9999); do
echo "password_previous_lvl $i"
done | nc localhost 30002
## Solution 2
for i in $(seq -w 9999); do
echo "password_previous_lvl $i" | nc localhost 30002
The only things that is changing here is the piping.
I try to execute just the command in the shell. The output is :
bandit24#bandit:~$ echo "password_previous_lvl 2525" | nc localhost 30002
I am the pincode checker for user bandit25. Please enter the password for user bandit24 and the secret pincode on a single line, separated by a space.
Wrong! Please enter the correct pincode. Try again.
Timeout. Exiting.
There is a timeout.
If I try again directly in the shell with an other password the output is :
bandit24#bandit:~$ echo "password_previous_lvl 2525" | nc localhost 30002
I am the pincode checker for user bandit25. Please enter the password for user bandit24 and the secret pincode on a single line, separated by a space.
Wrong! Please enter the correct pincode. Try again.
password_previous_lvl 2526
Timeout. Exiting.
Just the timeout at then end just like before and no error message.
So I don't understand why when I use the solution number 1 with the piping at the end of the loop I got this result properly :
bandit24#bandit:/tmp$ ./
I am the pincode checker for user bandit25. Please enter the password for user bandit24 and the secret pincode on a single line, separated by a space.
Wrong! Please enter the correct pincode. Try again.
Wrong! Please enter the correct pincode. Try again.
Wrong! Please enter the correct pincode. Try again.
The password of user bandit25 is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Can someone explaining me the why ?
Another question is : Why does it ends when the good pin has been found and does not continue ?
Thanks a lot for your help.
Thanks for the comment #Raman Sailopal
In the first solution you are opening the connection only once and sending the echo statement 9999 times. In the second, you set up the connection 9999 times and then send the echo statement once for each connection.
I'm currently debugging a shell script, which acts as a master-script in a data pipeline. In order to run the pipeline, you feed a bunch of arguments into the shell script. From there, the shell script sequentially calls 6 different scripts [4 in R, 2 in Python], writes out stuff to log files, and so on. Basically, my idea is to use this script to automate a data pipeline that takes a long time to run.
Right now, if any of the individual R or Python scripts break within the shell script, it just jumps to the next script that it's supposed to call. However, running script requires the data input to scripts 01.R and 02.R to be fully run and processed, otherwise 03 will produce erroneous output data which will then be written out and further processed in later scripts.
What I want to do is,
1. Break the overall shell script if there's an error in any of the R scripts
2. Output a message telling me where this error happened [line of individual R / python script]
Here's a sample of the shell script which calls the individual scripts.
# A - 01.R
# log_file - this needs to be reassigned for every individual script
echo "Current time: $current_time"
echo "Now running script 01. Log file output being written to $log_file_dir$log_file."
Rscript 01.R -f $input_file -s $sql_db > $log_file_dir$log_file
# current time/date
echo "Current time: $current_time"
# B - 02.R
echo "Current time: $current_time"
echo "Now running script 02. Log file output being written to $log_file_dir$log_file"
Rscript 02.R -f $input_file -s $sql_db > $log_file_dir$log_file
echo "Current time: $current_time"
This sequence is repeated throughout the script until script 06.R, after which it collates some data retrieved from output files and log files, and prints them to stout.
Here's some sample output that gets printed by my current, which shows how the script just keeps moving even though 01.R has produced an error.
file: test-data/minisample.txt
There are a total of 101 elements in file.
Using the main database.
Writing log-files to this directory: log_files/minisample/.
Writing output-csv with classifications to output/minisample.csv.
Current time: Wed Nov 14 18:19:53 UTC 2018
Now running script 01. Log file output being written to log_files/minisample/01.log.
Loading required package: stringi
Loading required package: dplyr
Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
filter, lag
The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
Loading required package: RMySQL
Loading required package: DBI
Loading required package: methods
Loading required package: hms
Error: The following 2 arguments need to be provided:
-f <input file>.csv
-s <MySQL db name>
Execution halted
Current time: Wed Nov 14 18:19:54 UTC 2018
./ line 95: -1: substring expression < 0
./ line 100: -1: substring expression < 0
./ line 104: -1: substring expression < 0
Total time taken to run script 01.R:
Average time taken per user to run script 01.R:
Total time taken to run pipeline so far [01/06]:
Average time taken per user to run pipeline so far [01/06]:
Current time: Wed Nov 14 18:19:54 UTC 2018
Now running script 02. Log file output being written to log_files/minisample/02.log
Seeing as the R script 01.R produces an error, I want the script to stop. But how?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!
As another user mentioned, simply running set -e will make your script terminate on first error. However, if you want more control, you can also check the exit status with ${?} or simply $? assuming your program gives an exit code of 0 on success, and non-zero otherwise.
wget ${url} 2> ${error_file}
if [ ${exit_status} -ne 0 ]; then
echo -n "wget ${url} "
if [ ${exit_status} -eq 4 ]; then
echo "- Network failure."
elif [ ${exit_status} -eq 8 ]; then
echo "- Server issued an error response."
echo "- Other error"
echo "See ${error_file} for more details"
exit ${exit_status};
I like to put some boilerplate at the top of most scripts like this -
trap 'echo >&2 "ERROR in $0 at line $LINENO, Aborting"; exit $LINENO;' ERR
set -u
While coding at debugging, I usually add
set -x
And a lot of trace "comments" with colons -
: this will parse its args but only show under set -x
Then the trick is to make sure any errors you know are ok are handled.
Conditionals consume the errors, so those are safe.
if grep foo nonexistantfile
then : do the success stuff
else : if you *want* a failout here, just call false
false here will abort # args don't matter :)
By the same token, if you just want to catch and ignore a known possible error -
ls $mightNotExist ||: # || says "do on fail"; : is an alias for "true"
Just always check your likely errors. Then the only thing that will crash your script is a fail.
Mail sent by bash with return code 0, but not received (I checked the
target mail box for a few hours).
The command shell is:
echo "BodyOfMail" | mutt -a 1.png -s "AttachSuccess" --
Nevertheless, when I change the target email to, the mail
can be received. i.e. :
echo "BodyOfMail" | mutt -a 1.png -s "AttachSuccess" --
The mail can be received.
I ever suspected that the png attachment may be the cause, so I removed it,
but still, I get the same result( fail, OK).
In both of the cases, I tested the returned code by $?, and
both 0(which means success certainly).
Where is the problem, How can I solve it?
If there is something wrong the domain, How do I know it?
I have a Yii project that allows importing files.
Within this project I call the following command to try and convert xls files to csv:
$file = fopen($model->importfile->tempname,'r');
$filetype = substr($model->importfile, strrpos($model->importfile, '.')+1);
if ($filetype === 'xls')
$tempxls = $model->importfile->tempname;
$outputArr = array();
exec(Yii::app()->basePath."/commands/ " . $tempxls, $outputArr);
PropertiesController::xlsToConsoleV7Format($tempxls, $log);
# Try to autodetect OOFFICE and OOOPYTHON.
OOFFICE=`ls /usr/bin/libreoffice /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice /usr/bin/X11/libreoffice | head -n 1`
OOOPYTHON=`ls /usr/bin/python3 | head -n 1`
cp $1 $INPUT
if [ ! -x "$OOFFICE" ]
echo "Could not auto-detect binary"
if [ ! -x "$OOOPYTHON" ]
echo "Could not auto-detect Python"
echo "Detected binary: $OOFFICE"
echo "Detected python: $OOOPYTHON"
# Start in listening mode on TCP port 2002.
$OOFFICE "-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager" -norestore -nofirststartwizard -nologo -headless &
# Wait a few seconds to be sure it has started.
sleep 5s
# Convert as many documents as you want serially (but not concurrently).
# Substitute whichever documents you wish.
# Close
cp $OUTPUT $1
This can be found here: It has been slightly modified to have correct syntax for python3.
Ok, the issue is, when running the php code from the terminal, it correctly creates the csv file from the excel file.
However, when running it from within the browser, it still runs the script and creates the output file, but it has not correctly converted it into csv.
It all works perfectly for every file I have thrown at it so far when running from console, but for some reason when running it from within a browser, it fails to convert the file properly.
Any ideas for what could be going wrong?
Thanks alejandro, permission errors seemed to be the issue. Also I needed to move the .config/librroffice folder into apaches home directory.
I'm working on a custom Nagios script that will monitor cPanel to make sure it is running and give back a status depending on what it gets from an output of service cpanel status. This is what I have:
# Constants
ALERT_OK="OK - cPanel is running"
cpanel=$(service cpanel status | head -1)
if [ "$cpanel" = "$cpanelstate" ]; then
echo $ALERT_OK
exit 0
exit 2
exit $exitstatus
When I run the script, this is the output I get:
root#shared01 [/home/mvelez]# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_cpanel
CRITICAL - cPanel is NOT running
When I run the script, cPanel IS RUNNING but this is the output I get. As a matter of fact, no matter what the status reports for cPanel this is the output that comes out. When I comment out the ELSE, ECHO and EXIT 2 statement:
# exit 2
It gives back a blank output:
root#shared01 [/home/mvelez]# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_cpanel
root#shared01 [/home/mvelez]#
I'm not sure what I'm not doing correctly as I am very new to bash scripting and trying to learn as I go along. Thank you in advanced for any and all help very very much!
The code below should work, but you might need to run it with sudo, because 'service' might not be available for ordinary users.
# Constants
ALERT_OK="OK - cPanel is running"
cpanel=$(service apache2 status | head -1)
echo CPANEL $cpanel
if [[ $cpanel == *$cpanelstate* ]]; then
echo $ALERT_OK
exit 0
exit 2
#Oleg Gryb's answer solves your problem, but as for why your original script didn't work:
[ "$cpanel" = "$cpanelstate" ] compared the full command output - e.g., cpsrvd (pid 10066) is running..., against a substring of the expected output, running... for equality, which will obviously fail.
The solution is to use bash's pattern matching, provided via the right-hand side of its [[ ... ]] conditional (bash's superior alternative to the [ ... ] conditional):
[[ "$cpanel" == *"$cpanelstate" ]]
* represents any sequence of characters, so that this conditional returns true, if $cpanel ends with $cpanelstate (note how * must be unquoted to be recognized as a special pattern char.)