Display Progress Bar at the Time of Processing - vb6

If I am getting data from the database from start time to end time, during that time (of processing / querying), I want to display a progress bar (something like, “Processing, please wait”). How can I do this?

Steps of geting data from db:
app send query to db
db analyzes query and prepares result
db send result back to app
In most cases you cannot say how much time it will take, so instead of progress bar think about combination of:
hour glass mouse pointer
"please wait" in status bar
little animation (windmill, rotating gear wheels etc)

While its true that you cant tell how long the query is going to take, its possible to give your user and idea of the time lapsed/remaining. You use the progress bar control from your VB IDE. You then set its 'max' property to your query recordcount. As you iterate through the records increase the progress bars 'value' property. Here's an example; ('Rs' is an ADODB recordset)
ProgressBar1.Max = Rs.RecordCount - 1
For P = 0 To .RecordCount - 1
ProgressBar1.Value = P
'some process here
Next P


SAP Script Recording and Playback - Cumulative data

If I am using the Script Recording and Playback feature on same transaction for instance ME25, multiple times, I am getting cumulative data as part of multiple scripts rather than incremental data.
Explanation :
If I open ME25 details and enter "100-310" as Material and "Ball Bearing" as Short Text and stop the recording, I get the following script, which is expected behavior.
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMM06BTC_0106/ctxtEBAN-MATNR[3,0]").text = "100-310"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMM06BTC_0106/txtEBAN-TXZ01[4,0]").text = "Ball Bearing"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMM06BTC_0106/txtEBAN-TXZ01[4,0]").caretPosition = 12
After this, I restart the recording and type Qty Requested as "100" and delivery date as "21.04.2021" and stop the recording. I get the following script:
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMM06BTC_0106/ctxtEBAN-MATNR[3,0]").text = "100-310"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMM06BTC_0106/txtEBAN-TXZ01[4,0]").text = "Ball Bearing"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMM06BTC_0106/txtEBAN-MENGE[5,0]").text = "100"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMM06BTC_0106/ctxtRM06B-EEIND[8,0]").text = "21.04.2021"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMM06BTC_0106/ctxtEBAN-EKGRP[9,0]").caretPosition = 0
Instead of getting the incremental part that I typed for the second recording instance, I am getting complete script. Is there a way to achieve incremental scripts?
I can reproduce in my SAP GUI 7.60 (whatever screen it is; whatever kind of field it is, I can reproduce even with very simple fields like in a Selection Screen).
It seems that it happens all the time, even if you write your own recorder (a VBS script which mainly uses session.record = True + event handlers). It's due to the fact that SAP GUI sends all the screen events (i.e. the user actions) since the screen was entered, when the user presses a button, a function key, closes a window, or stops the SAP GUI Recorder.
If you write your own recorder, I guess you can save the screen contents when you start the recorder, and when the "change" events occur you may ignore those ones where the new field value has not changed since the recorder started. But that's a lot of work.
I think that it's far more easy to append manually the last lines of the last script to the initial script.

Azure Application Insights query to display time frequency

want to Display the time along with milliseconds with the time duration like 1200 ms, 1500 ms on the Dashboard , Is there a way to define these time duration to display on chart?
enter image description here
I'm not sure if this would work for you. But what I do when sharing a report from an App Insights or Log Analytics query, is use the render * with(title="") syntax to add a title. This allows me to add context to what it is I am sharing. For you this could be the place you specify the units of the X and Y axis.
See my example below for including titles.
let start = ago(3h);
let end = now();
let timegrain = 1m;
| where
timestamp > start and timestamp < end
| summarize
Avg_Duration_Seconds = avg(duration)/1000
| render timechart with(title="AVG PageView Duration(seconds) - Last 3 Hours, By Minute")
You'd need to change the units in whatever chart that is however you got it on the dashboard.
If you did that query in workbooks, you'd go into chart settings in that step of the workbook and tell it the y-axis is milliseconds, and it would add the appropriate units for you in the labels. If you are using metrics, the metrics should already know the units and show the right labels.
You'll need to clarify your question about exactly how / where you created that chart for anyone to help you any further.

Handle StaleElement exception

I have a table in which data can be refreshed by selecting some filter checkboxes. One or more checkboxes can be selected and after each is selected a spinner is displayed on the page. Subsequent filters can only be selected once the previous selection has refreshed the table. The issue I am facing is that I keep getting StaleElementException intermittently.
This is what I do in capybara -
visit('/table-page') # table with default values is displayed
# select all filters one by one. Wait for spinner to disappear after each selection
filters.each {|filter| check(filter); has_no_css?('.loading-overlay', wait: 15)}
# get table data as array of arrays. Added *minimum* so it waits for table
all('tbody tr', minimum: 1).map { |row| row.all('th,td').map(&:text) }
I am struggling to understand why am I seeing StaleElementException. AFAIK Capybara uses synchronize to reload node when using text method on a given node. It also happens that sometimes the table data returns stale data(i.e the one before the last filter update)
The use of all or first disables reloading of any elements returned (If you use find the element is reloadable since the query used to locate the element is fully known). This means that if the page changes at all during the time the last line of your code is running you'll end up with the StaleElement errors. This is possible in your code because has_no_css? can run before the overlay appears. One solution to this is to use has_css? with a short wait time, to detect the overlay before checking that it disappears. The has_xxx? methods just return true/false and don't raise errors so worst case has_css? misses the appearance/disappearance of the overlay completely and basically devolves into a sleep for the specified wait time.
visit('/table-page') # table with default values is displayed
# select all filters one by one. Wait for spinner to disappear after each selection
filters.each do |filter|
has_css?('.loading_overlay', wait: 1)
assert_no_selector('.loading-overlay', wait: 15)
# get table data as array of arrays. Added *minimum* so it waits for table
all('tbody tr', minimum: 1).map { |row| row.all('th,td').map(&:text) }

While Recording in Squish using python, how to set the application to sleep for sometime between 2 consecutive activities?

I am working on an application where there are read only screens.
To test whether the data is being fetched on screen load, i want to set some wait time till the screen is ready.
I am using python to record the actions. Is there a way to check the static text on the screen and set the time ?
You can simply use
snooze(time in s).
If you want to wait for a certain object, use
type(waitForObject(":Welcome.Button"), )
The problem is more complicated if your objects are created dynamically. As my app does. In this case, you should create a while function that waits until the object exists. Here, maybe this code helps you:
def whileObjectIsFalse(objectID):
# objectID = be the symbolic name of your object.
counter = 300
objectState = object.exists(objectID)
while objectState == False:
objectState = object.exists(objectID)
counter -= 1
if counter == 0:
return False
In my case, even if I use snooze(), doesn't work all the time, because in some cases i need to wait 5 seconds, in other 8 or just 2. So, presume that your object is not created and tests this for 30 seconds.
If your object is not created until then, then the code exits with False, and you can tests this to stop script execution.
If you're using python, you can use time.sleep() as well

Limitation in retrieving rows from a mongodb from ruby code

I have a code which gets all the records from a collection of a mongodb and then it performs some computations.
My program takes too much time as the "coll_id.find().each do |eachitem|......." returns only 300 records at an instant.
If I place a counter inside the loop and check it prints 300 records and then sleeps for around 3 to 4 seconds before printing the counter value for next set of 300 records..
coll_id.find().each do |eachcollectionitem|
puts "counter value for record " + counter.to_s
counter=counter +1
---- My computations here -----
Is this a limitation of ruby-mongodb api or some configurations needs to be done so that the code can get access to all the records at one instant.
How large are your documents? It's possible that the deseriaization is taking a long time. Are you using the C extensions (bson_ext)?
You might want to try passing a logger when you connect. That could help sort our what's going on. Alternatively, can you paste in the MongoDB log? What's happening there during the pause?
