Laziness and tail recursion in Haskell, why is this crashing? - performance

I have this fairly simple function to compute the mean of elements of a big list, using two accumulators to hold the sum so far and the count so far:
mean = go 0 0
go s l [] = s / fromIntegral l
go s l (x:xs) = go (s+x) (l+1) xs
main = do
putStrLn (show (mean [0..10000000]))
Now, in a strict language, this would be tail-recursive, and there would be no problem. However, as Haskell is lazy, my googling has led me to understand that (s+x) and (l+1) will be passed down the recursion as thunks. So this whole thing crashes and burns:
Stack space overflow: current size 8388608 bytes.
After further googling, I found seq and $!. Which it seems I don't understand because all my attempts at using them in this context proved futile, with error messages saying something about infinite types.
Finally I found -XBangPatterns, which solves it all by changing the recursive call:
go !s !l (x:xs) = go (s+x) (l+1) xs
But I'm not happy with this, as -XBangPatterns is currently an extension. I would like to know how to make the evaluation strict without the use of -XBangPatterns. (And maybe learn something too!)
Just so you understand my lack of understanding, here's what I tried (the only try that compiled, that is):
go s l (x:xs) = go (seq s (s+x)) (seq l (l+1)) xs
From what I could understand, seq should here force the evaluation of the s and l argument, thus avoiding the problem caused by thunks. But I still get a stack overflow.

I've written extensively on this:
Real World Haskell, ch 24: controlling evaluation
On recursion and strictness in Haskell
Firstly, yes, if you want to require strict evaluation of the accumulators use seq and stay in Haskell 98:
mean = go 0 0
go s l [] = s / fromIntegral l
go s l (x:xs) = s `seq` l `seq`
go (s+x) (l+1) xs
main = print $ mean [0..10000000]
*Main> main
Secondly: strictness analysis will kick in if you give some type annotations, and compile with -O2:
mean :: [Double] -> Double
mean = go 0 0
go :: Double -> Int -> [Double] -> Double
go s l [] = s / fromIntegral l
go s l (x:xs) = go (s+x) (l+1) xs
main = print $ mean [0..10000000]
$ ghc -O2 --make A.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( A.hs, A.o )
Linking A ...
$ time ./A
./A 0.46s user 0.01s system 99% cpu 0.470 total
Because 'Double' is a wrapper over the strict atomic type Double#, with optimizations on, and a precise type, GHC runs strictness analysis and infers that the strict version will be ok.
import Data.Array.Vector
main = print (mean (enumFromToFracU 1 10000000))
data Pair = Pair !Int !Double
mean :: UArr Double -> Double
mean xs = s / fromIntegral n
Pair n s = foldlU k (Pair 0 0) xs
k (Pair n s) x = Pair (n+1) (s+x)
$ ghc -O2 --make A.hs -funbox-strict-fields
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( A.hs, A.o )
Linking A ...
$ time ./A
./A 0.03s user 0.00s system 96% cpu 0.038 total
As described in the RWH chapter above.

The seq function forces evaluation of the first parameter once the function is called. When you pass seq s (s+x) as a parameter the seq function is not called immediately, because there is no need to evaluate the value of that parameter. You want the call to seq to be evaluated before the recursive call, so that that in turn can force its parameter to be evaluated.
Usually this is done link this:
go s l (x:xs) = s `seq` l `seq` go (s+x) (l+1) xs
This is a syntactic variation of seq s (seq l (go (s+x) (l+1) xs)). Here the calls to seq are the outermost function calls in the expression. Because of Haskell's laziness this causes them to be evaluated first: seq is called with the still unevaluated parameters s and seq l (go (s+x) (l+1) xs), evaluating the parameters is deferred to the point where somebody actually tries to access their values.
Now seq can force its first parameter to be evaluated before returning the rest of the expression. Then the next step in the evaluation would be the second seq. If the calls to seq are buried somewhere in some parameter they might not be executed for a long time, defeating their purpose.
With the changed positions of the seqs the program executes fine, without using excessive amounts of memory.
Another solution to the problem would be to simply enable optimizations in GHC when the program is compiled (-O or -O2). The optimizer recognizes the dispensable laziness and produces code that doesn't allocate unnecessary memory.

You are right in your understanding that seq s (s+x) forces the evaluation of s. But it doesn't force s+x, therefore you're still building up thunks.
By using $! you can force the evaluation of the addition (two times, for both arguments). This achieves the same effect as using the bang patterns:
mean = go 0 0
go s l [] = s / fromIntegral l
go s l (x:xs) = ((go $! s+x) $! l+1) xs
The use of the $! function will translate the go $! (s+x) to the equivalent of:
let y = s+x
in seq y (go y)
Thus y is first forced into weak head normal form, which means that the outermost function is applied. In the case of y, the outermost function is +, thus y is fully evaluated to a number before being passed to go.
Oh, and you probably got the infinite type error message because you didn't have the parenthesis in the right place. I got the same error when I first wrote your program down :-)
Because the $! operator is right associative, without parenthesis go $! (s+x) $! (l+1) means the same as: go $! ((s+x) $! (l+1)), which is obviously wrong.


Foldl memory performance in GHC 8.0.x

I got into a weird issue while checking memory usage of some code I was working on.
Using foldl to sum the elements of a very big list, I get a constant memory usage.
Using foldl' I get a constant memory usage as well (as expected).
Using foldr the memory grows and bring my system to knees (no stack overflow exception as I would expect).
The minimum code needed to trigger it is:
main = print $ foldx (+) 0 [1..100000000000000000000]
where foldx is foldl, foldr or foldl'
I was under the impression (as per Foldr Foldl Foldl') that the opposite would have been true.
I setup a repo with the aforementioned code:
What's going on here? Is it GHC 8.0.x being too smart?
I'm on macOS Sierra
foldl and foldl'
In this case, GHC sees that foldl can be made strict and essentially rewrites it to utilise foldl'. See below how GHC optimizes the foldl construct.
Note that this only applies because you compiled with optimizations -O. Without optimizations the foldl programs consumes all my memory and crashes.
Looking at the output of ghc -O -fforce-recomp -ddump-simpl foldl.hs we can see that GHC eliminates the huge list used entirely and optimizes the expression to a tail recursive function:
Rec {
-- RHS size: {terms: 20, types: 5, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
Main.main_go [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
[GblId, Arity=2, Str=<S,U><S,1*U>]
= \ (x_a36m :: Integer) (eta_B1 :: Integer) ->
case integer-gmp-
x_a36m lim_r4Yv
of wild_a36n
{ __DEFAULT ->
case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# # Bool wild_a36n of {
False ->
x_a36m 1)
(integer-gmp- eta_B1 x_a36m);
True -> eta_B1
end Rec }
Which explains why it runs with constant memory usage.
Why does foldr need that much memory?
foldr builds up a lot of thunks, which are essentially unfinished computations which will hold the correct value eventually. Essentially, when trying to evaluate the foldr expression, this happens:
foldr (+) 0 [1..100]
== (+) 1 $ foldr 0 [2..100]
== (+) 1 $ (+) 2 $ foldr [3..100]
== (+) 1 $ (+) 2 $ .. $ (+) 99 $ (+) 100 0 -- at this point there are 100
== (+) 1 $ (+) 2 $ .. $ (+) 99 $ 100 -- unevaluated computations, which
== (+) 1 $ (+) 2 $ .. $ (+) 199 -- take up a lot of memory
== (+) 1 $ 5049
== 5050
The limit of 100000000000000000000 is just big for the thunks to take up more space than your RAM and you program crashes.

Optimize a list function that creates too much garbage (not stack overflow)

I have that Haskell function, that's causing more than 50% of all the allocations of my program, causing 60% of my run time to be taken by the GC. I run with a small stack (-K10K) so there is no stack overflow, but can I make this function faster, with less allocation?
The goal here is to calculate the product of a matrix by a vector. I cannot use hmatrix for example because this is part of a bigger function using the ad Automatic Differentiation package, so I need to use lists of Num. At runtime I suppose the use of the Numeric.AD module means my types must be Scalar Double.
listMProd :: (Num a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
listMProd mdt vdt = go mdt vdt 0
go [] _ s = [s]
go ls [] s = s : go ls vdt 0
go (y:ys) (x:xs) ix = go ys xs (y*x+ix)
Basically we loop through the matrix, multiplying and adding an accumulator until we reach the end of the vector, storing the result, then continuing restarting the vector again. I have a quickcheck test verifying that I get the same result than the matrix/vector product in hmatrix.
I have tried with foldl, foldr, etc. Nothing I've tried makes the function faster (and some things like foldr cause a space leak).
Running with profiling tells me, on top of the fact that this function is where most of the time and allocation is spent, that there are loads of Cells being created, Cells being a data type from the ad package.
A simple test to run:
import Numeric.AD
main = do
let m :: [Double] = replicate 400 0.2
v :: [Double] = replicate 4 0.1
mycost v m = sum $ listMProd m v
mygrads = gradientDescent (mycost (map auto v)) (map auto m)
print $ mygrads !! 1000
This on my machine tells me GC is busy 47% of the time.
Any ideas?
A very simple optimization is to make the go function strict by its accumulator parameter, because it's small, can be unboxed if a is primitive and always needs to be fully evaluated:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
listMProd :: (Num a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
listMProd mdt vdt = go mdt vdt 0
go [] _ !s = [s]
go ls [] !s = s : go ls vdt 0
go (y:ys) (x:xs) !ix = go ys xs (y*x+ix)
On my machine, it gives 3-4x speedup (compiled with -O2).
On the other hand, intermediate lists shouldn't be strict so they could be fused.

Haskell Fibonacci sequence performance depending on methodology

I was trying out different approaches to getting a number at a given index of the Fibonacci sequence and they could basically be divided into two categories:
building a list and querying an index
using variables (might be separate or tupled, without a list)
I picked an example of both:
fibs1 :: Int -> Integer
fibs1 n = fibs1' !! n
where fibs1' = 0 : scanl (+) 1 fibs1'
fib2 :: Int -> Integer
fib2 n = fib2' 1 1 n where
fib2' _ b 2 = b
fib2' a b n = fib2' b (a + b) (n - 1)
real 0m2.356s
user 0m2.310s
sys 0m0.030s
real 0m0.671s
user 0m0.667s
sys 0m0.000s
Both were compiled with 64bit GHC 7.6.1 and -O2 -fllvm. Their core dumps are very similar in length, but they differ in the parts that I'm not very proficient at interpreting.
I was not surprised that fibs1 failed for n = 350000 (Stack space overflow). However, I am not comfortable with the fact that it used that much memory.
I would like to clear some things up:
Why does the GC not take care of the beginning of the list throughout computation even though most of it quickly becomes useless?
Why does GHC not optimize the list version to a variable version since only two of its elements are required at once?
EDIT: Sorry, I mixed the speed results, fixed. Two of three of my doubts are still valid, though ;).
Why does the GC not take care of the beginning of the list throughout computation even though most of it quickly becomes useless?
fibs1 uses a lot of memory and is slow because scanl is lazy, it doesn't evaluate the list elements, so
fibs1' = 0 : scanl (+) 1 fibs1'
0 : scanl (+) 1 (0 : more)
0 : 1 : let f2 = 1+0 in scanl (+) f2 (1 : more')
0 : 1 : let f2 = 1+0 in f2 : let f3 = f2+1 in scanl (+) f3 (f2 : more'')
0 : 1 : let f2 = 1+0 in f2 : let f3 = f2+1 in f3 : let f4 = f3+f2 in scanl (+) f4 (f3 : more''')
etc. So you rather quickly get a huge nested thunk. When that thunk is evaluated, it is pushed on the stack, and at some point between 250000 and 350000, it becomes too big for the default stack.
And since each list element holds a reference to the previous while it is not evaluated, the beginning of the list cannot be garbage-collected.
If you use a strict scan,
fibs1 :: Int -> Integer
fibs1 n = fibs1' !! n
fibs1' = 0 : scanl' (+) 1 fibs1'
scanl' f a (x:xs) = let x' = f a x in x' `seq` (a : scanl' f x' xs)
scanl' _ a [] = [a]
when the k-th list cell is produced, its value is already evaluated, so doesn't refer to a previous, hence the list can be garbage collected (assuming nothing else holds a reference to it) as it is traversed.
With that implementation, the list version is about as fast and lean as fib2 (it needs to allocate list cells nevertheless, so it allocates a small bit more, and is possibly a tiny bit slower therefore, but the difference is minute, since the Fibonacci numbers become so large that the list construction overhead becomes negligible).
The idea of scanl is that its result is incrementally consumed, so that the consumption forces the elements and prevents the build-up of large thunks.
Why does GHC not optimize the list version to a variable version since only two of its elements are required at once?
Its optimiser can't see through the algorithm to determine that. scanl is opaque to the compiler, it doesn't know what scanl does.
If we take the exact source code for scanl (renaming it or hiding scanl from the Prelude, I opted for renaming),
scans :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]
scans f q ls = q : (case ls of
[] -> []
x:xs -> scans f (f q x) xs)
and compile the module exporting it (with -O2), and then look at the generated interface file with
ghc --show-iface Scan.hi
we get (for example, minor differences between compiler versions)
Magic: Wanted 33214052,
got 33214052
Version: Wanted [7, 0, 6, 1],
got [7, 0, 6, 1]
Way: Wanted [],
got []
interface main:Scan 7061
interface hash: ef57dac14815e2f1f897b42a007c0c81
ABI hash: 8cfc8dab79de6a51fcad666f1869574f
export-list hash: 57d6805e5f0b5f76f0dd8dfb228df988
orphan hash: 693e9af84d3dfcc71e640e005bdc5e2e
flag hash: 1e8135cb44ef6dd330f1f56943d1f463
used TH splices: False
module dependencies:
package dependencies: base* ghc-prim integer-gmp
orphans: base:GHC.Base base:GHC.Float base:GHC.Real
family instance modules:
import -/ base:Prelude 1cb4b618cf45281dc97748b1831bf0cd
scans :: forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]
{- Arity: 3, HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: LLL -}
vectorised variables:
vectorised tycons:
vectorised reused tycons:
scalar variables:
scalar tycons:
trusted: safe-inferred
require own pkg trusted: False
and see that the interface file doesn't expose the unfolding of the function, only its type, arity, strictness and that it doesn't refer to CAFs.
When a module importing that is compiled, all that the compiler has to go by is the information exposed by the interface file.
Here, there is no information exposed that would allow the compiler to do anything else but emit a call to the function.
If the unfolding were exposed, the compiler had a chance to inline the unfolding and analyse the code knowing the types and combination function to produce more eager code that doesn't build thunks.
The semantics of scanl, however, are maximally lazy, each element of the output is emitted before the input list is inspected. That has the consequence that GHC can't make the addition strict, since that would change the result if the list contained any undefined values:
scanl (+) 1 [undefined] = 1 : scanl (+) (1 + undefined) [] = 1 : (1 + undefined) : []
scanl' (+) 1 [undefined] = let x' = 1 + undefined in x' `seq` 1 : scanl' (+) x' []
= *** Exception: Prelude.undefined
One could make a variant
scanl'' f b (x:xs) = b `seq` b : scanl'' f (f b x) xs
that would produce 1 : *** Exception: Prelude.undefined for the above input, but any strictness would indeed change the result if the list contained undefined values, so even if the compiler knew the unfolding, it couldn't make the evaluation strict - unless it could prove that there are no undefined values in the list, a fact that is obvious to us, but not the compiler [and I don't think it would be easy to teach a compiler recognize that and be able to prove the absence of undefined values].

Compiler optimizations for infinite lists in Haskell?

I've various "partial permutation" functions of type t -> Maybe t that either take me to a new location in a data structure by returning a Just or else return a Nothing if they cannot yet get there.
I routinely must applying these partial permutations in repeated specific patterns, building a list of all intermediate values, but truncating the list whenever I return to my starting position or a permutation fails.
scan_partial_perms :: Eq t => [t -> Maybe t] -> t -> [t]
scan_partial_perms ps v = map fromJust . takeWhile test $ scanl (>>=) (Just v) ps
where test (Just i) | i /= v = True
test _ = False
iterate_partial_perm = scan_partial_perm . iterate
cycle_partial_perms = scan_partial_perms perms . cycle
I'm fairly confident that scanl has the desirable strictness and tail recursion properties in this context. Any other tips on optimizing this code? In particular, what compiler options beyond -O3 -fllvm should I read about?
At worst, I could replace the scanl and infinite list with an accessor function defined like
perm l i = l !! i `rem` length l
I'd imagine this cannot improve performance with the right optimizations however.
I think you have a bug in scan_partial_perms,
scan_partial_perms ps v = map fromJust . takeWhile test $ scanl (>>=) (Just v) ps
scanl f s list always starts with s, so takeWhile test (scanl ...) is []. If that is intentional, it's quite obfuscated. Assuming what you want is
scan_partial_perms ps v = (v:) . map fromJust . takeWhile test . tail $ scanl (>>=) (Just v) ps
there's not much you can do. You can {-# SPECIALISE #-} it so the Eq dictionary is eliminated for the specialised-for types. That'll do you some good if the compiler doesn't do that on its own (which it may if it can see the use site). With ghc >= 7, you can instead make it {-# INLINABLE #-}, so that it can be specialised and perhaps inlined at each use site.
I don't know what happens down the llvm road, but at the core-level, map, fromJust and takeWhile are not yet inlined, so if you're desperate enough, you can get maybe a few tenths of a percent by inlining them manually if they aren't inlined later in the llvm backend:
scan_partial_perms ps v = v : go v ps
go w (q:qs) = case q w of
Just z
| z /= v -> z : go z qs
_ -> []
go _ _ = []
But those are very cheap functions, so the gains - if at all present - would be small.
So what you have is rather good already, if it's not good enough, you need a different route of attack.
The one with the list indexing,
perm l i = l !! (i `rem` length l)
-- parentheses necessary, I don't think (l !! i) `rem` length l was what you want
doesn't look good. length is expensive, (!!) is expensive too, so both should in general be avoided.

Space leak in list program

I am solving some problems of Project Euler in Haskell. I wrote a program for a riddle in it and it did not work as I expected.
When I looked in the task manager when running the program I saw that it was using > 1 gigabyte of RAM on ghc. A friend of me wrote a program with the same meaning in Java and succeeded in 7 seconds.
import Data.List
opl = find vw $ map (\x-> fromDigits (x++[0,0,9]) )
$ sequence [[1],re,[2],re,[3],re,[4],re,[5],re,[6],re,[7],re,[8],re]
vw x = hh^2 == x
where hh = (round.sqrt.fromIntegral) x
re = [0..9]
fromDigits x = foldl1 (\n m->10*n+m) x
I know this program would output the number I want given enough RAM and time, but there has to be a better-performing way.
The main problem here is that sequence has a space leak. It is defined like this:
sequence [] = [[]]
sequence (xs:xss) = [ y:ys | y <- xs, ys <- sequence xss ]
so the problem is that the list produced by the recursive call sequence xss is re-used for each of the elements of xs, so it can't be discarded until the end. A version without the space leak is
myseq :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
myseq xs = go (reverse xs) []
go [] acc = [acc]
go (xs:xss) acc = concat [ go xss (x:acc) | x <- xs ]
PS. the answer seems to be Just 1229314359627783009
Edit version avoiding the concat:
seqlists :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
seqlists xss = go (reverse xss) [] []
go [] acc rest = acc : rest
go (xs:xss) acc rest = foldr (\y r -> go xss (y:acc) r) rest xs
note that both of these versions generate the results in a different order from the standard sequence, so while they work for this problem we can't use one as a specialised version of sequence.
Following on from the answer given by Simon Marlow, here's a version of sequence that avoids the space leak while otherwise working just like the original, including preserving the order.
It still uses the nice, simple list comprehension of the original sequence - the only difference is that a fake data dependency is introduced that prevents the recursive call from being shared.
sequenceDummy d [] = d `seq` [[]]
sequenceDummy _ (xs:xss) = [ y:ys | y <- xs, ys <- sequenceDummy (Just y) xss ]
sequenceUnshared = sequenceDummy Nothing
I think this is a better way of avoiding the sharing that leads to the space leak.
I'd blame the excessive sharing on the "full laziness" transformation. Normally this does a great job of creating sharing that avoids recomputions, but sometimes recompution is very much more efficient than storing shared results.
It'd be nice if there was a more direct way to tell the compiler not to share a specific expression - the above dummy Maybe argument works and is efficient, but it's basically a hack that's just complicated enough that ghc can't tell that there's no real dependency. (In a strict language you don't have these issues because you only have sharing where you explicitly bind a variable to a value.)
EDIT: I think I'm wrong here - changing the type signature to :: Maybe Word64 (which would be enough bits for this problem I think) also takes forever / has a space leak, so it couldn't be the old Integer bug.
Your problem seems to be an old GHC bug (that I thought was fixed) with Integer causing a space leak. The below code finishes in about 150 ms when compiled with -O2.
import Data.List
import Data.Word
main = print opl
opl :: Maybe Word32
opl = find vw $ map (\x-> fromDigits (x++[0,0,9]) ) $ sequence [[1],re,[2],re,[3],re,[4],re,[5],re,[6],re,[7],re,[8],re]
vw x = hh^2 == x
where hh = (round.sqrt.fromIntegral) x
re = [0..9]
fromDigits x = foldl1 (\n m->10*n+m) x
Since you're looking for a nineteen-digit number with those characteristics found in vw, I'd try to simplify the construction in the mapped function just say fromDigits x*1000+9 for starters. Appending to a list is O(length-of-the-left-list), so throwing those last three digits on the end hurts the computation time a bunch.
As an aside (to you both), using the strict version of the fold (foldl1') will also help.
