Launch window from NSView subclass in cocoa - cocoa

Is it possible to launch a window in an NSView subclass by clicking a NSRect? I have tried makeKeyAndOrderFront but this doesn't work.

You can't click on a rectangle. A rectangle is just four numbers.
You can have an NSView that responds to clicks, but you should consider using NSButton instead. If you really want a custom view, you can both create the button and add it as a subview of your view programmatically. Then, set the button's target to yourself and its action to the selector of a message you'll respond to by opening the window.
One more thing: You don't launch a window. Windows aren't applications and applications aren't windows. On Mac OS X, applications have windows—always more than one (counting at least the About panel). So, you'll load the window from a nib, then make it key (respond to events) and order it front.
On that point: You probably should not have your view owning a window. Consider making a controller object to own the window instead, and having your view simply forward the message to the controller object (or even hook the button up to the controller directly).


Close borderless floating NSWindow on click outside

I want to create a borderless window floating above the main window. The main window should be the key window (I want it to handle the keyboard and mouse events). Also, the floating window should close as the user clicks outside of it. Basically, I'm creating a very custom context menu, just like NSMenu. It should behave likewise.
So I created my window this way:
NSWindow *menuWindow = [NSWindow windowWithContentViewController:menuViewController];
menuWindow.styleMask = NSBorderlessWindowMask;
menuWindow.level = NSFloatingWindowLevel;
[menuWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
That works perfectly, but how do I handle clicks outside to close it? The window doesn't invoke delegate's windowDidResignKey, because it's not a key window. If it does overload canBecomeKeyWindow (so that it returns YES), then the floating window grabs the user input, which is not what I want.
So, is there any way to automatically close a borderless window? Can NSPanel help? I tried using it, but with no success (the becomesKeyOnlyIfNeeded selector doesn't do what I need).
To detect clicks outside the window but within your app, you could install an event monitor using +[NSEvent addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:handler:]. If you also want to close the window when the user clicks in a different app, you could observe the NSApplicationDidResignActiveNotification notification.
NSWindow has a property hidesOnDeactivate that should do this for you.
From the Apple Docs:
The value of this property is true if the window is removed from the
screen when its application is deactivated; false if it remains
onscreen. The default value for NSWindow is false; the default value
for NSPanel is true.

NSWindowController/NSViewController "Presentation" setting in Storyboard

What exactly does the Presentation option(in Attribute Inspector) do in StoryBoard for Cocoa.
It gives two options to select from
P.S When googled the title, results are related to powerpoint presentation
The presentation style affects "Show" segues. Possibly it affects other segues too, but I only tested a Show segue. I tested on OS X 10.10.5 (Yosemite) with Xcode 7.1.1.
If a window controller's presentation style is "Multiple" (the default), then a Show segue to the window controller always loads a new instance of the window controller from the storyboard. This means that you can end up with multiple instances of the window controller at once, each with its own window on the screen. By default those windows will stack on top of each other, so it won't be obvious what happened until you move or close one.
If a window controller's presentation style is "Single", and an instance of the window controller has already been loaded from the storyboard, and that window controller still exists (presumably because its window is still on screen), then a Show segue to that view controller will not create a new instance. Instead, the Show segue will bring the existing window controller's window to the front.
This behavior is useful if you want behavior like, say, Xcode's Devices window, where there can only be one such window. You create a "Devices" menu item in the Window menu in your storyboard, and connect it to the Devices window controller in the storyboard with a Show segue. Set the Devices window controller's presentation style to Single. Now the menu item will never create a second Devices window controller if one already exists.
You'll probably want to somehow set the window's excludedFromWindowsMenu property to true, so it doesn't appear twice in the Window menu (because by default it appends itself to that menu). You could, for example, use a subclass of NSWindowController that sets it:
class DevicesWindowController: NSWindowController {
override func windowDidLoad() {
window?.excludedFromWindowsMenu = true
View controllers also have a presentation style, because you can also connect Show segues to view controllers. A Show segue connected to a view controller automatically creates a window controller to contain the view controller at runtime. The window controller's presentation style is effectively set to the view controller's, so you get the same singleton behavior if you set the view controller's presentation to Single.
As far as I can tell, the storyboard setting has no corresponding public property or method you can use in code.
If you connect the Show segue to a storyboard reference (new in Xcode 7), then the segue ignores the presentation style of the destination window controller, and acts as if it were "Multiple". This happens even if the destination is actually in the same storyboard as the reference.

How to get notified when NSWindow opens?

How to take notice when an NSWindow is about to be opened or have just opened? That is, the opposite of windowWillClose: delegate method (likewise the opposite of NSWindowWillCloseNotification.)
This is related to this question, but from the other direction.
The background is, I'm looking to couple a window with a tickmark on the main menu (among other things). When the window is shown, the corresponding ̨ menu item should be checked and vice-versa.
It should not normally be a mystery when or how a window is made visible. It should only happen in response to something that your own code is doing. If the window is in a NIB and is marked Visible At Launch, then it shows when your code loads that NIB. Otherwise, it should only show if you call one of the -order... methods other than -orderOut: (e.g. -orderFront:) or -makeKeyAndOrderFront:. If the window is controlled by a window controller, then it would show if you invoke -[NSWindowController showWindow:]. Etc.
If you really feel the need to be notified, you can subclass NSWindow and override -orderWindow:relativeTo: and, if orderingMode is not NSWindowOut and the window was not already visible, post a notification of your own.
By macOS 10.10, this is somewhat solved by the call to NSViewController's viewWillAppear or viewDidAppear. Have an NSViewController subclass and set it as the contentViewController of the window. Then its viewWillAppear/ viewDidAppear implementation can post a notification that the window will (or did) open.
You can bind your NSMenuItem value to the NSWindows visible binding Zero lines of code if you do it in IB.
A Boolean value that specifies if the NSWindow is visible.
If visible evaluates to YES, the NSWindow is visible.
Available in OS X v10.3 and later.
See the NSWindow Binding Documentation for more info.
You can either bind the NSMenuItem value binding to an existing NSWindow property on one of your existing classes, or add an NSObjectController to your nib and set its content to the NSWindow instance then bind to the controller.
Tested and confirmed on Mac OS 10.9. Works for window minimization and restoration too.

How make button in NSWindow clickable while a sheet's on top of it

I have created a custom (themed) NSWindow, by creating a borderless window and then recreating all elements of the window border/background inside the content view. I've created the window widgets (close box, zoom box, minimize box) on top of my own fake title bar using -standardWindowButton:forStyleMask:.
Trouble is, when a sheet is presented on top of my custom window (e.g. "save changes...", those buttons do not receive the clicks.
Does anybody know how I can tell NSWindow not to intercept the clicks in my minimize box? It works with a standard NSWindow. When a sheet is up, I can still send both of them to the dock, or zoom the window out.
I thought maybe there's special code in the content view that ignores clicks in subviews while a sheet is up. But it seems as if -hitTest: is called on the content view and returns the minimize widget, but the widget's action never gets triggered.
I guess I could just replace the content view and perform the action in the content view's hitTest if it is the minimize widget ... but that seems a bit ugly.

NSTextView overlay causes oddities with first responder status

I have an NSTextView in an NSScrollView, and I am programmatically inserting an NSView subclass as a subview of the NSTextView. This NSView acts as an overlay, superimposing graphical information about the text beneath it.
I thought it was working quite well until I noticed that the text view does not respond to right clicks. Other operations (editing, selection) seem to work just fine.
Also, if the first responder is changed to a sibling of the scroll view (an outline view, for example) the text view does not regain first responder status from clicking on it. The selection will change in response to clicking, but the selection highlight is gray instead of blue (indicating that the text view is not the first responder).
If I offset the frame of the overlay subview, the text view behaves 100% normally in the area not overlapped by the overlay, but the overlapped area behaves incorrectly, as outlined above.
Steps To Replicate This Behavior on Mac OS X 10.6.4:
Create a plain old non-document-based Cocoa app.
Add an `NSTextView' IBOutlet to the app delegate .h.
Add an NSTextView to the window in MainMenu.xib. Connect the textView outlet.
Type in a bit of code:
In applicationDidFinishLaunching:
NSView *overlay = [[NSView alloc] initWithFrame:textView.bounds];
[textView addSubview:overlay];
[overlay release];
Run the app, observe that right click in the text area does not work as it should, yet you can still otherwise interact with the text view.
Next, add an NSOutlineView to the window in the xib. Observe that once focus leaves the text area (if you click on the outline view) with the overlay in place, you cannot set the focus back to the text view (it will not become first responder again).
Is there some way I can enable the NSTextView to receive all of its events, even though my NSView overlay does not accept first responder or mouse events? I suspect this might be related to the field editor – perhaps it is ignoring events it thinks are destined to the overlay view?
You probably need to make your overlay an instance of a custom view class that forwards all events and accessibility messages to the text view. You may also need to convert any view-relative coordinates to the text view's coordinate system.
I don't have a lot of experience with it, but another possibility would be to use a Core Animation layer as an overlay.
A clean way to handle this is by making your overlay view a custom subclass of NSView, and then overriding the hitTest: method to always return nil. This will prevent the overlay view from participating in the responder chain. Instead, events will get sent automatically to it's superview or views higher up the view hierarchy. You might also want to override acceptsFirstResponder to return NO to be safe (in case it's accidentally set programatically).
