Why can't mysqldumpslow.pl find any Perl modules on Windows? - windows

I'm trying to parse a MYSQL slow query log from the command line.
Upon entering this:
set PATH=G:\xampp\perl\bin\;%PATH%
cd /d G:\xampp\mysql\scripts
perl mysqldumpslow.pl -s c -t 10
The shell returns an error can't locate strict.pm in #INC (#INC contains: .) at mysqldumpslow.pl at line 8. BEGIN failed
In the perl directory in xampp, there is only one file perl.exe.
Am I missing perl modules/libraries? What do I need to read this log file?

A workaround is to find the location of strict.pm in your perl installation and to add the directory to the PERL5LIB environment variable, or to invoke perl with the
-I/path/to/strict.pm/directory option (see perlfaq8: How do I add a directory to my include path (#INC) at runtime?).
If you find more unsatisfied dependencies, keep adding directories to PERL5LIB or with additional -I options until your program can run.
(Though eventually you will probably get tired of this and fix/reinstall perl.)
UPDATE: Looking through the 1.7.3 XAMPP distribution, all of the perl library files are located under xampp\perl\lib and xampp\perl\site\lib, so
perl -IG:/xampp/perl/lib -IG:/xampp/perl/site/lib mysqldumpslow.pl -s c -t 10
is probably all that you need to do. YMMV if you have an older XAMPP distribution.

Your Perl installation seems to have been messed up in one way or another. I am not familiar with xampp, but I have a hard time believing they bundled just the perl.exe without the rest of the distribution.
Under G:\xampp\perl, there should be subdirectories such as lib, site etc.
strict is a core pragma and its absence indicates that you do not have a proper Perl installation.
In fact, I just downloaded xampp and it does contain lib and site\lib under xampp\perl (it is missing the documentation, but that is not essential to running Perl scripts).


Mac OSx 7zcat command not found

I am trying to execute a Makefile script and my Mac complains about 7zcat, although I already have 7z installed.
/bin/sh: 7zcat: command not found
Any thoughts on what's missing on my system? Thank you!
I have never used 7zcat before.
However, it looks like it needs to be installed on your system.
Also, after you download install 7zcat you have to give it execute permission with chmod. Finally, you have to execute it by calling its full path for example if you installed it to the directory you are in you would run ./7zcat file.7z or you would add the path to the file to your environment's $PATH variable.
I hope this helps. You might have to do some more research though.
When you open a Terminal window and type 7zcat and hit enter, what happens? Same message? Well, if you cannot use it, why should make be able to use it? Where and how have you installed 7z? Is the folder with the 7z binaries in your PATH? Since if it isn't, of course the command won't be found.
When the system shall run a command, it will search for this command in the directories stored in the PATH variable. Execute echo $PATH in terminal and you will get a colon separated list of directories; only these directories are searched for binaries. So either you must move your binaries to one of these (or put a symlink to one of these) or add the directory with these binaries to the PATH.
Yet there is no official 7z command line installer for MacOS, which brings me back to the original questions "Where and how have you installed 7z?" And are you sure that whatever you installed even includes a 7zcat?

how can i run rouge Summarization on windows?

I installed Strawberry Perl to run the rouge program in Windows. But when I want to run my program, I receive an error message that you can see on the image:
The system can't find the path specified.
My code is attempting to run "ROUGE-1.5.5.pl" but i think the system can't find this file. So I think maybe I don't initialize the path correctly?
I change my code to :
use Cwd;
$cmd="$ROUGE -e ..\data -c 95 -2 -1 -U -r 1000 -n 4 -w 1.2 -a DUC2002-ROUGE.in.26.spl.xml > ..\sample-output\output.out";
print $cmd,"\n";
and i receive this error:
Missing braces on \o{} at C:\runROUGE-test.pl line 7, near "$ROUGE" Execution of C:\runROUGE-test.pl aborted due to compilation errors.
As per the screen shot, you are attempting to run \ROUGE-1.5.5.pl where you probably want it without the spurious backslash (or with ..\ROUGE-1.5.5.pl if the parent directory is not on your PATH).
Similarly, you probably want the output in sample-output\output.out, or even just output.out, not \sample-output\output.out unless you specifically have a folder C:\sample-output for this purpose.
The backslash is significant; it is the absolute path to the root (of the current drive, on Windows). ..\ is the relative path to the parent folder.
Why are you writing a Perl script to run a Perl script, though? Either a simple batch file, or copy/pasting the command directly at the DOS prompt would seem like a less roundabout solution.
The problem is that when you are outputting the contents of the program to the file output.out in folder sample-output, the sample-output folder does not exist.
Command Prompt will not create the folders for you, only the files. Try creating a directory first called "sample-output" (In your drive root) such that the path resolves to something like C:\sample-output and run it again.
If the same problem results, try using an absolute path such as C:\sample-output\output.out instead.

Cygwin not recognizing command

I downloaded a "directory".tar.gz, extracted and unzipped the file to obtain "directory".
The installation files for this directory, were to run the make command in cygwin, to compile and pull out the files of the directory, which were written in C.
I attempt to run a command in cygwin, pfunc, which is a command supposed to be available after compiling and performing make, but cygwin says command not found.
I'm completely new to unix and cygwin.
The problem is that pfunc, if it exists, is not on your path.
The first step is to see if pfunc actually exists and if so, find out where. find / -xdev -name pfunc will give you the location of all files named pfunc. Obviously, if pfunc doesn't exist, you have another problem on your hands.
Next, you'll want to add this path to your bashrc. You can do that with:
echo "export PATH=$PATH:<the/path/find/gave/you> >> ~/.bashrc
Finally, you need to update your path in the current shell with source ~/.bashrc
K, I figured it out, there was a problem with the implementation of the program on cygwin, and for some reason find -name ....etc couldn't find the file. However, I found the location and reset the path to find the .exe file. Now everything looks good! thanks again!

Is there a way to save a file in vim in Windows without marking it executable?

Heading says it all really. Using Windows 7 and latest stable gvim, whenever I save (:w) a file it's marked executable. I'm doing cross-platform development and it'd be nice if this didn't happen.
#sceptics: The flag of the files are indeed set as executable. Do a ls -al before and after re-saving the file to observe the issue. (install cygwin, or may be other *nix emulations)
#OP: the question have been raised several times in the past. I don't remember the conclusion on the subject. You should search vim mailing-lists archives (vim_use and vim_dev).
May be you can try to add an hook to your RCS (if it supports that) to proceed to a chmod -x on file extensions that does not correspond to an executable (*.h, *.cpp, *.vim, ...), or on files that do not contain a shebang (unlike perl, I don't know if python source files may contain a shebang)

Why can't Cygwin CVS read the CVS password file in a Ruby/Perl script?

On the Windows command line and cygwin bash I can execute the following without problems:
cvs login
cvs -Q log -N -rVersion_01_00
A ruby script in the same directory contains the following:
`cvs login`;
`cvs -Q log -N -rVersion_01_00`;
When I execute the ruby script on the Windows command line I get the following error:
cvs log: warning: failed to open /cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/za100744/.cvspass for reading: No such file or directory
If I run the script in a cygwin bash shell I get the same output I would as when I type in the commands manually.
I have no idea as to what is going wrong. The path generated by the Ruby script is wrong since it is a cygwin path but it works correctly directly on the command line. I use cvs that came as part of cygwin:
which cvs
cvs is an external : C:\cygwin\bin\cvs.exe
Ruby is the one-click installer version:
which ruby
It seems like cvs under Ruby can not resolve /cygdrive/c to c: but works OK from the cmdline.
Perl gives me exactly the same problem.
my $str = "cvs -Q log -N -r$cvs_tag|";
open(CVS_STATUS, $str) or die "\n##ERROR##";
It looks like either CVS can't create the file, or your path is wrong. Does the file .cvspass exist? If not, this page suggests you try creating an empty .cvspass file and then run your command. e.g. do
touch ~/.cvspass
If this doesn't help, then the problem is probably path related. There are a few possibilities; $HOME not set correctly, your home dir not matching what's in \etc\passwd, etc. See this tutorial for some troubleshooting steps that should help pin down the problem.
Using a windows native compiled CVS solves the problem. It is not ideal since I have to send a cvs executable with the script for users that has cygwin CVS but its better than nothing.
We had several problems with unix-, mixed- and windows-style paths in cygwin based perl scripts and built-in tools such as rsync. E.g. rsync can't handle wind-style paths. Use the tool "cygpath.exe" to adjust them correctly. Maybe it's the cause.
