integrating applescript in cocoa - cocoa

I have made a short applescript that sends an email with attachment. Now I want to integrate this script in my cocoa application. I have tried the following code that i found on the internet:
NSAppleScript *mailScript;
NSString *scriptString= [NSString stringWithFormat:#"the applescript"];
mailScript = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:scriptString];
[mailScript executeAndReturnError:nil];
[mailScript release];
This code doesn't work however. I am a complete newbie at cocoa and could use some help.
The email is created. The applescript seems to stop when the attachment is added though.The applescript works perfectly when runned in scripteditor. Any clue?

So when you don't ignore the error from -[NSAppleScript executeAndReturnError:], what is the error? Do its contents tell you anything about what went wrong?
NSDictionary *dict = nil;
if ([mailScript executeAndReturnError: &dict] == nil)
//ooh, it went wrong, look at dict
// well, that worked!

Your code looks okay. It's likely that there is an error in your AppleScript.
Try the following:
NSAppleScript *mailScript;
NSAppleEventDescriptor *resultDescriptor;
NSString *scriptString= [NSString stringWithFormat:#"the applescript"];
mailScript = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:scriptString];
resultDescriptor = [mailScript executeAndReturnError:nil];
NSLog([resultDescriptor stringValue]);
[mailScript release];
NSLog will output a string describing any errors to the console. This should help you find any problems.

If it takes time to get to the right place in your application and you just want to test the Applescript, you can run it from the terminal via the osascript command, and see the results:
osascript -e 'applescript here';

It seems like SBApplication should work, but I haven't used it before.
According to #cocoadevcentral:
SBApplication: use to make cross-application scripting calls with Objective-C instead of AppleScript. Ex: get current iTunes track.
Here is is the excerpt from the documentation:
The SBApplication class provides a mechanism enabling an Objective-C program to send Apple events to a scriptable application and receive Apple events in response. It thereby makes it possible for that program to control the application and exchange data with it. Scripting Bridge works by bridging data types between Apple event descriptors and Cocoa objects.
Although SBApplication includes methods that manually send and process Apple events, you should never have to call these methods directly. Instead, subclasses of SBApplication implement application-specific methods that handle the sending of Apple events automatically.
For example, if you wanted to get the current iTunes track, you can simply use the currentTrack method of the dynamically defined subclass for the iTunes application—which handles the details of sending the Apple event for you—rather than figuring out the more complicated, low-level alternative:
[iTunes propertyWithCode:'pTrk'];
If you do need to send Apple events manually, consider using the NSAppleEventDescriptor class.
Hope that helps!

sorry it's late to answer. Applescript in a cocoa application can be used easily with some basic principles, first set all descriptors to 'NULL', use 'NSAppleEventDescriptor' for proper script execution, and use a return value of executionn which will give your script:
NSString * scriptString = NULL, NSString * retvalue = NULL;
NSAppleEventDescriptor * descriptor = NULL;
NSDictionary * errInfo = nil;
NSAppleScript * mailScript = NULL;
scriptString = [NSString stringWithFormat: # "the applescript"];
mailScript = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource: scriptString];
descriptor = [mailScript executeAndReturnError: & errInfo];
retvalue = [descriptor stringValue];
[mailScript release];
For "the applescript" you did not write what you want to achieve I
guess it's for privacy.


MacOS sandboxed application: access files without NSOpenPanel

In a sandboxed NSDocument-based application, any compatible document can be accessed using the NSOpenPanel, no matter where the document is saved. Without NSOpenPanel, the application can only access files in the sandbox container.
As my application manages two types of subclassed NSdocument (Text as a reader/writer and Image as a reader only), I try to implement a separate "Open Recent" menu for images. I disabled the the ordinary behaviour for them as they are opened by the user, overriding the noteNewRecentDocumentURL: (NSURL *)url method of the NSDocumentController to return NO for image urls. So that only the text documents appear in the ordinary File -> Open Recent menu (and open normally when user select them). Images are listed in a custom menu.
The problem occurs with these image urls, because the application is sandboxed: the application cannot open directly any image file listed in the dedicated menu (any reading operation returns a -54 error. This behaviour can be checked using:
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] isReadableFileAtPath:[fileURL path]]
which always returns FALSE in this situation. There is only one exception to that: when I reopen, from the dedicated Open Recent menu, a file that has been previously opened with the NSOpenPanel in the same application session, then closed: in this case isReadableFileAtPath: returns TRUE and the file can be accessed. But when application quits and restarts, recent images files cannot be accessed this way.
I identified thre solutions to deal with this problem:
Moving the image file in the sandbox container as soon as it has been accessed "legally" by the user, through the NSOpenPanel. It works, of course, but prevent the user from deciding on his own the location of his files! In the same way, duplicating the file in the sandbox is not a solution.
Creating an alias to these files in the sandbox. As I couldn't find a way to do this, I couldn't test whether this is a solution or not.
Disable the application sandboxing. But this is the worse solution as there are many reasons to use sandboxing!
Is there a 4th solution, which would authorize a read-only access to any image file, wherever it is located, without disabling the sandbox?
You can't access any file no matter what.
Also I am not sure what your second solution means, that is probably the reason you couldn't follow it. You probably wanted to refer to 'security-scoped bookmarks' and not to 'aliases' and they work very well and that is the path that you should follow.
Well Ivan's suggestion was excellent. After a few readings (less than an hour), I could implement those security-scoped bookmark. For interested people, here are the main findings.
add the feature to your sandboxed application's entitlement file
set the (or the, or both) key to TRUE.
Modify your document opening method (which calls the NSOpenPanel) like this:
-(void) openMyDocument:(id)sender{
// ... do your stuff
[self.panel beginWithCompletionHandler:^(NSInteger result) {
if (result == NSModalResponseOK) {
NSURL* selectedURL = [[self.panel URLs] objectAtIndex:0];
NSData *bookmark = nil;
NSError *error = nil;
bookmark = [selectedURL bookmarkDataWithOptions:NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope
relativeToURL:nil // Make it app-scoped
if (error) {
NSLog(#"Error while creating bookmark for URL (%#): %#", selectedURL, error);
NSString *access = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#", #"Access:", [selectedURL path]];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:bookmark forKey:access];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
// ... then open the document your way
Modify the method you created to read the file without using NSOpenPanel
- (void) openDocumentForScopedURL: (NSURL *) fileURL
NSString *accessKey = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#", #"Access:", [fileURL path]];
NSData *bookmarkData = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:accessKey];
NSURL *bookmarkFileURL = nil;
if (bookmarkData == nil){
// no secured-scoped bookmark found, alert the user
} else {
NSError *error = nil;
BOOL bookmarkDataIsStale;
bookmarkFileURL = [NSURL
[bookmarkFileURL startAccessingSecurityScopedResource];
// ... Then open your file, using bookmarkFileURL
// ... and do your stuff
// IMPORTANT. You must notify that stopped to access
[bookmarkFileURL stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource];

attachment with Cocoa Scripting Bridge

Using Cocoa Scripting Bridge to send email
how can I add not only an attachment
but two or more.
Thanks for your help.
MailAttachment *theAttachment;
theAttachment = [[[mail classForScriptingClass:#"attachment"] alloc] initWithProperties:
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[[NSURL URLWithString:attachmentFilePath] path], #"fileName",
[[emailMessageL.content attachments] addObject: theAttachment];
Mail's Apple event dictionary does not support adding more than one attachment in a single event, so there is no single method in Scripting Bridge to do it. However, you can simply run through your quoted code more than once, presumably with different file paths.

Get path of dropped file in cocoa application

I wondering how you would retrieve the path of the file that a user has dragged and dropped into a cocoa application. For example: User drags a file named test from his/her desktop. Then the cocoa application would say: Users/currentusername/Desktop/test
Thanks for the help!
I just downloaded Apple's "CocoaDragAndDrop" sample code and tried it out.
When I drag in a PNG file from the Finder into the running app, the title of the window changes to the path of the image that was dragged in.
Looking inside the sample code, I can see a file URL is included in the Pasteboard:
//if the drag comes from a file, set the window title to the filename
fileURL=[NSURL URLFromPasteboard: [sender draggingPasteboard]];
[[self window] setTitle: fileURL!=NULL ? [fileURL absoluteString] : #"(no name)"];
Try this technique in your own code and modify it for taste.
The accepted answer is no longer working with Xcode 6.
I've found this methode to get the same result:
NSURL*fileURL = [NSURL URLFromPasteboard: [sender draggingPasteboard]];
NSString *filePath = [fileURL path];
[[self window] setTitle:filePath];
Currently working on developing a similar interface, I’ve understood that the OP had asked for path, not URL retrieval. It seems the suggested OS X 10.10 (XCode6) workaround for the accepted answer has issues in refusing to drag and drop content between windows.
However, avoiding declaring NSString *filePath, but simply substituting the [fileURL absoluteString] method with [fileURL path] method in line 175 of DragDropImageView.m of the suggested sample code instead, seems to solve it:
fileURL=[NSURL URLFromPasteboard: [sender draggingPasteboard]];
[[self window] setTitle: fileURL!=NULL ? [fileURL path] : #"(no name)"];
It compiles and runs as devised in Xcode4 through Xcode6, SDK 10.8-10.10, AFAICT.
Hope this can help.

Bring all NSDocument windows to front when opened

In most systems, the default behaviour for "open a new window" is that it appears at the front. This doesn't happen in Cocoa, and I'm trying to find the "correct" way to make this standard behaviour. Most things I've tried only work for a maximum of one window.
I need to open multiple windows on startup:
(N x NSDocuments (one window each)
1 x simple NSWindowController that opens a NIB file.
Things that DON'T work:
Iterate across all the NSDocuments I want to open, and open them.
What happens? ... only the "last" one that call open on comes to the front - the rest are hidden, invisible, nowhere on the screen, until you fast-switch or use the Window menu to find them.
...documents is an array of NSPersistentDocument's, loaded from CoreData...
[NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController];
[controller openDocumentWithContentsOfURL:[documents objectAtIndex:0] display:YES error:&error];
Manually invoking "makeKeyAndOrderFront" on each window, after it's opened
What happens? nothing different. But the only way I can find to get the NSWindow instance is so horribly hacky it seems totally wrong (but is mentioend in several blogs and mailing list posts)
[NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController];
NSDocument* openedDocument = [controller openDocumentWithContentsOfURL:[documents objectAtIndex:0] display:YES error:&error];
[[[[openedDocument windowControllers] objectAtIndex:0] window] makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
...I know I'm doing this wrong, but I can't find out why/what to do differently :(.
Something that works, usually, but not always:
As above, but just use "showWindow" instead (I took this from the NSDocument guide).
Bizarrely, this sometimes works ... even though it's the exact code that Apple claims they're calling internally. If they're calling it internally, why does it behave different if I re-invoke it after they've already done so?
[[[openedDocument windowControllers] objectAtIndex:0] showWindow:self];
You can just open all the documents without displaying and then tell the documents to show their windows:
NSArray* docs = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"doc1.rtf", #"doc2.rtf",#"doc3.rtf",#"doc4.rtf",nil];
for(NSString* doc in docs)
NSURL* url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:#"Documents"] stringByAppendingPathComponent:doc]];
NSError* err;
[[NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController] openDocumentWithContentsOfURL:url display:NO error:&err];
[[[NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController] documents] makeObjectsPerformSelector:#selector(showWindows)];
Won't this work?
For 10.6 or greater
[[NSRunningApplication currentApplication] activateWithOptions:(NSApplicationActivateAllWindows | NSApplicationActivateIgnoringOtherApps)];
This often has something to do with the app itself: your other windows are behind other apps (in particular, behind Xcode!), and would have appeared with a Hide Others command.
The solution to that problem would be that after you send showWindow to all of your windows (making sure you do the key one last), you tell the app to come forward, relative to other apps.
NSApp.activateIgnoringOtherApps(true) // Swift
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES]; // Objective-C
See also: How to bring NSWindow to front and to the current Space?

How do I handle multiple file drag/drop from Finder in Mac OS X 10.5?

I need to get the URLs of all files dragged/dropped into my application from Finder.
I have a Cocoa app running on 10.6 which does this by using the new 10.6 NSPasteboard APIs which handle multiple items on the pasteboard. I'm trying to backport this app to 10.5. How do I handle this on 10.5?
If I do something like below, I only get the first URL:
NSArray *pasteTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: NSURLPboardType, nil];
NSString *bestType = [pboard availableTypeFromArray:pasteTypes];
if (bestType != nil) {
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLFromPasteboard:pboard];
Getting multiple filenames is easy: (While getting multiple URLs is not with 10.5)
Register your view for
In performDragOperation: do the following to get an array of file paths:
NSPasteboard* pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard];
NSArray* filenames = [pboard propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType];
The IKImageKit programming topics outline a way to do this like so (paraphrased):
NSData *data = [pasteboard dataForType:NSFilenamesPboardType];
NSArray *filenames = [NSPropertyListSerialization
See here: Image Kit Programming Guide: Supporting Drag and Drop
The NSURLPboardType just handles one URL.
To get a list of files you need to create a NSArray from a NSFilenamesPboardType.
Apple's docs on drag and drop are pretty good, even if it's older stuff.
How do I handle [multiple items on a pasteboard] on 10.5?
Try the Pasteboard Manager.
The tricky part is that you're handling a drop, which means you're receiving an NSPasteboard already created for you, and there's no way to convert between NSPasteboard objects and PasteboardRefs. You'll have to ask the NSPasteboard for its name, then pass the same name to PasteboardCreate, and that may not work.
my two cents for swift 5.1 (drop in NSView... to be customized)
see at:
Swift: Opening a file by drag-and-drop in window
