What default reducers are available in Elastic MapReduce? - hadoop

I hope I'm asking this in the right way. I'm learning my way around Elastic MapReduce and I've seen numerous references to the "Aggregate" reducer that can be used with "Streaming" job flows.
In Amazon's "Introduction to Amazon Elastic MapReduce" PDF it states "Amazon Elastic MapReduce has a default reducer called aggregrate"
What I would like to know is: are there other default reducers availiable?
I understand that I can write my own reducer, but I don't want to end up writing something that already exists and "reinvent the wheel" because I'm sure my wheel won't be as good as the original.

The reducer they refer to is documented here:
That's a reducer that is built into the streaming utility. It provides a simple way of doing common calculation by writing a mapper that output keys that are formatted in a special way.
For example, if your mapper outputs:
The reducer will calculate the sum of each LongValueSum, and count the distinct values for UniqValueCount. The reducer output will therefore be:
The reducers and combiners in this package are very fast compared to running streaming combiners and reducers, so using the aggregate package is both convenient and fast.

I'm in a similar situation. I infer from Google results etc that the answer right now is "No, there are no other default reducers in Hadoop", which kind of sucks, because it would be obviously useful to have default reducers like, say, "average" or "median" so you don't have to write your own.
http://hadoop.apache.org/common/docs/current/api/org/apache/hadoop/mapred/lib/aggregate/package-summary.html shows a number of useful aggregator uses but I cannot find documentation for how to access other functionality than the very basic key/value sum described in the documentation and in Erik Forsberg's answer. Perhaps this functionality is only exposed in the Java API, which I don't want to use.
Incidentally, I'm afraid Erik Forsberg's answer is not a good answer to this particular question. Another question for which it could be a useful answer can be constructed, but it is not what the OP is asking.


Implementing a MapReduce skeleton in Erlang

I am fairly new to both parallel programming and the Erlang language and I'm struggling a bit.
I'm having a hard time implementing a mapreduce skeleton. I spawn M mappers (their task is to map the power function into a list of floats) and R reducers (they sum the elements of the input list sent by the mapper).
What I then want to do is to send the intermediate results of each mapper to a random reducer, how do I go about linking one mapper to a reducer?
I have looked around the internet for examples. The closest thing to what I want to do that I could find is this word counter example, the author seems to have found a clever way to link a mapper to a reducer and the logic makes sense, however I have not been able to tweak it in order to fit my particular needs. Maybe the key-value implementation is not suitable for finding the sum of a list of powers?
Any help, please?
Just to give an update, apparently there were problems with the algorithm linked in the OP. It looks like there is something wrong with the sychronization protocol, which is hinted at by the presence of the call to the sleep() function (ie. it's not supposed to be there).
For a good working implementation of the map/reduce framework, please refer to Joe Armstrong's version in the Programming Erlang book (2nd ed).
Armstrong's version only uses one reducer, but it can be easily modified for more reducers in order to eliminate the bottleck.
I have also added a function to split the input list into chunks. Each mapper will get a chunk of data.

Apache Spark: map-side aggregation vs in-map combiner

I'm currently migrating from the Hadoop MR paradigm to apache Spark, and there is a few doubts that come to my mind regarding advanced efficiency implementation patterns outside the usual "map and reduce" basic workflow.
In this well known book (Lin and Dier 2010) the "in-mapper combiner" pattern is introduced, which can significantly improve efficiency in many applications.
i.e, the canonical word count example in hadoop, where we normally emit (word, 1) tuples to be further combined, can be greatly improved if local aggregation of (word, n) tuples is performed and then emitted. Although combiners can fulfil this behaviour my experience is that using local variables for each mapper along with hadoop's functions like "setUp" and "cleanUp" can lead to higher computational savings (here is a nice tutorial).
Inside the Spark world I could not find anything similar, just the so called map-side aggregation, which is equivalent to the Hadoop's local combiner. Given the previous example, I wonder if it can be translated into Spark by using map functions.

Map-Reduce - only applicable to key-value NoSql data models?

(I only have conceptual knowledge of NoSQL, no working experience)
I am aware of the following types of NoSQL databases:
key-value, column family, document databases (Aggregates)
graph databases
Is the Map-Reduce paradigm applicable to all? My guess would be no since Map-Reduce is often discussed in terms of keys and values, but since the distinction between different NoSQL stores isn't so clean-cut, I am wondering where Map-Reduce is and isn't applicable. And since I'm in the process of evaluating which DB to use for a few app ideas I have, I should think whether it's possible to achieve large scale processing regardless of which store I use.
Support for map reduce probably shouldn't be the thing on which to base your choice of a datastore.
Firstly, map reduce isn't the only way to do large-scale data processing. For example, MongoDB implemented map reduce support early (in v1), but later added their Aggregation Framework which was much more general, subsuming many tasks that would make use of map reduce.
Map reduce is just one paradigm for processing large data sets. Use it only if your application needs to process a large number of data records with a mapper and then needs to combine results together with a reducer. That's all it really does. As to when the paradigm is applicable and when it is not, simply look at your use case. Do you need to manipulate all of your records consistently and then combine the results? Or is there another way to phrase your problem?
Take a look at the Mongo aggregation framework for examples of where aggregation is used as a simpler alternative to many problems for which forcing them into a map-reduce problem would be overkill.
It should also help give you insight into your question of whether you can do large-scale data processing without map-reduce, to which the answer is yes. Clearly map-reduce is good for making search indexes, but many problems on large data sets benefit from other paradigms.
A web search on "alternatives to map reduce" will also be helpful.

Mapreduce for dummies

Ok, I am attempting to learn Hadoop and mapreduce. I really want to start with mapreduce and what I find are many, many simplified examples of mappers and reducers, etc. However, I seen to be missing something.
While an example showing how many occurrences of a word are in a document is simple to understand it does not really help me solve any "real world" problems. Does anybody know of a good tutorial of implementing mapreduce in a psuedo-realistic situation. Say, for instance, I want to use hadoop and mapreduce on top of a data store similar to Adventureworks. Now I want to get orders for a given product in the month of may. How would that look from a hadoop/mapreduce perspective? (I realize this may not be the type of problem mapreduce is intended to solve but, it just came to mind quickly.)
Any direction would help.
The book Hadoop: The Definitive Guide is a good place to start. The introductory chapters should be really useful to you to figure out where MapReduce is useful and when you should use it. The more advanced chapters have plenty of more realistic examples than word count.
If you want to dive deeper, you may want to check out Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce. This definitely has plenty of "real-world" use cases, but it doesn't sound like you are interested in doing text processing.
For your particular example, the main things to realize are:
The map phase is mostly for parsing, transforming data, and filtering out data. Think record-by-record, shared-nothing approach to record processing. In word count, this is parsing the line and splitting out the words.
The reduce phase is all about aggregation: counting, averaging, min/max, etc. In word count, this is counting up the instances of the word.
So, if you would want all the records for a given product in the month of May, you could use a map-only job to filter through all the data and only keep the records you want. However, you really should read about what Hadoop is useful for. The question that would fit Hadoop better would be: give me a count of how many times every item was purchased in every month (to build a matrix, perhaps). Very rarely are you looking for specific records like you suggest.
If you are looking for a more real-time access platform, you should check out HBase once you are done learning about Hadoop.
Hadoop can be used for a wide variety of problems. Check this blog entry from atbrox. Also, there is a lot of information on the internet about Hadoop and MapReduce and it's easy to get lost. So, here is the consolidated list of resources on Hadoop.
BTW, Hadoop - The Definitive Guide 3rd edition is due in May. Looks like it also covers MRv2 (NextGen MapReduce) and also includes more case studies. The 2nd edition is worth as mentioned by orangeoctopus.
MapReduce can be a complex topic so I found it easier to understand it by applying its approach to a simple problem. Then I go on to describe how MapReduce makes it straightforward to solve the same problem in a cluster. You can take a look in my article here: Intro to Parallel Processing with MapReduce.
Let me know if you think this article makes it easier to understand MapReduce and Hadoop.

Sort and shuffle optimization in Hadoop MapReduce

I'm looking for a research/implementation based project on Hadoop and I came across the list posted on the wiki page - http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/ProjectSuggestions. But, this page was last updated in September, 2009. So, I'm not sure if some of these ideas have already been implemented or not. I was particularly interested in "Sort and Shuffle optimization in the MR framework" which talks about "combining the results of several maps on rack or node before the shuffle. This can reduce seek work and intermediate storage".
Has anyone tried this before? Is this implemented in the current version of Hadoop?
There is the combiner functionality (as described under the "Combine" section of http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/HadoopMapReduce), which is more-or-less an in-memory shuffle. But I believe that the combiner only aggregates key-value pairs for a single map job, not all the pairs for a given node or rack.
The project description is aimed "optimization".
This feature is already present in the current Hadoop-MapReduce and it can probably run in a lot less time.
Sounds like a valuable enhancement to me.
I think it is very challenging task. In my understanding the idea is to make a computation tree instead of "flat" map-reduce.The good example of it is Google's Dremel engine (called BigQuey now). I would suggest to read this paper: http://sergey.melnix.com/pub/melnik_VLDB10.pdf
If you interesting in this kind of architecture - you can also take a look on the open source clone of this technology - Open Dremel.
