LINQ Where with AND OR condition - linq

So I have managed to get this query working
List<string> listStatus = new List<string>() ;
List<string> listMerchants = new List<string>() ;
from item in db.vw_Dropship_OrderItems
where listStatus.Contains(item.StatusCode)
&& listMerchants.Contains(item.MerchantId)
select item;
Here I would like to check if listStatus and listMerchants are not null only then put them inside WHERE clause.
if listMerchants is null then query will be like
where listStatus.Contains(item.StatusCode)
I do not want to use switch or If condition.

from item in db.vw_Dropship_OrderItems
where (listStatus != null ? listStatus.Contains(item.StatusCode) : true) &&
(listMerchants != null ? listMerchants.Contains(item.MerchantId) : true)
select item;
Might give strange behavior if both listMerchants and listStatus are both null.

Well, you're going to have to check for null somewhere. You could do something like this:
from item in db.vw_Dropship_OrderItems
where (listStatus == null || listStatus.Contains(item.StatusCode))
&& (listMerchants == null || listMerchants.Contains(item.MerchantId))
select item;

Linq With Or Condition by using Lambda expression you can do as below
DataTable dtEmp = new DataTable();
dtEmp.Columns.Add("EmpID", typeof(int));
dtEmp.Columns.Add("EmpName", typeof(string));
dtEmp.Columns.Add("Sal", typeof(decimal));
dtEmp.Columns.Add("JoinDate", typeof(DateTime));
dtEmp.Columns.Add("DeptNo", typeof(int));
dtEmp.Rows.Add(1, "Rihan", 10000, new DateTime(2001, 2, 1), 10);
dtEmp.Rows.Add(2, "Shafi", 20000, new DateTime(2000, 3, 1), 10);
dtEmp.Rows.Add(3, "Ajaml", 25000, new DateTime(2010, 6, 1), 10);
dtEmp.Rows.Add(4, "Rasool", 45000, new DateTime(2003, 8, 1), 20);
dtEmp.Rows.Add(5, "Masthan", 22000, new DateTime(2001, 3, 1), 20);
var res2 = dtEmp.AsEnumerable().Where(emp => emp.Field<int>("EmpID")
== 1 || emp.Field<int>("EmpID") == 2);
foreach (DataRow row in res2)
Label2.Text += "Emplyee ID: " + row[0] + " & Emplyee Name: " + row[1] + ", ";


LINQ query slow - nested Group By and ToList()

I have the following linq query that takes 10 seconds or more to run - is there a better way of writing it? It works, but is just very slow:
var searchQuery = (from p in db.Property
where p.PropertyVendorId == loggedInUserId
from aues in db.ApplicationUserEvents
where aues.ApplicationUserEventsPropertyId == p.PropertyId
&& aues.ApplicationUserEventsFeedbackDate != null
group p by new { p.PropertyId, p.PropertyAddress1, p.PropertyAddress2, p.PropertyAddress3, p.PropertyZipOrPostcode } into pg
select new DashboardFeedback
PropertyNumber = pg.FirstOrDefault().PropertyNumber,
PropertyId = pg.FirstOrDefault().PropertyId,
PropertyReference = pg.FirstOrDefault().PropertyId,
PropertyAddress1 = pg.FirstOrDefault().PropertyAddress1,
PropertyAddress2 = pg.FirstOrDefault().PropertyAddress2,
PropertyZipOrPostcode = pg.FirstOrDefault().PropertyZipOrPostcode,
DashboardFeedbackChart = (
from aues2 in db.ApplicationUserEvents
where aues2.ApplicationUserEventsPropertyId == pg.FirstOrDefault().PropertyId
&& aues2.ApplicationUserEventsFeedbackDate != null
from fos in db.FeedbackOptions
where fos.FeedbackOptionsApplicationUserEventsId == aues2.ApplicationUserEventsId
from fo in db.FeedbackOption
where fos.FeedbackOptionsFeedbackOptionId == fo.FeedbackOptionId
group fo by new { fo.FeedbackOptionName, aues2.ApplicationUserEventsPropertyId } into g
select new DashboardFeedbackChart
FeedbackOptionName = g.FirstOrDefault().FeedbackOptionName,
FeedbackOptionNameCount = g.Count()
One Property has many ApplicationUserEvents
One ApplicationUserEvents has many FeedbackOptions
One FeedbackOptions has one FeedbackOption
Thanks for any advice!

Struggleing to validate a user entry in tkinter

Here is part of some code i create for a project in tkinter using sqlite3 as a database in python. Im trying to make it so that when a user enters their values into the entry fields it only accepts integer values, and tried to implement this into the validation function. Ive tried using the try and except method, but this still seems to allow all values to be added to the table. How else could i attempt to make this work?
def validation (self):
int( and int(self.out.get()) == True
except ValueError:
self.message['text'] = 'Value must be a number!'
def adding (self):
if self.validation:
query = 'INSERT INTO data VALUES (?,?)'
parameters = (, self.out.get())
self.run_query (query, parameters)
self.message ['text'] = 'Record [] added' .format ( ()) (0, END)
self.out.delete (0, END)
self.message['text'] = 'Income or outgoing field is empty'
def deleting (self):
self.message ['text'] = ''
self.tree.item(self.tree.selection ()) ['values'][0]
except IndexError as e:
self.message['text'] = 'Please, select record!'
self.message['text'] = ''
Income = self.tree.item (self.tree.selection ()) ['text']
query = 'DELETE FROM data WHERE totalinc = ?'
self.run_query (query, (Income, ))
self.message['text'] = 'Record [] deleted.'.format(Income)
def editing (self):
self.message['text'] = ''
self.tree.item (self.tree.selection ())['values'][0]
except IndexError as e:
self.message['text'] = 'Please select record'
name = self.tree.item (self.tree.selection ())['text']
old_out = self.tree.item (self.tree.selection ())['values'][0]
self.edit_wind = Toplevel ()
self.edit_wind.title ("Editing")
Label (self.edit_wind, text = 'Old income:').grid (row = 0, column = 1)
Entry (self.edit_wind, textvariable = StringVar(self.edit_wind, value = name), state = 'readonly').grid(row = 0, column = 2)
Label (self.edit_wind, text = 'New income:').grid(row = 1, column = 1)
new_inc = Entry (self.edit_wind)
new_inc.grid (row = 1, column = 2)
Label (self.edit_wind, text = 'Old outgoing:').grid (row = 2, column = 1)
Entry (self.edit_wind, textvariable = StringVar(self.edit_wind, value = old_out), state = 'readonly').grid(row = 2, column = 2)
Label (self.edit_wind, text = 'New outgoing: ').grid(row = 3, column = 1)
new_out = Entry (self.edit_wind)
new_out.grid (row = 3, column = 2)
Button (self.edit_wind, text = 'Save changes', command = lambda: self.edit_records (new_inc.get(), name, new_out.get(), old_out)).grid (row = 4, column = 2, sticky = W)
def edit_records (self, new_inc, name, new_out, old_out):
query = "UPDATE data SET totalinc = ?, totalout = ? WHERE totalinc = ? AND totalout = ?"
parameters = (new_inc, new_out, name, old_out)
self.run_query (query, parameters)
self.message['text'] = 'Record [] changed.' .format (name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
wind = Tk()
application = Product (wind)
str = '8'
if str.isdigit():
I suggest taking a look at is isdigit().

NullReferenceException Error when trying to iterate a IEnumerator

I have a datatable and want to select some records with LinQ in this format:
var result2 = from row in dt.AsEnumerable()
where row.Field<string>("Media").Equals(MediaTp, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
&& (String.Compare(row.Field<string>("StrDate"), dtStart.Year.ToString() +
(dtStart.Month < 10 ? '0' + dtStart.Month.ToString() : dtStart.Month.ToString()) +
(dtStart.Day < 10 ? '0' + dtStart.Day.ToString() : dtStart.Day.ToString())) >= 0
&& String.Compare(row.Field<string>("StrDate"), dtEnd.Year.ToString() +
(dtEnd.Month < 10 ? '0' + dtEnd.Month.ToString() : dtEnd.Month.ToString()) +
(dtEnd.Day < 10 ? '0' + dtEnd.Day.ToString() : dtEnd.Day.ToString())) <= 0)
group row by new { Year = row.Field<int>("Year"), Month = row.Field<int>("Month"), Day = row.Field<int>("Day") } into grp
orderby grp.Key.Year, grp.Key.Month, grp.Key.Day
select new
CurrentDate = grp.Key.Year + "/" + grp.Key.Month + "/" + grp.Key.Day,
DayOffset = (new DateTime(grp.Key.Year, grp.Key.Month, grp.Key.Day)).Subtract(dtStart).Days,
Count = grp.Sum(r => r.Field<int>("Count"))
and in this code, I try to iterate it with the following code:
foreach (var row in result2)
//... row.DayOffset.ToString() + ....
this issue occurred :
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I think it happens when there's no record with above criteria.
I tried to change it to enumerator like this , and use MoveNext() to check the data is on that or not:
if (enumerator2.MoveNext()) {//--}
but still the same error.
whats the problem?
I guess in one or more rows Media is null.
You then call Equals on null, which results in a NullReferenceException.
You could add a null check:
var result2 = from row in dt.AsEnumerable()
where row.Field<string>("Media") != null
&& row.Field<string>("Media").Equals(MediaTp, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
or use a surrogate value like:
var result2 = from row in dt.AsEnumerable()
let media = row.Field<string>("Media") ?? String.Empty
where media.Equals(MediaTp, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
(note that the last approach is slightly different)

how to send array of values to a query dynamically in codeigniter

The code in model is
public function get_report6_8($type, $filter_id=NULL) {
$values = array($filter_id);
$select = '';
if ($filter_id && $type == 'jh') {
$select = 'and natbuild_rep.jh_rep_id = ?';
else if ($filter_id && $type == 'natbuild') {
$select = 'and = ?';
$sql = "select sum(total) total
from (
select value_of_sale total
from lead
left join natbuild_rep
on =
left join natbuild_store
on = natbuild_rep.store_id
left join natbuild_principal
on natbuild_principal.store_group = ifnull(natbuild_store.store_group2, natbuild_store.store_group)
where (status = 1 OR status = 2)
and value_of_sale is not null
group by
) temp";
return $this->db->query($sql, $values)->row();
The code in controller is
$data['report8'] = $this->lead_report_model->get_report6_8($type, $this->input->post('filter'));
code in view is
Grand Total: $total)) ? $report8->total: 0;?>
if I run query like
select sum(total) total
from (
select value_of_sale total
from lead
left join natbuild_rep
on =
left join natbuild_store
on = natbuild_rep.store_id
left join natbuild_principal
on natbuild_principal.store_group = ifnull(natbuild_store.store_group2, natbuild_store.store_group)
where (status = 1 OR status = 2)
and value_of_sale is not null
and in (18, 30, 31, 35, 33, 25, 23, 15, 8, 6, 5, 29, 7, 3, 2, 1, 24, 27, 22, 21, 20, 26, 36)
group by ) temp
the result is right. please help how can I send array of values to the $select. This happens when I select grand total from a dropdown which contains all other values up there.
your dropdown is multiselect so it will pass an array with the values.
implode(",", $dropdownSelections);
$select = 'and in ('.implode(",", $dropdownSelections).')';

LINQ and 2 datatables

I have 2 datatables in a dataset. One table has a list called CostTypes. Just an Id and Description field.
The other datatable is the master table and has many records and one of the columns is the cost type. There will be cost types that are not reference in this datatable. There is another column in this databale called cost.
What I am trying to do is get a summary by cost type with a total of the cost. But I want ALL cost types listed any values not in the master table will be zero.
CostType table
Id, Description
Master table
Id, Cost, CostTypeId
So I would like to see a result in a datable (if possible) so I can bind to datagridview
Marketing 130
Sales 0
Production 40
Service 0
Thanks for the help everyone, this is what I came up from the answers - Can anyone suggest any improvements???
Also how can I convert the result in query1 into a datable???
var query1 =
from rowCT in costTypes.AsEnumerable()
from rowSTD in stdRates.AsEnumerable()
.Where( d => d.Field<int?>( "CostTypeId" ) == rowCT.Field<int?>( "CostTypeId" ) )
group new { row0 = rowCT, row1 = rowSTD }
by rowCT.Field<string>( "Description" ) into g
select new
Cost = g.Sum( x => x.row1 == null ? 0 : x.row1.Field<decimal>( "Cost" ) ),
TotalCost = g.Sum( x => x.row1 == null ? 0 : x.row1.Field<decimal>( "TotalCost" ) ),
TotalHours = g.Sum( x => x.row1 == null ? 0 : x.row1.Field<decimal>( "TotalHours" ) ),
TotalLabourCost = g.Sum( x => x.row1 == null ? 0 : x.row1.Field<decimal>( "TotalLabourCost" ) )
Maybe something like this:
Test data:
DataTable dt=new DataTable();
DataTable dt2=new DataTable();
Linq query
var query=(
from row in dt.AsEnumerable()
from row1 in dt2.AsEnumerable()
.Where (d =>d.Field<int>("Id")==row.Field<int>("Id") )
group new{row,row1}
by row.Field<string>("Description") into g
select new
Cost=g.Sum (x =>x.row1==null?0:x.row1.Field<int>("Cost"))
Key Cost
Marketing 10
Sales 120
Production 40
Service 0
You can use the Sum extension method to compute the cost. It will return 0 if the collection is empty which is exactly what you want:
var costTypes = new DataTable("CostTypes");
costTypes.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(Int32));
costTypes.Columns.Add("Description", typeof(String));
costTypes.Rows.Add(1, "Marketing");
costTypes.Rows.Add(2, "Sales");
costTypes.Rows.Add(3, "Production");
costTypes.Rows.Add(4, "Service");
var costEntries = new DataTable("CostEntries");
costEntries.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(Int32));
costEntries.Columns.Add("Cost", typeof(Int32));
costEntries.Columns.Add("CostTypeId", typeof(Int32));
costEntries.Rows.Add(1, 10, 1);
costEntries.Rows.Add(2, 120, 1);
costEntries.Rows.Add(3, 40, 3);
var costs = costTypes
dr => new {
Id = dr.Field<Int32>("Id"),
Description = dr.Field<String>("Description")
ct => new {
TotalCost = costEntries
.Where(ce => ce.Field<Int32>("CostTypeId") == ct.Id)
.Sum(ce => ce.Field<Int32>("Cost"))
The result is:
Marketing | 130
Sales | 0
Production | 40
Service | 0
You can create a new DataSet quite simply:
var costsDataTable = new DataTable("Costs");
costsDataTable.Columns.Add("Description", typeof(String));
costsDataTable.Columns.Add("TotalCost", typeof(Int32));
foreach (var cost in costs)
costsDataTable.Rows.Add(cost.Description, cost.TotalCost);
If the linear search performed by the Where in the code above is a concern you can improve the performance by creating a lookup table in advance:
var costEntriesLookup = costEntries
ce => new {
Cost = ce.Field<Int32>("Cost"),
CostTypeId = ce.Field<Int32>("CostTypeId")
.ToLookup(ce => ce.CostTypeId, ce => ce.Cost);
var costs = costTypes
dr => new {
Id = dr.Field<Int32>("Id"),
Description = dr.Field<String>("Description")
ct => new {
TotalCost = costEntriesLookup.Contains(ct.Id)
? costEntriesLookup[ct.Id].Sum()
: 0
I came up with a simpler bit of linq than others seemed to use. Thanks to Martin Liversage for the code to create the input data.
var costTypes = new DataTable("CostTypes");
costTypes.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(Int32));
costTypes.Columns.Add("Description", typeof(String));
costTypes.Rows.Add(1, "Marketing");
costTypes.Rows.Add(2, "Sales");
costTypes.Rows.Add(3, "Production");
costTypes.Rows.Add(4, "Service");
var costEntries = new DataTable("CostEntries");
costEntries.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(Int32));
costEntries.Columns.Add("Cost", typeof(Int32));
costEntries.Columns.Add("CostTypeId", typeof(Int32));
costEntries.Rows.Add(1, 10, 1);
costEntries.Rows.Add(2, 120, 1);
costEntries.Rows.Add(3, 40, 3);
var cte = costTypes.Rows.Cast<DataRow>();
var cee = costEntries.Rows.Cast<DataRow>();
var output = cte.Select(
ct => new {
Description = ct["Description"],
Sum = cee.Where(ce=>ce["CostTypeId"].Equals(ct["Id"])).Sum(ce=>(int)ce["Cost"])
This may lose efficiency on larger tables since each cost type will search the cost entry table whereas using grouping I suspect you only need one pass over the table. Personally I'd prefer the (to my mind) simpler looking code. It will depend on your use case though.
