Is it possible to use Column Properties in Expressions in Powerbuilder? - syntax

Say I have a field on a datawindow that is the value of a database column ("Insert > Column). It has conditions in which it needs to be protected (Properties>General>Protect).
I want to have the field background grey when it's protect. At the moment, the only way I can work out how to do this is to copy the protect conditional, no matter how complex, substituting the 1 (protect) and 0 (not protect) for colour values.
Is there some sort of syntax I can use in the Expression field for the column's background colour that references the protect value of the column? I tried
if (column.protect=1, Grey, White)
but it returns errorous saying it expects a TRUE/FALSE condition.
Is what I'm after impossible, or is it just a matter of getting the right syntax.

Wow. You like complex, layered questions.
The first problem is accessing the value, which isn't done as directly as you described. As a matter of fact, you use a Describe() to get the value. The only problem with that is that it comes back as a string in the following format, with quotes around (note that we're using standard PowerScript string notation where ~t is a tab)
You want the expression, so you'll have to parse it out, dropping the quotes as well.
Once you've got the expression, you'll need to evaluate it for the given row. That can be done with another Describe () call, particularly:
Describe ("Evaluate('<expression>', <rownum>)")
The row number that an expression is being evaluated on can be had with the GetRow() function.
This may sound like it needs PowerScript and some interim value storage, but as long as you're willing to make redundant function calls to get a given value more than once, you can do this in an expression, something like (for an example column b):
if (Describe ("Evaluate (~"" + Mid (Describe ("b.protect"),
Pos (Describe ("b.protect"), "~t")+1,
Len (Describe ("b.protect")) - Pos (Describe ("b.protect"), "~t") - 1)
+ "~", " + String (GetRow()) + ")")='1',
rgb(128, 128, 128),
This looks complex, but if you put the Mid() expression in a compute field so you can see the result, you'll see that simply parses out the Protect expression and puts it into the Describe (Evaluate()) syntax described above.
I have put one cheat into my code for simplicity. I used the knowledge that I only had single quotes in my Protect expression, and chose to put the Evaluate() expression string in double quotes. If I was trying to do this generically for any column, and couldn't assume an absence of double quotes in my Protect expression, I'd have use a global function to do a replace of any double quotes in the Protect expression with escaped quotes (~"), which I believe in your code would look like a triple tilde and a quote. Then again, if I had to make a global function call (note that global function calls in expressions can have a significant performance impact if there are a lot of rows), I'd just pass it the Describe ("column.protect") and GetRow() and build the entire expression in PowerScript, which would be easier to understand and maintain.
Good luck,


Methods to concatenate strings on separate lines

This produces newlines:
This produces spaces:
This produces one string:
When I want to separate one string on multiple lines to read it better on screen, is it preferred to use the escape character?
My IDE complains that I should use single quoted strings rather than double quoted strings since there is no interpolation.
Normally you'd put something like this on one line, readability be damned, because the alternatives are going to be problematic. There's no way of declaring a string with whitespace ignored, but you can do this:
url = %w[
Where you explicitly remove the whitespace.
I'd actually suggest avoiding this whole mess by properly composing this URI:
uri = url("",
ll: [ 80.914207,30.328466 ],
radius: 200,
v: 20161201,
m: 'foursquare',
categoryId: '4d4b7105d754a06374d81259',
intent: 'browse'
Where you have some kind of helper function that properly encodes that using URI or other tools. By keeping your parameters as data, not as encoded strings, for as long as possible you make it easier to spot bugs as well as make last-second changes to them.
The answer by #tadman definitely suggests the proper way to do it; I’ll post another approach just for the sake of diversity:
query = ""
Yes, without any visible concatenation, 4 strings in quotes one by one in a row. This example won’t work in irb/pry (due to it’s REPL nature,) but the above is the most efficient way to concatenate strings in ruby without producing any intermediate result.
Contrived example to test in pry/irb:
value = "a" "b" "c" "d"

Recoding variable in SPSS with syntax

I have a dataset with 1500+ codes for medical treatments (Verrichtingcode). They are coded such as 337409A, 339830E or 336690. This is a string variable. I want to use the syntax to change those into, let's say: laparoscopic abdominal surgery. I have the translation for all these codes standing by.
If I use the syntax:
339985B 'Sedation'.
What comes out is: 339985 = "B 'Sedation'"
Which doesn't work.
I then tried to Recode >
RECODE Verrichtingcode
(339985B= AA339985BBB).
RECODE Verrichtingcode
(339985B= AA339985BBB).
This works fine, until you get to a code with an E at the end.
RECODE Verrichtingcode
(336070D= AA336070DBB)
(333698E= AA333698EBB).
RECODE Verrichtingcode
(336070D= AA336070DBB)
(333698E= AA333698EBB).
What I get is:
>Warning # 203 in column 2. Text: 333698E
>An 'E', beginning the exponent portion of a number, was not followed by any
>The symbol will be treated as an invalid special character.
>Error # 4654 in column 2. Text: 339993
>The RECODE command attempts to test a string variable for having a numeric
>value. Note that LOWEST, HIGHEST, and SYSMIS are considered to be numeric
>Execution of this command stops.
I could off course do it all by hand in the Variable view, but with 1500+ procedures it's gonna take some time ;)
If any of you would be so kind to help me, It would be really appreciated. If you need more info, I would be happy to deliver.
With 1500 codes, you really don't want to do this with IF or RECODE. Assigning value labels is the usual way of dealing with this. If you actually need the variable values to be the identifying strings, a table lookup would be vastly better. MATCH FILES with the TABLE subcommand can handle this. You would create a dataset with the keys and labels, sort it and the regular data, and then use MATCH with TABLE.
Since this is a string variable you need to use quotation marks around the values in both commands you used:
VALUE LABELS Verrichtingcode
'339985B' 'Sedation'.
RECODE Verrichtingcode ('339985B'= 'AA339985BBB').

Evaluating a frozen string

My vague understanding is that, with Ruby 2.2's frozen method on string or Ruby 2.3's frozen-string-literal: true pragma, a relevant frozen string literal is evaluated only once throughout program execution if and only if the string does not have interpolation. The following seems to illustrate this:
Not interpolated
#frozen-string-literal: true
5.times{p "".object_id}
Outputs (same object IDs):
#frozen-string-literal: true
5.times{p "#{}".object_id}
Outputs (different object IDs):
What is this property (i.e., being evaluated only once) called? It should be distinct from immutability.
Is my understanding of the condition when strings come to have such property correct? Where is the official documentation mentioning this?
Is there a way to make an interpolated string be evaluated only once?
Interning. The strings are said to be interned.
Not completely. It is more like if the interpreter can decide what the value of the string would be before evaluating it. For example, consider:
5.times { puts "#{'foo'}".object_id }
The id is the same even though there is interpolation involved.
No. This is an internal optimization. The main point of Object#freeze is immutability.
UPDATE: Only literal strings get internalized. This is evident here.
I couldn't find the part of the code responsible for interpolation. So I'm not sure why "#{'foo'}" is considered a literal string. Note that wherever this translation occurs, it is on a lower parser level and happens way before any actual processing. This is evident by the fact that String#freeze is mapped to rb_str_freeze, which doesn't call opt_str_freeze.
"Frozen" is not about whether the string is evaluated more than once. It is, you are right, about mutability.
A string literal will be evaluated every time the line containing it is encountered.
The (only) way to make it be evaluated only once, is to put it in a line of source code that is only executed once, instead of in a loop. A string literal in a loop (or any other part of source code) will always be evaluated every time that line of source code is executed in program flow.
This is indeed a separate thing than whether it is frozen/immutable or not, once evaluated.
The accepted answer is kind of misleading. "It is more like if the interpreter can decide what the value of the string would be before evaluating it." Nope. Not at all. It needs to be evaluated. If the string is frozen, then once it IS evaluated, it will use the same location in memory and the same object/object_id (which are two ways of saying the same thing) as all other equivalent strings. But it's still being evaluated, with or without interpolation.
(Without interpolation, 'evaluation' of a string literal is very very quick. With simple interpolation it's usually pretty quick too. You can of course use interpolation to call out to an expensive method though, hypothetically).
Without interpolation, I wouldn't worry about it at all. With interpolation, if you think your interpolation is expensive enough you don't want to do it in a loop -- the only way to avoid it is not to do it in a loop, but create the string once outside the loop.
Ruby docs probably talk about "String literals" rather than "literal Strings". A "String literal" is any String created by bytes in source code (using '', "", %Q[], or any of the other ways of creating strings literals in source code in ruby). With or without interpolation.
So what kinds of Strings aren't created by String literals? Well, a string created by reading in bytes from a file or network for instance. Or a String created by taking an existing string and calling a method on it that returns a copy, like some_string.dup. "String literal" means a string created literally in source code, rather than by reading from external input.

What are square braces surrounding attribute values?

In the TFS DefaultTemplate.11.1.xaml build process template, there are many attributes whose entire values are surrounded by square braces [], so a tag has the form
<tagName attributeName="[attributeValue]">
where tagName, attributeName, and attributeValue are text strings.
I cannot find any documentation for this value syntax. From the template, it appears to cause the XAML processor to evaluate the text as an expression. Is this explained somewhere?
I believe that square braces in XAML do indeed denote a value expression. I am still uncertain exactly how this denotation is supported or enforced. Possibilities include:
-XAML syntax; I think this is the most likely answer.
-A Converter implementation somewhere which detects during parsing when a value begins and ends with square braces, and evaluates the content within during processing; I think this is the second-most likely answer.
-It's possible that the square braces are actually not special characters and are valid as part of an identifier, the evaluation of the value is performed via some other as yet unknown mechanism, and the square braces are present by convention only, perhaps to indicate that the value is not a literal but an expression to be evaluated. I think this is an unlikely answer.
Supporting research:
"Expressions created in the WF designer are serialized using square brackets, which is shorthand for VisualBasicValue or VisualBasicReference"
"Hand edit the workflow XAML file to change value of the Number property to [1+2] (the square brackets denote an expression)"
"Expressions are literal values or Visual Basic code bound to arguments or properties. They contain value elements (e.g. variables, constants, literals, properties) that are combined with operations to yield a new value. Expressions are written using VB.NET syntax even if the application is in a program using C#."
"Workflows produced by designer are saved in XAML, where expressions appear enclosed in square brackets."
The last quote above is the only official documentation I have found that in any way mentions the square brace surrounding expressions as XAML attribute values, and this still does not clarify whether the designer does this merely arbitrarily and without invoking any special syntax, or if expressions must appear enclosed in square brackets according to the official XAML specification and as such the designer must do this.
It is a property that is set before in your XAML like this for example: <x:Property Name="BuildNumberFormat" Type="InArgument(x:String)" /> If you open the build process templates in VS 2012 you are able to change/customize them using Workflow.

What does %{} do in Ruby?

In Matt's post about drying up cucumber tests, Aslak suggests the following.
When I have lots of quotes, I prefer this:
Given %{I enter “#{User.first.username}” in “username”}
What is the %{CONTENT} construct called? Will someone mind referencing it in some documentation? I'm not sure how to go about looking it up.
There's also the stuff about %Q. Is that equivalent to just %? What of the curly braces? Can you use square braces? Do they function differently?
Finally, what is the #{<ruby stuff to be evaluated>} construct called? Is there a reference to that in documentation somewhere, too?
None of the other answers actually answer the question.
This is percent sign notation. The percent sign indicates that the next character is a literal delimiter, and you can use any (non alphanumeric) one you want. For example:
etc. This allows you to put double quotes, single quotes etc into the string without escaping:
%{foo='bar with embedded "baz"'}
returns the literal string:
foo='bar with embedded "baz"'
The percent sign can be followed by a letter modifier to determine how the string is interpolated. For example, %Q[ ] is an interpolated String, %q[ ] is a non-interpolated String, %i[ ] is a non-interpolated Array of Symbols etc. So for example:
%i#potato tuna#
returns this array of Symbols:
[:potato, :tuna]
Details are here: Wikibooks
"Percent literals" is usually a good way to google some information:
#{} is called "string interpolation".
The #{1+1} is called String Interpolation.
I, and Wikibooks, refer to the % stuff as just "% notation". Reference here. The % notation takes any delimiter, so long as it's non alphanumeric. It can also take modifiers (kind of like how regular expressions take options), one of which, interestingly enough, is whether you'll permit #{}-style string interpolation (this is also enabled by default).
% then does some special stuff to it, giving that notation some distinct, if a bit cryptic to beginners, terseness. For example %w{hello world} returns an array ['hello','world']. %s{hello} returns a symbol :hello.
