ruby - if string is not contained within an array - ruby

I only want to output one anchor here. If the current_page is in the array I get two (.html and -nf.html). If it is not in the array I get as many anchors as there are items in the array.
I am using StaticMatic.
- if page_options[:current_index] < page_options[:total_index] && page_options[:current_index] > 0
// loop through the pre-flash array and if current page matches, add -nf
- page_options[:pre_flash] = ['string_one-nf', 'string_two-nf', 'string_three-nf']
- page_options[:pre_flash].each do |each_string|
- if current_page.include? each_string
%a{ :href => "page#{page_options[:current_index]}-nf.html", :class => "next" }
- else
%a{ :href => "page#{page_options[:current_index]}.html", :class => "next" }

unless current_page.include? the_string
You could break the each-loop if you want your first finding to be the only one.
But now this looks a little bit weird, because you are iterating over an array
and breaking after the first element no matter what happens.
Am I addressing your problem at all?
options[:pre_flash] = ['string_one-nf', 'string_two-nf', 'string_three-nf']
page_options[:pre_flash].each do |each_string|
if current_page.include? each_string
%a{ :href => "page#{page_options[:current_index]}-nf.html", :class => "next" }
# This is the last ancor
%a{ :href => "page#{page_options[:current_index]}.html", :class => "next" }
# This is the last ancor

Okay, so I think we're checking that none of page_options[:current_index] are substrings of current_page.
if page_options[:current_index] < page_options[:total_index] && page_options[:current_index] > 0
found_item = false
// loop through the pre-flash array and if current page matches, add -nf
- page_options[:pre_flash] = ['string_one-nf', 'string_two-nf', 'string_three-nf']
- page_options[:pre_flash].each do |each_string|
- if current_page.include? each_string
found_item = true
%a{ :href => "page#{page_options[:current_index]}-nf.html", :class => "next" }
# do whatever you need to get out of the staticmatic block...
- if !found_item
%a{ :href => "page#{page_options[:current_index]}.html", :class => "next" }
Sorry - I misunderstood what you were doing... thought you were doing an include? on an array but it was a string... :-)


Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementNotVisibleError while looping to click button using Watir

I am trying to click a button on loop basis.
Let us say I have following code
if ind == 2
export_id = #browser.div(:id => pop_id).div(:class => /actionDropDownItem groupChild nonSelectable/,:title => "Export").id
#browser.div(:id => export_id).click
#browser.div(:id => pop_id).div(:class => /actionDropDownItem groupChild nonSelectable/,:title => "Export").click
But it shows error at index value "2" and the Error is
Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with
Can anyone help me in this case?
It would be great if you provide proper html .
Try this once , this would work for you
if ind == 2
export_id = #browser.div(:id => export_id)
#browser.div(:id => pop_id).div(:class => /actionDropDownItem groupChild nonSelectable/,:title => "Export").click

comparison of Fixnum with Array failed (ArgumentError)

When the script wants to increment progressbar value it gives me:
/progressable.rb:93:in `<=': comparison of Fixnum with Array failed (ArgumentError)
The Script is shown belove. I ftryed to find solution but no luck. Can Anyone help me with this?
korpusu_id = []
container.divs(:class => "resItem")
.find_all { |div| div.span(:class => "theText", :text => /TestAuto/).exists? }
.each do |korpuss|
id = korpuss.span.parent.parent.attribute_value("id")
id = id[-38..-1]
puts ""
puts "Tagad notiek nepieciešamo korpusu dzēšana..."
progress = ProgressBar.create(:title => "Failu dzēšana:", :progress_mark => "|", :format => "%t [%B] %p%%", :total => korpusu_id)
korpusu_id.each do |korp_id|
#b.execute_script("window.confirm = function() {return true}")
delete_poga =, "ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_lnkDeleteCorpora")
if delete_poga.exists?
puts "Korpuss\n#{#env}/CorpusMetadataEditor.aspx?id=#{korp_id}\nlietotājam #{lietotajs} nav pieejams rediģēšanai.\nTurpinu ar nākošo korpusu!\n---------------------------------------------"
container.div(:class => "resItem").wait_until_present
I found the final solution for my problem. I changed:
progress = ProgressBar.create(:title => "Failu dzēšana:", :progress_mark => "|", :format => "%t [%B] %p%%", :total => korpusu_id.length)
and this worked for me.
Sorry for spam...

Ruby - loop through array

In a form I have a list of products from database and every product has these items in the form:
= text_field_tag 'item[''][]'
= text_field_tag 'item_value1[''][]'
= text_field_tag 'item_value2[''][]'
I am trying to loop over the array and get all those (item, item_value1, item_value2) this way:
params[:item].each_with_index do |val, index|
puts "#{val[0]} => #{val[1]}"
and the output is like:
191359 => [""]
191361 => [""]
191360 => ["15"]
191212 => [""]
191210 => ["9"]
248974 => [""]
191209 => [""]
190920 => [""]
190919 => [""]
190921 => [""]
But, how to get all data for the respective products? Something like
puts "item: #{item}, item_value1: #{item_value1}, item_value2: #{item_value2}"
There are three parameters here item, item_value1 and item_value2. Iterating over item will give you values from parameter items only and not from intem_value1 and item_value2. If the indexes of these 3 parameters are relative, then you can play with index as in your code
params[:item].each_with_index do |val, index|
puts "#{params[:item_value1][index]} => #{params[:item_value1][index]}"

How to pass a hash object to a HAML tag

Please consider this example:
- user_links_params = _user_link_params(current_user)
%a{ :'data-msgstore-path' => user_links_params[:'data-msgstore-path'],
:'data-user_id' => user_links_params[:'data-user_id'],
:class => user_links_params[:class],
/ too many html tags and stuff to fit in a simple link_to
I would be nice to fit all this in a simple statement like the following:
/ too many html tags and stuff to fit in a simple link_to
Yes, it's possible, and you were close:
From the HAML reference:
For example, if you defined
def hash1
{:bread => 'white', :filling => 'peanut butter and jelly'}
def hash2
{:bread => 'whole wheat'}
then %sandwich{hash1, hash2, :delicious => true}/ would compile to:
<sandwich bread='whole wheat' delicious='true' filling='peanut butter and jelly' />

How can I get all the checked items from a submitted form with sinatra's params?

I'm running Sinatra 1.0 with HAML, my form has a number of checkboxes, for example books I like, and you would select all the books you want. The checkbox name is "books".
In sinatra params['books'] there should be an array of all the books that were checked, but it only has the last item that was checked, not an array.
How can I get all the checked items?
%form{:action => "/test", :method => 'post'}
%input{:name=>'check',:type=>'checkbox',:value=>'item1'} item 1
%input{:name=>'check',:type=>'checkbox',:value=>'item2'} item 2
%input{:name=>'check',:type=>'checkbox',:value=>'item3'} item 3
%input{:type => "submit", :value => "send", :class => "button"}
Sinatra get method
post '/test' do
puts params['check'] #should be an array but is last item checked
Very close, but do not but numbers in the arrays
%form{:action => "/test", :method => 'post'}
%input{:name=>'check[]',:type=>'checkbox',:value=>'item1'} item 1
%input{:name=>'check[]',:type=>'checkbox',:value=>'item2'} item 2
%input{:name=>'check[]',:type=>'checkbox',:value=>'item3'} item 3
post '/test' do
puts params['check'] #puts an array of what was checked to stdout
Wouldn't that output a bunch of checkboxes with the same name? If so, params['check'] is probably getting replaced with each new checkbox.
Try naming each one something different. If you really want it in an array, try hacking the names:
%input{:name=>'check[1]',:type=>'checkbox',:value=>'item1'} item 1
%input{:name=>'check[2]',:type=>'checkbox',:value=>'item2'} item 2
%input{:name=>'check[3]',:type=>'checkbox',:value=>'item3'} item 3
%input{:type => "checkbox", :value => "1", :name => "checkbox[]", :id => "id1"} Chk1
%input{:type => "checkbox", :value => "2", :name => "checkbox[]", :id => "id2"} Chk2
%input{:type => "checkbox", :value => "3", :name => "checkbox[]", :id => "id3"} Chk3
Then in the rails or sinatra
puts params[:checkbox]
Then you can see the checked items.
