Model View Presenter - Handling more complex UI controls - controls

I'm investigating the Model View Presenter pattern. So far I like what I see, however pretty much all of the articles, webcasts, podcasts etc. I've seen, read or heard tend to deal with setting and retrieving simple types from textboxes and I'm struggling to understand how to deal with more complicated UI controls.
For example, imagine I have a CheckedListBox. In this CLB I want to display all available choices and the choices selected for a given instance (imagine a Friend class with a FavouriteIceCreamFlavours List). I can fill the list box easily, but how then would I set which are selected (say on a subsequent edit of this friend). Also, how would I then persist those changes back to the underlying Friend object?
Another candidate would be a TreeView. Suppose by right clicking a node in the TV I want the user to be able to delete that node - what's the best approach of communicating that action back to the Presenter?
(PS I'm developing in a C# 3.5/WinForms environment)

I'm only new to this MVP thing as well. But I'll have a go at what I would do. What I would do with the treeview is just handle the delete inside the view as it's just UI events, but if you some kind of database logic or something then you could do this.
I would have:
Presenter Interface:
Interface IPresenter
bool DeleteItem(string itemName);
View Class:
class View : IView
IPresenter presenter = new Presenter(this);
void DeleteButtonClick(//SomeEventArgs)
bool vaild = this.presentor.DeleteItem(//Get the selected item);
if (vaild)
{ //Delete the item from the tree view }
Presenter Class:
class Presenter : IPresenter
public bool DeleteItem(string itemName)
// Check for valid delete.
return true or false
Hopefully that should work.


Use NavigateAsync in Prism.Forms with an already existant ViewModel

Scenario: I have view, view model and model for PickList and PickLine. The PickListViewModel contains an ObservableCollection<PickLineViewModel> and the PickList model contains a List<PickLine>. My PickList page contains a ListView which is bound to the ObservableCollection<PickLineViewModel> and if a line is tapped NavigateAsync is called to navigate to the tapped PickLine.
Normally, when I call NavigateAsync Prism navigates to the page, locates the view model, creates an instance of it and binds this instance to the view. But in this case the view model instance that should be bound to the page is already existant (as an element of my ObservableCollection) and I don't want the Prism ViewModelLocator to create a new instance, due to the fact that it then would have to get data from web service and I try to keep the number of web service calls as low as possible.
Also I can't use models in the ObservableCollection because the view model contains properties which are only used for UI purposes so these properties should definitely not be part of the model, but the UI properties I'm talking about are needed in the PickList page and in the PickLine page.
Tl;dr: Is there any way in Prism.Forms to provide a view model instance
on navigating to a page that will than be bound to it?
Your problem is that you are confusing what a Model is and what a ViewModel is. In this case what you should have is:
PickLine (Model)
PickLineView (View)
PickLineViewModel (ViewModel)
PickLineListView (View)
PickLineListViewModel (ViewModel)
Containing your ObservableCollection of PickLine not PickLineViewModel
Without seeing your precise code, I'm going to take a guess from experience here that your code probably looks something like the following in principal:
public ObservableCollection<PickLineViewModel> Items { get; set; }
public DelegateCommand<PickLineViewModel> ItemTappedCommand { get; }
public void OnNavigatedTo(INavigationAware parameters)
var picks = _dataService.GetPickLines();
Items = new ObservableCollection<PickLineViewModel>(
picks.Select(x => new PickLineViewModel
Model = x,
ItemTappedCommand = ItemTappedCommand
I see code like the above a lot from people who confuse the difference between a Model and ViewModel, and often from people who don't understand how to properly bind back to the ViewModel from something like a Cell in a ListView.
What you should have instead is code that is more like:
public ObservableCollection<PickLine> Items { get; set; }
public DelegateCommand<PickLine> ItemTappedCommand { get; }
public void OnNavigatedTo(INavigationAware parameters)
var picks = _dataService.GetPickLines();
Items = new ObservableCollection<PickLine>(picks);
Is there any way in Prism.Forms to provide a view model instance on navigating to a page that will than be bound to it?
No, as far as I know, Prism Forms does not provide view model-first navigation (as opposed to Prism on WPF which does).
You should be able to work around this, though, by passing your existing view model as parameter and making the ViewModelLocator-created view model an "empty shell" that redirects everything to the actual view model.

Xamarin MVVM Pass Data to other ViewModels and shared ViewModel

I have 2 questions.
First=> How can i pass value between 2 ViewModels ?
For example, I m adding data and showing it into the MainPAGE, and simultaneously I want to show the same data ( Observable Collection ) in the ChildPAGE too. Inside the ChildPAGE Xaml I assigned the BindingContext to ViewModel and I assigned listview’s data source to that Observable Collection .But I couldn’t make it work . I tried some examples, but I couldn’t manage it to work. If the data load in the ChildPAGE’s constructor then it works else doesn’t work. I thought , I would improve the performance with using one ObservableCollection, but I think, the mechanism in MVVM is different.
So how can I use one ObservableCollection in 2 pages.
Second => How can I pass data between ViewModels without using the constructor.
Example: I Have 2 Pages ( MainPage and ChidPage) and 2 ViewModels ( MainVM and ChildVM ) .
Situation => If I would pass data from MainPage to ChildPage , I would send data within the constructor .But I want to get data from Childpage to MainPage . So PopAsync doesn’t have a constructor. I also tried EventHandler but it doesn’t work.
Is the only solution is Messaging center? Or what do you advice for better performance? Also does the MessagingCenter reduces the performance because of high usage of RAM?
NOTE: ( I want to learn the mvvm architecture, so I don’t want to use other MVVM Frameworks. I want to get the idea of MVVM and C# comprehensively.)
Thanks in advance
You could create a model class that both view models depend on. The model itself would hold the observable collection, while the view models reference the observable collection. This is a good way to share data across various view models throughout the life of your app. Usually you will want to make the model a singleton to ensure that it really is the same data.
If you don't want to use messaging center, you can use an MVVM framework which comes with other benefits. I use Prism to simplify navigation and you can pass navigation parameters along.
Finally, and this is not the best option usually, you may maintain data in the App object. You can set values in the Properties collection. This is not advisable for complex objects.
First you would have some data transfer object which the ObservableCollection would contain, unless you're just holding integers or something.
public class MyDTO
//fields for Data Transfer Object
DTO's are often among your models, but sometimes you need a composite class to hold DTO's and collections of DTO's
Here is a simple Model that would contain your ObservableCollection
public class MyCollectionModel
#region Singleton Pattern
private MyCollectionModel()
public static MyCollectionModel Instance { get; } = new MyCollectionModel();
private ObservableCollection<MyDTO> _dtos;
public ObservableCollection<MyDTO> MyObservableCollection
get { return _dtos; }
set { _dtos = value; }
Note that this implements the Singleton pattern. It could even implment INotifyPropertyChanged as well.
Next your view models, imagine a MyVM1 and MyVM2, would reference the ObservableCollection in your Model with something like this.
public class MyVM1 : INotifyPropertyChanged // Do the same with MyVM2, which would be the binding context for view 2
private MyCollectionModel _model;
public MyVM1 ()
_model = MyCollectionModel.Instance;
private ObservableCollection<MyDTO> myVar;
public ObservableCollection<MyDTO> MyProperty //Bind to this in your View1
return _model.MyObservableCollection;
myVar = value;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] String propertyName = "")
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
I'm leaving quite a few things out here, and don't really have time to build an entire project just to test. I hope this helps.
You normally use await navService.PushAsync(new MyPage2(dataToShare)); to pass data between pages/VMs. This involves using constructors. Here is a simple example of it:
Since you don't want to use constructors, you may load the data on your child page from your service. Alternatively, you may cache the data on the local storage (client-side) and simply load it from there in your child/main page.

How do I bypass the limitations of what MVC-CORE controllers can pass to the view?

From what I've read, I'm supposed to be using ViewModels to populate my views in MVC, rather than the model directly. This should allow me to pass not just the contents of the model, but also other information such as login state, etc. to the view instead of using ViewBag or ViewData. I've followed the tutorials and I've had both a model and a viewmodel successfully sent to the view. The original problem I had was that I needed a paginated view, which is simple to do when passing a model alone, but becomes difficult when passing a viewmodel.
With a model of
public class Instructor {
public string forename { get; set; }
public string surname { get; set; }
and a viewmodel of
public class InstructorVM {
public Instructor Instructors { get; set; }
public string LoggedIn { get; set; }
I can create a paginated list of the instructors using the pure model Instructor but I can't pass InstructorVM to the view and paginate it as there are other properties that aren't required in the pagination LoggedIn cause issues. If I pass InstructorVM.Instructors to the view, I get the pagination, but don't get the LoggedIn and as this is just the model, I may has well have passed that through directly.
An alternative that was suggested was to convert/expand the viewmodel into a list or somesuch which would produce an object like this that gets passed to the view
instructor.forename = "dave", instructor.surname = "smith", LoggedIn="Hello brian"
instructor.forename = "alan", instructor.surname = "jones", LoggedIn="Hello brian"
instructor.forename = "paul", instructor.surname = "barns", LoggedIn="Hello brian"
where the LoggedIn value is repeated in every row and then retrieved in the row using Model[0].LoggedIn
Obviously, this problem is caused because you can only pass one object back from a method, either Instructor, InstructorVM, List<InstructorVM>, etc.
I'm trying to find out the best option to give me pagination (on part of the returned object) from a viewmodel while not replicating everything else in the viewmodel.
One suggestion was to use a JavaScript framework like React/Angular to break up the page into a more MVVM way of doing things, the problem with that being that despite looking for suggestions and reading 1001 "Best JS framework" lists via Google, they all assume I have already learned all of the frameworks and can thus pick the most suitable one from the options available.
When all I want to do is show a string and a paginated list from a viewmodel on a view. At this point I don't care how, I don't care if I have to learn a JS framework or if I can do it just using MVC core, but can someone tell me how to do this thing I could do quite simply in ASP.NET? If it's "use a JS framework" which one?
I'm not exactly sure what the difficulty is here, as pagination and using a view model aren't factors that play on one another. Pagination is all about selecting a subset of items from a data store, which happens entirely in your initial query. For example, whereas you might originally have done something like:
var widgets = db.Widgets.ToList();
Instead you would do something like:
var widgets = db.Widgets.Skip((pageNumber - 1) * itemsPerPage).Take(itemsPerPage).ToList();
Using a view model is just a layer on top of this, where you then just map the queried data, no matter what it is onto instances of your view model:
var widgetViewModels = widgets.Select(w => new WidgetViewModel
If you're using a library like PagedList or similar, this behavior may not be immediately obvious, since the default implementation depends on having access to the queryset (in order to do the skip/take logic for you). However, PagedList, for example has StaticPagedList which allows you to create an IPagedList instance with an existing dataset:
var pagedWidgets = new StaticPagedList<WidgetViewModel>(widgetViewModels, pageNumber, itemsPerPage, totalItems);
There, the only part you'd be missing is totalItems, which is going to require an additional count query on the unfiltered queryset.
If you're using a different library, there should be some sort of similar functionality available. You'll just need to confer with the documentation.

Model binding in controller when form is posted - why to use view model instead of class from domain model?

I'm still reasonably new to ASP.NET MVC 3. I have come across view models and their use for passing data from a controller to the view. In my recent question on model binding two experts suggested that I should use view models for model binding as well.
This is something I haven't come across before. But both guys have assured me that it is best practise. Could someone maybe shed some light on the reasons why view models are more suitable for model binding?
Here is an example situation: I have a simple class in my domain model.
public class TestParent
public int TestParentID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Comment { get; set; }
And this is my controller:
public class TestController : Controller
private EFDbTestParentRepository testParentRepository = new EFDbTestParentRepository();
private EFDbTestChildRepository testChildRepository = new EFDbTestChildRepository();
public ActionResult ListParents()
return View(testParentRepository.TestParents);
public ViewResult EditParent(int testParentID)
return View(testParentRepository.TestParents.First(tp => tp.TestParentID == testParentID));
public ActionResult EditParent(TestParent testParent)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
TempData["message"] = string.Format("Changes to test parents have been saved: {0} (ID = {1})",
return RedirectToAction("ListParents");
// something wrong with the data values
return View(testParent);
So in the third action method which gets invoked when an HTTP POST arrives I used TestParent for model binding. This felt quite convenient because the browser page that generates the HTTP POST request contains input fields for all properties of TestParent. And I actually thought that's the way the templates that Visual Studio provides for CRUD operations work as well.
However the recommendation that I got was that the signature of the third action method should read public ActionResult EditParent(TestParentViewModel viewModel).
It sounds appealing at first, but as your models and view actions get increasingly complex, you start to see the value of using ViewModels for (most) everything, especially input scenarios.
Case 1 - Most web frameworks are susceptible to over-posting. If you are binding straight to your domain model, it is very possible to over-post data and maliciously change something not belonging to the user. I find it cleaner to bind to an input view model than have long string lists of white lists or black lists, although there are some other interesting ways with binding to an interface.
Case 2 - As your input grows in complexity, you'll run into times when you need to submit and validate fields not directly in the domain model ('I Agree' checkboxes, etc)
Case 3 - More of a personal thing, but I find model binding to relational domain objects to be a giant pain at times. Easier to link them up in AutoMapper than deal with MVC's modelbinder for complicated object graphs. MVC's html helpers also work more smoothly against primitive types than deep relational models.
The negatives of using ViewModels is that it isn't very DRY.
So the moral of the story is, binding to domain models can be a viable solution for simple things, but as the complexity increases, it becomes easier to have a separate view model and then map between the two.

The difference between object validation and persistence validation in DDD?

Right now, I have a domain entity named StyleBundle. This StyleBundle takes a list of Styles:
public class StyleBundle
public StyleBundle(List<Style> styles)
this.Styles = styles;
public IEnumerable<Style> Styles { get; private set;}
So, in my original design, a StyleBundle should never be created with an empty Style list. This was a rule that the domain experts basically said was good.
I wrote this using a guard clause in the constructor:
if (styles.Count() == 0)
throw new Exception("You must have at least one Style in a StyleBundle.");
which made sure I could not create StyleBundle in an invalid state. I thought an exception made sense here b/c a StyleBundle being created without at least one Style was exceptional in the system.
Of course, change came down the road during the rest of the project, and now it should be possible for a user to create a StyleBundle without Styles, but they should not be allowed to PERSIST a StyleBundle without Styles.
So now I'm looking at my guard clause and realizing that I can't have the exception thrown from the constructor anymore.
Moving forward, I have a Service/Application layer that my code-behinds interact with when they're working with StyleBundles. In my Service Layer, I have a StyleBundleService class, and that class exposes basic functionality to the UI... among them is "CreateStyleBundle".
It seems as if I'll have to have my Service Layer check to see if the StyleBundle does or does not have any Styles before it's persisted to the database, but something about this decision feels "wrong" to me.
Anyone run into a similar thing? Basically, the different between the state of an object being valid when "new'ed up" vs. the state of the same object when it comes to persistence?
I would add an IsValid method to your entity. This would check if the entity is currently in a valid state (in your case, check if there are styles).
This method can be called from your Repository to check if an entity may be persisted. You can add more rules to the IsValid method for specific entities and you can implement something like a collection of Validation errors is you want to throw a meaningful exception.
Expanding what Wouter said, plus handy BeforeSaving and BeforeDeleting methods:
public interface IDomainObject<T>
bool IsValid();
public interface IEntity<T> : IDomainObject<T>
public interface IAggregateRoot<T> : IEntity<T>
void BeforeSaving();
void BeforeDeleting();
public interface IAggregateRoot { //or simply IEntity depending on the model
bool IsValid();
public class StyleBundle : IAggregateRoot<T> {
return styles.Count() > 0
public class StyleBundleRepository : Repository<StyleBundle> {
public abstract class Repository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class, IAggregateRoot<T> {
public T Save(T t)
t.BeforeSaving(); //for all AggregateRoots, maybe logging what the aggregate was like before the changes
throw Exeception("Entity invalid");
// "AfterSaving" here, i.e.: log how the entity looks after the update
Edit: I dont personally use the IsValid idea, I go with a full class of EntityValidationErrors where I can report back to the client what was wrong before attempting to save, things that shouldnt be null, shouldnt be empty (like your Styles etc)
There are multiple strategies:
Some developers prefer to create 2 methods in the entity itself, one called IsValid() which validates the entity in terms of business rules (general validation) and another one called IsValidForPersistence() which validates the entity for persistence.
Regarding IsValid() I prefer instead not to allow invalid state in the first place by validating all inputs, and to support invariants I use factory or builder.
you may check the link
for some thoughts.
I know, this question is three years old, but seeing the current answer is something I like to respond to. We are talking about the domain data. Hence, there can't be a valid StyleBundle with 0 objects. I imagine, you have a frontend editor somewhere, were you create a "new" StyleBundle and have to add at least one style, before hitting the "save" button.
At this point in the frontend, you won't have a domain object. You may have a data transfer object, that will be send with a "CreateNewStyleBundle" command.
In my opinion, the domain object must be agnostic to persitance and should always be in a valid state. If you have to call a "IsValid" method, you circumvent the whole idea of having domain objects in the first place.
That's just my humble opinion.
