How can I replace every instance of a pattern in ruby? - ruby

string.sub looks like it only replaces the first instance. Is there an option for that or another method that can replace all patterns? Can you do it inside a regex like perl?
(I think something like r/blah/blah/)
... and +1 to anyone who can tell me WHY ON EARTH does string.sub replace just the FIRST match?

String.gsub should do the trick.
Quoting docs:
gsub(pattern, replacement) → new_str
Returns a copy of str with the all occurrences of pattern
substituted for the second argument. The pattern is typically a
Regexp; if given as a String, any regular expression metacharacters it
contains will be interpreted literally, e.g. \\d will match a
backlash followed by d, instead of a digit.

I could explain why sub just replaces the first match of a pattern, but I think the documentation does it so much better (from ri String#sub on the command line):
str.sub(pattern, replacement) => new_str
str.sub(pattern) {|match| block } => new_str
Returns a copy of _str_ with the _first_ occurrence of _pattern_
replaced with either _replacement_ or the value of the block.


opposite of sub in ruby

I want to replace the content (or delete it) that does not match with my filter.
I think the perfect description would be an opposite sub. I cannot find anything similar in the docs, and I'm not sure how to invert the regex, but I think a method would probably be the more convenient.
An example of how it would work (I've just changed the words to make it more clear)
"bird.cats.dogs".opposite_sub(/(dogs|cats)\.(dogs|cats)/, '')
I hope it's easy enough to understand.
Thanks in advance.
String#[] can take a regular expression as its parameter:
▶ "bird.cats.dogs"[/(dogs|cats)\.(dogs|cats)/]
#⇒ "cats.dogs"
For multiple matches one can use String#scan:
▶ "bird.cats.dogs.bird.cats.dogs".scan /(?:dogs|cats)\.(?:dogs|cats)/
#⇒ ["cats.dogs", "cats.dogs"]
So you want to extract the part that matches your regex?
You can use String#slice, for example:
#=> "cats.dogs"
And String#[] does the same.
#=> "cats.dogs"
You cannot have a single replacement string because the part of the string that matches the regex might not be at the beginning or end of the string, in which case it's not clear whether the replacement string should precede or follow the matching string. I've therefore written the following with two replacement strings, one for pre-match, the other for post_match. I've made this a method of the String class as that's what you've asked for (though I've given the method a less-perfect name :-) )
class String
def replace_non_matching(regex, replace_before, replace_after)
first, match, last = partition(regex)
replace_before + match + replace_after
r = /(dogs|cats)\.(dogs|cats)/
"birds.cats.dogs.pigs".replace_non_matching(r, "", "")
#=> "cats.dogs"
"birds.cats.dogs".replace_non_matching(r, "snakes.", ".hens")
#=> "snakes.cats.dogs.hens"
"birds.cats.dogs.mice.cats.dogs.bats".replace_non_matching(r, "snakes.", ".hens")
#=> "snakes.cats.dogs.hens"
Regarding the last example, the method could be modified to replace "birds.", ".mice." and ".bats", but in that case three replacement strings would be needed. In general, determining in advance the number of replacement strings needed could be problematic.

How in ruby delete all non-digits symbols (except commas and dashes)

I meet some hard task for me. I has a string which need to parse into array and some other elements. I have a troubles with REGEXP so wanna ask help.
I need delete from string all non-digits, except commas (,) and dashes (-)
For example:
"!1,2e,3,6..-10" => "1,2,3,6-10"
"ffff5-10...." => "5-10"
"1.2,15" => "12,15"
and so.
This should do it for you.Replace by empty string.See demo.
We must have at least one non-regex solution:
def keep_some(str, keepers)
keep_some("!1,2e,3,6..-10", "0123456789,-")
#=> "1,2,3,6-10"
keep_some("ffff5-10....", "0123456789,-")
#=> "5-10"
keep_some("1.2,15", "0123456789,-")
#=> "12,15"
"!1,2e,3,6..-10".gsub(/[^\d,-]+/, '') # => "1,2,3,6-10"
Use String#gsub with a pattern that matches everything except what you want to keep, and replace it with the empty string. In a reguar expression, the negated character class [^whatever] matches everything except the characters in the "whatever", so this works:
a_string.gsub /[^0-9,-]/, ''
Note that the hyphen has to come last, as otherwise it will be interpreted as a range indicator.
To demonstrate, I put all your "before" strings into an Array and used Enumerable#map to run the above gsub call on all of them, producing an Array of the "after" strings:
["!1,2e,3,6..-10", "ffff5-10....", "1.2,15"].map { |s| s.gsub /[^0-9,-]/, '' }
# => ["1,2,3,6-10", "5-10", "12,15"]

Deleting a substring from a string in Ruby

For destructively deleting substrings from a string by match with a regex or a string (not a character range used for tr), there is one way to do it:
string.gsub!(regex_or_string_pattern, "")
string # => ...
I thought this can be replaced by the following code:
string # => ...
However, testing them with some examples seem to indicate that they are not equivalent. When do they end up with different results?
Because gsub! is "Global Substitution". If there are more than one matches to your string_or_regex_pattern, gsub will replace all of them with "". However slice! will only slice out the first match.

How to change case of letters in string using RegEx in Ruby

Say I have a string : "hEY "
I want to convert it to "Hey "
string.gsub!(/([a-z])([A-Z]+ )/, '\1'.upcase)
That is the idea I have, but it seems like the upcase method does nothing when I use it within the gsub method. Why is that?
EDIT: I came up with this method:
string.gsub!(/([a-z])([A-Z]+ )/) { |str| str.downcase!.capitalize! }
Is there a way to do this within the regex though? I don't really understand the '\1' '\2' thing. Is that backreferencing? How does that work
#sawa Has the simple answer, and you've edited your question with another mechanism. However, to answer two of your questions:
Is there a way to do this within the regex though?
No, Ruby's regex does not support a case-changing feature as some other regex flavors do. You can "prove" this to yourself by reviewing the official Ruby regex docs for 1.9 and 2.0 and searching for the word "case":
I don't really understand the '\1' '\2' thing. Is that backreferencing? How does that work?
Your use of \1 is a kind of backreference. A backreference can be when you use \1 and such in the search pattern. For example, the regular expression /f(.)\1/ will find the letter f, followed by any character, followed by that same character (e.g. "foo" or "f!!").
In this case, within a replacement string passed to a method like String#gsub, the backreference does refer to the previous capture. From the docs:
"If replacement is a String it will be substituted for the matched text. It may contain back-references to the pattern’s capture groups of the form \d, where d is a group number, or \k<n>, where n is a group name. If it is a double-quoted string, both back-references must be preceded by an additional backslash."
In practice, this means:
"hello world".gsub( /([aeiou])/, '_\1_' ) #=> "h_e_ll_o_ w_o_rld"
"hello world".gsub( /([aeiou])/, "_\1_" ) #=> "h_\u0001_ll_\u0001_ w_\u0001_rld"
"hello world".gsub( /([aeiou])/, "_\\1_" ) #=> "h_e_ll_o_ w_o_rld"
Now, you have to understand when code runs. In your original code…
string.gsub!(/([a-z])([A-Z]+ )/, '\1'.upcase)
…what you are doing is calling upcase on the string '\1' (which has no effect) and then calling the gsub! method, passing in a regex and a string as parameters.
Finally, another way to achieve this same goal is with the block form like so:
# Take your pick of which you prefer:
string.gsub!(/([a-z])([A-Z]+ )/){ $1.upcase << $2.downcase }
string.gsub!(/([a-z])([A-Z]+ )/){ [$1.upcase,$2.downcase].join }
string.gsub!(/([a-z])([A-Z]+ )/){ "#{$1.upcase}#{$2.downcase}" }
In the block form of gsub the captured patterns are set to the global variables $1, $2, etc. and you can use those to construct the replacement string.
I don't know why you are trying to do it in a complicated way, but the usual way is:
"hEY".capitalize # => "Hey"
If you insist in using a regex and upcase, then you would also need downcase:
"hEY".downcase.sub(/\w/){$&.upcase} # => "Hey"
If you really want to just swap the case of every letter in the string, you can avoid the complexity of regex entirely because There's A Method For That™.
"hEY".swapcase # => "Hey"
"HellO thERe".swapcase # => "hELLo THerE"
There's also swapcase! to do it destructively.

How to backreference in Ruby regular expression (regex) with gsub when I use grouping?

I would like to patch some text data extracted from web pages.
t="First sentence. Second sentence.Third sentence."
There is no space after the point at the end of the second sentence. This sign me that the 3rd sentence was in a separate line (after a br tag) in the original document.
I want to use this regexp to insert "\n" character into the proper places and patch my text.
My regex:
But unfortunately it doesn't work: "NoMethodError: undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass"
How can I properly backreference to the matched groups?
It was so easy in Microsoft Word, I just had to use \1 and \2 symbols.
You can backreference in the substitution string with \1 (to match capture group 1).
t = "First sentence. Second sentence.Third sentence!Fourth sentence?Fifth sentence."
t.gsub(/([.!?])([A-Z1-9])/, "\\1\n\\2") # => "First sentence. Second sentence.\nThird sentence!\nFourth sentence?\nFifth sentence."
If you are using gsub(regex, replacement), then use '\1', '\2', ... to refer to the match. Make sure not to put double quotes around the replacement, or else escape the backslash as in Joshua's answer. The conversion from '\1' to the match will be done within gsub, not by literal interpretation.
If you are using gsub(regex){replacement}, then use $1, $1, ...
But for your case, it is easier not to use matches:
t2 = t.gsub(/(?<=[.\!?])(?=[A-Z1-9])/, "\n")
If you got here because of Rubocop complaining "Avoid the use of Perl-style backrefs." about $1, $2, etc... you can can do this instead:
some_id = $1
# or
some_id = Regexp.last_match[1] if Regexp.last_match
some_id = $5
# or
some_id = Regexp.last_match[5] if Regexp.last_match
It'll also want you to do
instead of
Lame (Rubocop)
