Store returned reference of tell Finder action in Applescript - applescript

I am building a Applescript droplet to automate some stuff. I have the following line:
tell application "Finder" to duplicate dropped
Dropped being a reference to the file that was dropped on the droplet. The documentation says that this returns a reference to the duplicated object.
I want to set myVariable to the reference that is returned but I can't find in any of the documentation how to actually do that!

if it's a droplet, be aware that the parameter is a list of aliases (you can drag more than one file!), and that if you duplicate a single finder item you will get a finder item, whereas if you duplicate more than one finder item, you will get a list of finder items. i.e. the return value of duplicate depends on the parameters sent to it.
AND... finder items are not very useful outside the finder. You'd be better off with aliases or POSIX paths.
So you probably need something like
on open (dropped)
tell application "Finder"
set duplicate_Finder_items to duplicate dropped
end tell
-- convert the Finder reference for each duplicate item to an AppleScript alias
set duplicate_item_aliases to {}
if class of duplicate_Finder_items is list then
repeat with i from 1 to number of items of duplicate_Finder_items
set the end of duplicate_item_aliases to (item i of duplicate_Finder_items) as alias
end repeat
else -- result was a single Finder item, not a list
set duplicate_item_aliases to {duplicate_Finder_items as alias}
end if
repeat with f in duplicate_item_aliases
set inf to (info for (f as alias))
set n to name of inf
display dialog "You duplicated a file. The duplicate is now known as " & n
end repeat
end open

The duplicate command allows for a location to be specified:
set theResult to duplicate reference ¬
to insertion location ¬
replacing boolean ¬
routing suppressed boolean
Parameter, Required, Type, Description
direct parameter, required, reference, the object(s) to duplicate
replacing, optional, boolean, Specifies whether or not to replace items in the destination that have the same name as items being duplicated
routing suppressed, optional, boolean, Specifies whether or not to autoroute items (default is false). Only applies when copying to the system folder.
to, optional, insertion location, the new location for the object(s)


Applescript to Filter and Sort Files, Return Top Result?

I've been struggling to try and figure out an Automator workflow or Applescript that can accomplish this task.
I want to:
Target a folder with hundreds of subfolders with numeric names (i.e. 00000001, 00000002, 00000003, etc.)
Filter to return only folders that DO NOT already contain files within them (either by size or by number of files, etc.)
Sort by name, Ascending
Select top result (lowest number folder name that doesn't already contain files) and set the folder path as a variable so it can be the next folder the workflow adds files to
Any ideas on how to accomplish this? Thanks!
Most of your requirements will be addressed automatically since you're dealing with file objects rather than text strings, e.g. sorting will occur naturally.
The script begins by designating the parent folder as an alias and then gets its items whose filenames begin with '00000' as a list. If the number of folders increases, eventually you may need to reduce that to four zeros. Needless to say, there shouldn't be non-folder items here with such a filename.
It then cycles through this list, getting the count of disk items within each folder. Based on that number, the name is added to either the empty or non-empty list, and optionally, the folder has its label colour changed to make it visibly obvious.
Finally, it grabs the first item from the list as the next folder up. Obviously, the next time you run it, that item will instead be added to the non-empty list.
tell application "System Events"
set pdk to (path to desktop) & "repo" as text as alias
set fList to disk items of pdk whose name begins with "00000"
set emptyList to {} -- empty folder list
set nonList to {} -- non-empty folder list
repeat with x in fList
set cx to contents of x
set acx to (get path of cx) as alias -- use to change label
if (count of (disk items of cx)) is greater than 0 then -- non-empty
set end of nonList to name of x
tell application "Finder" to set label index of acx to 3
else -- empty
set end of emptyList to name of x
tell application "Finder" to set label index of acx to 0
end if
end repeat
set nextUp to pdk & item 1 of emptyList as text
end tell

AppleScript error: "Mail got an error: Can’t set text item delimiters to {"+", "#"}."

I have written an AppleScript that is activated by a mail rule whenever an email comes in that contains "+".
Why? I host my own mail server that allows for address tagging. What this means is that for example when I'm at a store and they ask for my email address, so they can email the receipt, I can give them my email address like this: The applescript should then get the string between the "+" and "#" character, create a mailbox called "nameofstore" and move the message to it. Everything works fine except for I'm getting the following error:
"Mail got an error: Can’t set text item delimiters to {"+", "#"}."
This is my script:
tell application "Mail"
set unreadmessages to the first message of mailbox "INBOX" of account "Account"
set theEmail to extract address from sender of item 1 of unreadmessages
set mystring to theEmail
set text item delimiters to {"+", "#"}
set textlist to text items of mystring
set mylist to {}
repeat with i from 2 to count of textlist by 2
set end of mylist to item i of textlist
end repeat
get mylist
set mailboxName to mylist
set messageAccount to account of (mailbox of item 1 of unreadmessages)
set newMailbox to make new mailbox at (end of mailboxes of messageAccount) with properties {name:mailboxName}
repeat with eachMessage in unreadmessages
set mailbox of eachMessage to newMailbox
end repeat
end tell
When I run only the text extract portion of the script it works fine:
set mystring to ""
set text item delimiters to {"+", "#"}
set textlist to text items of mystring
set mylist to {}
repeat with i from 2 to count of textlist by 2
set end of mylist to item i of textlist
end repeat
get mylist
Any help would be greatly appreciated. If anyone with better AppleScript skills than me can improve the script in other areas that would also be greatly appreciated.
This is an inheritance problem. The property (text item delimiters) is a property of the current application (AppleScript) instance, but it's being referenced unqualified inside the tell application block that directs commands to and enumerates properties from the target application, in this case Mail.
The temptation might be to set the text item delimiters outside the tell block, by moving it from its current line position to just before the block declaration. That's reasonable, but I think you've positioned it perfectly, as it's important (and good practice) to keep track of this property to ensure it's always appropriately set and, more significantly, never inappropriately not set. The most reliable way to do this, which also makes it easier to follow for other people, is to do as you've done, which is to set the property immediately prior to any statement where it exerts influence (namely, any time a list is coerced to text, or text is split into text items).
So, to avoid shuffling lines of code around, we need to be able to make it clear to the compiler that the property that we're referencing doesn't belong to application "Mail", but to the top-level scripting object, which will most typically be the current application. The three ways to do this are:
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ...
set the current application's text item delimiters to ...
set my text item delimiters to ...
Stylistically, I favour the last option. However, my is not a synonym for current application nor for AppleScript, but rather a reference to the parent of your script. Unless the parent property is specifically declared in your script, then it will default to current application. However, there are reasons one might choose to assign a different value, in which case only the first or second of the above three options will be viable.
Here's a slight reworking of your script, which I'm afraid you'll have to test in lieu of my purchase of a new MacBook. I noticed some oddities in yours:
You obtain the first message in the inbox, but on the next line, reference item 1... of, what I imagine you thought would be a list of messages, but would in fact be a single message class object.
This single message object is the only message your script utilises to process the sender's email address. However, later on, you loop through, again, what you expect to be a collection of inbox messages, which, if it were, may not all have the same + tag.
You loopp through the text items generated by splitting the email address, and quite smartly start at index 2, and skip over every other item in the list. However, this list will only have three items in it, so there's never any looping to be done, and you can simply make use of text item 2.
In creating a new mailbox, you didn't first check to see if the mailbox already exists. I'm not sure whether Mail would throw an error, or silently ignore this. But I've redrafted the line to check first, and create if necessary.
Lastly, the final repeat loop is presently not necessary given unreadmessages is not a list (so might actually throw an error). So I removed the loop construct, but otherwise kept the line as it was. I'm not sure whether the mailbox property of a message is one that can be set, i.e. it might be read-only. If this is the case, that will throw an error, and you'll have to invoke the move command in order to move a message to a new mailbox. I may be wrong, though, and it may work just the way you intended.
tell application "Mail"
set firstInboxMessage to the first message in the inbox
set theEmail to extract address from sender of the firstInboxMessage
set my text item delimiters to {"+", "#"}
-- Since the script will trigger only when an email address
-- contains "+", we know text item 2 will always exist and
-- will always represent the slice of text we're after
set mailboxName to text item 2 of theEmail
set messageAccount to account of mailbox of the firstInboxMessage
tell the messageAccount to if the name of its mailboxes does not contain ¬
the mailboxName then make new mailbox at the end of its mailboxes ¬
with properties {name:mailboxName}
set newMailbox to the mailbox named mailboxName in the messageAccount
set the mailbox of the firstInboxMessage to the newMailbox
end tell
In reality, if you're invoking this script as a mail rule, you'll probably want to enclose this within the special handler that you can look up in the Mail scripting dictionary, called something like on receiving messages <messages> for mailbox rule <rule>

Getting last encoded file information from Apple Compressor

So I'm a novice with AppleScript but learning a lot. I'm trying to create an AppleScript to let me know when Apple Compressor is finished encoding and notify me if it was successful or not. I have the part down about telling when compressor is done and the notification but having difficulty getting the file name and status (complete/fail/cancelled) from Compressor's history log.
Originally tried with UI scripting, but Compressor's window hierarchy list changes with every new encode. So now onto pulling it from the history log, which is in the user folder "Library/Application Support/" folder like this:
And then, the file itself contains the status (whether it was successful or failed) near the bottom of the file like this:
So getting confused about how to A) find the last file and its name, and B) get the value of the last "ElementStatusState" in the document.
This is where I started but get errors when trying to resolve the path to the folder:
tell application "Finder"
set latestFile to (last item of (sort (get files in folder "~/Library/Application Support/Compressor/History/V4" of application "System Events") by name)) as text
set fileName to latestFile's name
end tell
This code throws an error about not being able to make it into the expected file type but also, I can see that It's grabbing a file that's not the last one modified.
In the end I want 2 variables that are 1) theFileName = ie name of encoded movie(s), and 2) theStatus = ie number 4,5, or 6)
Any ideas out there?
You'll want to do something like the script below. This script finds the most recently modified file, then drills down through the plist file to find the various status numbers, and the names of the records they are logged in. I'm assuming that every file Compressor generates has the same structure; if not, you may find you have to alter the script. But this should give you an idea how to do that.
Names and status values are stored in the nameList and valueList variables, in order of depth.
set filePath to POSIX file "~/Library/Application Support/Compressor/History/V4"
-- sort the file list by modification date, then get the last item.
tell application "Finder"
set mostRecentFile to last item of (sort files of folder filePath by modification date) as alias
end tell
set mostRecentFilePath to POSIX path of mostRecentFile
set nameList to {}
set valueList to {}
tell application "System Events"
set plistFile to property list file mostRecentFilePath
tell plistFile
tell (first property list item whose kind is record)
copy value of property list item "ElementInfoName" to end of nameList
copy value of property list item "ElementStatusState" to end of valueList
tell (first property list item whose kind is list)
tell (first property list item whose kind is record)
copy value of property list item "ElementInfoName" to end of nameList
copy value of property list item "ElementStatusState" to end of valueList
tell (first property list item whose kind is list)
tell (first property list item whose kind is record)
copy value of property list item "ElementInfoName" to end of nameList
copy value of property list item "ElementStatusState" to end of valueList
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell

Get unrecognized file extension in applescript

I was wondering how to return just the file extension from a string. I've tried the 'set variable to name extension of...' detailed in this question, but that only seems to work for recognized extensions. The idea is to sort files with the extension '.meta' into their own collection.
What I have now looks like
tell application "Finder'
set everyName to name of every item in entire contents of this_folder
end tell
set metaFiles to {}
repeat with n from 1 to count of everyName
set currentName to item n of everyName
set currentExt to last word of currentName --this assignment fails
if currentExt is "meta" then
set end of metaFiles to currentExt
end if
end repeat
I'm brand new to applescript so I appreciate any and all help/direction. Thanks!
Edit: Hacky Solution
I solved this by using the split function described here to break up the filename after every period. I grabbed the last string, made sure it wasn't the same as the first string in case there were no period characters, and then stored the corresponding filename.
The name includes the file extension, whether the Finder recognizes it or not. So just sort on the name like this...
tell application "Finder"
set metaFiles to (every item in entire contents of this_folder whose name ends with "meta") as alias list
end tell
If you aren't getting a name extension, make sure there actually is one and that you aren't looking at the end of the name. If you are going to be moving files around, you will also need to get the path, and not just the name. I don't think that making a list of your extensions is what you are going for, either - several different characters are used for word boundaries, but a period isn't one of them.
Why not just ask Finder for your file items?
tell application "Finder"
set metaFiles to (every item in entire contents of this_folder whose name extension is "meta") as alias list
end tell

programmatically updating iTunes track location

I would like to modify the filesystem path for tracks on itunes programmatically, so that I can apply a string transformation to some of the tracks locations (which are now stored in a different places on the filesystem).
I've tried using AppleScript to update the location property of the relevant tracks but I get an end-of-file error when calling "set mytrack's location to ..."
I've seen various other hacks online that involve exporting the entire track db, modifying it in XML, and then reimporting it - but that seems to lose too much metadata (such as playlists).
It would really help to see more of your code. Of particular interest is the value you are using and how it is derived. It would also be useful to see the exact error message you get (you should be able to copy the text out of the AppleScript error dialog sheet if you are running the program from Script Editor/AppleScript Editor).
The dictionary entry for the file track class shows its location property being a writable alias value. The problem you are probably running into is that you are not using an alias for the value.
The following code shows how one might change a track's location using an interactive prompt from choose file (which returns an alias):
set m to path to music folder
tell application "iTunes"
set trk to first item of selection
set l to location of trk
if class of l is alias then
set m to l
end if
set {d, a, n} to {database ID, artist, name} of trk
choose file with prompt "Choose the file to use for " & d & ": " & a & "—" & n default location m
set location of trk to result
end tell
The choose file method is not what you want though, since you are doing some kind of automated, string based pathname translation.
When working with pathnames in AppleScript, there are two kinds that you might use: POSIX and HFS. POSIX pathnames have slash delimited components (and allow colons inside any component). HFS pathnames have have colon delimited components (and allow slashes inside any component), and they usually start with a volume name component.
To convert a POSIX pathname stored in a variable str to an AppleScript alias, use the following expression:
POSIX file str as alias
To convert an HFS pathname stored in a variable str to an AppleScript alias, use the following expression:
alias str
For example:
tell application "iTunes"
set trk to first item of selection
set l to location of trk
set newPath to my computeNewPath(POSIX path of l)
set location of trk to POSIX file newPath as alias
end tell
to computeNewPath(pp)
-- presumably something interesting happens here
return pp
end computeNewPath
How to move media files (that are not "organized" by iTunes) to a different location while keeping the iTunes library database (iTunes Library.itl) intact:
Move files to new location (e.g., mv ~/MyMusic /Volumes/Huge/)
Create symlink in old location pointing to new location
(ln -s /Volumes/Huge/MyMusic ~/MyMusic)
Start iTunes (if not already running)
Select all tracks that were moved.
Run this AppleScript:
-- Mark missing tracks (and update database with real path of existing
-- tracks) in iTunes
-- Instructions:
-- * symlink new file location to old location (old location points to
-- new location, file exists)
-- * select tracks to scan/update
-- * run the script
-- * missing tracks are marked with (!) and all other track paths have
-- been updated to the real path (symlinks eliminated) in iTunes
tell application "iTunes"
set fx to fixed indexing
set fixed indexing to true
set Sel to the selection
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in Sel
set trk to item i of Sel
set loc to (get location of trk as text)
end repeat
set fixed indexing to fx
end tell
All tracks should now point to the correct location, and the symlink(s) can be removed. This can be verified by selecting Get Info on a track that was moved and verify that the path points to the new location.
If you didn't get the symlink correct iTunes will display (!) beside each missing track. To fix the issue, simply create a symlink in the old location pointing to the new location and run the script again. Hint: the Get Info dialog can be used to determine the old location of a missing track.
This worked on iTunes 11.0.5
Adding to the previous answer by millerdev I updated the script to work with MacOS Catalina and the new Music app. Just create a $HOME/Library/Music/Scripts directory and place it there.
tell application "Music"
set fx to fixed indexing
set fixed indexing to true
set Sel to the selection
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in Sel
set trk to item i of Sel
set l to location of trk
set location of trk to l
end repeat
set fixed indexing to fx
end tell
