How to use VB6 debugger on Outlook property page OCX? - vb6

Using VB6, I have created an Outlook plugin, that has a property page. The property page is an OCX control.
When I compile the project to an OCX file, and then run OUTLOOK, things work fine: I am able to see my OCX as a tab in the Outlook options.
However, when I try to debug by running the OCX in VB6 I get an error. My debugging is started like this:
1) Debug options set to Wait for components to be created"
2) F5-RUN project in VB6.
3) Start Outlook.
4) Get the error: "Cannot display "MyOcx" page. This page will remain visible, but is not available. An OLE registration error occurred. The program is not correctly installed. Run Setup again for the program"
I suspect this is because, when debugging, the OCX is being created out-of-proc and Outlook doesn't like that.
Is there a good technique to use the VB6 debugger on the OCX in this scenario?

The VB6 debugger is sometimes flaky when debugging DLLs or OCXs.
You could try Windbg, a free standalone debugger from Microsoft. Compile your VB6 OCX into native code with no optimisation and "create symbolic debug info" (i.e. create PDB files), and you will be able to debug your OCX in-process in Outlook. Here's a 2006 blog post by a Microsoft guy about using Windbg with VB6, and 2004 blog post by another Microsoft guy with a brief introduction to Windbg.
You could also use the Visual Studio 2008 debugger with VB6 and PDB files, e.g. with Visual C++ Express Edition (which is free). EDIT see Kris's answer for more details.
EDIT: Both Windbg and Visual Studio expect the source code to be in exactly the same path on the debug machine as it was on the build machine when the OCX was built. The easiest way is to build and debug on the same machine. Otherwise you might need to fiddle with SUBST to create virtual drives - or I'm told the serious way is to use a Symbol Server.
(Les serious) you could do without those newfangled interactive debuggers, just log to a file, or with DebugMessage calls from your VB6.

The only way you are really going to be able to Debug this is In Process as MarkJ said. Using the free Visual Studio 2008 C++ Express Edition (or even better, Visual Studio 2008 Professional if you have it, and it is available for a 90 day trial) and a PDB.
To make sure you are creating the PDB, go into Visual Basic, check the P)roject / P)roperties and click on the Compile tag. Make sure "Create Symbolic Debug Info" is checked.
Next start up Outlook, and attach to that process from Visual Studio (T)ools / Attach To Process. Make sure your Ocx is shown in the modules window, and then load the PDB (right click on the Ocx in the modules window). You will probably have to add the source code in the Solution Properties (for more details on how to do that, read this post).
It's a bit of a pain in the butt the first time, but once you can do it, it becomes pretty easy, and is far easier than trying to determine what is going on from a log.

I don't have much idea on the OCX.
However, you can use a tool which was part of visual studio named something like "activex control test tool".
As far as I know (based on my understanding of documentation), OCX is created in-proc.


Unable to open visual basic 6 project on visual basic 8

I've created a project on VB6 at but when I am opening it on VB8, it shows the following error:
How to fix it?
As listed by GSerg in the comments, this appears to be a known issue documented in Microsoft Knowledge Base article 896292: You receive a "The remote procedure call failed" error message when you upgrade a Visual Basic 6.0 project to Visual Studio .NET 2003 or Visual Studio 2005 on Windows Server 2003 SP1 or on Windows XP SP2
To reproduce the solution here:
This behavior occurs because the VBU.exe tool has compatibility issues with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP) option.
Note: The VBU.exe tool starts when you upgrade the Visual Basic 6.0 project by using the Visual Basic Upgrade Wizard in the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET IDE.
To work around this behavior, add the VBU.exe tool to the DEP exclusion list. To do this, follow these steps:
Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click System. The System Properties dialog box appears.
Click the Advanced tab, and then click Settingsunder Performance. The Performance Options dialog box appears.
Click the Data Execution Prevention tab. Verify that the Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select option is selected
Note By default, the Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select option is selected in Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1).
Click Add. Locate and then click to select VBU.exe. Click Open.
In the warning box, click OK. VBU.exe now appears in the DEP program area.
Click Apply, and then click
OK. A dialog box appears that states that you must restart the computer for the setting to take effect. Click OK.
Try do divide your project to small projects(or comment large part of your project) a try again in each small project.
The idea is to find the function that is production the error.
My intuition is telling me that maybe is a DLL or OCX problem. Try to see all the external DLL or OCX calls and remove from the original project and try again the upgrading.
Most developers who move their VB6 projects to .Net do not even try to port them over. Even with third-party "conversion" software, the effort can be incredibly tedious. So much so, that most developers simply re-write the application completely. Consider it a move to a different language. In fact, some developers use that opportunity to port it to C# instead. I'm a die-hard VB6 user/fan but were I to attempt to port my 200 form accounting application, I'd just re-write it in C#. I started porting it, tried third-party conversion apps, just wasn't worth it.

Debugging into C++ DLL in VS 2013 Express Web

I'm developing a C# MVC project in Visual Studio 2013 Express for Web. An external C++ DLL is imported into the project and a function which is exported from the DLL is consumed.
I would like to be able to debug into the C++ DLL. However at the moment when I try to step into the function call the debugger steps over instead. The C++ DLL is one I created myself in Visual Studio 2013 Express for Windows Desktop. I have generated the .pdb debug symbols for the DLL and they are in the same folder as the DLL.
I have read in similar posts that suggest perhaps there is a properties setting to enable debugging into external an DLL. However in the MVC 5 project properties I can't find this option. In fact there doesn't even appear to be a debugging tab.
Is debugging into an external C++ DLL possible in Visual Studio 2013 Express for Web? If it is how do I enable this feature? If it is not possible, is there another Visual Studio Express where this is possible?
Thanks for your help!
I don't have VS Express, but the following applies to VS Professional and should apply to Express as well. You need to set your Debugger Type to Native Only (best, but then you have to break in the native code to debug it) or Mixed (may or may not work, I don't use it, so not sure it's limitations), and make sure the DLL is freshly build and matches the source code you have available. I suspect the setting you refer to is called 'Just My Code' (in Options->Debugging), but I don't think it matters in this case.
I'm not sure about VS2013 but with VS2015 you need to set "Enable Native Code Debugging". Right click on your C# project. In the right pane, click Debug. Under Enable Debuggers click the check box on Enable Native Code Debugging.

Debugging VB6 Code From Visual Studio 2012

We have a .NET application using a lot of legacy components written in VB6. We were able to debug the VB6 code using native code debugger and generated pdb files in Visual Studio 2010. After upgrading to the VS 2012 (including Update 2) we cannot do this.
The module window shows following message:
Binary was not built with debug information.
You can also find following message in the output window:
Module was built without symbols.
When I try to load symbols manually, I get following message:
A matching symbol file was not found in this folder.
Debugging the very same dll or exe from VS 2010 works fine.
Is there any option to enable it?
I found a solution that works on my machine (per Microsoft's comments on ScottG's paid support request - thanks, Scott). Apparently Visual Studio's default debugger after 2010 doesn't handle VB6 DLLs, but there's a checkbox to use the old debug engine, which does:
I didn't need to enable Native Edit and Continue.
I have finally found how to enable debugging VB6 components using Visual Studio 2012. In short, you have to enable the old pdb format first by setting Options | Debugging | Edit and Continue | Enable native Edit and Continue and then you can attach to the dllhost.exe as usually.
In VS 2015 Tools->Options->Debugging->General, select 'Use Native Compatibility Mode'. It sucks that I still need to debug VB6, but I am thankful that I am still able to.
it seems that VS 2012 use msdia110.dll to decode symbol files, there's a DIA SDK sample in VS folder, you can test whether it can parse those VB pdb files. if it can't, i guess the new version DIA does not support old version pdb any more.

Register for COM Interop Always Runs in Visual Studio 2012

I have a solution with several projects that have Register for COM Interop checked.
I have a Visual Basic 6 project that references the resulting TLBs. One issue with VB6 is when it references a dll/tlb, it puts a lock on that file.
Using Visual Studio 2010, unless I'm doing a rebuild or have made a change to one of these interop projects, I can build/run the solution (with the VB6 project open) without it barking that one or more of the assemblies is locked.
However, using Visual Studio 2012, even on a simple build where nothing has changed, apparently it always does the regasm, which makes it impossible for me to debug my VB6 project.
Is this new feature of Visual Studio of running regasm on build something that I can turn off?
EDIT: Allow me to simplify:
Using Visual Studio 2010, I hit Build-->Build Solution and check the output for one of my assemblies that is marked as Register for COM Interop and the file has not changed.
Using Visual Studio 2012, I do Build-->Build Solution and check the same assembly, it has been updated, and does so every time I hit Build Solution.
I want the behavior in Visual Studio 2012 to work the same as it did in 2010.
EDIT (again):
I posted this to Microsoft Connect. If someone answers it there or posts a workaround, I'll urge them to also post the answer here.
I've always encountered problems like this when running VB6 and VS20XX, but I always did a rebuild. My suggestion is to stop using VB6 for testing purposes. I found it was far easier to simply create a testing project and do all of my testing in .NET on my .NET code. This should only require a small amount of set up, but it is well worth it in my opinion.
I know this isn't an answer to your specific question, but it offers an alternative. As far as the problem you are describing, I can't duplicate a change in behavior. I start off with only VS201X open, full solution rebuild, open VB6 and add a reference to an exposed COM DLL. I didn't notice anything unexpected.
Build works fine as long as I haven't changed anything in the COM DLL
Build fails if I changed the COM DLL's code as the file is locked
Rebuild fails as the file is locked

How to disable symbol loading when debugging a Visual C++ program?

I am using Visual Studio 2008. I don't need to debug some DLLs in my project, so can I disable symbol loading when debugging a Visual C++ program? Does it help to make startup time faster when debugging?
The symbols are all local, so I don't have those slow loading problem, just want to make debugging faster and faster.
For example I am using Qt libraries, when I hit "Starting Debugging", the Output window shows that the symbols for Qt libraries are loaded. If VS can stop loading those symbols, the debugging startup time should be faster. Of course, I still want VS to load symbol for my executable.
Just found out that Visual Studio 2010 actually do what I want.
To load only the symbol for your executable file, without loading other symbols (eg: DLLs):
Go to Tools->Options->Debugging->Symbols
Click "Only specified modules"
Clear "Always load symbols located next to modules"
Click "Specify modules"
Click the new icon
Enter your executable filename (eg: my-awesome-app.exe)
Also found out that Visual Studio 2010 seems to perform better than Visual Studio 2008 when debugging. At least the IDE layout switches back faster when the debugging is stopped.
I am not sure what you mean by 'startup'. I assume you are talking about the launching of the actual application. The time to launch the target application is expensive regardless of mode you launch it. It may be less in Release but that will be negligible.
Turning off all symbol paths as mentioned in the other solution is a viable option. However, I am not sure why you are debugging if you do not want symbols for your launched application. Without the applications symbols you will not be able to see where you are in the source code when you are debugging.
If you are looking for a faster debugging experience you can use WinDbg. It comes with the Windows SDK but can also be downloaded seperately. If is a faster UI than Visual Studio, but it is much more cumbersome to use if you are more comfortable with a GUI. WinDbg uses commands to perform almost all tasks, but you can do some great debugging and it is faster in many cases compared to Visual Studio. In the event you want to debug C++\CLI or any managed application (e.g. C#), I would stick with Visual Studio. There is an extension in WinDbg called SOS, but it requires some advanced debugging experience to use correctly.
